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You are on page 1of 343 Theory & Problems With Explanations PCED TY VT Solos.) aor SEE ues ees Sid Pa Cant ee ae ‘Scanned by CamScanner te chapter of number system is amongst the most important chapter in the whole of mathematics syllabus for Competitive examinations: vwe cen consider this chapter as the backbone of mathematics. The students are advised to go through this chapter with utmost care; understanding each and every aspect of this topic. jntis chapter basic definition of different types of numbers ate given. Then on the basis of this, various questions with solved examples are gven for easy understanding Number System Natural Numbers Counting numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 ee O10 known as natural numbers. The get of natural numbers can be reprosented byN= (1,234.5 - ont Whole Numbers tive include 0 among the natural numbers, then thenumbers 0, 1, 2,3, 4, Sete. are called whole numbers. Whole number W=(0, 1, 2,3. 45 9 = ) Oeatly, every natural numiber is a wnole number fut0ig @ whole number which Is not @ naturel ee ours x Number System Integers, All counting numbers and their negatives including zero are known as integers, The sot of integers Vo bev BBW, 1.28, bad Positive Integers The set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5...) 18 a set of all positive integers Positive Integers and natural numbers are synonyms. Negative Integers The set [-1, 2-3, ...-] is a set of all negative integers. 0 is neither positive nor negative. Rational Numbers ‘Tha numbers of the form pig, where p and q are integers andq#0are known as rational numbers. 2 6.24 ag. err 9 etc. Irrational Numbers ‘Those numibets which whenexpressed 0 decal form are neither terminating nor repeating ooimas, aro known as itil MUTDEIS og. V2, 8,15, rele 2 2 ote: Tha the exeot vaus olm!8 0°87 Bis rational number while 719 an irrational number es nee Fy reasoning & Aptitude \ 9, nto times xis aso conciderad equiva! sor ti luo of = 355. pig valu is also apororimato Val 113 and not the exact value cl I similarly 3.14 Is not an axact valuo O! Roel Numbers Tho tational and irrational num together are called real numbers. 2 I) real 69 Hi. 4 4 2,645 atc. ate al numbe's. The sot of all real numbers are denoted by R. bers combined Complex Numbers ‘Complex numbers can be representac in torm of a tib, where @ and b are real numbers and j=Ve1. Thus S+4i, 6+2%, i, 21 ete aro Complex: numbers: Even Numbers Al those numbers which are exactly divisible by 2arecalled aven numbers, 8, 10, atc. (Odd Numbers All those numbors which are not exactty civigiblo by 2 are called odd number. Fo. 1,3,5, 7,9 ote Primo Numbers Number divisible by 1 and itself and not divisible Pyany other number aro called prime number, not a 2.3,8,7, 11 ote. 'S the only Prima number which | Is even. Fest all are od! Prime numbers, Composite Numbers Notural numbers great than + which Blime.rocompostenumbers. eT NOt 09: 4,6, 8.15, o1¢ 101 + Romonng & Aptis Scanned by CamScanner eg.: (3. 7) (8. 9) (36, 25) ote Noto: Hore 8 & 9are not rine nap, thay have only one comman factor, So thay are coprime numbers, (6. 15) are coprime numbers beg wo common factors io, 1&3 May SH hy, ma, Test of Divisibility 1. Divisibility by 2 A number is divisible by 2 if the y zoro or divisible by 2. 0g.: 22, 42, 84, 3872 otc Mit, 2. Divisibility by 3 AArumber fs visible by 9th sun ig in the number is divisible by 3 0g.: 2653 Hore 2 +5 +5 +9. 15, whichis dvb, S hence 2583 is divisible by 3, 3. Divisibility by 4 A number is divisible by 4 if ts last wo digt is divisible by 4, 9. 2652, hore 52 is civisible by 4 so 2682 is divisible by 4 09.:3772, 584, 904 etc 4. Divisibility by 5 ‘A number is divsiola by 5 i the unis aigitn number is 0 or 5 €9.: 50, 505, 405 ote 5. Divisibility by 6 A number Is divisible by 6 if tho number even and sum of digits is divisible by 3 ©9.: 4536 is an even number also sum of dit 4 +843 +6 = 1B is divisible by 3 "9: 72, 8448, 3972 otc. 8. Divisibility by 8 Anumbor is divisible by 8 it last tree dig! OF Its divisible by 8 °Q.: 47472 hero 472 is divisible by 82” ‘hls number 47472 is divisible by8 ant tas wo sqursmahboob. SS 7 Owisibwity byg rear Der " $ Gesbie Dy 3 # me sum of ty © drvisits S27 wich oS Die by 9& hence 108936 5 8 Diisibiity by 19 A number is dws nie by 10 ¢ so 9° 90, 900 749. 34920 ere 9. Divisibility by 11 A number '$ OvISiDIe by 11 # the aitterance of sum O91 af Od Dlaces and sum of G9t at even places 5 ether 0 oF ave de by £9. 