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Where Leaders turn Dreams into Reality….

1. Wild Life and English Integration: Compare our situation during lockdown with the animals in the zoo
and birds in the cage locked down forever. Compose a poem to realize the importance of liberty for all.
Your poem should make the reader feel the emotions and intentions.
2. History and Art Integration: “True liberty is freedom from poverty, deprivation, and all forms of
discrimination”. Keeping the chapter – ‘Nelson Mandela – A Long walk to Freedom’, in mind, choose
four National Freedom Fighters, and write a few lines, and slogans on them.
3 (a) The concept of gratitude plays a significant role in Lencho's understanding of his situation. Was his
attitude of gratitude related to his faith in God? What values are required to be happy?
(b) The act of flying in both stories seem to evoke strong emotions in the characters. Explore the different
emotional states experienced by the characters during their flights. How do these emotions shape their
experiences and interactions with the world?

 पर्यावरण तथय ग्लोबल वयर्मिंग पर 100 से 120 शब्दों में अनच्ु छे द र्लखें।

 मुुंशी प्रेमचुंद ने 'बडे भयई सयहब' कहयनी द्वयरय दो भयइर्ों के ररश्तो से सबुं र्ुं ित एक कहयनी की रचनय की है
।आप भी 'सच्चा र्मत्र वही होतय है, जो समर् पर कयम आए' कहयनी की रचनय करें तथय र्चत्र भी लगयएँ।
 स्वास््य मुंत्रयलर् द्वयरय र्ोग र्दवस के अवसर के प्रचयर प्रसयर के र्लए 25-50 शब्दों में र्वज्ञयपन तैर्यर
प्रशन र
1) और और ?
2) और र र ?
3) 26 र 1935 र - र ?
4) ?
5) र र ? र
6) र और ? ' ' और ' " ?

7) र र और ?
8) र र ?
( ी मयवकयश कयर्ा अपनी class work notebook में करें।)

1. ,
(class work notebook ) ।ਇ :
1. ਭਸ।
2. ੈ?
3. ?
4. ਿ ਯਗ ?
5. ਿ
6. ਫ਼ ।

2. ਭ ਇ । , , , ,
, ।

3. 30 ਸ ਗ । ਇ ਭ ।
ਸ ਸ ਇ :

1. ਸ : ਿ ਿ ?
2. ਸ : ਭ ?
3. ਸ : ਸ ਗ ਗ ?
4. ਸ : ਭ ?
5. ਸ : ਫ਼ ਇ ?
6. ਸ : ?
7. ਸ : ?
8. ਸ : ੈ?
9. ਸ : ? ।
10. ਸ : ਭ ਭ ਿ ?
11. ਸ : ਗ ਗ ?
12. ਸ : ਿ ?
13. ਸ : ਿ ਗ ੈ ?
14. ਸ : ਿ ?
15. ਸ : ਿ ੈ ਗ ?
16. ਸ : ?
17. ਸ : ?
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19. ਸ : ੈ ?
20. ਸ : ?
21. ਸ : ?
22. ਸ : ਭੈ ਗ ?
23. ਸ : ਿ ?
24. ਸ : ਗ ਿਿ ?
25. ਸ : ?
26. ਸ : ਿ ਗ ?
27. ਸ : ?
28. ਸ : ਭ ?
29. ਸ : , ਗ ?
30. ਸ : ਗ ਇ ?

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३. र / क / क क- क एक रक कर 8, 10 क
४. क क करक
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- क क class work note - book कर

1.Art Integrated Activity:
Make use of cardboard, coloured sheets, scale, glue, pencil, compass to construct a Sierpinski triangle
which is one of the simplest fractal forms. The Sierpinski triangle is a fractal and attractive set with an
overall shape of an equilateral triangle subdivided recursively into smaller equilateral triangles. It is a
beautiful way to show how a simple equilateral triangle is used as a simple pattern to build a complex shape.
The main triangle is made up of three similar versions of itself and also each of these is made up of three
smaller versions of itself and so on….. This pattern keeps on forever.

