Makalah Idiom and Phrasal Verb K.9

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Dosen Pengampun : Kholifuddin Roma, M.Pd.

Disusun Oleh Kelompok 9 :

Nurul : Nim 12315089

Nyi Ramadhanti : Nim 12315084

Syarafina Nur H. : Nim 12315053

Muhammad Fahriel A. : Nim 12315068




TAHUN 2023M/1444 M


BAB I INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................2

A. Background.....................................................................................................................2

B. Formulation of the problem............................................................................................2

C. Objective.........................................................................................................................2

BAB II DISCUSSION...............................................................................................................3

A. Understanding Idioms in English....................................................................................3

B. Idioms in English............................................................................................................3

C. Examples and Explanations of Idioms............................................................................3

D. Types of Idioms in English.......................................................................................4

E. Examples of Idioms in English and Explanations...............................................5

F. Simple Present Tense sentences get auxiliary words Auxiliary (can/may/must) in

verbal form.............................................................................................................................5

G. Definition Phrasal Verbs..................................................................................................6

H. Formation Elements Phrasal Verbs.................................................................................7

I. Understand Phrasal Verbs................................................................................................7

J. With verb (verbal) Translate Phrasal Verbs.....................................................................8

K. Use phrasal verbs in the context of the sentence.............................................................8

BAB III CLOSING..................................................................................................................10

A. Conclusion.....................................................................................................................10

B. Suggestion.....................................................................................................................10


A. Background

So far, idioms are only known to exist in English. But actually, idioms exist in
all languages. Only the content or meaning of the idiom is different. In this paper we

will discuss a complete explanation of idioms. Of course, it is accompanied by
examples and usage in sentences to make it easier for us to understand the idiom.
Apart from Idom, we will also discuss Regarding phrasal verbs In English, we often
find phrasal verbs both in written and spoken language. A phrasal verb is a verb that is
formed from two (sometimes three) parts: verb, adverb, and preposition. Phrasalverbs
also dominate several expressions in English (idioms), because each expression is
usually a phrasal verb. Phrasal verbs are very commonly used in English. In almost
every context there are phrasal verbs, for example in informal English expressions.
Not infrequently we find English Learners who are still at beginner level,
experience difficulty in understanding and translating phrasal verbs. A common
mistake they often make is translating Phrasal Verbs verbally or literally. For this
reason, this paper was prepared to present a discussion regarding how to understand
and translate phrasal verbs with the aim of increasing insight and improving skills in

B. Formulation of the problem

1. What is meant by Idiom?

2. What is meant by Phrasal Verb?

C. Objective

1. Train writers to write scientific papers with appropriate data

2. Providing information to students who are studying English


A. Understanding Idioms in English

Idioms are expressions that have implied meaning. This means that idioms
cannot be interpreted literally, or cannot be interpreted in a general way based on
the words that make them up. Even so, idioms can still be understood by a group.

In other words, idioms can also be classified as culture. When studying a
language, there will definitely be idioms from that language, including when
studying English, material about idioms will certainly appear.
Lay people who don't know idioms will usually be confused. Moreover,
idioms are often used in sentences, both written sentences and in everyday
conversations. Because idioms have the property of refining language.
The way to find out whether a word is an idiom or not is to relate the
sentence expressed to the topic of conversation. If in the sentence there is a word
that is not connected or strange, it can be said that it is an idiom. Especially if it
doesn't fit to be interpreted one word at a time. And of course, to understand
idioms you need to study and increase your idiom vocabulary.
However, not all idioms have predictable meanings. For example, some
proverbs whose origins can be known. In other words, the best way to find out the
meaning of an idiom is to read or ask directly to the person who said the idiom or
to other people who know it.

B. Idioms in English

Before it was briefly mentioned, idioms are part of a culture. This means
that the existing idioms can be said to be inherited from generation to generation.
Because of this inheritance from generation to generation, we cannot just create
new idioms, unless we adhere to existing patterns.

C. Examples and Explanations of Idioms

Idiom cannot be created haphazardly it must be based on existing cultural
rules. Therefore, you have to read a lot and if you want to create an idiom it must
be based on existing cultural rules.
The following are examples and explanations of existing idioms :
1. Don't spill the beans!
If interpreted in English, it means a prohibition on spilling beans.
However, this word means "to let out a secret" which means to reveal a secret.
So the meaning of Don't spill the beans is that it is forbidden to reveal other
people's secrets. This idiom is similar to "to let the cat out the bag".
2. Raining Cats and Dogs

What he meant was not raining dogs and cats, but very heavy rain
accompanied by very strong winds. Which is likened to a cat and dog meeting.
3. Don't Judge the Book by it's Cover!
This idiom is very familiar and widely used everywhere. This means
not only judging books, but also other things. Where we are not allowed to
judge everything by its appearance alone.
4. That's a Piece of Cake!
If interpreted, this idiom has a reasonable meaning, namely a piece of
cake. However, if the sentence does not connect with the words piece of cake,
you can be sure it is an idiom. This idiom means a job or activity that is very
easy or very simple to do.
5. At the Drop of a Hat
The meaning is not dropping a hat, but it means without hesitation.