1331, the sum of digit at oud piace = 1+3 2nd sum of agit at even places is 3+1 ad Mer ciference s 4-420 $0 13315 cresibie by 11 4s une a g¢ HCF and LCM of Numbers HOF (Fignest Common Factor) of twa or more number iS Ihe greatest number that divides eacn one of Mem exactly. For exampie 6 is the highest common factor of 16 ana 49 HCF Is also called greatest common divisor (G CD) GCM ie. Greatest Common Tease LOM (Least Common Muttigie) of two or more number 's the least or a lowest number which 1s exactly nisibie py each of them. For example LCM of 8 and 121s 24, because it's the first number which is multiple of pot 6 and 12 LCM and HCF of Fractions Numerator Fractions are written in form 0! Ser omnator MADE EASY Scanned by CamScanner ” HOF of 125 cme LOH 2D HOF of 237) IMPORTANT ALGEBRAIC FORMULAE 1. (aro) =2%+2ap eo? 2 (a-cf =a?-2apen? 3. (a-baen)=a? -o? 4. (a+0f +(a-o} = 2(2? eo") 5. (asoj -(a-py =4ad 6 (a+b) =2° +3a°+ dap? +0? sabe’ +3adiaso) 7. (ace) <2? ~3a%o+3a0% 0 * -3an(a-p) 8. ab +0? =(avo)(a -a0e a? —b' =(a-t)(a" +200") yoursmahboob. syn a et crnpep sep HIE) nm gr evi}(ae2 0-8) ty tor Alzebrale ful conation of Dist aca y+ bP is exactly divisible OY a v vwven n is. odd seb exo? abt =(aroyfer-924° 8 og by ia +b, also a + O° is divisible by. yy . 2, areDh isnever divisive pya—b (whether ven) nis odd OV) 1 P- ab +b’) 6 not ) rot divistle by (@~ D) a’ +b? Is also. pr is exactly divisible by (a-b) (whether n is odd or even) Ex: a2-b?= (a-b) (a +b) soitis divisible bya-D; 3— bi = (a- bya’ + ab +b?) so it is civisible by (ab): 3 a= af bt= (a2) - (b) = (2D?) (22 + 0) = (a~ ba + b) (a? + £2) 60 itis divisible by (a-b) Smlatty @- b? is exactly divisible by (a—b) also al? is also exactly divisible by (a~b) FACTORS OF COMPOSITE NUI MBER Composite numoers are Scanned by CamScanner ee y dye aed OF thoir respecting actors of COMPOSILE NUmibg, Gp + Dey * 1 4%. Forex: 18=2%3x3 = 21,5 Factors of 18=(1+1)x(2+ 1.9). Clearly it contains six factors 1, 3° Factors of other Composite numige "#2 Factors = (1+ X14 Nadas gee ees 72 =2x2K2x8 x9 = 2 yy Factors = (3 + 1) x(241)=19 Ex.1 Find the factors of composi, Sol: B60 =2 x2 x2x3x3¢5 = 29 x3! xs! Factors = (3+ 1) (241) (144, Ex. 2. Find all the factors of 120 Sol: 120 =2 x2 x2 x3x5 = 3 x3' xg! Factors = (3+ 1)(1 + 1)(1+1)<% —x. 3. Find all the factors of 1800 Sol.: 1800 = 2x2 x2 x3 x3 x5 x6 = Px x5? Factors = (3+ 1)(2 + 1)(2+1)=% Ex. 4. Find all the factors of 64. Sol.: 64 = 26 Factors of 64 = (6+ 1)=7 1,2, 4,8, 16,92, 64 All are factors of 64 Ex.5. Find al the factors of 1024 Sol.: 1024 = 2 So total factors = (10+1)= 1" Ex.6. Find all the factors of 625- Sol.: 625 = § x5 x5 x5 = 5 Factors = (4+ 1)=5 1,5, 25, 125, 625 Allare factors of €25- Ex. 7. Find all the factors of 7 Sol: 17 = 17! Factors = (1+ 1)=2 mL MADE CADE Note 1752 ave twe tae x8 Fra Sol: 47 = 47 Sotscrn Cou Sometimes we have to factorial of Number of 10! Here basic because wilesul have 2 tive ‘Short Cut Conting Value wil ‘The meg umber ¢ Bett 10,10 Soursmahboob.w Note: 17 fs aprime number and all prime numbers have two factors 14 itselt Ex. 8. Find all the factors of 47, Sol.: 47 = 471 So factors =(1+4)=2 Counting Number of Zeros Sometimes we Come across problems in which ‘we have to count number of zeros at the end of factorial of any number. For example Number of zero at the end of 10! 10! = 10 x9x8X7 x6 x5x4x3x2x1 Here basically we have to count number of fives, because multiplication of five by any evan number will sult nO at the end of final product. In 10! we have 2 lives thus total number cf zeros are 2. Short Cut: Counting number of zeros at the end of n! n Al non Value wil be Eo gs tas + ae The integral value of this sum will be the total number of zeros. Ex. 1 Number ot zeros at the end ot 10! 40 10 oe here integral value is 2. Note: Here z is less than 1 so will not count i Ex.2 Number of zeros at the end of 100! 