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West Sumba is one of two
regencies on Sumba Island. This
regency is located about 800
meters above sea level, and the
topography of this regency is
quite rocky. Although the
topography is quite rocky, we can
also find thick forest and deep
West Sumba Regency valleys, irrigated rice-field and
quite green grass field in here.

Just like other regions in East Nusa Tenggara province, West Sumba
has tropical climate with two seasons, which are rainy season, starts from
October until May and the rest of the year is the dry season. West Sumba has
quite cool weather especially in June and July when the temperature reaches
18-20 degree in Celcius.

The capital of West
Sumba is Waikabubak, a small
town which is located in the
center of West Sumba regency
area and about 800 meters above
sea level. All government
activities are centered in this
town. As regency, West Sumba is
Regent’s Office in Waikabubak leaded by a regent.

Generally West Sumba
people are irrigated rice field
farmers and buffalo breeders.
The fertile soil can be seen in the
district of Lalo, western and
eastern Wawewa and also
Waekelo valley. The size of
farms or the number of buffalo
Cattles in West Sumba determines one’s social status.

The social stratification in West Sumba is somewhat similar to East
Sumba. The village pattern in native language is called Paraingu, which is
native boat, which carries men to other countries. Ever village has an area
symbolizing the ship’s stern (kiku kemudi), the central part, the deck called
kami padua and the bow part called Tunda Kambata. The traditional village
pattern consisits of traditional houses surrounding the ancestor’s buria places.
Therefore the settlement pattern is mostly patrilocal and matrilocal.

West sumba people still hold their traditional believe called Merapu.
Athough formally most are Catholic or Protestant. The Moslem minority are
mostly latecomers to the island. Merapu basic principle is similar to those of
East Sumba. The traditional belief still dominated all the society activities.


Sumbanese people usually use several languages, such as Kodi,
Wewewa, Anakalang, Loli, Lamboya, Wanukaka, Mamboro, etc. These
languages are named according to the place where each is spoken.

The well-know art form in West Sumba are the traditional houses,
tomb, dances and also ikat weaving. Official building in Sumba island and
Kupang are are imitation of West pyramidal house structure. The central part
of this house is the open stove located in between the four main pillars of the

Traditional architecture
work is also seen on the tomb
stone. The tomb has megalithic
characteristic and uses huge
stones with a dolmen pattern.
Another art form from West
Sumba is dance. Most of
traditional dance in West Sumba
have circle pattern. Several well-
High-roof, Custom style of building in Sumba
known dance are Kataga,
Woleka, Kako, Bandara and Sere. Ikat weaving also a kind of traditional art
from from West Sumba. The pattern of ikat weaving is symmetrical lines.

a. Bijalungu Hiupaana
Bijalungu Hiupaana is a traditional ritual celebration as a Merapu
traditional faith and sacral thanksgiving ceremony to the creator. It marks
the beginning of their preparation of agriculture tools and seeds to plant.
This ceremony usually held in January.
b. Pasola
Pasola is a traditional
warship ceremony and
exhibition which is held in
February, where colorfully
arrayed horseman, in two
opponents groups, on their
horseback running against
each other as fast as they can,
Horse rider, in Pasola ceremony charging one to another with
blunt spears. This ceremony
is held following the Nyale traditional ceremony of seeking worms at
dawn started from Kodi, Lamboya, Wanokaka and ended at Gaura. Similar
ceremony also be taken at Kalala beach, East Sumba in March, where it is
locally known as Hole.

c. Horse Race
This is a national class of horse race held in Waikabubak, West
Sumba regency. This horse race usually held on August.
d. Wulla Poddu Ceremony
This is a traditional cultural ceremony to welcome the holy month
or New Year for the Merapu believers (traditional religious faith in
Sumba), it is usually held in November. This ceremony is commenced
with slaughtering of chicken by each of tribal leaders of the Merapu


a. Maritime Object
1. Rua Wanokaka Beach
Rua Wanokaka beach is
located about 27 kilometers
away in the south of
Waikabubak. This place offers
the scenery of white sandy
beach and quite interesting to
visit This place can be reached
Rua Wanokaka Beach in one hour by public transport.

2. Nihi Watu Beach

Nihi Watu beach is
located about 21 kilometers to
the south of Waikabubak.
Diving, surfing and fishing are
allowed in this beach.

Nihi Watu Beach

3. Konda Maloba Beach

Konda Maloba beach is located about 58 kilometers to the east
of Waikabubak and can be reached by public transportation. This place
offers beautiful scenery, colorful fish and corals.

