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Department of Software Engineering

Bahria University Islamabad Campus

Reading Assignment-04
(EMG 617) Information Systems Management
Muhsin Alam

Why IT Fumble Analytics


According to the article my analysis is now day’s successful companies are making decision
based on data driven insights and facts not opinions. Companies like face book and Google
and Instagram have a very strong and effective management’s strategy and it make a big
difference that how these companies operate. And this thing has been received by various
manager in all types of firms who are now using insights from the data being received to
make a strong decision. In this article I learn that IT is key to build and deploying technology.
And firms and IT project team should mainly focus information they are trying to collect
rather than establishing technological specification up front before knowing their goals.

This article present that most of organization spend on owning and implementing new
technologies but they have no idea about understating the big data and analytics projects are
two different things. It projects is an effective subject and be capable to learn about
technology rather than understating technology which is real goal. It can lower cost, improve
efficiency and increase productivity. The most successful one will understand that it is able to
store data and the value really lies on how people view that data and its value. The tool exist
and deploying them is not a task as IT is known for computer science, math’s and
engineering. And strong business main will understand use of IT and will be able to address
problem and opportunity to gain knowledge to make a strong decision. And this is a real test.
In this article the main guideline is how to navigate through this concept to achieve their
goals by providing insightful data which is capable for decision making.

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