00 , 100, 100 Sol: tg tg te integral value will be 20+4 = 24 zeros MADE EASY Scanned by CamScanner OF APY ESS.GAM 10 1 Ex3 Number of zoro at the end of 126 128 126, 126 soi; 128 126 , 12 Sep tat intograi value will be 2+5+1=31 20108 Ex4 Number of zeros at the end of 500! Sol.: integral value will be 100+ 20 + 4 = 124 2er0s, Ex5 Number of zeros at the end of 1000! Sot; 1000, 1600 , 1000 , 1000 5 g s 200+ 40+8+1 = 249 20108 Ex.6 Number of zeros at the end of 50! Sol: + Integral value will be 10+2= 12 zeros Ex7 Number of zeros at the end of 20! Integral value will be 18 +9 =21 zeros Cyclicity Cyclicity of a number is used mainly for 1 calculation of unit digits, 4, Cyelicity of 1 In 1°, unit digit will aways be ¥ 2. Cyelicity of 2. a2 Bas 228 * Reasoning & Aptitude 13 x3 Find unit digit cf 9639747 Sol: Unitdigit of 963% will be 7 ana ,, = of 7379 will be 3. So uni t di 963 7372 willbe 7 3 = 219°9 x4 Find unit digit of 122122 x 133103 Sol: Unit digit of 122° will be 4 cycle of 2 is 2, 4, 8, 6 and un 2=256 Mor every fourth interval 2, 4,8, 6 are: reposted, becaus, so cycle ot 2is2, 4, 8,6: 13313 will be 3. So unit ae fee Ext Find unit digit of number 2 : 12212 x13" wil be 4x3 - 4 a Sol Sol: Here unt digtt will repeat a5 2 as ae 2Ans. 8 after every four interval tll 53 wil efi ] nt digit wil 4. Cyclicity a6 be 2 and 64 will be 4. So u aoe ‘ bed, eni6 y Ex2_ Find unit agit of 2°. = 64 7 Sol: Here2, 4, 8, 6will repeat avter every four 44 = 256 d interval t'320 next digitwillbe 2, 4, [B]. Cycle is 4, 6, ie. i So unit digit of 25 will be 8. Unit digit of 4" depends on value ot n. : Ifnisodd unit digit is 4 and if niseven agt x3 Find unit digit of 1212 x22 66. i Sol; Unit digit of 12"? will be 6 and 22% will be 4. So unit digit of 12"? x22” will be Ex.1 Find unit digit of 4°. Ext 6x4=2 [];4Ans. Sol: Since 425 is odd number unit digit wil ‘Sol bes. 3. Cyclicity of 3. , Bs 3 ” Ex.2 Find unit digit of 41%. a #9 Sol: Since 1024 is even number unit ighwi Baa beé. t= Ex.3 Find unit digit of 133% x4”. am Sol: Unit digit of 1335° is 7 and unit cigt 3 So 49g 4 80 unit digit of 133° x4 wilte 7x4 = 2Bi.e. 8. 5. Cyelicity of 5. After evory fourth interval 3,8, 7 and 1 are 55 i a. Fepeated, So cycle of 3 is 3,9, 7, 1, Ext Find unitaigitot 38, Sol: Cycle of 3is3,9,7, 1 whi . | which repeats every ou" inignal tit 3" Se nen Unit digit will always be 5. digit wil 9. So nest unit iio 6. Cyclicity of 6. Ex2 Find unit digit of 13°35, a c Sol: Cycle of is3,9, 7,1 wh & 5,7, Thigh repeats at § every fourth interval til 133192 oon @=216 Unit digit will be 3, pa 6 = 1296 Unit digit will aways be 6. s “ | * Reasoning & Aptitude wanes” Scanned by CamScanner ——yoursmahboeb.wordpresseomrn |! Ex.1 Find unit digit of 49 x65 Sol.: = Gigit of 4 is 4 end unit digit of Bis S'So Unit digit of 4 x6° will be 4 x8 = 24 ie Ex. 2 Find unit digit of 1441 x 426126 Sol.: Unit digit of 1445 ig 4 anc unit digit of 126" is 6. So unit digit of 144745 x 12612 will be 4x6 = 241.6. 4, 7. Cyolicity of 7. V=7 Pe4d 73 = 343 74 = 2401 75 = 16807 78= 117649 77 = 829543 78 = $764801 Cycle of 7 is 7, 9,3, 1 Ex.1 Find unit digit of 1777. Sol: Cycle of 7 repeats 7, 9, 3, 1 till 17° next digit will be 7. So ans. is 7. Ex.2 Find unit digit of 177 x27?” Sol: Unit digit of 177? is 7 and unit digit of 2777 is 3. So unit digit of 17" x 2777 will be7x3=2tie.1. Ex.3 Find unit digit of 17°? x27” x37 Sol: Unit digit of 1777 is 7, unit digit of 2777 is 3 and unit digit of 37% is 7. So unit digit of 1717 «2727 x37% will be 7x3 x7 = 147i. 7. 8. Cyclicity of 8. g'=8 a = 64 8 = 512 84 = 4096 9 = 32768 So cycle of 8 is 8, 4, 2,6 18 Find unit digit of 18 ai ‘ cycle of 8 repeats 8. 4, 26 after every four intervals till 18" next digits will be 8 aNd 4. So unit digit of 18" will be 4 Ex.2 Find unit digit of 18% 293 x2¢9”% Sol: Unit digit of 18'8is 4, unit digit of 267s 6. unit digit of 286% is 6, So unit digit of Deere be4x6 x6 = 144 ie. 9. Cyclicity of 9. gi=9 9 = 81 = 729 9+ = 8561 Cycle of 9 is 9, 4 In 9° unit digit will be 9 ifn is edd and unit digit will be 1 if n is even. Ex. 1 Find unit digit of 111 + 122 + 1319 4 144 + 1518 Sol: Unit digit of 17's 1 Unit digit of 12°? is 6 Unit digit of 13° is 3 Unit digit of 14% is 6 Unit digit of 15° is 5 ‘So unit digit of given sum will be 146+3+6+5=21ie.1 Ex.2 Find unit digit of 2121 62222 x 2979 x 2424 x 25 Sol: 25% will give 5 in unit place, when multiplied by any even number i.e. 0,2,4, 6, Bit wil give zero at unt place. So, zero will be the unit cigitof given question. CYCLICITY TABLE ope ne co pers =F xe on COBVODSEN= Seenoa MADE EASY Scanned by CamScanner yoursmahboob. { 16 Number Syatom ee May ti, an | | Remainder Theorem , eet. | x j B00 ea abxo { enander ct exoression 2°2*2 jie. 0 xb x * { i ‘when dvided by a] is equal to tne remainder of ) 4 | xb, xc, when ' { expression MABE: [10,4 x0, x6, remainder of expression (2) wil pe es i | Ou } ‘divided by], where m a" { { a, is remainder when a is divided by n, 4 remainder of because rest of hp a Sol | bio romairdor whan b is dhded by n, an | ¢, le rerainaer when of ivced by Contains x are completoly dhsibie by . 