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North – Middle Timor
regency (TTU) is located at
Kupang – SoE – Atambua
transportation lane where public
transportation from Atambua to
Kupang passes through. This
regency is bordered with Sawu
sea in the North, Belu regeny in
TTU regency in map the east, TTS regency in the
south and Oekusi (RDTL) in the
west. This regency covers the area of 2.699,7 Km2 of Timor island.
Kefamenanu, the capital city of TTU regency is located about 600 meters
above the sea level, and it is about 197 km away from Kupang.

TTU has tropical climate with two seasons, they are dry season from
June until October and followed by rainy season from November until May. In
Kefamenanu, the temperature ranges from 18º to 22º in Celcius during the
moths of June until July.

As regency, TTU is leaded by a regent. The capital city of TTU
regency is Kefamenanu. This regency is divided into eight districts and 113
villages. All government activity is centered in this city.

The people in this area generally earn their living by plant farming and
livestock rising. This means of livelihood is closely connected with the area’s
natural condition, as only part of the land is fertile and cultivable as wet rice
field and the rest of it has to be given over to animal husbandry. TTU always
send their cattle to Surabaya and Jakarta through the Wini harbor on its
northern coast.

The social stratification in TTU regency is quite the same with one in
TTS (South-Middle Timor) regency, North and South Amfoang and Amarasi
(in Kupang regency). This is because of those mentioned region belong to the
Dawan ethnic group. It starts from the upper class called Amal as nobility one.

Most of TTU people are Catholics, followed by Christian, Moslems,
Hindus and Buddhist. The local people also believe in the Supreme Being
called Usi Neno which consists of Usi means the highest lord or king; while
neno means the day or the sky. Thus Usi neno means the king who is master
of the day and the sky. He is the creator of everything.


As is said before that TTU is one region which belongs to Dawan
ethnic group along with TTS, Amarasi and Amfoang; thus, the language they
use in their daily activities is Dawanese.
About the culture, TTU people still maintain their traditional ritual
which is commonly known in Dawan ethnic group, such as Taklao Naija Lau,
which is a symbolic act of Dawanese community in the form of prayers,
gestures, and votive offering which is consecrated an carried in procession by
the local community at land cultivation time.

There are several kinds of
art activities in TTU regency,
consists of home woven,
traditional ceremony and cultural
art in the form of traditional
houses. The first is Fua ton
celebration, which is celebrated
to start a new enterprise such as
Lopo, TTU’s traditional stirehouse
planting, weddings, births and
deaths. Then, Buna the traditional
home woven which is very well-known in TTU and can be found in Insana
area. There is also a cultural art in the form of traditional house called Lopo.

Lopo is a kind of umbrella-shaped house or can be described as umbrella
house with four posts. The function of this Lopo is as a storehouse for

a. Oelolok
It is a small town, the capital of Insana district. It's the center of
typical design of Buna weaving. It is situated 30 km from Kefamenanu
toward Atambua. Insana was once a rich kingdom, well-known for its ikat
textiles. The former royal palace still stands artistic and old.

b. Tamkesi
This traditionl village is used as the center of the ceremonies and
handicraft. Tamkesi is an out-of-the-way village situated in Salma Hole
valleyat the hilltop of Tautpah, 57 Km from Kefamenanu, and 10 Km from
Manufui, the district capital. The village is fenced by bushes and is
surrounded by a one meter high stone fortress said to have been erected in
the seventeenth or eighteenth century. The community has 12 distinct
families each with their own status and function within their community.
In October or November each year all tribes congregate to the stage a great
ceremony called "Tam Mausa" meaning "Paying Homage”.

c. Maslete Traditional House

A village which is located about 1 km from Kefamenanu, known
for it's traditional type of house named as LOPO, and Oembubu where the
traditional ceremony take place like for Fua Ton clan At this traditional
house, there are mana antique things suci as kelewang(curved blade),
which was used in fighting against Dutch colonization and other sacred
things, the inheritance of ancestors that are used for traditional ritual only.

d. Mount Mutis
Mount Mutis is located in Molo, is the highest peak of West Timor,
50 Km from SoE and 150 km from Kupang. According to the Dawan
people, on this mountain resides The Almighty who gives rain, wind, and
life. The mountain has a well preserved forest with downhill panorama, an
inhabited by many species of animal. It is very ideal for hiking, camping,
and recreation.

