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The objectives of organizational health and safety can be summarized as follows:

1. Preventing accidents: This objective aims to minimize the occurrence of accidents and injuries in
the workplace. It involves identifying potential hazards, implementing safety measures, and
ensuring that employees are trained to work safely.
2. Ensuring compliance with regulations: Organizations need to comply with local, national, and
international health and safety regulations. This objective involves understanding and adhering
to these requirements, conducting regular audits to assess compliance, and making any
necessary adjustments to meet the standards.
3. Promoting employee well-being: By focusing on employee health and well-being, organizations
can create a positive work environment and enhance productivity. This objective includes
providing access to healthcare services, wellness programs, and ergonomic workstations, as well
as promoting work-life balance.
4. Developing a safety culture: A strong safety culture is vital for an organization to maintain a safe
working environment. This objective involves fostering a culture where safety is valued and
prioritized by everyone in the organization. It includes regular communication about safety
expectations, encouraging reporting of near-misses or hazards, and recognizing and rewarding
safe behaviors.
5. Identifying and managing risks: Organizations need to proactively identify potential risks and
hazards to prevent accidents and injuries. This objective involves conducting thorough risk
assessments, implementing appropriate control measures, and regularly reviewing and updating
safety procedures.
6. Continual improvement: Organizations should continuously strive to improve their health and
safety performance. This objective involves setting and monitoring performance indicators,
conducting regular safety audits and inspections, providing training and education, and actively
involving employees in identifying and implementing safety improvements.

These objectives aim to create a safe and healthy work environment that protects employees from harm
while promoting overall organizational well-being.

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