ISC Board Class 12 Business Studies Syllabus

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There will be two papers in the subject. application blank, selection test, Group
Paper I - Theory: 3 hours …… 80 marks discussion, final interview, medical test,
reference check, final approval, placement;
Paper II - Project Work …… 20 marks
brief explanation and importance of each step
PAPER - I (THEORY): 80 Marks of the selection procedure); distinction
Part 1 (20 marks) will consist of compulsory short between recruitment and selection.

answer questions testing knowledge, application and (v) Staff Training.

skills relating to elementary / fundamental aspects of Meaning and definition of training; distinction
between training, education and
the entire syllabus.
development; types of training (induction, job,
Part II (60 marks) will consist of eight questions, out
remedial, safety, promotional, refresher; brief
of which candidates will be required to answer explanation of each.); methods of training: on
any five questions, each carrying 12 marks. the job and off the job (vestibule,
apprenticeship, internship, classroom);
1. Human Resource Management distinction between on the job and off the job
(i) Introduction to Human Resource training. Hindrances to training: brief
Management. explanation.
Meaning and definition of Human Resource
(vi) Staff Morale.
Management; importance of human resource.
Meaning, definition and characteristics of
(ii) Job and Manpower planning. staff morale; Morale Productivity Matrix
Meaning and relevance of: Job Analysis, Job (brief explanation of the four situations);
Specification, Job Description, Job factors influencing morale (morale
Enrichment and Job Enlargement, Man depressants and stimulants: an understanding
Specification, Manpower Estimation. of how the same factor may lower or boost
(iii) Staff Recruitment. morale); methods of raising morale;
Meaning, definition and characteristics of indicators of low and high morale.
staff recruitment; sources of recruitment: (vii) Staff Motivation.
internal sources (promotion, transfer, ex- Meaning, definition and characteristics of
employees, recommendation by employees); staff motivation; difference between
external sources (advertisements, campus
motivation and morale; importance of staff
recruitment, casual callers, gate hiring,
motivation; factors influencing motivation:
employment exchanges, placement agencies,
monetary and non-monetary incentives;
labour contractors). Differences between
differences between monetary and
internal and external sources of recruitment,
non-monetary incentives; Maslow’s theory of
their merits and demerits; e-recruitment:
the Hierarchy of Human Needs – explanation
concept, benefits and limitations; sources of
of the theory with the help of the pyramid,
e-recruitment: internet and intranet.
assumptions and criticism of the theory;
(iv) Staff Selection. Herzberg’s Two-factor Theory (Motivation
Meaning and definition of staff selection; and Hygiene Factors). Relationship between
selection procedures (preliminary screening, these two theories.
(viii)Staff Remuneration. basis of promotion: seniority, merit,
Meaning and definition of Staff remuneration, seniority-cum-merit (brief explanation of each
Methods of wage payment – Time Rate and and the advantages and disadvantages of
Piece Rate System (An explanation of the two seniority basis and merit basis.)
systems along with their merits, demerits and Staff Transfer - Meaning, definition and need
suitability, differences between the two); Pay for transfer. Types of transfers: replacement,
Slip and Payroll - Meaning, Differences, versatility, remedial, production (meaning
Components, Specimens of both. Various staff and relevance of each type).
benefits: Employee Provident Fund, National
(xii) Staff Separation.
Pension System, Group Insurance (medical
Meaning of Staff separation; means of staff
and life), encashment of leave, gratuity, (basic
attrition: Retirement (Compulsory and
understanding only). Types of leaves (casual,
Voluntary), Lay off, Retrenchment,
medical/sick, earned, privilege,
Resignation, Suspension, Dismissal: grounds
maternity/paternity, sabbatical, leave without
for dismissal (Meaning and distinction only).
pay: basic understanding only)
Exit Interview-Meaning and importance.
(ix) Staff Leadership.
(xiii)Emerging trends in Human Resources.
Meaning and definition of staff leadership;
Flexible Hours, Permanent part time, Work
distinction between Leadership and
from home, Retainership, Virtual teams, Self-
Management; leadership styles: Autocratic,
managing teams (SMTs) - only meaning of the
Democratic, Laissez-Faire (brief explanation,
above terms.
advantages and disadvantages of
each style); Leadership continuum (the 2. Business Communication and Correspondence
concept of situational leadership to be (i) Business Communication
explained briefly); Blake & Mouton Meaning and definition of communication;
Managerial Grid (brief explanation). importance of communication in business,
(x) Staff Appraisal. elements of the Communication Process,
Meaning and definition of Performance Methods of communication: Oral, Written,
Appraisal and Potential Appraisal; Gestural, Visual (Meaning, advantages and
distinction between the two; Objectives and disadvantages of all these methods),
importance of Performance Appraisal, Difference between oral and written
Methods of Performance Appraisal - merit communication, Types of communication:
grading, appraisal by results, appraisal by Internal and External, Formal and Informal,
superior staff: self-appraisal; 360 appraisal Horizontal and Vertical (Meaning,
(brief explanation of each method and their Advantages and Disadvantages of each);
respective advantages and disadvantages). distinction between - Internal and External;
Formal and Informal; Horizontal and Vertical
(xi) Staff Promotion and Transfer.
Communication; barriers to Communication
Staff Promotion - Meaning, definition,
(Semantic, Physical and Mechanical,
benefits and limitations of promotion; Open
Organisational, Socio-Psychological:
and Closed policy of promotion (meaning and
meaning only, detailed explanation not
differences); a brief understanding of the
required); overcoming the barriers to
concept of Dry promotion and upgrading;
requirements of a sound promotion policy;