Adobe Acrobat
Refer to the pdf given below for the step-by-step procedure:

2.Practical Activities: Write the following practical activities in the Mathematics Practical File:
 To obtain the conditions of consistency and solve a given system of linear equations in two
variables. (EXPERIMENT – 1)
 To draw the graph of quadratic polynomials and find the nature of zeroes of the polynomials.
 To verify that if a line is drawn parallel to one side of a triangle to intersect the other two sides in
distinct points, the other two sides are divided in the same ratio. (EXPERIMENT – 3)
 To verify that sum of first n Natural numbers is [n(n + 1)] / 2 . (EXPERIMENT – 8)
 To verify that lengths of tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are always equal.
NOTE: Please refer to activities 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 from the pdf provided below (Double click on the pdf icon)
and also use Brown sheets to cover your Practical File.

Adobe Acrobat

3. Investigatory Project: Prepare an interesting project on a special number 1729 which is also called
Hardy - Ramanujan Number and investigate that how this number became a special number for
Ramanujan. Present the project on A4 size sheets in a Spiral bound file containing 10 – 15 pages. (use
the headings – History, significance, Interesting facts, conclusion, applications in daily life,
4. Practice for perfection: Give a practice to your subject in an interesting way by solving questions from
the topics covered in class from NCERT Exemplar book for class X (Mathematics), published by
NCERT (1. Real Numbers 2. Polynomials 3. Pair of linear equations in two variables 4. Quadratic

Note: Questions to be done in homework notebooks
1. “All plants give out oxygen during day and carbon dioxide during night”. Do you agree with this
statement? Give reason.
2. How do the guard cells regulate opening and closing of stomatal pores?
3. Why do fishes die when taken out of water?
4. Is ‘nutrition’ a necessity for an organism? Discuss.
5. What would happen if green plants disappear from earth?
6. What are the adaptations of leaf for photosynthesis?
7. Why is small intestine in herbivores longer than in carnivores?
8. What will happen if mucus is not secreted by the gastric glands?
9. What is the significance of emulsification of fats?
10. Why does absorption of digested food occur mainly in the small intestine?
11. What is the advantage of having four chambered heart?
12. Mention the major events during photosynthesis.
13. Name the energy currency in the living organisms. When and where is it produced?
14. Explain the role of mouth in digestion of food.
15. What are the functions of gastric glands present in the wall of the stomach?
16. Name the correct substrates for the following enzymes
(a) Trypsin (b) Amylase (c) Pepsin (d) Lipase

1. What is a redox reaction?
Identify the substances that are oxidized and the substances that are reduced in the following reactions.
(a) Fe2O3 + 2Al → Al2O3 + 2Fe
(b) 2PbO + C → 2Pb + CO2
(c)MnO2 + 4HCl —–> MnCl2 + 2H20 + Cl2
2. Mention with reason the colour changes observe when:
(i) silver chloride is exposed to sunlight.
(ii) copper powder is strongly heated in the presence of oxygen.
(iii) a piece of zinc is dropped in copper sulphate solution.
3. Lead nitrate solution is added to a test tube containing potassium iodide solution.
(a) Write the name and colour of the compound precipitated.
(b) Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction involved.
(c) Name the type of this reaction justifying your answer.
4. 2 g of ferrous sulphate crystals are heated in a dry boiling tube.
(a) List any two observations.
(b) Name the type of chemical reaction taking place.
(c) Write balanced chemical equation for the reaction and name the products formed.
5. You might have noted that when copper powder is heated in a China dish, the reddish-brown surface of
copper powder becomes coated with a black substance.
(a) Why has this black substance formed?
(b) What is the black substance?
(c) Write the chemical equation of the reaction that takes place.
(d) How can the black coating on the surface be turned reddish brown?
6. What happens when food materials containing fats and oils are left for a long time? List two observable
changes and suggest three ways by which this phenomenon can be prevented.
7. A. Translate the following statement into chemical equation and then balance it Barium chloride reacts
with aluminium sulphate to give aluminium chloride and a precipitate of barium sulphate. State the two
types in which this reaction can be classified.
B. Why is respiration considered as an exothermic reaction?
C. In electrolysis of water, why is the volume of gas collected over one electrode double that of gas
collected over the other electrode?
8. A. Why should curd and sour substance not be kept in brass and copper vessels?
B. While diluting an acid, why is it recommended that the acid should be added to water and not water to
the acid OR Kazi and Priyam want to prepare dil H2SO4. Kazi added conc H2SO4 to water slowly
with constant stirring & cooling whereas Priyam added water to conc. H2SO4. Name the student who
was correct and why?
9. A. Equal lengths of magnesium ribbons are taken in test tubes A and B. Hydrochloric acid is added to test
tube A, while acetic acid is added to test B. In which test tube will the fizzing occur more vigorously
and why?
B. A few drops of phenolphthalein indicator were added to an unknown solution A. It acquired pink
colour. Now another unknown solution B was added to it drop by drop and the solution becomes
colourless. Predict the nature of A & B.
C. If there were no baking soda in the house, what other household substances would you use to treat as
10.A. Metal compound ‘A’ reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to produce effervescence. The gas evolved
extinguishes a burning candle. Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction, if one of the
compounds formed is calcium chloride.
B. Why do HCl, HNO3 etc. show acidic characters in aqueous solution while solutions of compounds
like alcohol and glucose do not show acidic character?