1 Find the remainder of 15 x 17 19 when ; fa | divided by 7, Ex.1 Find the remainder of r f 44 151719 Eee Fs j Sol: Remainder of expression ~*TZ*TS a) so. 2-04” i eo Hono s 1 becquatto “SHE 15 1 According 10 pelynomial thooren SH | ted. remainder wil) be equal to renaince 4 On cividing 15 by 7 we get 1 a¢ remainder * “i = Oncividing 17 by? we get 3as remainder ‘Reexpreccion — whichis waa tot 34 Onocing 19by 7 wo get Ses remainder * | nd combinedremainder vil beeqvelto 2nd remainder of = im remainer ot 1 ? = Sol Pe Piss so: = ©x2-_ Find remainder of expression ‘Bndoxe ‘ib equal to remainder cfexcression EX Find remainder of sg = 2x3 a =F ation i : 3 equal io 6. Bol; eI9I7 | Skins ty Sooo 8 6 6 exe F {According to remainder ora 4 Find remainder of 2 Polynomial Theorem i 7 ‘Aecording © polynomial theorem, ‘ oar erence ear Tre Scanned by CamScanner © Number Systom | 17 MORE ON REMAINDERS Case-1 On dividing a number by % Ya, b & cif we get 8s siesta tk, DK and ok as fomminoerreonoeacn then that numbor will ben» LCMot la, b,c|-k. For ex, 1: On dividing a number by 4, 5 & 6 we 9 (743% 3 Sol: ae ee Ce 901 3,4, 8 5 8s remainder Find the number z 7 Sol 4. 5 6 Remainder a 4 5, Which is equal © (4-1), (5-1), (6-1), sothat number will be Ex6 Find remainder of neLomot (4 5,8)~1, 7 ie, 60-1259, Note:n suchnumbers ae oossite, Here weheve oN ; so; 5°. [3x7447? _ taj taken nas 1. Other numzers aro +19, 179, 299, rol @ 7 ‘etc, Where value of nis 2,3, & 4 respectively neg ER2_ On dvidng # number by 5,8 and 7 0 CAV 2 22 got 3, 4 and § as remainder Find ihe F e a umeer, = Romainder is a 5 68 7 x7 Find remainder of Remainder 3 4 5 which is oquel to (5-2), (6-2), (/-2) 3 _ oF (es a thet number will be: oo HOF coat ais Note; Here we have taken value on as 1 5 a oo SESE CANN a8 x3 On dividing a number by 4 and § we get if i a 2.& 3 as remarders, Find the highest = Remaindor is 2. double cigt such number. Sol: : 2 4 [xB Find remaindor of e parianier 2 3 which isecualto (4-2), (3-2) i ap pit that number wil be: so; SI U2”. 2 ns LCMol (4, 5]-2 a 4 Wo got 18, 38, 58, 78, 98, 118 When value sai of nis 1, 2.3, 4, 5 and 6 respectively. (Byte Highost double digit such numb wil be a 98 Ans. + Plomaindor in 4 one = eoning & Aptiude | 17 MADE EASY Scanned by CamScanner wile Ing a number by 4, 5 and 6 we on dividi 1 os get 2, Sand 4 68 remainder find highest poesible three digit such number. “ 4, 5, 6 4 Remainder 2 3, Which is equal to (4-2), -2) (6-2) that number willbe: neLOMol (4, 5,62 =9x60-2 When n = 1 we get 58. Hignest possiblo three digit such number will be 958. Ex5 On dividing a number by 5, 8 and 7 we ge!3, 4 anc Sas remainder. Findnighest possible ihree digit such number. Sol 8 & 7 Remainder 3 4 5 which is equal to (5-2), (6-2), (7 - 2) that number will be: n#LCM (5, 6,7}-2=nx210-2 Highest possible three digit number will be 838. Case-tl On dividing a number by a, b and cif we getk as remainder always, then that number will be 1 LOM of (2, b, c)+ k. Ex.1_ On dividing a number by 5, 6 and 7 if we {get 2as remainder always, find that number ‘That number will be ne LOMof (5, 6, 7]4+ 2 = 210 +2 =212. ©2 On dividing a number by 6 and 7 we get 409 remainder always, find ' , tind the possible three digit such oe Sol: n* LOM [6,7] +4 = 1942 + 4; three digit highest possible such nu niga 966.44 =970Ang ewe 18 Reasoning & ; Scanned by CamScanner wmbgursmahboob.wordpress.cbm: case-tit ita number after adding K is exactly gy bya, Ext Sol. band c then that number will be ity neLCM (a, b, cl-k Find a number which after adding « divisible by 6 and 7. “8 That number will be neLCMot(6, 7/5 itn = 1 then 42-6 =37. Find a number which after adcing 7, divisible by 10, 11 and 12. That number will be ne LCMof[10, 14, 12]-7 ifn = 1 then 660 - 7 = 653 Ans, Squares of Numbers Squares of numbers are frequently used fa calculations on various types of problems. lis advicable to remember square of at leest fis thirty numbers tad 12 = 121 Bas 122 = 144 1 18 18? = 226 16? = 256 17? = 289 18? = 324 1% = 1 20 = 400 From following table we come to know that so-22 Of a number always ends with 0, 1, 4.5,689% unit digit, Square of a number can never have 2,378 its unit place, wane mance Short umbs Bat Ez! woreoursmahboob. wordpress, On observing squares of numbers between 21 to 29 we get following pattern 2 = 4l4t 22 = 4le4 23' = Slag 24 = 5/76 28 = 625 at | 29] 76] Note: Hore last two digits are common. Shortcuts for calculation of squares of numbers between 41 to 50. * Ex.1 Find square of 48? i_-1 <2 Square of -2 is equal to 04 so we have written 04 in last two places Square