4. Marosi Beach
Marosi beach is located 32 kilometers to the south of

b. Natural Object
1. Mata Yangu Waterfall
Mata Yangu waterfall is
located in Katikutana sub-
district about 12 kilometers to
the east of Waikabubak
downtown. The depth of this
waterfall is about 75 meters.

2. Dikira Waterfall
Dikira waterfall is a
beautiful place completed with
beautiful panorama of waterfall
and this place is surrounded by
leafy tree, very suitable for
refresehing from any activities.
This place is located about 40
km to the west of Waikabubak.
3. Manupeu National Park
Manupenu National
Park is a conservation area
which covers the area of 65,000
ha. This place can be used for
flora and fauna research.
Within this park, we can see
several protected fauna of
Sumba just like: Sumba honey
bird, Red-head Myzomela bird, Gemak sumba, etc. This place is
located in Kutikutana Area, about 20 km to the west of Waikabubak

c. Cultural Object
1. Pasola
Pasola is one of West
Sumba society's proudly culture
rituals In implementation of
Pasola, both sides that
culturally against each other by
riding horses, they're running
so fast, chasing enemy and
throwing enemy with a wood
stick/ spear. Successfulness
marked with blood that stream
down from enemy's body. If
there's an accident in that battle
then there's no sanction. Pasola
is running very strict once in a
year, in February, begin from
Pasola Ceremony
Kodi, Lamboya, Gaura, and
end in Wanokaka in March
2. Wulla Podu
Wulla Podu also called Pemali Month, is a culture ritual that's
very mysterious, unique and interesting. Wulla Podu ritual is very
strict and sacral all November every year, start from holy camp in
Tarung Village that's called Uma Rowa Uma Kalada. Implementation
of Wulla Podu also signed by forbidden to lamentation to the death, no
sounds, and no parties. Peak session of Wulla Podu ritual also signed
with art attraction and various traditional games. Wulla Podu takes
place in Tarung Village, in the middle of Waikabubak City and Bondo
Maroto Village, about 30 minutes to North of Waikabubak City.

3. Bijalungu Hiupaana
Bijalungu Hiupaana is a name of natural cave in Taramanu
Village, Wanokaka Area, about 18 km from Waikabubak City. Every
year, exactly in January, event Bijalungu Hiupaana is held, is Marapu's
sacred ceremony that is meant as thankful to God, self pureness,
prediction to up coming harvest, also to prepare agriculture tools. This

ceremony is celebrate by presenting foods and drinks such as buffalos,
pigs and chickens while singing, dancing and Marapu's magical

4. Purunga Taliang Marapu

Purunga Taliang
Marapu is culture ritual that's
very sacred. This ritual is held
once a year in form of pray and
presentation to Marapu God.
This ritual held for gratitude
and prediction to up coming
Purunga Taliang Marapu Ceremony harvest. In this ceremony, also
held with dancing, singing
songs contain religious advices. It takes place in Umbu Village,
Katikula Area, 38 km from Waikububak City. The ceremony takes 4
days in first week of October.
5. Sumba Cultural Dance
Sumba traditional dance
can be found almost in all sub
districts of West Sumba and
also East Sumba regency.
Sumba traditional dances such
as Kataga, Woleka, Gaza,
Nego, Dokale, Eagle, etc.
Sumba Cultural Dance

1. How to get there
West Sumba can be reached
by using both sea and air
transportation. The route to
Waikabubak through air
transportation is by direct flight
from El Tari airport in Kupang to
Waikabubak. This flight is served
by Merpati Airlines (type F27) and
Bourag Airlines (type Hawker Siddley) everyday.

2. Supporting Facilities
a. Hotel
 Gloria Hotel
Jln. Gajah Mada No.14
Telp. (0387)21024
 Manandang Hotel
Jln. - No.-
Telp. (0387)
 Monalisa Hotel
Jln. - No.-
Telp. (0387)
 Tarung Wisata Hotel
Jln. - No.-
Telp. (0387)
 Aloha Hotel
Jln. - No.-
Telp. (0387)
 Ronita Sayang Hotel
Jln. - No.-
Telp. (0387)
 Ande Ate Hotel
Jln. - No.-
Telp. (0387)

Akomodasi Hotel non Bintang - Kementrian Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata_Deputi Bidang Pengembangan Produk
dan Usaha Pariwisata. Compact Disc (CD)
Mosaik Pariwisata Nusa Tenggara Timur
Nusa Tenggara Timur Gerbang Selatan Asia Pasifik - Dinas Pariwisata Nusa Tenggara Timur. Compact Disc
Tourism Profile of East Nusa Tenggara – Dinas Pariwisata & Seni Budaya Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur.


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