Spritual Formation

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The first building block of a deeper friendship with God is complete honesty about your faults
and feelings. God doesn’t want you to be perfect, but he insists on complete honesty.

Bitterness is the greatest barrier to friendship with God always chooses to obey God in faith, we
obey God not out of duty or fear or compulsion but because we love him and trust that he knows
what is best for us.

Value what God values. To be a friend of God, you must care about all the people around you
whom God cares about.

Desire friendship with God more than anything else just as David passionately desired to know
God above all else. The more you become Gods friend the more you will care about the things he
cares about.

Your most important relationship is developing a friendship with God. Draw close to God and
will draw close to you James (4:8)

God is pleased when our worship is accurate, worship must be based on the truth of scripture, not
our opinions about God. God pleasing worship is deeply emotional and deeply doctrinal. We use
both our heart and our heads.

The best style of worship is the one that most authentically represents your love for God .our
worship should be thoughtful; God is not pleased with thoughtless singing of hymns, perfunctory
praying of clichés or careless exclamations of praise the lord.

God is pleased when our worship is practical, real worship is rooted in the word you cannot exalt
God and yourself at the same time. You don’t worship to be seen by others or to please yourself

God is real, no matter how you feel. The deepest level of worship is praising god in spite of pain,
thanking God during a trial and trusting him when tempted.

God admits that sometimes he hides his face from us. The most common mistake Christians
make in worship today is seeking an experience apart from seeking God. But as you grow in
faith, he will wean you of these dependences.

Tell God exactly how you feel pours out your heart to God. Unload every emotion that you’re
feeling. God can handle your hanger, fear, grief confusion and questions.

Focus on how God is and his unchanging nature regardless of circumstances and how you feel.
He is good and loving, he is all powerful and he is in control.

Trust god to keep his promises. During time of spiritual dryness patiently see on the promises of
God and not on your emotions. A friendship based on emotions is shallow indeed.
When you feel abandoned by God yet continue to trust Him, you worship him in the deepest

You were formed from Gods family; Gods purpose for your life is to be part of his family.
Because God is love, he treasures relationship. His very nature, is very relational and he
identifies himself in family terms; father, son and spirit. Your spiritual family is more important
than your physical family because it lasts forever.

Baptism is identifying with Gods family. Healthy families have family pride; members are not
ashamed to be recognized as part of the family. Baptism is not an optional ritual, to be delayed or
post poned. It does not make you a member of Gods family on faith in Christ does.

Being included in Gods family is the highest honor and the greatest privilege you will ever
receive. What matters most is love. It is in loving that we are most like him, so love is the
foundation of every command he has given us.

A church family identifies one as a genuine believer and also moves you out of self centered
isolation helping you develop spiritual muscle. The difference between being a church attender
and a church member is commitment and your choice.

Experiencing life together- life is meant to be shared. Real worship is so much more than just
showing up at services but experiencing life together. In real worship people experience
authenticity, mutuality, sympathy and mercy. Every time you understand and affirm someone’s
feelings you build fellowship.

Cultivating community take honesty- you will have to care enough and lovingly speak the truth
even when you would rather ignore an issue. When conflict is handled correctly we grow closer
to each other. It also takes humility- humility is not thinking less of yourself is thinking of
yourself less. Cultivating community takes courtesy – respecting our differences and being
considerate of each other’s feelings.

It takes confidentiality- whatever is shared in group need to stay in group. Frequency is needed
in cultivating community you must have regular contact with your group in order to build
genuine fellowship. The fellowship of church is more important than any individual.

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