of 5 is 25, from which we added -2 and get 23. So square of 48 is 2304 Ex2 447 =? Sol: 44 is -6 number away from SO so 6 + + 5a 25 Lue 1936 Square of -6 is equal to 36 so we have wriltan 36 in last two places. Square of 5 is 25, trom which we added -6 and get 19, So square of 44 is 1836. x3 422-7 Sol: 42 is -8 number away from 50 2 - + + S225 we i) is have ,are of -8 is equal to 64 so we cen 664 in last two places. Square of S ig 25, from which we added -8 and get 17. So square of 42's 1764 $$ _ MADE EASY Scanned by CamScanner Ex Sol: GQ Syston | 19 4227 41 '8-9 number away trom 50 0 9 bd + . e258 a 6 Square of -9 is equal to 81 so we have written 87 in last Mo places. Square of § is 25, from which we added -9 and get 16. So square of 41 is 1681. Similarly, we can find squares of other square of number between 50 & 60 Ext 53?=? Sol: §3is +3 number away trom 50 *0 3 oe bh 208 Sol. Square of 3 is equal to 09 so we have ‘written 09 in last two places. Square of 5 828, from which we added 3 and get 28. So square of 53 is 2609. =? 56 is +6 number away from 50 % “ + + F225 3 ws a Square of 6 is equal to 36 so we have written 96 in last two places. Square of 5 is 25, from which we added 6 anc get 31. So square of 56 is 3136. 583=? 58 is +8 number away from 50 a 2 vos ‘ 8225 td ze so we Re squaveots ‘Square of 8 is equal 0 4 writtan 64 in last two patees Mite ty 200 | * Numborsystem : is 25, from which we added Band get33. Similarly. We can find square Of a5, So square of 58 is 3364 also. Bt =? Some Multiplication Technig, ‘Sol: 69 is +9 number away from 50 Mutipteation usually tnkes longer 8 so ‘2 addition and suatraction. While sakang. gem £ 4 felted to rato and proportion ang 9 a aa wee have to mutioly rumbers in and ay Square of 9 is equal to 81 so we ave written 81 in fast wo places. Square of 5 is 25, fom wnich we added 9end get 34. So square of 59 is 3551. Similarly, we can find square of other numbers betwen 50 and 60 speedily. ooo OBSERVATIONS ‘Square of two digit umber having Sin unit places can be calculated very easily n5 here n may be any number botween 1 to 9. (ns)? = [nein + 1))25 (16P = 7 We [1 x(1 + 1)25 = 225, wet (25) = [2 «(2+ 1)125 S025 427 [404 + 125 » 2005 827 (8x06 + 1)25 = 4205 Be? (8X(8 + 11125 = 7205 =? (9x(@ + 11125 = 9005 Ex2 Sal. ae TT Scanned by CamScanner Roasoning & Aptiugs —— frequently. Here, we have some ticks y- make the task of multiplication very any 2 Caso-! When both numbers are greater than 106 x 103 = 7 106 is + 6 number away trom 1p, 103 is + 3number away ftom 10) Ext Sol. 108 as 193 mg 108 TB So 106 x 103 will be equal to 10918 (Here either we are adding 1068 30 are adding 103 & 6, in both casewes get 108.) Ex2 104x105 =7 Sol: 10444 1% wos 20 = 10920 Ans. 3108x1117 Sol: 108 8 7 a) = 11988 Ans, Ex Note: Mutiplication of 21 and 5 wil?" ‘wilwrite 05 in frst two piace and * CC manor e, bs ah 2924 ~_-yoursmahboobaverdpress.09 carry which will be. @dded to we get 12705 as answer ES 18x118=2 18 ang (105 + 21) and finally 118) 739) Multiplication of 18 and 18 will be 324, we will write 24 in first two place and 3 will become carry which will be added to (118 + 18) and finally we get 13924 as answer, ExX6 117x177 =? VT 47 1177 17 a) Multiplication of 17 and 17 will be 289, we will write 89 in first two place and 2 will become camry which will be added to (117 + 18) and finally we get 13689 as answer. Ex.7 115x108 =? 15-415 r08 7 +08 124 «W720 Multiplication of 15 and 08 will be 120, we will write 20 in first two place and 1 will become carry which will be added to (108 + 15) and finally we get 12420 as answer. x8 125x103=7 = 12875 Ans. xg 111x107=7 = 11877 Ans. Scanned by CamScanner System | at Ex10 11311227 Sol: 134i 1127 9 "ee er Multiplication Of 13 and 12 will be 152, we will Wile S2 in first two placo and 1 will become carry \which will be added to (112 + 12) and finaly we get 12652 as answer Case-It When both numbers are less than 100. Ext 92x93=22 Sol: 92is-8 number away trom 100, and 93 is -7 number away from 100. thus = 8556 Ans, Ex2 88x95=? Sol: 88is—12 number away from 100, and 95 is -5 number away from 100, thus 88 ~12 95 5 8 0 = 8360 Ans. Note: Here we are adding 95 and -12 or 88 and -6. x3 93x87 =? a ae oe x a7 13, oo = 8091 Ans. Fx.4 99x88=7 sol: +t ott eae a2 |e runes vas py mutipiying -1! Wehave toad! -t2and we get Note: Here we get 132 and -12, where 1 is carry. with 88 and 11 or 89nd desired result 2s 7832 x5 97 x94=? Sol: 97 bs aie na 8 =9118 Ans. Ex6 85x98 =? Sol: 85 15 wi @ 2 = 9212 Ans. x8 82x82=? Sod: 2-8 