H2O and Cation Structure and Dynamics in Expandable Clays 2H and 39K NMR

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H2O and Cation Structure and Dynamics in Expandable Clays: 2H and 39K NMR

Investigations of Hectorite

Geoffrey M. Bowers,*,†,§ David L. Bish,‡ and R. James Kirkpatrick†, ⊥

Department of Geology, UniVersity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801, and Department of
Geological Sciences, Indiana UniVersity, Bloomington, Indiana 47405
ReceiVed: December 19, 2007; In Final Form: February 13, 2008

Variable temperature 39K and 2H nuclear magnetic resonance (VT NMR) spectroscopy of K+-saturated hectorite,
a prototypical smectite clay, provides new insight into the relationships between the structural and dynamical
behavior of K+ and H2O in confinement and at surfaces. In d ) 10 Å K-exchanged hectorite, interlayer K+
is rigidly held by the silicate rings, probably in 12-coordinate inner-sphere sites as in muscovite mica. In a
1/1.5 by weight hectorite/water paste, K+ occurs on interlayer and external surface sites that are indistinguishable
by 39K NMR. The K+ environments experience changes in dynamical behavior over the temperature range
from -50 to 60 °C that are directly related to H2O dynamics. 39K NMR of the paste sample shows dynamic
line narrowing at low temperatures due to modulation of the electric field gradient (EFG) at frequencies of
the order of the static line width (≈20 kHz) and two “melting”-type dynamic transitions near -10 °C, one
for surface and one for confined K+. At and above 0 °C, K+ remains closely associated with the clay surfaces
and experiences motion at frequencies greater than 200 kHz and less than 10 MHz, as revealed by 39K T1
relaxation behavior, nutation behavior, and the 39K quadrupolar product. These data are consistent with rapid
exchange between inner- and outer-sphere K+ sites reported previously for K-montmorillonite based on
molecular dynamics simulations. Deuterium NMR shows the presence of two unique H2O environments in
the system: one structurally and dynamically consistent with bulk water between particles and one attributable
to H2O confined in the interlayer. Confined H2O experiences anisotropic motion between -50 and 0 °C via
fast rotation (>2 MHz) about a single axis oriented 127.5 ( 0.5° from the principal axis of the 2H EFG,
potentially due to C2 rotation. This motion does not affect the 39K EFG significantly. Melting of free and
confined H2O occurs between -10 and 0 °C and near 0 °C, respectively, similar to the melting behavior of
K+ and likely reflecting the onset of molecular diffusion. At and above 10 °C, all H2O environments experience
motion near or in excess of 300 kHz through at least three NMR-indistinguishable mechanisms, including
Brownian motion of free water, exchange of free and confined H2O near particle edges, and diffusive motion
of H2O that remains confined on the experimental time scale. The correlation between the rates of 2H and 39K
motion and the observed melting transitions for both spin populations strongly suggest that 39K melting and
dynamics above the melting transition are linked to an increase in the motional freedom of H2O.

Introduction space of phyllosilicates. Differences between the structural and

The dynamic behavior of H2O and ionic species in two- and dynamical properties of bulk water and H2O confined in low-
three-dimensional confinement plays a variety of important roles charge 2:1 phyllosilicate interlayers were recognized as early
in processes such as ion transport and adsorption,1-5 water as 1971 based on quasi-elastic neutron scattering studies of a
storage in hostile environments,6,7 dissolution/precipitation Li+-vermiculite.12 Recent neutron,13-17 NMR,18-27 and mo-
reactions in aqueous environments,8,9 and the swelling of lecular modeling19,28-42 studies show that H2O within one to
smectite clays (low charge 2:1 type phyllosilicates with expand- two statistical monolayers from a phyllosilicate surface (in the
able interlayers).3,10,11 Historically, the structure and dynamics interlayer or at the particle exterior) exhibits structural, diffu-
of ions and water in confined spaces and at solid-fluid sional, rotational, and vibrational properties that differ from bulk
interfaces have been difficult to characterize on the molecular water. Unfortunately, much less is known regarding the structure
scale, but the continued evolution of molecular modeling, and dynamics of charge-balancing ions in these systems and
neutron scattering, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) how the dynamics of confined H2O and ions are related. These
spectroscopy has permitted ever more detailed theoretical and are essential components for a complete understanding of ion
experimental investigations, particularly regarding the special sequestration and transport in porous materials.
case of H2O in the two-dimensional, nanometer-scale interlayer We present here a 2H and 39K NMR study of the structure
and dynamics of H2O and K+ in the prototypical smectite clay
* Corresponding author. E-mail: bowersg@msu.edu.
† University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. mineral, hectorite, that has been saturated with K+. The focus
‡ Indiana University.
of this work is to determine how H2O dynamics in the kilohertz
§ Current address: Department of Chemistry, Michigan State University,
to megahertz range (“intermediate” regime) affects the behavior
East Lansing, MI 48824.
⊥ Current address: College of Natural Science, Michigan State University, of interlayer and surface K+ via line-shape analysis of 2H and
East Lansing, MI 48824. 39K variable temperature (VT) NMR spectra and NMR relax-

10.1021/jp7119087 CCC: $40.75 © xxxx American Chemical Society

Published on Web 03/28/2008 PAGE EST: 8.8
B J. Phys. Chem. C Bowers et al.