Q1. Three 2 Ω resistors, A, B and C, are connected as shown in Figure 12.7. Each of them dissipates energy
and can withstand a maximum power of 18W without melting. Find the maximum current that can flow
through the three resistors?

Q2. Draw a circuit diagram of an electric circuit containing a cell, a key, an ammeter, a resistor of 2 Ω in
series with a combination of two resistors (4 Ω each) in parallel and a voltmeter across the parallel
combination. Will the potential difference across the 2 Ω resistor be the same as that across the parallel
combination of 4Ω resistors? Give reason.
Q3. What is electrical resistivity? In a series electrical circuit comprising a resistor made up of a metallic
wire, the ammeter reads 5 A. The reading of the ammeter decreases to half when the length of the wire
is doubled. Why?
Q4. A current of 1 ampere flows in a series circuit containing an electric lamp and a conductor of 5 Ω when
connected to a 10 V battery. Calculate the resistance of the electric lamp. Now if a resistance of 10 Ω is
connected in parallel with this series combination, what change (if any) in current flowing through 5 Ω
conductor and potential difference across the lamp will take place? Give reason.
Q5. Why is parallel arrangement used in domestic wiring?
Q6. Three incandescent bulbs of 100 W each are connected in series in an electric circuit. In another circuit
another set of three bulbs of the same wattage are connected in parallel to the same source.
(a) Will the bulb in the two circuits glow with the same brightness? Justify your answer.
(b) Now let one bulb in both the circuits get fused. Will the rest of the bulbs continue to glow in each
circuit? Give reason.
Q7. State Ohm’s law? How can it be verified experimentally? Does it hold good under all conditions?
Q8. What is electrical resistivity of a material? What is its unit? Describe an experiment to study the factors
on which the resistance of conducting wire depends.
Q9. What is Joule’s heating effect? How can it be demonstrated experimentally? List its four applications in
daily life.
Q10. Find out the following in the electric circuit given in Figure 12.9
(a) Effective resistance of two 8 Ω resistors in the combination
(b) Current flowing through 4 Ω resistor
(c) Potential difference across 4 Ω resistance
(d) Power dissipated in 4 Ω resistor
(e) Difference in ammeter readings, if any.

Art integrated activity of Physics [TO BE DONE ON SPIRAL BOUND PAGES]

Subject Physics
Topics Covered Electricity
Science& Technology Construct circuits to find the efficiency of bulbs and heating effect with
concepts of Physics using LED (two of different wattage) CFL (two of
different wattage), Power outlet and a thermometer.
Curriculum Bridges: Electricity (Do any one of the following)
Math Calculate the heat energy produced in each case if it works for one hour
Language Arts The world without current and light we can’t imagine that, thanks to
Benjamin Franklin, Tesla and Edison. The current is an artificial sun. The
dark of world is Resolved by light.
Light to AI all relay on current. This is the time to think about saving of
current. For that this is a awareness activity Why is current is very important
in our life?
How we can save and conserve current for future?
Can we design equipment with less usage of current?
Social Studies Which state produces the maximum power?
How much power is required by our country every day? How do we meet it?
Visual/Performing Arts A PLAY PRODUCTION: Write a play about a life in a remote village
without electricity.
This activity is compulsory.
Connecting Odisha with Find out the power consumption and production in Punjab & Odisha.
Punjab Research what other methods can be used in these states to increase the
production of electricity.
Learning outcome i). Students shall be able to understand the current and its effects.
ii) Students shall be able to understand the significance of conservation of
current in their life.
iii). Advantages and disadvantage of current can be realized with this
iv). Students will participate and enjoy more next time whenever they
involve in activities.
v). They can use this activity and apply in real - time experiences.
Self-evaluation and i). Young and adults are normally have confusion in current and it’ s heating
Follow up effect. But they often use them but do not discriminate them on the basis of
their nature.
ii). By this activity not only they understand the concepts well, but they also
start visualizing source of the work which they perform only by using design
of circuits and understand that in no way they can do the same work with
same ease using current.
iii). Students will get motivated towards subject and realize how practical
this subject called Physics is which in turn reduces phobia related to the