e. Sonaf Nailuke
This place is owned by ethnic groups of Tob and Thines in Kabis,
Naikeke B village, located at the foot of the hilal Pah Uf. This place keeps
mummy and several heirlooms sacred things. This mummy was honored
by the people in the surrounding as the protector of rice and corn fertility.
The history of mummy is full of mythological nuance from a figure lady,
named Bi Laof Leu Sonbai. The traditional people used to sacrifice rice
and corn every year as the symbol of thanksgiving.

f. Sonbai’s Grave
Richardus Luis Sonbai is one of the Sonbai dynasty descendants in
Molo, lho, because of political situation, built his kingdom in Noemuti
(ex-enclave of black Portuguese). In Noemuti, Sonbai was very honored,
so even though he was passed away hundred years ago, his body and his
two wives, Bi Ikun Bani and Rita Da Costa, remained being kept in that
stage house. And these bodies had just buried in 1958 at the right side of
Catholic Church.

g. Mary Bita Uni Cave

This cave is historically from sacred Ustauni cave that became the
fortress of Aplasi, Taolin, ethnic groups. After occupying this cave, every
year the Aplasi ethnic group perform traditional Easter, called Kaos Toli,
which means open the cloth and accompanied by Bidu Dance. This place
is located at 34 km from Kefa as the place of devotional visi for Catholics
especially held in 15 August, the day of Saint Mary.

h. Pahkoto Waterfall
This waterfall; is
located at Tasinifu village,
west Miomafo sub-district, 16
km from the capital of sub
district and 36 km from Kefa
Regency. Pahkoto waterfall
presents beautiful natural
mountain panorama, along
Pahkoto Waterfall with blowing of wind from
giant Ampupu trees.

1. How to get there
Kefamenanu, the
capital city of TTU regency
can be reached by air
transportation and land
transportation. The first line
from Kupang, we travel by
public transportation through
the lane of Kupang-SoE-
Land transportation to Kefamenanu
Kefamenanu-Atambua. The
trip from Kupang to
Kefamenanu takes about 6 hours because the distance is quite long, that is
197 km. From Atambua (Belu Regency), we can go to Kefamenanu city
which is just 87 km away from Atambua. The trip takes about 2 hours.
Land transportation offered by so many buses, from Atambua and

2. Supporting Facilities
a. Hotel
Jln. Basuki Rahmat Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31007
Jln. Sonbai Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31168
Jln. Kakatua Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31697
 Losmen Setangkai
Jln. Ketumbar Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31217
 Losmen Sederhana
Jln. Pattimura Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31069
 Losmen Soko Windu
Jln. Ketumbar Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31835

 La’at Manekat
Jln. Noemeto Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31735
b. Restaurant
Jln. Basuki Rahmat Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31266
 Padang I
Jln. Kartini Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31326
 Padang II
Jln. El Tari Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31641
 Elim Baru
Jln. El Tari Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31793
 Cita Rasa
Jln. Soekarno Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31120
 Caffe Sari Anggrek
Jln. Sisingamangaraja Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31142
c. Travel Agency
 PT Timor and Tour Travel
Jln. El Tari Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31320
 Prasasti Citra Cendana Travel
Jln. El Tari Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31132
d. Bank
 Bank NTT
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31133
Jln. El Tari Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31011

e. Important Addresses
 Tourism and Culture Service
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31520
 Culture and Tourism Information Center
Jln. El Tari Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388)
 Police Office
Jln. Imam Bonjol Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31110
Jln. Suprapto Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31149
 Post Office
Jln. Imam Bonjol Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31051
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31200
f. Souvenir Shop
Jln. Ketumbar Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31061
Jln. Seroja Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31086
 Sarwa Star
Jln. Kemiri Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31213
Jln. El Tari Kefamenanu
Telp. (0388) 31081

Akomodasi Hotel non Bintang - Kementrian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata_Deputi Bidang
Pengembangan Produk dan Usaha Pariwisata. Compact Disc (CD)
Mosaik Pariwisata Nusa Tenggara Timur
Nusa Tenggara Timur Gerbang Selatan Asia Pasifik - Dinas Pariwisata Nusa Tenggara
Timur. Compact Disc (CD)
Tourism Profile of East Nusa Tenggara – Dinas Pariwisata & Seni Budaya Provinsi Nusa
Tenggara Timur.

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