ation rates. NMR spectroscopy is an attractive approach for MAS rotor-synchronized 39K echo experiments were per-
molecular-level structural and dynamical studies of confined formed on room temperature powder and at temperatures of
and surface-associated water and ions because it is the only -38, -22, -7, and 23 °C (all (1 °C) for a 1/1.5 by weight
experimental method capable of identifying, characterizing, and K-hectorite/H2O paste packed in 4 mm zirconia rotors using
quantifying structural environments while simultaneously prob- the same 14.1 T spectrometer/probe arrangement as the static
ing molecular-scale dynamic behavior over a wide frequency experiments. The sample temperature was recalibrated against
range (hertz to megahertz). However, 39K NMR of inorganic the VT thermocouple under 10 kHz MAS conditions (identical
solids can be challenging because of its low gyromagnetic ratio to those used in the 39K MAS NMR experiments) using Pb-
(γ/2π ) 1.994259 MHz/T) and moderate nuclear electric (NO3)2, as the change in air flow and friction associated with
quadrupole moment43 (I ) 3/2, Q ) 0.06 × 10-24 cm2; MAS will change the sample/set point relationship from that
comparable to 23Na). Despite these limitations, 39K is 93% observed in the static case. Room temperature MAS NMR
naturally abundant and can be readily observed with modern experiments were also performed on the atmosphere-equilibrated
spectrometers. Including this work, there have been three powder and a paste prepared from deionized-H2O washed
published 39K NMR studies of K+ binding in clays or micas to K-hectorite using a Varian 5 mm double-resonance T3 MAS
date.44-46 Prior studies have focused principally on probing the probe equipped with a low-γ accessory and the 9.4 T Varian
structural properties of bound K+ under anhydrous conditions Infinity Plus spectrometer at Michigan State University. Ad-
and as a function of hydration and hydration cycling. This ditional details for the 39K static and MAS NMR experiments
publication represents the first instance where 39K VT NMR is can be found in the Supporting Information.
used to examine the dynamic properties of K+-exchanged clay 2H NMR Experiments. A 1/1.5 by weight solid/liquid paste
minerals and also the first use of 39K and 2H VT NMR to was prepared in a 4 mm NMR tube using D2O rather than H2O.
correlate the dynamics of K+ and H2O in confinement and at The deuterated paste sample was immediately sealed with water-
surfaces, providing important new insights into the behavior of tight epoxy to minimize H2O-for-D2O exchange during the
K+ and H2O in these environments. NMR experiments. Static 2H solid echo VT NMR experiments
were performed on the deuterated paste using a Chemagnetics
Materials and Methods 4 mm double-resonance T3 magic angle spinning probe mated
with the 14.1 T Varian Infinity Plus wide-bore spectrometer at
Materials. The hectorite used in this study was obtained from the University of Illinois. Experiments were performed at
the Clay Minerals Society Source Clays Repository currently temperatures of -50, -30, -10, 0, 10, 25, and 40 °C to correlate
housed at Purdue University (sample SHCa-1). Hectorite is ideal deuteron/water motion with the observed K+ behavior. At 10,
for NMR investigations of smectite clays because the San 25, and 40 °C, a strong isotropic signal overwhelmed the
Bernardino county sample used here contains a low concentra- dynamic range of the instrument, which was corrected by left
tion of paramagnetic impurities (0.28 wt % Fe and Mn).47,48 A shifting and then back-predicting the first 70 data points. All
sample of hectorite was saturated with K+ by exposure to 1 or spectra are referenced with respect to the 2H resonance in pure
0.01 M aqueous KNO3 in three separate ion-exchange reactions. D2O liquid at room temperature. Additional experimental details
After the final exchange period, the clay was dried at 110 °C are reported in the Supporting Information.
for 25 h. The aggregated hectorite was gently ground in an agate The broad deuterium resonance at -50 °C was initially fit
pestle and mortar and sieved to a particle size of <177 µm. with a rigid powder pattern calculated using the SIMPSON
The mineralogical composition and structure of K-hectorite solid-state NMR simulation package.50 The effects of motion
powder and a 1/1.5 by weight hectorite/H2O paste were on the spectra were calculated in Mathematica using functions
characterized at Indiana University using a Bruker D8 Advance originally written by Benesi et al.51 that were modified for
X-ray diffractometer equipped with an environmental chamber. alternative models of motion and to include the effects of T2
Additional details regarding sample preparation and the XRD relaxation and the quadrupolar asymmetry parameter. The code
experiments can be found in the Supporting Information. calculates spectra based on the derivation and formalism of Vega
39K NMR Experiments. Static 39K echo, nutation echo, and
and Luz.52 At and above 10 °C, both narrow 2H NMR
T1 inversion-recovery echo experiments were performed at resonances were well fit with simple Lorentzian line shapes
room temperature for atmosphere-equilibrated powder and at using the NUTS NMR processing software by Acorn NMR Inc.
temperatures from -50 to 60 °C for a 1/1.5 by weight
K-hectorite/H2O paste using a Varian 4 mm HXY MAS probe Results and Discussion
equipped with a low-γ accessory on a Varian Infinity Plus 14.1
T standard-bore spectrometer. It was necessary to incorporate XRD Results. The XRD patterns from the powder sample
an inversion pulse and echo acquisition in each type of equilibrated at 53% relative humidity (Figure 1) reveal the
experiment to minimize the effects of acoustic ringing while presence of broad diffraction peaks indicative of predominantly
maximizing the signal intensity. For the paste, sample temper- 10 Å hectorite and the natural disorder expected in smectite
ature was controlled to (1 °C using an FTS TC-84 temperature clays. A basal spacing of 10 Å corresponds to that observed
controller paired with an AirJet XR1185 chiller unit and Varian for muscovite mica, a high-charge 2:1 phyllosilicate that bears
L950 variable temperature stack. The actual sample temperature an interlayer containing only K+ and no H2O molecules,
was calibrated against the VT thermocouple using the 207Pb suggesting that a similar “collapsed” interlayer gallery and K+
chemical shift of Pb(NO3)2 according to the procedure of binding environment exists in the K-exchanged hectorite
Bielckei and Burum.49 Room temperature static echo experi- powder. The presence of diffraction bands near 19.6 and 34.6°
ments were also performed on the paste using the 17.6 T Varian 2θ reflects stacking disorder of the clay layers (due to the low
Unity Plus instrument located at the Pacific Northwest National layer charge) and disorder related to the expandability of
Laboratory to provide an estimate of the 39K quadrupolar smectites in the c crystallographic dimension. There are indica-
parameters and isotropic chemical shift. All 39K spectra were tions of some low-angle scattering associated with partially
referenced to the resonance obtained from a 1 M aqueous expanded layers in the powder, but these represent a negligible
solution of KCl. fraction of the overall sample contents, and there is no XRD
2H and 39K NMR Investigations of Hectorite J. Phys. Chem. C C

