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Middle-South Timor
(TTS) is a regency that is located
between TTU regency and
Kupang regency. Astronomically,
TTS lies between 9º51’37’’ south
latitude and 124º10’57’’ east
longitude and geographically
bordered with TTU regency in
TTS regency in map the north, Timor Sea in the east,
and Kupang regency in both
south and west. The topography of this regency is quite high landscape
because of being in 800 meters above sea level. There are four mountains
stand in this regency and they are Mutis (2427 m), Molo (1635 m), Lumu
(1375 m) and Kekneno (2070 m).

Talking about the climate,
TTS has the same climate with
other region in East Nusa
Tenggara Province that is tropical
with two seasons; dry season
from June until October and
followed by rainy season from
November until May. The only
TTS, located 800 m above sea level
characteristic of TTS is its
temperature which is just
between 17º to 20º in Celcius, and makes this regency becomes so cold,
especially in rainy season. Because of its low temperature, SoE (the capital
city of TTS regency) is called as “cold city”.

SoE is the capital city of
TTS regency, a small city which
is located about 800 meters
above sea level and almost
hidden in the mountain. This city
is about 111 km away from
Kupang. TTS covers 21 districts
and 217 villages and 12 regional
SoE, the capital city of TTS administrations. TTS is leaded by
a regent. All government
activities are centered in this city. The government efforts in developing the
tourism aspect in this regency are starting to look real since they start to repair
the facilities in several tourism objects in this regency, including the process
of repairing the main road of this city.

Most people in this
regency are farmers with their
own traditional way to earn their
living. The Dawan ethnic group
generally has an annual calendar
of events which is related to the
way they earn their living. It is
adapted to seasonal conditions
Sweet corn, one local commodity in TTS and the local climate. Agustus,
the month in which to lay out a
new field is called fun meup lele; September, tafek neno ha nana is the time to
complete everything that is left in August; November, fun senat is the time for
planting rice; December, fun monat is also the for planting in several places;
January, fun hoe nata or fun tofas is the time to weed the garden; and March,
fun mille is the time for picking up sweet corn.

The social stratification in TTS regency is quite the same with one in
TTU (North-Middle Timor) regency, North and South Amfoang and Amarasi
(in Kupang regency). This is because of those mentioned region belong to the
Dawan ethnic group. It starts from the upper class called Amal as nobility one.

In the local communities the religious system is the vehicle to show
faith in the highest of Supreme Being. Since the TTS people belong to the
Dawan ethnic group, their religious system is therefore identical to that of
people in Amfoang, North-Middle Timor (TTU), the system that
acknowledges Uis Neno as Supreme Being. Besides, TTS people at present are
most Catholics and then followed by Christian, Moslems, Hindus and


As is said before that TTS, TTU, Amfoang (South and North) are from
Dawana ethnic group; then they share the same language that is called
Dawanese. About the culture, there are several places in TTS that still keep the
culture that is done from generation to generation.
The home-woven cloth
worn by the Dawanese called
nonot is an example of ikat
weaving and has a floral motif
geometrically interspersed with
stripes of various colors. This
thing is also called lotis or sotis,
its basic color us red. The
Ikat weaving in TTS songket cloth has a black
background and has a floral
motif. In Dawanese territory, the people who usually do the weaving are those
living in the village of Baun and Kotabu in Amarasi and the district of
Maubesi and Delolok in TTU.

Besides weaving, another
art form is dance, especially
those verities that can be
classified as recreational like Sbo
ban, Sbo meo, and Sbo sene. A
dance which is both religious and
recreational is the hering which
is mostly danced at the funerals
and other ritual ceremonies in
Singing youth in Hering ceremony
TTS. Hering lyrics are in
quatrains recited alternately and are performed as a dialogue between young
men and girls.

The special events in TTS which is regularly celebrated is the process
of planting the rice and corn which is celebrated along/during the planting
period from August until March which has already mentioned before in Means
of livelihood. The steps in planting periods are as follows:
The month which is celebrated as the first month of planting periods is
called fun meup which means the month of laying out a new field. Starting
this period in this month has to be by permission of Tobe and this involves
a ceremony in which an animal is slaughtered for a votive offering
The second month of planting period is called tefek neno ha nana. This is
held which means completing the work which has been left over from
August. During this month, people in TTS begin to go to TTU to pick
onions, garlic and coriander
In the third month of planting period, people start to harvest rice in field
near big rivers just as the farmer in more remote fields are getting ready to
plant dry-field rice.

The forth month of planting period is called fun senat. This is the time to
plant rice. Before planting, the sawahs field is trampled on by cattle as a
way of plowing it up
The fifth month of planting period is called fun monat. In this period, there
are still some planting in several areas
The sixth month of planting period is called fun hoe nata or fun tofas. In
this period, people start to weed the garden
The seventh month of planting period is the busiest and most hopeful
month. In this period, some plants begin to bear flowers and the rice plants
in particular are starting to bear grains.
The last month of planting period is called fun mille. This is the time for
picking up sweet corn and another rice plants.


a. Beatrix Tree
Beatrix tree is located
in the middle of SoE
downtown and is perhaps
planted in 1963 at the same
time of the birth of Dutch’s
Queen. According to the local
myth, anyone who climbs this
tree with certain dream, the
Beatrix tree in the middle of SoE
dream will comes true. This
tree has a particular power of
attraction and nostalgia for tourist from Dutch, so they visit this tree very
often if they came to SoE.