Resources N.C.E.R.T, Materials from daily life, you tube, etc


1.Studying the dependence of potential difference (V) across a resistor on the current (I) passing through it
and determine its resistance. Also plotting a graph between V and I.
2. Determination of the equivalent resistance of two resistors when connected in series and parallel.
3. Determination of the focal length of:
i) Concave mirror ii) Convex lens by obtaining the image of a distant object.
4. Tracing the path of a ray of light passing through a rectangular glass slab for different angles of incidence.
Measure the angle of incidence, angle of refraction, angle of emergence and interpret the result.
5. Trace the path of light through a Prism.

The investigatory project should be made under the following Sub-Headings:

 Abstract
After finishing the research and experimentation, you are required to write a (maximum) one-page
abstract. An abstract includes the followings
(a) Purpose of the experiment
(b) Procedures used
(c) Data
(d) Conclusions.
 Title page – Title of the project must be brief, simple and catchy.
 Objectives – The nature & scope of the problem should be presented with clarity.
 Methodology - This heading provides enough details so that a competent worker can repeat the
experiment and should include the method technology used to complete the task or work.
 Materials / Equipment – Under this heading the student will write the exact technical
specifications, quantities and source of method of preparation for all materials used should be given.
 General Procedure – The manner & sequence by which each experiment or set of observations were
done & how measurements were obtained should be described in detail.
 Results and Discussion – This may be divided into sub-sections describing each set of experiment
or observations.
 Findings – Under this heading the data may be presented in full & discussed descriptively in the test
or these maybe summarized in tables, pictures & graphs.
 Analysis of Data – The interpretation of the findings are discussed & the significant features shown
in the tables, figures or graphs are pointed out.
 Conclusions – the general truth implied or illustrated by the results should be clearly stated. The
evidence based on the results should be summarized for each statement.
 Applicability and correlation with daily life- Under this heading suggests at least few examples of
the chosen assignment in the daily life.
 Bibliography – a list of the references used in guiding the research work and writing and paper.

Q1. Show that Aluminium is an active metal by experimenting on it.
What to do:
a) Watch videos for reference.
b) Perform two activities based on the video with aluminium foil and click photograph while doing so.
c) Note down the observations.
Where to do: On a 4-size sheet write your views, paste photographs showcasing the usage of Aluminium
foil. Also write about its role in creating pollution in the environment.



Q2. Practical plays an important role in developing students’ knowledge. All the discoveries and inventions
done by scientists have been possible through the experiments performed in the laboratory. Thus, lab work is
crucial for making the learning complete, especially for a subject like science. Class 10 Science practicals in
chemistry intend to make students acquainted with the basic tools and techniques used in the
laboratory. Students will understand the concept in a better way as they can now see the changes happening
in front of their eyes. Their basics will become stronger as they will learn by doing things. Not only will this,
but their interest in science subject also gets generated. Students will develop questioning skills and start
thinking from a scientific perspective.
Considering the above points students will prepare the chemistry practical files for the experiments listed
List of Experiments for Class 10 Chemistry [TO BE DONE IN FILES WITH A BROWN COVER]
1. A. Finding the pH of the following samples by using pH paper/universal indicator:
(i) Dilute Hydrochloric Acid
(ii) Dilute NaOH solution
(iii) Dilute Ethanoic Acid solution
(iv) Lemon juice
(v) Water
(vi) Dilute Hydrogen Carbonate solution
B. Studying the properties of acids and bases (HCl & NaOH) based on their reaction with:
a) Litmus solution (Blue/Red)
b) Zinc metal
c) Solid sodium carbonate
2. Performing and observing the following reactions and classify them into:
A. Combination reaction
B. Decomposition reaction
C. Displacement reaction
D. Double displacement reaction
(i) Action of water on quicklime
(ii) Action of heat on ferrous sulphate crystals
(iii) Iron nails kept in copper sulphate solution
(iv) Reaction between sodium sulphate and barium chloride solutions
3. Observing the action of Zn, Fe, Cu and Al metals on the following salt solutions:
i) ZnSO4(aq)
ii) FeSO4(aq)
iii) CuSO4(aq)
iv) Al2 (SO4)3(aq)
Arranging Zn, Fe, Cu and Al (metals) in decreasing order of reactivity based on the above result.
4. Study of the following properties of acetic acid (ethanoic acid):
i) Odour
ii) Solubility in water
iii) Effect on litmus
iv) Reaction with Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate

Make an art integrated project on comparative analysis of
1. Geographic location of Punjab and Odisha
2. Soil types.
3. Types of crops (staple crops).
4. Nutritional food and nutritional disorders.
5. Literacy rate and birth rate.
6. harvest festivals.
7. Sanctuaries or natural parks of Punjab and Odisha. (You can take the help of magazines, newspapers
and google).


1. Preparing a temporary mount of a leaf peel to show stomata.
2. Experimentally show that carbon dioxide is given out during respiration.
3. Studying (a) binary fission in Amoeba, and (b) budding in yeast and Hydra with the help of prepared
Each experiment in the practical should describe the following points:
1. Aim: It explains the objective of the experiment.
2. Theory: It explains the basic principles, laws or theories on which the experiment is based.
3. Material required: Under this head, all the equipment, measuring devices and other material that is
necessary to conduct the experiment are enlisted.
4. Procedure: Under this heading, steps to perform the experiment are mentioned in a proper sequence.
Also, diagrams are drawn wherever required to present the pictorial view of the experiment.
5. Observation: All the observations are noted down while performing the experiments. For a better
presentation, observations are noted in the form of a table. Proper units are expressed for each
6. Calculations: Calculation is done based on the observation by using the formulae. In some
experiments, graphs are also drawn.
7. Results and Discussion: The final result of the experiment is mentioned under this heading.
8. Precautions and Sources of Errors: All the precautions that are observed while conducting the
experiments are mentioned here. Also, the sources of error which arise due to the limitation of
equipment are stated under this heading.

1. Every student has to compulsorily undertake any one project on the following topics:
Consumer Awareness.
Social Issues.
Sustainable Development.
2. Objective: The overall objective of the project work is to help the students gain an insight and pragmatic
understanding of the theme and see all the Social Science disciplines from interdisciplinary perspective.
It should also help in enhancing the Life Skills of the students.
Students are expected to apply the Social Science concepts that they have learnt over the years in order to
prepare the project report.
If required, students may use different primary and secondary resources to prepare the project.
If possible, various forms of art may be integrated in the project work.
3. The students need to develop the following competencies:
Use analytical skills
Evaluate the situations during disasters
Synthesize the information
Find creative solutions
Strategies the order of solutions
Use right communication skills.
4. The distribution of marks over different aspects relating to Project Work is as follows:
S. No. Aspects Marks
a. Content accuracy, Originality and Analysis 2
b. Presentation and Creativity 2
c. Viva Voce 1
5. Following essentials are required to be fulfilled for the preparation and submission of Project
1. The total length of the project report will be about 15 written pages of foolscap size (A-4 size).
2. The Project Report should be handwritten by the students themselves without incurring too much
3. Credits will be awarded to original drawings, illustrations and creative use of materials.
4. The project report will be presented in a neatly bound simple thread tied file. (At the time of submission)
5. The project report will be developed and presented in this order:
 Cover page showing the project title, Student information, School and Year.
 Acknowledgements (acknowledging the Institution, offices, books and persons who have helped)
 Project overview: Purpose, Aim, Methodology and experiences while doing the project.
 Summary and conclusions based on findings.
 Planning and activities to be done during the project.
 Bibliography: should have the books referred, titles, author, publisher and if a website the name of
the website with specific website link which has been used
 All the photographs and sketches should be labeled and acknowledged.