Figure 2. 39K NMR spectrum of 10 Å hectorite equilibrated with the

ambient atmosphere near 50% relative humidity under static (a) and
MAS (b) conditions at 14.1 T. Note the tailing to low frequency due
to second-order quadrupolar effects and peak shapes that are very similar
to those obtained by Stebbins et al.44 for natural muscovite.

line shape. Calculations based on peak positions from multiple

field MAS NMR data62 yield a 39K quadrupolar product (PQ )
Figure 1. XRD patterns of a 1/1.5 by weight K-hectorite/water paste CQ(1 + η2/3)1/2) of 0.91 ( 0.04 MHz and an isotropic chemical
at 98% relative humidity (a) and the K-hectorite powder at 52% relative shift of -37 ( 4 ppm (-1 ( 0.1 kHz). The lack of well-defined
humidity (b). The broad, low-intensity basal reflection for the paste spectral features and skewing to low frequencies is consistent
indicates a distribution of randomly interstratified d-spacings, with a
median that corresponds to the 12.5 Å (so-called one-layer hydrate) of with a distribution of 39K quadrupolar couplings that is
K-hectorite illustrated schematically in (c). Parts (d) and (e) show the characteristic of disordered solids such as glasses and clays.44,63
schematic representations of the Mg/Li octahedra and Si tetrahedra In this case, the distribution in quadrupolar couplings is probably
(respectively) that make up the T-O-T layers of hectorite. The blue due to the combined effects of disorder in the octahedral Li/
spheres represent the possible K+ locations in the hectorite interlayer Mg and F/OH distributions, the associated distribution of Li-
based on the MD results of Chang, Skipper, and Sposito37 for the related K/Mg-K internuclear distances, and variation in the number
smectite clay, montmorillonite.
of next-nearest-neighbor K+ in adjacent hexagonal rings (all of
evidence of mineral species other than hectorite. We denote this which are related to the heterogeneous distribution of charge
sample as 10 Å hectorite in the remainder of this paper. in smectites) as well as a distribution of T-O-T bond angles
The controlled-humidity XRD patterns of the 1/1.5 hectorite/ in the six-member silicate rings.64,65 The similarity between the
water paste contain a broad basal diffraction representing a range 39K NMR spectra of rigid K+ in muscovite and the K+ in 10 Å

of spacings between 10 and 15 Å, with the predominant spacing hectorite, combined with the absence of a sharp spectral feature,
occurring at roughly 12.5 Å (Figure 1). The broad basal is consistent with a lack of K+ motion in the atmosphere-
diffraction peak likely reflects a heterogeneous H2O content in equilibrated clay. Given the apparent K+ rigidity and the long
the interlayers resulting from the heterogeneous distribution of acquisition period required to obtain a suitable signal-to-noise
charge in smectites53-55 combined with a random interstratifi- ratio for the powder, variable temperature 39K NMR experiments
cation of interlayer spacings.56-58 It is unlikely that swelling in were not justifiable for this sample.
the osmotic regime55,59 (where the basal spacing increases There is no evidence for two resolvable 39K resonances,
linearly with increasing H2O uptake) contributes to peak indicating that the K+ environment at the external surface is
broadening in the paste because K+ has been shown to inhibit not sufficiently different from that in the interlayer to create a
swelling of other smectites.60,61 resolvable signal under these experimental conditions or that
39K NMR of 10 Å Hectorite. The room temperature 39K the relative population of surface K+ is inadequate to produce
NMR spectra of atmosphere-equilibrated 10 Å K-hectorite under a detectable resonance. The 39K lower limit of detection for a
static and MAS conditions (Figure 2) are very similar to the narrow, solution-like K+ resonance, which was determined using
39K NMR spectra of other phyllosilicate minerals44,45 and also known volumes of KCl solution under identical experimental
reflect the type of disorder typically observed in clays. The conditions and using central-transition selective pulse widths
similarity between the hectorite and mica d-spacings and their (the equivalent of a π/4-π/2 sequence for aqueous K+), is of
39K NMR spectra confirms that K+ in the hectorite interlayers the order of 6 × 1016 39K nuclei. Assuming the baseline N2
is rigidly held, probably in an anhydrous 12-fold inner-sphere BET surface area of 35.6 m2/g from the source clay data66
coordination analogous to K+ in muscovite. The 39K NMR applies to the K-exchanged hectorite, that all the measured
resonances for 10 Å K-hectorite at 14.1 T are nearly featureless, surface area is on the particle exteriors, and a 6% surface
about 541 ( 6 and 66 ( 9 ppm broad at half-height (in the coverage of K+ to satisfy the layer charge, there are a maximum
static and MAS cases, respectively), and slightly skewed to low of (4.9 ( 0.1) × 1018 surface 39K spins in the NMR sample.
frequencies, suggesting some quadrupolar contribution to the This is ∼18% of the total 39K spins in the sample volume
D J. Phys. Chem. C Bowers et al.