D. Types of Idioms in English

Idioms have various types, based on their structure, some are long and
some are short. Examples include the expression: forty wins, cold war, a dark
horse, to cut one's coat according to one's cloth.

Below is a complete explanation of the types of idioms:

1. Below is a complete explanation of the types of idioms:

Dioms can have regular structures or irregular structures. Apart from

that, it could also happen that the idiom that has been created does not match
the structure and grammar.

For example, the idiom "I am good friends with him". If you pay
attention, structurally and grammatically the sentence is not correct, because it
should be "I am a good friend with him". Using the phrase "friend" without the
"s". Even though native speakers don't realize it is a mistake, it is still correct
and has a clear meaning.

2. Idioms are Regular in Form but Have No Clear Meaning

Idioms that have a regular form and are structurally and grammatically
correct may also not have a clear meaning. For example in the idiom "to have
a bee in one's bonnet". For someone who is not a native speaker, this idiom
sounds correct but the meaning will be very confusing. What does having bees
in a bonnet have to do with it? But the real meaning is talking about something
continuously because someone thinks it is important.

3. Idioms that are grammatically good but have irregular meaning

Grammatically, this idiom is good, but has an irregular meaning. For

example, in the words "to be in the swim". In this sentence there are verbs,
prepositions and adjectives, but there are no nouns. This will look and sound
strange when spoken.

4. Knowing the Correct Use of Idioms

In conversation, we must know where to use idioms. Formal and

informal situations have different idioms, so you must also know what the
situation is.

E. Examples of Idioms in English and Explanations

Idioms have various types, based on their structure, some are long and
some are short. Examples include the expression: forty wins, cold war, a dark
horse, to cut one's coat according to one's cloth.

F. Simple Present Tense sentences get auxiliary words Auxiliary (can/may/must)

in verbal form

To increase your understanding of idioms, below are examples of idioms in

English and explanations:

1. Come to blows, which means fighting or having a serious argument.

Example sentence: “Penny and Roy come to blows about this case.”
2. Come round, memiliki arti sadar atau siuman. Contoh kalimat: “Brenda
finally come round after someone hit her face until falls.”
3. Make eyes at, means to play with eyes. Example sentence: "Don't make
eyes at another woman if you want your marriage to be happy."

4. To hand over means handing over. Example sentence: "Don't handed over
the book to Evelyn."
5. Wash up means washing. Example sentence: "Dylan helped me wash up
the cat."

G. Definition Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs better known as idioms or expressions. Simply phrasal verbs

is a collection of several words combined into one to form a certain meaning or
definition. Below are some definitions Phrasal verbs from several sources.
McCarthy and O'Dell (2007: 6) are “Phrasal verbs are verbs that consist of a verb
and a particle (a preposition or adverb) or a verb and two particles (an adverb and
a preposition).” According to them, Phrasal Verb is a verb that contains a verb and
a particle. It is also possible for a phrasal verb to contain a verb and two particles.
The particles here can be prepositions (front words) or adverbs (adverbs).

Meanwhile, Wyatt (2006: 3) explains "A phrasal verb is a verb formed

from two (or sometimes three) parts: a verb and an adverb or preposition. These
adverbs and prepositions are often called particles when they are used in a phrasal
verb.” Phrasal verb is a verb formed from two (orsometimes three) parts: a verb
and an adverb or preposition. These adverbs and prepositions are often called
particles when used in phrasal verbs.

From the definitions above phrasal verbs is a combination of verb +

particle (preposition or adverb), a combination of two or three words which
becomes a multiword verb (multi-word verbs) is called a phrase (phrases).
produce a new word. This new unit is different from two separate words.

H. Formation Elements Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs is a combination of verb + particle (preposition or adverb), a

combination of two or three words that becomes a multiword verb (multi-word
verbs) is called a phrase (phrases). produce a new word. This new unit is different
from two separate words. The important thing to note is that phrasal verbs are still
called words torja, for example the word " pick " And " pick up" is the sama -sama

verb. But" pick” and “pick up” have different meanings. Even though the meaning
is different, Phrasal verbs are still treated and studied like verbs in general.