Students are required to write down the answers to the following questions in their respective fair
Q1. Napoleon had destroyed democracy in France but in the administrative field he had incorporated
Revolutionary principles in order to make the whole system more rational and efficient. Analyses the
statement with arguments
Q2. Why was the decade of 1830 known as great economic heart shape in Europe? Explain any three
Q3. Name the Italian States before unification.
Q4. By the end of 19th century nationalism did not retain its idealistic liberal democratic sentiments of the
first half of the century but became a narrow Creed with limited ends. Explain by giving detailed account of
Balkan region.
Q5. Explain the conditions that were viewed as obstacles to the economic exchange and growth by the new
commercial classes during the 19th century Europe.

Q1. In modern democracy is power sharing arrangement can take many forms explain the forms of power -
Q2. Examine the lesson that we should learn from the Sri Lanka and Belgium experiment of power sharing.
Q3. Explain the Prudential reasons of power sharing.
Q4. Analyses the consequences of Sinhala Supremacy.
Q5. Describe the main elements of Belgian model of power sharing.

Q1: Elucidate the views of Gandhi ji regarding the conservation of resources.
Q2: How far it is correct to say that “it is possible to reverse land degradation.” Explain the statement by
giving suitable examples.
Q3: Explain any five proper techniques which can be used for soil conservation.
Q4: Which is the most widely spread and important soil of India? State any four characteristics of this type
of soil.
Q5: On the outline political map of India show the major soil types with different colours.

Q1: Why do we use averages? Are there any limitations to their use? Illustrate with examples related to the
Q2: Why is the issue of sustainability is important for development?
Q3: Write down the differences between organised and unorganised sectors.
Q4: Why is the tertiary sector becoming so important in India? Give reasons.
Q5: What do you mean by unemployment? Discuss its various types.

Make a “Report File” with 10 web pages in HTML on any topic of your choice or from the following list of
1. eLearning: Your webpage can include a series of videos on any topic of your choice, from academic
online courses to practical life tips.
2. eCommerce: Maybe you have handmade items you’re eager to sell, or perhaps you’d like to sell
merchandise related to your niche.
3. blog: Create a blog about any topic - your hobbies, skills, family, places or so on.
4. Yoga and its benefits: Web page may include several asanas and their health benefits.
5. Portfolio: If you are an artist creates painting/write poems/comics/sketches etc, you can create a web
page containing your creatives.
6. Nutrition: This web page may include several food items and their health benefits.
7. Photography: This web page may include several photos of your family members, friends or the places
you visited with your family and friends.
8. Festival: This web page may include several festivals with their importance.
9. NCERT solution: This web page will include NCERT solution of any chapter of any subject.
10. Quotes: Create a website that compiles quotes from figures in history, literature, science, entertainment,
and more.
{Note: Include images, hyperlinks, text formatting, tables, Background colour to make it more attractive.]

Instructions for Report file:

i. Report file will be in pdf format. Page size should be A4.
ii. Both output and source code of all the 10 topics are necessary.
iii. Each Code must start with a new page.
iv. Index, Acknowledgment & Bibliography pages must be there in Report File.
v. Repot file must include cover page having:
 Title of project file
 Student’s name, Class & Section
 Submitted by
 Submitted to
Home Assignment
(Important Questions from the syllabus covered till 31st May, 2023)
Note: Home Assignment is to be done in the School Notebook.
Q1: Write HTML code to add an image named elephant.jpg in a web page. Mention any four attributes that
can be used along with <img> tag.
Q2: Write HTML code for the following text as per given specifications:

 Heading PACE Computer Education of <H1> tag
 Font of heading should be Comic Sans MS, text color as blue
Body text color as red, back ground color as green, font style as Brush script and size = 15
Q3: What is wrong in the following coding? Rewrite it in correct way.
(a) <HEAD> <my web page>
<TITLE> Welcome to my web page
(b) <BODY color=”red” bg=”myimage.png”>
Q4: Write HTML code for the following:

Q5: Consider the following web page and answer the given questions:

(i) What is the alignment of given image?

a) Left
b) Center
c) Right
(ii) Which of the following tags have been used to create the list shown in the web page?
a) DL & OL
b) UL & LI
c) OL & LI
(iii) To follow a link to find information, the user should click at
a) Q
b) R
c) P
d) None of the above
(iv) To use the Internet to find more websites about Save girl project, the user should use
a) a book
b) a CD-ROM
c) a search engine
d) an email
(v) Identify the formatting of text at R
a) Italics
b) Bold
c) Underline
(vi) Which tag is used to draw a line in between a web page?
a) <BR>
b) <LINE>
c) <HR>
d) <RULE>

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