Figure 4. MAS 39K VT NMR obtained from -38 to 23 °C at 14.1 T

for a 1/1.5 K-hectorite/H2O paste compared with the MAS spectrum
of 10 Å K-hectorite at room temperature. Note the narrow frequency
scale compared to Figure 3 and lack of observable signal at -38 °C.
motion responsible for this narrowing. There is no clear evidence
of a second resolvable resonance at -50 and -30 °C, but the
relatively narrow feature near the reference frequency in the
-10 °C spectrum may represent a small 39K population for
which there is significant dynamical narrowing. This may be
Figure 3. Static 39K VT NMR spectra of the 1/1.5 wt K-hectorite/ K+ on the external particle surfaces. At 0 °C and above, the
water paste obtained from -50 to 40 °C compared with the static static spectra contain only a single, much narrower resonance
spectrum of 10 Å K-hectorite at room temperature. Note the central with essentially no low-field tail, consistent with 39K EFG
region of the -10 °C spectrum, which may reflect narrowing of the modulations at a rate at least an order of magnitude larger than
small surface 39K population, and the abrupt line narrowing associated the static central transition line width of 39K in the clay, i.e.,
with “interlayer melting” between -10 and 0 °C.
g200 kHz.67 This peak narrowing does not occur for the 10 Å
(determined from the stoichiometry and sample weight) and K-hectorite and must be related to the presence of water in the
should be readily detectable if the resonance is comparable in interlayers and on particle surfaces, consistent with a K+/H2O
width to the neat solution peak. dynamic dependence. A dynamic dependence of anion/cation
39K Structure and Dynamics in a 1/1.5 K-Hectorite/Water behavior has been reported previously in sodium orthophos-
Paste. The static 39K VT NMR spectra for the paste show phate,70 but to our knowledge, this is the first spectroscopic
evidence of dynamic averaging via 39K electric field gradient observation of K+/H2O dynamic coupling in phyllosilicate
(EFG) modulations at a rate close to 20 kHz over the minerals. Because some H2O is present on the external surfaces
temperature range from -50 to -10 °C, an increase in the of atmosphere-equilibrated 10 Å K-hectorite, the paste VT
motional degrees of freedom analogous to a melting-type phase results provide important evidence of separate melting-type
transition between -10 and 0 °C, and EFG modulation at rates dynamic transitions for the surface and interlayer 39K species.
g200 kHz between 0 and 50 °C. These conclusions are There is no evidence of resolvable resonances for surface and
consistent with an expanded interlayer containing H2O and K+ interlayer K+ at 0 °C and above.
where H2O mobility plays a role in the 39K dynamic averaging. Although the static 39K spectra appear to be single, narrow
The static 39K VT NMR spectra of the paste at -50 and -30 °C resonances above the melting transition, the VT MAS NMR
resemble the room temperature spectrum of 10 Å hectorite, results reveal the presence of two distinct K+ environments at
indicating that a nonzero time-averaged quadrupolar interaction and above -7 °C. One of these is due to solution-like K+ and
is present and suggesting a lack of motion. However, the the other to less mobile K+ (Figure 4). The narrow, solution-
normalized signal-to-noise ratio at -30 °C is 28 ( 3% higher, like resonance is centered at -6 ( 20 Hz (-0.1 ( 0.6 ppm)
opposite the behavior predicted by the Curie law and suggesting and has a full width at half-height (fwhh) of 34 ( 26 Hz at
the presence of slow EFG modulation that fails to fully average both 23 and -7 °C. The line shape and chemical shift are nearly
the 39K quadrupolar interactions (Figure 3). Using the rigid 39K identical to those of 1 M KCl(aq) (Figure S1), indicating that a
line width of 20 kHz obtained from the 10 Å powder results, small fraction of the 39K spin population is in a liquid-like state
the 39K EFG in the paste must be modulated by a dynamic with isotropic mobility under these conditions. This resonance
process occurring at a rate close to 20 kHz in this temperature contains 11.1 ( 0.1% of the integrated intensity, equivalent to
range because partial narrowing of quadrupolar nuclei begins 6.3 ( 0.1% of the 39K spins, assuming a 100% refocusing
when the EFG is modulated by motion at frequencies of the efficiency and taking into account that (i) the satellite and central
order of the static line width.67-69 The low signal-to-noise ratio transitions contribute intensity to the liquid-like peak in a
precludes us from determining the specific mechanisms of theoretical ratio of 6:4 for I ) 3/271 and (ii) the initial flip angle
2H and 39K NMR Investigations of Hectorite J. Phys. Chem. C E

