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Subject : English For Tourism Industry

Target : Tourism Vocational Students

Semester :3

Meeting : 7 – 8 ( English In Restaurant )

Allocation Time : 2 Meeting Theory and 1 Meeting Practice/role play

Learning Objectives : Students are able to on site practice or observe about restaurant.
Direct observation about restaurant is needed to sharpen students understanding about
Core Competency :

- students are able to have general understanding on restaurant

- students are able to have general understanding on restaurant
- Can recommend the best restaurant

Basic Competence :
- students are able explain what the drink menu
- students are able explain what the food menu
- Have skills speaking

Learning Material :

- Check list on restaurant

( Frequently used vocabullary on restaurant, types of services available at restaurant
and job positions)
- Principles of advertisement ( Typed of promotions used in restaurant)
- Text about restaurant

Learning Method :

- Lecturing, Discussion + presentation, role play

Learning Steps :

- Lecture giving brief description about the topic

- Students observe restaurant
- Students doing presentation
- Students visit restaurant office and doing role play activity in the office
- Writing Report

Learning Media :

- Text Books

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