I. Understand Phrasal Verbs

The most important thing to understand Phrasal Verbs is to get used to

reading books or writings in English. In this way, we can understand how to use
phrasalverb in the correct sentence context. And the problem that is often faced is
understanding the meaning in a sentence, because phrasal verbs have several
different meanings different,for example as follows :

1. Hold on: hold on, hold on tight, keep going, hold on tight, wait
Example sentences that mean to hold tight:
She held on tightly to his waist
Examples of sentences that mean wait/wait:

Hold on, I'll check in my diary

2. Make-up: tidy up, decide, dress up, follow-up

Example sentences that mean tidying up:
My sister is making up her bed
Example sentences that mean dressing up:
She made up too much

Another way to understand phrasal verbs is by watching a movie English

language films. Because usually there are lots of words Phrases that often appear
and we can learn about them in films English language films both formal and
informal expressions.

J. With verb (verbal) Translate Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs cannot be interpreted directly or look for translations of

words through a dictionary. Because if we translate it in that way, the translation
result will sound ambiguous because it is different from the actual definition. For
example, in translating sentences; I'm looking for you.

The underlined words are interpreted separately looking means see And for
means For However, because the two words are in a sentence as one unit, which

means that a clear meaning will not be obtained if interpreted word by word, the
two words are combined to get a meaning that is appropriate to the context of the
sentence, namely look for

Therefore, we need a special way to identify whether the word to be

translated is a phrasal verb or not, namely through abbreviations. abbreviations
found in the dictionary. Phrasal verbs usually abbreviated as [PV], this
abbreviation is usually placed after the infinitive form (basic verb) contained in
the phrasal verb, and before the phrasalverb form itself, for example:

Settle/’setl/ v1[T] put an end to an argument or disagreement 2 [T] decide

or arrange sth finally …… [PV] settle down 1 get into a comfortable position,
either sitting or lying 2 start to have a quieter way of life, …

Unfortunately, not all dictionaries are equipped with information in the

form of abbreviations abbreviation as in the example above. Therefore, we must
be selective in choosing a dictionary, because a quality dictionary has a big
influence on the language progress of its users. However, if we still have difficulty
finding a dictionary equipped with abbreviations abbreviation, we can choose an
idiom dictionary that contains definitions Phrasal verb definition

K. Use phrasal verbs in the context of the sentence

The following are some examples of use Phrasal Verbs in the context of
the sentence adjusted to the time of occurrence (tenses);

1. In the form of present tense

a. Please calm down!
Calm down; relaxed, calm (relax)
b. You can't call of the contact
Call of : cancel (cancel)
c. He will come after me this morning
Come after : pick up.
d. The iron cut through the wall
Cut throug : penetratee.
e. You have to help him, don't let him down
Let down : disappointing

2. In past tense form:
a. The Students handed in the assignment to the lecturer last weekend

Hands in : submit (submit)

b. During the crisis, many firms laid off their employees

Lay off: lay offc.
c. The guards went around the school last night
Go around: megitari, surround.
d. Every time I said something he chimed in
Chime in: interrupt.
e. The sound of the mucis faded out
Fade out: menghilang perlahan
3. In present and past continuous tense
a. Im falling for you
Fall for: falling in loveb.
b. She is getting through an alley
Get through: pass
c. That child is eating up a bread
Eat up: eating up.
d. My mother was heating up the water when I came home
Heat up: heating.
e. the thief was
getting awayget away: escape


A. Conclusion

Knowing the ins and outs of English is a must for someone who wants to
improve their English language skills. One of them is understanding Phrasal Verbs.
The unique characteristics it has Phrasal verbs is a definition that cannot be
interpreted directly or interpreted word for word, therefore, Phrasal verbs It is very
important to learn and understand because the use of phrasal verbs in English is used

very often. For example, in a daily conversation day, the phrasal verb is used as the
expression that appears most frequently. Apart from that, by mastering the use phrasal
verb in the correct sentence context, the English we master will sound more natural
like native speakers or native English speakers. The way to find out whether a word is
an idiom or not is by relating the sentence expressed to the topic of conversation. If in
the sentence there is a word that is not connected or strange, it can be said that it is an
idiom. Especially if it doesn't fit to be interpreted one word at a time. And of course,
to understand idioms you need to study and increase your idiom vocabulary.

B. Suggestion

We are very aware that this writing is still far from perfection. Therefore, as
writers, we apologize and ask for suggestions and constructive criticism, so that it can
be an improvement and lesson for me and future writers. We hope that what the
author has prepared in this paper can make the insights and knowledge of readers and
authors useful in life, thank you.


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