TABLE 1: 39K T1 Relaxation Times (in ms) for the Paste like K+. This observation also supports strong K+/surface
and Neat Solution as a Function of Temperature Based on interactions and some level of K+ mobility. The nutation
the Static NMR Results
dynamics (Figure S2) show that a majority of the 39K spins
0 °C 25 °C 50 °C experience a room temperature 39K nutation maximum at 5.5-6
K-hectorite paste 1.8 ( 0.2 2.6 ( 0.4 2.4 ( 0.1 µs, much closer to the 5 µs maximum predicted for the central
1 M KCl(aq) 53.5 ( 4.5 transition of rigid 39K than the 10 µs maximum observed for
the solution-like K+ fraction. The solid-like nutation behavior
is effectively π/4 for liquid-like 39K. The most likely source of of 39K above the melting transition must be a consequence of
this 39K population is K+ released by dissolution of KNO3 that residual 39K quadrupolar coupling due to nonzero time-averaged
crystallized on the mineral surface from residual ion exchange electric field gradients at 39K, in agreement with the relatively
solution during the post-exchange drying cycle. A room broad peaks described above and the PQ data. Furthermore, the
temperature MAS NMR spectrum of a K-hectorite paste in observation of a central-transition-like nutation maximum
which the clay was prerinsed to remove residual salt crystals establishes an upper bound on the rate of 39K EFG modulation
does not contain this liquid-like peak, confirming that the liquid-
at room temperature because modulation at rates at or in excess
like signal arises from non-charge-balancing K+ (Figure S1).
of 10 MHz would be expected to fully narrow the satellite
Highly mobile K+ in the unrinsed hectorite paste is probably
contributions and lead to liquid-like nutation behavior for all
solvated by H2O between crystallites that has liquid-like 39K spins.
properties, as observed in published water adsorption isotherms,
XRD, and NMR data for other smectites.19,56,72,73 A sharp, Taken together, our 39K NMR results at room temperature
narrow resonance is not observed at -22 °C, consistent with a are largely consistent with a two-site exchange model for
“freezing” out of 39K dynamical averaging for the liquid-like interlayer and surface K+ above the melting transition originally
K+ population and suggesting that averaging of this fraction at reported for interlayer K+ in Wyoming-type montmorillonite
higher temperatures is related to the melting of interparticle (which bears some tetrahedral charge) from the molecular
fluid. dynamics (MD) simulations of Chang et al.37 Their results show
The broader and more intense 39K MAS peak arises from that at a basal spacing of 12.5 Å comparable to a majority of
dynamically averaged K+ in the interlayer and on particle the hectorite particles in our paste sample, K+ hops between
exteriors that 39K T1, PQ, and nutation data reveal to be strongly partially hydrated inner-sphere sites coordinated by basal
associated with the mineral surfaces. This resonance is 210 ( oxygens and located near tetrahedral charge sites and outer-
20 Hz wide at half-height and is centered at -443 ( 17 Hz sphere sites coordinated by eight H2O molecules and centered
(-15.8 ( 0.5 ppm) at 14.1 T and 23 °C. This peak becomes at the mid-plane of the interlayer. The hopping rate is >5000
broader and shifts to lower frequency with decreasing temper- MHz at 300 K, substantially larger than the range of room
ature until the resonance can no longer be detected at -38 °C. temperature rates revealed by our 39K NMR results. The
This behavior is consistent with a mobile 39K population that discrepancy in jump rate is likely related to the reduced
is strongly associated with a mineral surface, where the decrease tetrahedral charge in San Bernardino hectorite, although dynamic
in mobility with decreasing temperature leads to increased behavior in MD calculations are model-dependent,80,81 and the
surface interactions and thus increased residual quadrupolar behavior of simulated montmorillonite at 300 K may not
coupling.74-76 The observation of MAS NMR signal at -22 °C quantitatively reflect the behavior of San Bernardino hectorite
and no signal at -38 °C supports the presence of a slower at the same temperature. However, the suggested hopping
dynamic process below melting suggested by the static 39K between inner- and outer-sphere sites in the interlayer or on
results, where the rate of motion enables detection in the first the external surface would generate the nonzero time-averaged
case and obscures detection in the latter case. (We note that the quadrupolar interaction suggested by our nutation, T1, and PQ
signal-to-noise ratio is also poor in the -50 °C static spectrum data because the motion involves at least one asymmetric
and that signal detection in the static case is enabled by the binding site.
larger 39K spin population in the coil and improved filling factor
If two-site exchange is responsible for the observed 39K EFG
of the cut 4 mm NMR tube vs the water-tight MAS rotor.) A
modulation, NMR experiments at temperatures low enough to
strong association with the mineral surface is also supported
by the 39K T1 relaxation times above the melting transition freeze out motion at frequencies greater than or equal to the
(Table 1). These relaxation times are more than an order of approximate static peak width could result in multiple observable
magnitude less than that of bulk solution, reflecting an increase resonances, analogous to the results of Weiss et al. for
in the relaxation rate in the paste. An increase in the T1 relaxation Cs-exchanged smectites.75,76 The presence of only a single broad
rate relative to bulk solution is well-known to reflect a surface resonance at -50 and -30 °C indicates that if multiple sites
association of mobile ionic species63,77,78 because surface are present, their NMR resonances are not resolvable under our
interactions of a mobile ion generally lead to an increase in the experimental conditions. This may be because the two peaks
intensity of the power spectrum at the Larmor frequency, thus overlap sufficiently to be indistinguishable. As noted earlier,
increasing the T1 relaxation rate relative to the bulk solution.79 however, the increase in sensitivity associated with the tem-
It is somewhat surprising that the 39K population giving rise to perature increase from -50 to -30 °C is opposite the behavior
the narrow, solution-like peak does not produce biexponential predicted by the Curie magnetization law and suggests that
relaxation behavior or a bi-Lorentzian line shape in the static dynamic line narrowing occurs via motion at a rate close to the
NMR results; however, it is likely that the total overlap of the static peak width. Thus, we cannot rule out the possibility of
two resonances combined with the narrow line width and low multiple K+ sites on the basis of NMR results from -50 °C
population of liquid-like K+ make it indistinguishable under and must obtain lower temperature NMR experiments to truly
these conditions. The time-averaged 39K quadrupolar product test this possibility. Unfortunately, signal-to-noise and equipment
of the broad MAS resonance is 0.45 ( 0.03 MHz, which is limitations prevented such experiments under static or MAS
between the value for rigid K+ in the 10 Å hectorite (0.91 ( conditions at this time. MD simulations of K-hectorite are
0.04 MHz) and the near-zero coupling expected for solution- planned within our group to verify the two-site exchange model
F J. Phys. Chem. C Bowers et al.