ae 7S 13 Car Here we get 324 by multiplying -18 and -18, where 3 is carry. We have to add 3 with 82 and ~18 we get desired resuttas 6734, Case-ttl When one number is greater than 100 a another number is less than 100. " Ext 105 x93 <7 Sol: 105 is +8 number away trom number away rom 109. Was, ““yoursmahboob. woud SSCOMN and tinaltesult will be 9765,” %,, x2 it + §6_ _—lé 99 132 9900 =132 9768 Note: Here we have to substragt 1 se 9900 and final result willbe g7eq C] Solved Examples . The last digit of the number obtainad », multiplying the numbers 81 x82 x83 x84, 85 x86 x87 x88 x89 will be @o (o) ¢ 7 (@) 2 Ans: (a) Last digit will be muttiplication of 1x2x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 Since 5 and 2 are given hero, tt muttplication will result in zero as last 39° . The sum of the digits of a two-digit ue is 10, while when the digits are reverse." number decreases by 54, Find the ces number. (e) 23 (b) 19 (©) 37 (a) 46 Ans: (a) ; 24 Going through options we get 82-3 - . The sum of two numbers is 15 a0? Geometric mean is 20% lowet arithmetic mean. Find the numbers @) 11,4 (0) 12.3 () 13,2 (a) 10.5 Scanned by CamScanner Mane (a) tc) Ans 3e1 Sor Fina @) (©) Ans te? voursmahbob.wordpresSEOR NAN, MADE EASY Ans: (b) Going through options only 12 and 3 satsty the condiven GM= V2 x3=6 which is 20% less than 75. 4. 1f.A381 is divisible by 11, tnd the value of the smallest natural number A? @s (0) 6 @7 9 Ans. (c) ‘A381 is divisible by 11 if and only if (A +8) = B+ 1) ie. (A+ 4) is divsibie by 11, So, A =7 Satisfies the concition 5. It 381A is divisible by 9, find the value of ‘smallest natural number A? @s Og 7 as ‘Ans: (b) 381 Ais divisible by 9 $0 3+8+1+A=124A is divisible by 9 So 6. Find the LOM of 5/2. 8/9, 11/14 (@) 20 (©) 360 () #0 (@) None of these Ans: (d) Lem of actin = —boMof eumerators HGF of Denominators: Here, 5/2, 8/9, 11/14, 80 LOM of (6, HOF of (2, i which of 7. A number 156 is divisible by 6 these will be true about the positive integer B? (a) Bwillbe even Lem s Number System | 20 Ans: (d) 15 Bis divisible by Sc B should be even rumbor also 1 +5 +B should be ansible by 3 So only 6 is the value for 8 8. Find the number of zeros at the end ot 1008 @ 24 ) 8 © {d) None ot mese ‘Ans: (a) 10 300 , 109, 100 No.of Zeros = Ps (Wrole number of) = 20 + 4.226 9. If 1461 is divisible by 5° then find the ‘maximum value of n. a bs ox (a) 37 ‘Ans: (b) 1 then highest vue of 5 wil be 146 106 a O18 anew 5 ne 10, Fina me numberof isos ot 120, @ 4 (@) 15 © 8 2 Ans: () 1420 = 142x10 =71 x2 x2 x5 = 2? x5! x71" No. of divigor = (241) (1+1) (141) = 12 Note: Number of divisors is nothing but the number af factors of 1420. 11. Find the HOF and LCM of the polynomials: (2-508) ana (2? =75+19) (@) (3-2) 2=2)(x-9)le-8) (0) (2-2) («-2)(x-3) - TE ETO (0) Bwillbe odd © (+-9)la-2)le-BYle-3) ‘ (c) Bwillbe civsible by 6 (@) None ot nese i (¢) Botha and c seseieS j a Reasoning & Apttude | 2 MADEEASY Scanned by CamScanner 24 | © Number System | ‘Ans: (a) 2 -5x48=(x-3)(x-2) 2 -Tx+10=(-5)(x-2) $0, HCF = (x-2) LOM = (x~2) (x3) &-5) Directions for questions 12-14: Given wo different prime numbers P and Q. Find the number of divisors of the following: 12. Px 2 (4 6 8 Ane: (b) PxQ=PtxQ? => Number of divisor = (1 + 1)(1+ 1)=4 18. x (2 4 ©6 8 Ans: (c) FQ Number of divisor = (241) (141) = 4 14, PB xQ? @2 4 6 ie) 12 Ans: (d) Fox? Number of divisors = (3 +1) (241) = 12 15.A milkman has thtee different qualities of ‘mit, 403 gallons of 1st quality, 465 gallons of 2nd quailty and 496 gations of Grd quay. Find the least oossible numter of bottles of equal size in which different mik of different ‘qualities can b¢ filed without mix: 7 = (bo) 46, ) @ Ans: (d) ne tis given that mik of Ist quaity : 408 gallons Hind quality 465 gallons Iled quality : 496 gallons 24 Reasoning & Aptitude Se Scanned by CamScanner yoursmahboob.wordpress.eain a teast number of bottles of equal si_ possibla, when we have botle havin tt of largest size. Largest size boy, oe found by finding HOF of 403, 45 gy 403 = 13x31 465 = 15x31 496 = 16 x31 HCF = 31 Total numbers of gallon requires = 19 + 15 + 16 = 44 gallons. 16, What s the greatest number of 4 eigtg wnen divided by any of the numbers § « 12, 17 leaves @ remainder of 17 $ @) 997 () 9733 (co) 9895 (@) 9487 Ans: (D) LOMof 6, 9, 12, 17 = 612 greatest number of 4 digit divisible by gy is 9792, to get remainder + number sigs be 9792+1 17. Which of the following is not @ perig: square? (@) 100868 (0) 3,25, 197 (©) 945723 (2) Allof these Ans: (d) ‘Square of number never ends up with? 7.8 18. Which of the following can never be int ending of a perfect square? @6 (&) © () 000 (5 Ans: (c) 19. The LCMot 5,8, 12, 20willrotbe amubee? @s3 (0) 9 @s8 5s Ans: (b) LCM 015, 8, 12, 20 will not bo amutioe’? 