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Total % Student
POE Weighting Task Max Marks Mark Final Mark Notes
Marks awarded in both the School Administrative Log & Report and The Insitutional Assessment Log. Final
Service-learning Log (TE405) 20% 20% Task 1: School-based, Social Action Project 120 0
mark indicated on Institutional Assessment Log & Report and inserted here.
Online Microteaching Log (TE406) 15% 15% Task 1: Online Microteaching 65 0 Total mark out of 65 inserted from Institutional Assessment Log & Report.
Task 1. Lesson 1: English FL/FAL 80
Task 1. Lesson 2: English FL/FAL 80
Task 1. Lesson 3: English FL/FAL 80
Task 1. Lesson 4: FAL or any other additional subject 80
Task 1. Lesson 5: FAL or any other additional subject 80
Task 1. Lesson 6: Physical Education 80 Task 1: Teaching - Marks are inserted from the IIE Lesson Feedback Reports submitted with individual lesson
35% 0
Task 1. Lesson 7: Physical Education 80 plans in the Hard Copy PoE for all lessons taught.
Teaching Log (TE407) 50%
Task 1. Lesson 8: Drama/ Music 80
Task 1. Lesson 9: Drama/ Music 80
Task 1. Lesson 10: Mathematics 80
Task 1. Lesson 11: Mathematics 80
Task 1. Lesson 12: Mathematics 80
10% Task 2. Life of a Teacher Activity Log 70 0 Insert final mark out of 70 from the Institutional Assessment Log & Report here.
5% Task 3: Assesment 20 0 Insert final mark out of 20 from the Institutional Assessment Log & Report here.
Professional Identity Log (TE408) 15% 15% Task 1: Professional Teacher Identity 120 0 Insert final mark out of 120 from the Institutional Assessment Log & Report here.
Total 100% 0

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