Figure 6. Variable τ delay 2H solid echo spectra (thick lines) and

simulations (thin, red lines) using tetrahedral jump motion for the 1/1.5
wt K-hectorite/2H2O paste at -50 °C (a) and -30 °C (b). The
corresponding τ delays from top to bottom are 40, 70, and 100 µs,
lead to structural and dynamical behavior that differs from bulk
water (as noted in the Introduction). The narrow 39K resonance
at -10 °C is strongly correlated with increasingly rapid motion
of these water-like H2O molecules as the ice melts, visible in
the 2H NMR spectra as the loss of the broad resonance at
-10 °C and decreased depth of the dip near 0 ppm in the 0 °C
We assign the narrower, quadrupole-dominated resonance
observed from -50 to 0 °C to H2O confined in the two-
dimensional interlayer space. It is well-known that the 2H
quadrupolar interaction is dominated by intramolecular contribu-
tions due to the alignment of the EFG principal axis along the
Figure 5. 2H VT NMR spectra from 14.1 T of the 1/1.5 wt K-hectorite/
2 deuteron bond.18,84 This has been used by other authors to justify
H2O paste. The thin lines represent dynamic simulations incorporating
both tetrahedral jump motion for the free H2O and fast rotation for using the quadrupolar parameters of ice-1h in calculations of
2H dynamics for 2H O at a variety of temperatures and
confined H2O at an angle between the principal axis of the 2H electric 2
field gradient and the rotation axis of θ ) 127.5 ( 0.5°. heterogeneous environments.18,20,51 If we also assume that the
2H quadrupolar parameters of 2H O do not vary significantly
TABLE 2: 2H Jump Rates (in kHz) for the Bulk Water with temperature, the observed spectral narrowing in our 2H
Phase in the Hectorite Paste Compared with Those of
Wittebort et al.82 NMR must be due to nonisotropic 2H2O motion. Interactions
with the basal silicate surfaces and K+ ions are likely to cause
temp (°C) K-hectorite paste water-ice 1h82 such restricted motion. The narrow 2H resonance cannot be
-50 1.5 <1.2 modeled using tetrahedral jump motion at frequencies up to the
-30 6.0 12 fast-motion limit and must be associated with a different
-10 54 52
0 isotropic
anisotropic dynamic process than that occurring in ice-1h. A
number of authors have reported spectroscopic evidence of fast
or propose other potential motional mechanisms for K+ and will rotation about the molecular dipole moment of H2O (co-incident
be published as part of a separate work. with the C2 symmetry axis) in clay interlayers.22,24,85,86 The
H2O Structure and Dynamics in the 1/1.5 K-Hectorite/ relationship between the principal axes of the two 2H electric
Water Paste. The 2H NMR data for the 1/1.5 wt K-hectorite/ field gradient tensors and the molecular dipole axis for this type
D2O paste (Figure 5) are fully consistent with the structural and of motion is characterized by the angles θ ) 128° and φ ) 0°
dynamical picture shown by the 39K data and show a direct and 180° (where θ and φ are defined as in Figure 7). Rotation
connection between the H2O and K+ dynamical behavior. At about an axis with θ ) 127.5 ( 0.5° at a rate 1/τc g 2 MHz
-30 and -50 °C, the 2H data show the presence of two H2O (where τc is the motional correlation time) provides an excellent
environments. The broader resonance is roughly 310 kHz in fit to the narrower of the two 2H resonances observed at and
basal width at -50 °C, and the “rigid-limit” best-fit quadrupolar below 0 °C, consistent with C2 rotation (Figure 5). However,
parameters (CQ ) 213 kHz, η ) 0.09) are similar to those there are a number of potential interlayer H2O environments
reported by Wittebort et al. for ice-1h at -53 °C.82 The that may give rise to this type of motion. These include H2O
temperature-dependent changes in the resonance shape and coordinating the interlayer cation along the dipole moment and
intensity are well modeled using tetrahedral jump motion, which rotating about the electrostatic bond24,39,86 and H2O accepting
is known to occur via Bjerrum defects in ice-1h between -50 hydrogen bonds along the dipole moment from hydroxyl groups
and 0 °C,51,83 with jump rates very close to those reported by at defect sites in the interlayer (Figure 8).87 Non-C2-type
Wittebort et al. at similar temperatures (Table 2).82 These ice- motions may also exhibit rotation in the fast-motion limit about
1h dynamics also accurately reproduce the intensity decrease an axis where θ ) 128°. One example is H2O donating at least
with increasing echo delay due to irreversible dephasing via one hydrogen bond to the hexagonal silicate rings with both
molecular motion (Figure 6).52 Therefore, we assign this hydrogen atoms oriented toward the surface and rapidly rotating
resonance to H2O in a water-like phase external to the hectorite about an axis perpendicular to the clay layer.88,89 NMR line-
particles. This water cannot be in the interlayer because all shape analysis of the 2H NMR spectra cannot distinguish
interlayer H2O in clays with basal spacings e19.4 Å are within between these possibilities, and molecular modeling is the best
two molecular radii of a surface, a location where surface effects approach to resolve this uncertainty. We also note that the fast
2H and 39K NMR Investigations of Hectorite J. Phys. Chem. C G