20. The LOM of (16 — 22) and (x2 +x - 815 @) & ays 3X41 () 414 ~ 2043) . wane MADE EASE )~, (9) tere Ans: (a) 1-2? a) (Pre Lom wi ( a1. scoee a) 42 ©) -2 Ans: (by P-4n( (¥ +x-8) GoD= (x 22. Decompos such that t @) x= % ©) 26, Ans: (a) Wee 28, Which of: divsible by ) 432198 ©) 136008 Ans: (¢) Arumbetc sands ‘Ony 13626 24, Foranume ve (@) Divs (@) Owss: ©) Dw (2) Bom MADE EASY occ (© (4 ~ 22x —3) (9) None of these Ans: (d) 16-2? = (4-2)(442) (# +3-6)=(2+3)(<-2) LOM will (18-22)(x? +2~6) 21, GCO of x24 and 2+ 1-8 is @ x42 e-2 Ox =2 (@) 242 Ans: (b) 2-4 = (2—2)(c+2) (+2-6)=(x+3)(2-2) GCD =(r-2) 22. Decompose the number 20 into two terms Such that their product is the greatest. (@) x, == 10 (©) x=5.x= 15 number (©) x,=B,2,= 12 — (d) None of these ‘Ans: (a) Ix + y = constant then xy will be maximum wnenx=y here. x, +4)= 20 F =10 23. Which of the following can be a divisible by 247 (a) 49215604 (b) 2561284 (©) 1362480 (d) None of these Ans: (c) Anumper divisible by 24 will be divisible by 3and8 ‘Only 1362480 satisties the divisibility criteria. 24, For a number to be divisible by 88, be (a) Divisible by 22 and 8 (b) Divisible by 11 and 8 (c) Divisible by 11 and thrice by 2 (d) Botn bande MADE EASY Scanned by CamScanner it should 25, * Number System | 25 ‘Ans: (b) Aruna be di le by 88 it should be Nisible by 8 and 11 because 8 and 11 are = rime numbers whose mutilation gives Find the GCD of the polynomial G2) tPandiee Pur yer) * (@) (+3 (e+ 1 (e~2}e4 4) ©) +3) 2) e+ N44) (©) +3) a+ 1" (@) None o! these Ans: (c) GOD of (x+3)(x-2)(x-+ 1’ ana (249) (@+3)(e+ 4) will be (x43) (e+ 92 Find the LOM of (x + 3) (G+ Sr ~ 4) and (2? + 7x43) (x +9) (2) (2x + 1) (x +3) Gr +4) (©) (42-1) (e+ 3 (Sr + 4) © (2-1) (243) Geo) (©) (2e-1) (+3) (Bx + 4) Ans: (b) (©43)(6x° +51 —4) = (x +3)(2e-1)(3x+4) (2x + 7243)(x+3) = (2r41)(x+3)(x+3) LOM =(2x+1)(2x-1)(x+3)? (Bx +4) = (47 -1)(z+3) (8x44) The product of three consecutive natural numbbers. the frst of which is an even rumber, is always divisible by (@ 2 6 ‘ans: (d) Three consecutive number will be n(n + 1) (n+ 2) if nis even number then (n + 2) will also be an even number and one of trem will be divisible by 3. Hence number is always divisible oy 12. For exemple if n = 2 then 23.4 = 24ifn = 4then 4. 5.6 = 120 (0) 24 (@) Alot these * Reasoning & Aptiude | 28 yoursmahboob. Macy woMeerywrces 30. War gts Srouc oe na r Saeco Be ae suse 2 D swscie dy? 3 SusDeny4 — £ Swsoe nS el vse oy Aes e pve roe s SesDe oye B90 uvne soe grow 2 rst Oat tee SFE arses oe a SETS ages oaige ene * 5 frome wan = DvoeG2y 3 3 sein Scanned by CamScanner MADE EASY ic rr a bay (©) 1057 fc) ©) pl ) None of these The number 's divisible oy 11 and can be ‘written in form n(LOM) +4. LCM of 8B, 9, 12, 141s 508 . So tne number may be 506 & 1012 out 508 iS not Givisibie By 11 so the desited nurrner is 1012. 6. Find the greatest number of tour digit which when divided by 15, 20, 28 leaves in eacn case a remainder 27 (a) 9662 (©) 1080 Ans. (a) Tne required number will be (n"LCM) +2 LCM of 15, 20, 28 is 420 So greatest number divisible by 420 is 9860 (Four digit number) So required number will be 9862 (©) 907 (9) None of nese 7. Find the two numbers of 3 digits each of 10. whose GCF is 310 and LCM is 1860 (@) 620,930 (0) 249,540 (©) 720, 1030 (0) None of these ‘Ans. (8) Gong by options we can determine that ony option (a) satisfies the given condition 8. TneLCMol wonumber is 12 times their HCF ‘The sum of HOF and LCM is 403. if one number is 99 find the cther. (@) 134 fo) 124 © (2) None of these ‘Ans. (b) Itis given that LOM=12 tmes HOF aisoLOM+HCF=403 So, 13 xHCF = 403, = HOF = 31 LOM = 372 also we know mat HOF xLOM=Numbert{} xNumoe"2) 3 31K372=93KNZ © NQ= 128 f my income on NOUsE 9. Inaveto spend 1/1001 a rent, 1/10 of remaindar on conveyance 1/5 rlgren’s education furtner remainder on chic! ooo MADE EASY Scanned by CamScanner s Number System = 27 —___t Number Systern (a) Rs. 1200 (0) Fs 1400 (6) Fs. 1700 (0) Nore of these Ans. (a) One alternate meinoa Let sunnese | navesr rupees Alter sponding <= of itonnouserert nave ® a 39° Now out of 2s scent FoaT OM Corvayarce Sorensen ce 2,9 10°" 700"~ Furtner | spent = a Sa 70 chiigrens education now Inave Str So, To 7 8. 