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Look at these verbs. Are they followed by: to inf or -ing

V + to inf
would d like

V + -ing
can´t stand


The project manager hates dealing with conflicts among team members.

We hate working with outdated project management tools.

She hates managing multiple projects simultaneously.

I hate waking up early in the morning.

Can't stand:

The project manager can't stand working with disorganized team members.

We can't stand dealing with constant scope changes.

He can't stand attending lengthy meetings without clear objectives.

We can't stand listening to loud music.


The project manager imagines implementing innovative solutions for cost reduction.

We imagine collaborating with international partners for global expansion.

He imagines achieving project success through effective teamwork.

He couldn't imagine being away from his family for more than a week.


We like using agile project management methodologies.

She likes mentoring junior project managers.

She likes doing online banking

I like to eat pizza for dinner.

She likes to watch movies on weekends.


The project manager keeps improving his project management skills.

He keeps attending industry conferences to stay updated on the latest trends.

He keeps forgetting his phone at home.

We enjoy working on challenging projects that push our limits.

He enjoys collaborating with stakeholders to gather project requirements.

She enjoys listening to music while she works.

They enjoy spending time with their family and friends.


I go running every morning before work.

She went shopping with her friends after school.

He went hiking in the mountains last summer.


Can you please stop talking during the movie?

She stopped smoking three months ago.

They had to stop working because of a power outage.


We agreed to extend the project timeline to accommodate unforeseen delays.

She agreed to collaborate with other departments for better project coordination.

We all agreed to meet at the restaurant at 7 pm.


We hope to finish our project by next week.

She hopes to get a promotion at work.

He hopes it doesn't rain on his wedding day.

I hope to attend the project management seminar next month.

The project manager hopes to improve team collaboration.


The project manager needs to review the budget before making a decision.

We need to hire additional staff for the upcoming project.

They need to study for their exams.


The project manager plans to implement a new communication strategy.

We plan to conduct a risk assessment before starting the project.

She plans to organize a team-building event next week.

He is planning to start his own business.

would like:

The project manager would like to discuss the project timeline with the team.

We'd like to explore new marketing strategies for our product.

She'd like to participate in the client meeting.

I'd like to order a coffee, please.

We want to increase customer satisfaction through improved services.

He wants to develop a more efficient project management system.

They want to travel around the world.


The project manager decided to delegate tasks among team members.

He decided to conduct a project status meeting every week.

She decided to quit her job and travel the world.

Learn how:

The project manager wants to learn how to use project management software effectively.

She is learning how to communicate project updates more efficiently.

She learned how to play the piano when she was young.

They are learning how to code online.

I was carrying my little kid down the stairs when I skipped a step. I grabbed the handrail,

and I didn't fall down but I strained my back. I had to call a doctor on call because it

was an emergency.

He came home immediately and gave me a shot in my buttock to relieve the pain.

The doctor also ordered an ultrasound to determine the damage to my back.

Fortunately, it was nothing serious and I'm feeling much better now.

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