Figure 7. Definition of θ (a) and φ (b) for an H2O molecule rotating

around the axis Zmol. θ reflects the orientation between the rotation
axis and the Vzz principal axis of the deuterium electric field gradient
tensor. φ reflects the position of the deuterium electric field gradient
principal axis projected in a plane perpendicular to the rotation axis.

Figure 9. A zoomed view of the 2H peaks above 0 °C in the 1/1.5 wt

K-hectorite/2H2O paste. Note the presence of two narrow peaks, a
broader component likely associated with H2O that is confined during
part or all of the experiment and a narrow peak reflecting isotropic
motion of free water. Also note that the relative intensity of the confined
H2O phase increases with increasing temperature and time.

K-montmorillonite (D ) 1.3 × 10-10 m2/s)37 and assuming that

Figure 8. Three potential confined H2O environments where rotation
at θ ) 128° may occur. Schematic (a) represents H2O coordinating an this value corresponds to predominantly lateral diffusion and
interlayer K+ ion along the molecular C2 axis and rotating about this that the hectorite particles are plate-like and 1 µm in diameter
axis, where we expect H2O to donate a hydrogen bond to oxygen atoms is greater than 6 ms. This value is longer than the observed 2H
at the clay surface. Schematic (b) shows an H2O molecule accepting a T2* values (0.8 and 4.1 ms for the broad and narrow resonances,
hydrogen bond along the molecular C2 axis from a surface hydroxyl respectively), where T2* is determined from the line width and
at a defect site and rotating about this hydrogen bond. Schematic (c) represents an upper limit on the true T2. Thus, most of the
reflects a confined H2O molecule with both hydrogen atoms directed
toward oxygen atoms at the clay surface and hopping about an axis
interlayer water remains confined on the experimental time scale.
perpendicular to the surface such that the angle between the two 2H This residence time also suggests that a small fraction of
electric field gradients and the rotation axis is θ ) 128°. confined H2O near particle edges exchanges with bulk H2O, in
agreement with VT 2H NMR experiments of K-hectorite
restricted rotation in the interlayer must not induce significant equilibrated in a 100% relative humidity 2H2O environment
modulation of the 39K EFG because evidence of dynamic (Figure S3). This sample contains significantly less bulk H2O
averaging at a rate >2 MHz is absent in the 39K NMR spectra and complete narrowing of the confined H2O fraction is not
below -10 °C. observed above 0 °C, suggesting that exchange between
At 10, 25, and 40 °C, there are two narrow 2H resonances interlayer and free states is an important contributor to motional
(Figure 9) reflecting melting of the bulk water and the interlayer narrowing of interlayer H2O above melting. Once again,
melting transition observed in the 39K NMR data. At 10 °C molecular dynamics simulations will be needed to identify
and above, the intense and very narrow resonance arises from specific mechanisms of motion for H2O between -50 and 40 °C.
isotropic motion in the free water phase. This strong, narrow The increase in relative intensity of the broader 2H peak from
peak is not observed for free water at -10 °C due to motion- 10 to 40 °C (Figure 9) should be interpreted with caution given
related signal dephasing by fast tetrahedral jumps (see Figure the extent of left shifting and back-prediction used in processing
5 and ref 81) but does appear in the 2H NMR spectrum at 0 °C the data (see Experimental Section and Supporting Information).
as a decrease in the depth of the central dip near 0 ppm. This It may, however, reflect an increase in the fraction of water
is because melting of bulk water/ice produces intensity in a molecules that spend part of their time in the interlayer, a loss
narrow band near the reference frequency. The second, some- of water from the sample, or temperature-dependent variations
what broader resonance is due to interlayer H2O and possibly in T2 relaxation that affect the relative intensity. The epoxy seal
H2O undergoing exchange with the bulk exterior water phase. remained intact, and the sample’s physical appearance did not
This assignment is justified because confinement introduces a change over the course of the NMR experiments, suggesting
residual time-averaged quadrupolar interaction that leads to line that water was not lost. If exchange of water molecules between
broadening relative to the free water case. We know that a the interlayer and bulk fluid is important, an increasing H2O
fraction of H2O remains confined on the experimental time scale diffusion coefficient with increasing temperature would cause
based on the average H2O interlayer residence time. The average a greater fraction of H2O molecules to experience confinement
H2O interlayer residence time calculated using the MD- during the acquisition period, increasing the intensity of the
computed diffusion coefficient for interlayer H2O in 12.5 Å broader peak. Likewise, an increase in the T2 relaxation rate
H J. Phys. Chem. C Bowers et al.