(ii) Business Correspondence 4. Globalisation and recent trends in Business
Need and functions of business (i) Globalisation.
correspondence. Meaning, nature, opportunities and threats of
Business Letters globalization for business; brief
Elements and contents of various business understanding of how globalization has been
letters; types of letters: solicited and instrumental in transforming the manner in
unsolicited letters of application for a job, which Business is conducted.
along with drafting of biodata; Interview
(ii) E-Business.
letter, Offer of Appointment, Letter of enquiry,
Meaning, nature and importance of
Quotation letter, Order letter, Complaint
letter, Reply to Complaint letter). E business.
NOTE: Candidates should be able to draft all (iii) Outsourcing.
of the above types of letters, using the Concept of outsourcing; parties involved – the
appropriate format. outsourcer, the outsourced and the service
Reports provider – the respective advantages and
Meaning and definition of Reports; types of disadvantages to each of the above.
reports: statutory, non- statutory, private,
(iv) Types of Outsourcing.
public, informational, interpretative,
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO),
routine/periodic, special; brief explanation of
each type of report; differences between Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO), and
statutory and non-statutory, private and Business Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO).
public, informational and interpretative, Basic understanding of the above.
routine/periodic and special report. Format of (v) Online means of conducting business.
report (report writing not required). Business to Consumer (B2C), Consumer to
(iii) Current trends in Business Communication: Consumer (C2C), Business to Business (B2B),
E-mail and video conferencing. Intra Business (Intra B) and, Business to
Meaning and uses of e-mail and video Government (B2G), Government to Business
conferencing. (G2B).
Basic understanding of the above with a few
3. Business Size and Finance examples.
(i) Various business entities.
5. Business Regulators and Intermediaries
Meaning and definition of sole
proprietorship, partnership, private limited (i) Regulators and Intermediaries.
company and public limited company. Meaning of the terms Regulators and
(ii) Sources of business finance Intermediaries.
A basic understanding of the following: (ii) Role of Regulators and Intermediaries.
Equity and preference shares, debentures and (a) Reserve Bank of India (RBI): Indian
bonds, retained profits, public deposits, loans,
banks, foreign banks, Non-Banking
trade credit, discounting of bills of exchange,
Financial Companies (NBFC).
global depository receipt, Angel investors,
(b) Securities and Exchange Board of India
venture capitalists, crowd funding, peer to
peer funding. (SEBI): stock exchanges, stock brokers,
merchant bankers, depositories, mutual
funds and credit rating agencies.
(c) Insurance Regulatory and Development 3. Study any two business organizations (one Multi
Authority of India (IRDAI): insurance National Company and one Indian Company) with
companies and insurance agents. regards to their Policies of Compensation
(d) Pension Fund Regulatory and
(Increment policy, Incentive policy, Bonus and
Development Authority (PFRDA):
pension funds and pension aggregators reward policy, retirement benefits).
(e) Food Safety and Standards Authority of 4. Study the various types of leaves made available
India (FSSAI): food processors, food to employees. Leaves can be considered as
packers financial cost to the organization. What other
(f) Indian Standards Institute (ISI): tangible and non-tangible benefits does the
industrial goods, consumer electrical organization stand to gain from incurring this
goods, steel manufacturers
cost? Do the benefits justify the cost?
Only a basic understanding of the roles of the 5. Consider any two successful business leaders.
above regulators and intermediaries. Give a brief account of their leadership styles.
Explain the impact of their leadership styles in the
achievement of the organizational goals of their
Candidates will be expected to have completed two respective organisations.
projects from any topic covered in Theory. 6. Analyse the emerging trends in human resource
The project work will be assessed by the teacher management and discuss their implementation in
and a Visiting Examiner appointed locally and India (Comparative study of five organisations).
approved by the Council. 7. Make a comparative study of any two
Mark allocation for each Project [10 marks]: E-Businesses in terms of their Nature, Size,
Products and Services offered, Functioning and
Overall format 1 mark
Content 4 marks 8. Select any two companies and study their sources
of finance with respect to the amount procured and
Findings 2 marks
advantages and disadvantages of each source of
Viva-voce based on the Project 3 marks finance
9. Select any BPO or KPO and explain the

A list of suggested Projects is given below: outsourced functions that it performs. Discuss the

1. Analyse the recruitment process in any two impact of outsourcing in general and specifically

companies of your choice. List the loopholes if on the profitability of the outsourcing

any and give suggestions for improving the organization.

process. (You may also make a comparative study 10. Study any one regulator and the intermediaries
of the recruitment process). under it. Give an account of their functions and
2. Evaluate the selection process of any two firms how it helps the common man.
from the corporate world and discuss their benefits NOTE: No question paper for Practical work will be
and drawbacks vis-a-vis each other. set by the Council.


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