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Gross Monthly Income of Graduates by Program Appendix 5a

Program Mean Median Minimum Maximum

Interdisciplinary Programs Office
BEng&BBA in Chemical and Bioproduct Engineering and
26405 22000 15492 55000
General Business Management
# BEng&BBA in Chemical Engineering and
- - - -
General Business Management
BEng&BBA in Civil and Structural Engineering and
30179 20958 16300 62500
General Business Management
BEng&BBA in Computer Engineering and
20832 19663 18000 26000
General Business Management
BEng&BBA in Computer Science and
24718 25833 12000 36000
General Business Management
# BEng&BBA in Electronic Engineering and
- - - -
General Business Management
# BEng&BBA in Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management and
- - - -
General Business Management
# BEng&BBA in Logistics Management and Engineering and
- - - -
General Business Management
# BEng&BBA in Mechanical Engineering and
- - - -
General Business Management
BSc in Environmental Management and Technology 25000 10000 15612 14542
BSc in Risk Management and Business Intelligence 22367 18417 11000 76584
Sub-Total 21482 18841 10000 76584
School of Business and Management
BBA (Professional Accounting) 17324 14625 10000 131667
BBA (Economics) 17065 15625 11000 31688
BBA (Finance) 21840 16183 10000 73500
BBA (Global Business) 39700 28751 16250 105167
BBA (Information Systems) 18313 16792 10000 38384
BBA (Management) 16622 13813 11083 56333
BBA (Marketing) 17682 15771 5000 46500
BBA (Operations Management) 16715 15348 10167 40000
BSc (Economics and Finance) 27288 20000 12000 96000
BSc (Quantitative Finance) 34792 27563 13500 88167
Sub-Total 20105 15708 5000 131667
School of Engineering
BEng (Chemical and Bioproduct Engineering) 16874 15400 13000 22367
BEng (Chemical and Environmental Engineering) 17885 17333 12000 38935
BEng (Chemical Engineering) 19749 15250 13000 62500
BEng (Civil and Envrionmental Engineering) 21111 21667 20000 21667
BEng (Civil and Structural Engineering) 19794 19500 14000 25317
BEng (Computer Engineering) 16815 16000 8000 43333
BEng (Computer Science) 16117 15167 8000 46000
# BEng in Computer Science (Information Engineering) - - - -
BEng (Electronic Engineering) 16830 15963 10385 45000
BEng in Electronic Engineering
14000 15000 11000 15000
(Information and Communications Engineering)
BEng (Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management) 23853 17000 11917 98715
BEng (Logistics Management and Engineering) 15498 15167 11917 27083
BEng (Mechanical Engineering) 17551 17042 11000 26250

Sub-Total 17527 16538 8000 98715

School of Humanities and Social Science
BSc (Global China Studies) 13841 13478 10000 21667

Sub-Total 13478 13841 10000 21667

School of Science
BSc (Applied Physics) 14316 13000 9750 27333
BSc (Biochemistry) 15626 15000 9333 40225
BSc (Biology) 14235 13000 9500 50000
BSc (Chemistry) 14071 13000 9000 25000
BSc (Mathematics) 14806 14000 6000 28167
BSc (Mathematics and Economics) 17075 14000 13500 24917
BSc in Mathematics (Mathematics and IT Education) 20610 23690 12000 25000
# BSc (Molecular Biomedical Sciences) - - - -
BSc (Physics) 14058 13000 9750 35000
Sub-Total 14558 13500 6000 50000
Overall 18040 15523 5000 131667
Remarks: Programs with no full-time employed / self-employed respondents are not shown in the table.
# Salary figures suppressed for confidential reason as there are three or fewer persons in the category.

Gross Monthly Income of Graduates by Employment Sector Appendix 5b
Employment Section Mean Median Minimum Maximum
Commerce & Business 19169 15500 10000 131667
Community & Social Services 13513 13000 9500 20833
Education 14973 14083 9000 43863
Engineering & Industry 17048 16771 5000 46000
Government & Related Organizations 26765 26250 13000 50015

Gross Monthly Income of Graduates by Job Nature Appendix 5c

Job Nature Mean Median Minimum Maximum
Accounting / Auditing / Taxation 14521 14625 10000 28140
Administrative / Management 17018 15000 10000 50000
Advertising / Public Relations 13886 13525 12542 16000
Aircraft & Marine 18098 13750 11375 50000
# Architecture / Surveying - - - -
Art & Design 12000 11500 10000 15000
Authors / Journalists 12750 12750 11000 15000
Banking / Finance 28141 21250 11083 105167
Clerical Work 14785 13320 10000 27385
Economic, Statistical and Mathematical Work 17181 14813 13000 39432
Engineering 18049 18000 11000 28000
Health / Medical Services 14113 12500 9500 24630
Insurance / Real Estate Services 22581 15833 6000 131667
# Legal Services - - - -
Marketing & Sales 15980 15000 5000 45167
# Media & Communication - - - -
Merchandising / Purchasing 14915 14083 10000 21667
Protective Services 37681 40213 21410 40225
Scientific / Research Works 14599 14083 10000 25833
Services Work 16757 15083 10385 31000
# Social Services - - - -
System Analysis & Computer Programming 16144 15500 8000 46000
Teaching & Lecturing 15209 13667 9000 43863
# Work in Religion - - - -
Others 11208 11208 10500 11917

# Remark: Salary figures suppressed for confidential reason as there are three or fewer persons in the category.


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