for the free water phase with respect to the confined fraction(s) Evidence of 39K line narrowing in the paste between -50 and
may also affect the relative intensity in a solid-echo NMR -30 °C suggests that other dynamic processes may be active
experiment in the fashion observed in the 2H NMR spectra. A at these temperatures, and additional 39K and 2H NMR experi-
thorough evaluation of these and other potential origins for the ments at lower temperatures will be necessary to clarify the
relative intensity changes requires a substantial number of NMR low-temperature behavior. There are two H2O environments in
and computational investigations of multiple clays and clay/ the paste, H2O external to the clay particles that is structurally
H2O ratios and is beyond the scope of this paper. and dynamically similar to bulk water, and H2O confined in
Dynamic Coupling of K+ and H2O. The NMR data the hectorite interlayers. The bulk-like water undergoes a melting
presented here demonstrate a close relationship between the transition near 0 °C, leading to the very narrow, liquid-like
dynamic behavior of K+ and H2O in the hectorite paste. As resonance observed at 10 °C and above. Between -50 and 0 °C,
noted earlier, the absence of 39K dynamic averaging in the 10 the confined H2O experiences rotation at frequencies in excess
Å powder at room temperature is clear evidence that dynamic of 2 MHz at an angle between the principal axis of the 2H
averaging in the paste is associated with the presence of H2O. electric field gradient and the rotation axis of 127.5 ( 0.5°.
The melting transition observed for bulk H2O by 2H NMR This geometry is consistent with rotation about the molecular
between -10 and 0 °C is directly associated with the onset of C2 symmetry axis that does not modulate the 39K EFG
39K line narrowing for a small spin population, possibly significantly, though other types of motion can yield the same
associated with the external hectorite surface (Figures 3 and line shape. Above 0 °C, the interlayer H2O experiences motion
5). Assuming the 39K signal does come from the surface spins, with a rate of the order of 300 kHz that leads to a narrowed
this relationship likely reflects increased mobility of surface K+ peak that is slightly broader than the one for bulk-like water.
that depends directly on the dynamics of bulk interparticle H2O. The small residual quadrupolar broadening is due to unaveraged
There is also a close relationship between the dynamics of the electric field gradients experience by 2H in the interlayer. The
remaining K+ population and H2O confined in the interlayer. correlations between the melting transitions of H2O and 39K
At 0 °C, we observe 39K dynamic averaging via EFG modula- observed in the VT NMR spectra and the trends in the rates of
2H and 39K motion demonstrate a clear relationship between
tions at a rate g200 kHz and narrowing of the confined H2O
2H NMR spectrum by motion at a rate that is insufficient to the dynamics of H2O and K+ in the confining interlayer and at
fully average the 2H quadrupolar interaction (rate <300 kHz). the external surface.
At 10 °C, the 2H NMR results show that dynamic averaging of
confined H2O occurs via 2H EFG fluctuations at a rate sufficient Acknowledgment. This research was supported by the
to significantly reduce the residual quadrupolar interaction of United States Department of Energy Office of Basic Energy
the 2H2O and 39K (g300 kHz). These rate/temperature relation- Science, Grant DE-FG01-05ER05-010201. A portion of the
ships show that both confined K+ and H2O experience an research described in this paper was performed in the Environ-
increase in the motional degrees of freedom in the interlayer (a mental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, a national scientific user
melting-type process) near -10 °C and that coupled motion facility sponsored by the Department of Energy’s Office of
leads to the dynamic averaging observed above this temperature. Biological and Environmental Research and located at Pacific
The mechanism of motion is likely site exchange between inner- Northwest National Laboratory. The authors thank Liming Zhu
and outer-sphere K+ sites (observed in MD simulations of for help communicating the controlled RH XRD results.
K-montmorillonite37) or diffusion of K+ that in either case is
enabled by the onset of diffusional mobility for H2O. MD Supporting Information Available: Details of sample
simulations of the K-hectorite system on the multi-nanosecond preparation, XRD experiments, and NMR experiments; Figures
time scale represent the best means for testing this hypothesis S1-S3. This material is available free of charge via the Internet
by investigating the particular types of dynamic processes at http://pubs.acs.org.
responsible for the observed dynamic behavior of K+ and H2O
(exchange, diffusion, etc.). References and Notes
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