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World History Mr.

Kassube Room #5

WORLD History – The Roman Empire and Caesar

As Rome enlarged its territory, its republican form of government grew increasingly unstable. Eventually,
the Roman Republican gave way to the formation of a mighty dictator-ruled empire that continued to
spread Rome’s influence far and wide. Throughout its history, Rome emphasized values of discipline,
strength, and loyalty. Use information from the class discussion, video and textbook (pages 160 -165)

1) What were the reasons which led to a shakeup of the Roman Republic and emergence of a new
political system?

2) Around 100 B.C. there was a huge gap between the rich and the poor, and this gap was growing
larger. What percentage of Rome’s population came from enslaved people? What problems do
you think could result from this?

3) Two brothers attempted to fix the gap between the poor and wealthy in Rome. What did they
propose? Who were they fighting for? How was their messaged received by others?

4) After the deaths of Tiberius and Gaius, there was a period of civil war in Rome. What is a civil
war and what is the overall theme when one happens to a country?

5) Not only did the economic turmoil of Rome lead to the decline of its republic, but military
upheaval soon followed as well. As the republic grew more unstable, generals began seizing
power for themselves. These generals began to recruit soldiers to fight for them (promising them
land), which replaced the citizen-soldiers of the past who were served and were loyal to the
republic alone. Which one of these scenarios do you feel is best for a healthy country/government
to exist? Do you feel hiring soldiers to fight for individual prizes is better or worse than those
who simply fought for loyalty to their country? Explain

6) What was the Triumvirate and was this good or bad for Rome? Explain

7) What were some of the many accomplishments and reforms brought on by Julius Caesar?
World History Mr. Kassube Room #5

8) Many nobles and senators expressed concern over Caesars growing power, success and
popularity. Some feared losing their influence, while others viewed him as a tyrant. What did
they agree to do? And what was the result?

9) Following the death of Julius Caesar, civil war broke out again in Rome, destroying what was left
of the Roman Republic. Although the story of the Roman Republic ends there, another would
begin. What happened next?

10) What happens to the Second Triumvirate?

11) Why were so many Roman emperors called Caesar?

12) Rome becomes an empire in 27 BC and was at the peak of its power (beginning at that time).
This also marks a time in Rome known as the Pax Romana, what does that mean?

13) Perhaps the greatest and most efficient leader in the empires history was Augustus (Octavian).
What did he do to make him so great (and make Rome so great)?

14) A lot of Augustus’ success can be found in the effectiveness of the civil services he set up. What
does the term civil service mean and provide a few examples of this in modern times

15) The success of many civilizations and empires came from strong leadership and military. Capital
is also a major component and how an empire makes money is very important. How did the
Roman Empire make its money and did they use a form of currency? Why would a common
currency be beneficial?

16) What role did slavery play in the Roman Empire?

17) Explain the religious beliefs and practices of people living in the Roman Empire

18) Would you have enjoyed living in the Roman Empire as a citizen? Explain your response by
supporting it with evidence of how daily life was for most people

19) Of all of the Roman Emperors to rule, who do you feel was the best? Select one and provide a
brief explanation to support your answer (Hint: look at the chart located on page 164)

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