Introduction To Writer's Effect

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Writer’s Effect

A. What is writer's effect?

The purpose of writer's effect is to select words and phrases from specific
paragraphs in a literary extract to explain their usage and the effect they have on
the reader. Writer's effect denotes why the writer might have used certain phrases
and how they enhance the text.


B. Question Sample

(d) Re-read paragraphs 2 and 7.

● Paragraph 2 begins ‘Soft, warm sand...’ and is about the character’s appreciation

of nature.

● Paragraph 7 begins ‘He angled...’ and is about the character’s underwater experience.

Explain how the writer uses language to convey meaning and to create effect in these paragraphs.
Choose three examples of words or phrases from each paragraph to support your answer. Your
choices should include the use of imagery.

Write about 200 to 300 words.

Up to 15 marks are available for the content of your answer.

-------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
C. Answer and discussion

Paragraph 2

Soft, warm sand slipped between his toes. Salty air hit the back of his throat as the waves rolled
up the beach. Sunlight glanced off the water, a sail silhouetted, puffed out by the breeze. A gull
soared and he watched it. Amazing how something heavier than air could glide into the wind like
that. So much freedom. So much beauty.

Paragraph 7

He angled his wings again and dived into the wind, feeling it rushing past him. The sun was warm
on his back, and coolness rushed off the sea. As sunlight danced on the surface above him he
glanced down at the blue, the colour simply waveforms of refracted light, but still vital and vivid
and oh so enticing. He brought his wings in, angled his tail and dove into the brine. Underwater
was a beautiful shock. The world was washed-out
and indistinct, pressure waves sluggish after the rush of air. Sounds lost their sharpness, and he felt
cocooned. Safe.

Paragraph 2

Overview: (what does the writer want to convey in this paragraph?)

an ideal place desired by one who wishes to escape the chaotic nature of the physical world

words and phrases

1. warm sand

2. Sunlight glanced off the water

3. waves rolled up

Paragraph 7

Overview: (what does the writer want to convey in this paragraph?)

a resolution to find one’s peace and comfort

words and phrases



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