b. Kolbano Beach
Kolbano beach is
about 80 km away from SoE
downtown. It is a very
beautiful beach with a
beautiful agate and
fascinating white coral like a
diamond by the light of sun
or the full moon. This beach
Kolbano Beach has also a historical grave
that keeps a history of
struggle local people with Australian army in fighting against Japan

c. Bu’at Recreation Park

Bu’at Recreation Park
is an attractive and beautiful
park with cool natural
panorama because the
location is on the hilly area
with beautiful spruce fir. This
park is located about 5 km
away from SoE by public
transportation and ojeg
(rented-motorbike). In the
surrounding the park is
surrounded by mahogany
trees and cultivation of
seeding slot of forestry’s
saplings. This recreation park
has been completed with
swimming pool for children,
Bu’at Recreation Park bob up and down facilities,
circle and slip.

d. Oehala Waterfall
Oehala waterfall is
located about 8 km away to
the north from SoE
downtown. This place can be
reached by public
transportation with medium
intensity. The coolness of
natural panorama with
Oehala, 7 stairs waterfall lushness of trees and the
waterfall make the resort
more beautiful to enjoy. At this place you can enjoy some of the traditional
huts called lopo with patch full. This is a 7 stairs waterfall and very useful
for electricity supplies.

e. Ajaobaki Village
Ajaobaki village is the
ex-Molo kingdom in the past.
This village was palace of
Ajaobaki king named
Oematan. In this village, the
historical inheritance, such as
sonaf and the greatness cloth
of King Oematan with
Some of King Oematan’s accessories accessories symbolizing the
King’s status are still found
f. Fatumnasi and Mutis
Fatumnasi and Mutis
are conservation area of
natural resources that is
always protected. Coolness
weather is the main
characteristic of this area
Fatumnasi conservation area

g. Tetaf None Village
Tetaf/None village is
located in the east of SoE
about 22 km. At this village,
the tradition of their ancestors
persists in beaing done
hereditary. At this village
visitors can find the original
traditional house of Timor
called Ume Kbubu and Lopo.
Kinds of traditional dances as
welcome dance and war
dances and some rituals are
often performed here

Above : Tetaf people

Below : Ume Kbubu

h. Amanuban King Palace

It is located in Niki-
Niki, about 27 km to the east
from SoE downtown. The
visitors can see the inequity
inheritance history and
culture of Timor as King
Nope Palace, the graveyard
of King Nope and greatness
King Nope’s graveyard clothes ecquiped with

i. Oe Tune Beach
Oe Tune beach is a
beautiful beach decorated
with beautiful white sand. As
far as the eyes can reach,
around this beach spread out
are lushness of green trees
and grass that make the
scenery more beautiful to
Oe Tune Beach visit. White sand with calm
water is a fascinating resirt
for recreation

j. Boti Village
Boti village is well-
known with its strong
tradition and belief which
was passed on from their
ancestors hereditary. The
belief is always followed and
obeyed in their daily life.
Each year they perform
Wooden gate to Boti Village traditional ritual to honor the
ancestors. They also believe
that there is a power more than human’s power that creates this world.
Boti ethnic always refuse reformation.

1. How to get there
Soe can be reached by land transportation because it is located in
the transportation lane from Kupang-SoE-Kefamenanu-Atambua. The land
transportation is offered by bus and minibus. It takes about 2-3 hours. The
route is from Oebobo Terminal Bus (Kupang) to get public transportation
to SoE.

2. Supporting Facilities
a. Hotel

 Bahagia I
Jln. Diponegoro SoE
Telp. (0388) 21015
 Mahkota Plaza
Jln. Soeharto SoE
Telp. (0388) 21168
 Bahagia II
Jln. Gajah Mada SoE
Telp. (0388) 2121095
Jln. Gajah Mada SoE
Telp. (0388) 21101
 Cahaya TTS
Jln. Kartini SoE
Telp. (0388) 21087
Jln. Kartini SoE
Telp. (0388) 21323
 Roda Pedati
Jln. Hayam Wuruk SoE
Telp. (0388) 21570

b. Restaurant
 Sri Solo
Jln. Hayam Wuruk SoE
Telp. (0388) 21195
Jln. Soeharto SoE
Telp. (0388) 21290
 Sari Bundo
Jln. Hayam Wuruk SoE
Telp. (0388) 21214
 Simpang Raya
Jln. Hayam Wuruk SoE
Telp. (0388) 22540
Jln. Soeharto SoE
Telp. (0388) 21331

c. Bank
Jln. Diponegoro SoE
Telp. (0388) 21502
 Bank NTT
Jln. Basuki Rahmat SoE
Telp. (0388) 21885
Jln. Diponegoro SoE
Telp. (0388) 21539
Jln. Mohammad Hatta SoE
Telp. (0388) 21346

d. Important Addresses
 Tourism, Art and Culture Services
Jln. Diponegoro SoE
Telp. (0388) 21110
 Police Office
Jln. Gajah Mada SoE
Telp. (0388) 21149
Jln. Soekarno SoE
Telp. (0388) 21200
Jln. Cendana SoE
Telp. (0388) 21005

Akomodasi Hotel non Bintang - Kementrian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata_Deputi Bidang
Pengembangan Produk dan Usaha Pariwisata. Compact Disc (CD)
Mosaik Pariwisata Nusa Tenggara Timur
Nusa Tenggara Timur Gerbang Selatan Asia Pasifik - Dinas Pariwisata Nusa Tenggara
Timur. Compact Disc (CD)
Tourism Profile of East Nusa Tenggara – Dinas Pariwisata & Seni Budaya Provinsi Nusa
Tenggara Timur.


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