381200 ‘A man had two sons. To the elder ne gave 5 5 Fj Of his property, to tne younger ot remainde. the rest to re widow Fag te ‘Share of the sons widow gets As S600. (@} Re. 1200, 1900 (&) As. 6000, 2000 (©) AS.7500. 1000 (6) Noreciirese Ans. (4) Let sucoose Tan shaving Rs as proveny 5 tis given that Sx is gver to elder son & So Fr isremanng Now younger sons share = 777 6 6 widows rare = S1+5 23600 Sor= 12100 Elder son's snare = Younger son's share = 7 = 3000 The average of a number is a measure of central tendency of a set of Numbers. In other words. it 'S an estimate of where the center point of a sel of number lies. Average = Suto! set oN number N This also means Average XN = sum of set of numbers. Illustration: Let suppose the score of Sachin Tendulkar in last § matches are 90, 150, 10, 70, 45, then average score will bo Aves S0180010870%85 908g Concept of Weighted Average Wnen we have two or more groups whose individual averages are known, then to find the combined average of the all elements of all ie grouos we use weighted average. Thus, if we have K grouns with Averages Ay, Ap .n. Ay and having 1.1... elements then the weighted average 08 gven by formula MAL + gh + gga hAn Au Thy +My + Tiga eesee HMR, Ilustration: Let Rahuls average score in 5 testo! maths is 75, 4 test of physics 1g 80 and 3 test ol MADE EASY Average ‘chemistry i590 the find the overall average marks obtained by him in these subjects. Here we have to calculate weigniod average which can be calculated by A, = 75%5+80x4+90%3 _ 965 ~ 54443 Te = 80.4 approx ‘Sometimes weighted average i used to find ment order of students in competition examinations. Like for exampies it ina Pre Engineering Test (PET) ‘sum of scores obtained by two stucents are equal then their weighted average is calculated to find order of rankng Mlustration: RAHUL & Ravi Scored following marks in PET exam Subect [Rahul [Ravi Maths {90 [80 Physics [70 [60 Chemisty [60 [80 {n this case total scores are equal for Rana! ad Rav. To find ranking weights can be gven in following manner, Maths 3, Prysics 2. and Chemistry 1 in this case weignted average can be calculated as 90x3+70x2%60x) ARaha) = AS 29 # Reasoning & Aptitude Scanned by CamScanner = Avorage a so | aft pez 6 3460x2280) AjPiow) = GO Bons Here weighted average of Ranu is more than weighted average of Revi eo Rahul will Bo oreleredinrenking. Some Important Results 4. Average cf frst ten natural Number is $2494.10 98 ogg 10 10 2. Average of first ten whole Number is O+te243e 9 45 =S eas 10 10 3. The average of first ten even number is 2444 Bt oninrieindd 110 10 10 4. The average of first 10 odd number is 14345¢. 19100 10 Sage ‘Average of est ten prime number Ia 24945674192 13417 419425429 ih anil 19 | -Ba129 6. Tho average ct frat ton composite number is: 44843494104 12414418 + 16018 70 a: The average of frst ten odd Z Prime t umber 325474119 13417+1342942043 2 +31 30 | © Reasoning Aptitugs ~~ —— Nn Scanned by CamScanner ie -.._ ~ MADE Ls, sum of n natural numbers galt 2+344t ot Sg 9, Sum of squares of frst Natural num, Ga te Bt Pht? ; a(n )fen+ 1) a) 40, Sum of cubes of first n natural number, Sa12 4 224 + Bt? -{s 2 11, Sum of first n odd natural numbers S 214345400. (20-1) sant 12, Sum of first n even natural numbers $-2+4464..20 anit tenon Cy Solved Example 1. The average age cf 24 students an! Principals 15 years. When the principalse? 's excluded, the average age decreest!? 7 Year. What is the age of principe? ae (0) 40 © @ 2 (d) Data inacoo ‘Ans, (0) Avotage age of 24 students = LTO! ages of 24 students 24 = 14 = SUMO! ages of 24 students 24 TT wars a a © c ~ WOFdPFeSS. COM, + Sum of ages of 24 students = 24514 = 336 years Let tne Age of princioal be 2 year ‘Then, average age of 24 students and the oecivel = SUT of ages of 24 studen: 25 & principal 595 = 25% 15-306 = 39 years 2. The average weight of 3 men A, B anc Cis 844g, Anotner man Dioirs the groun ana the average now decomes 80 4g. Fanctrer man E wrese weigrt is 34g more than that of D. rsolaces A ten the average weight of 8.0.0 and E cecomes 78 «g. The weight of A's (@) 70g. (©) 72g. (©) 795g. (@) 78g ‘Ans. (c) Sum of weignt of A.B ang = 3 x64 = 252 «g Sum of weights of A,B, C and D = 480 =3204g weight of D = 320-252 = 66 kg weight of € = 68 +3= 714g Now, cum of weigntof A, 8. C.D anc E = 020 +71 =991Kg sum of weight of B.C, and E 24x78 =3126g +. weight of A = 991-912 = 79g 3 ofAB 3. Three years ago, the average age and © was 27 years and trat of B and C, 5 years ago was 20 years AS present age is? (@) soyexs oe ited (2) 46 years ‘Ans. (C) in here yous The sum of ages of A.B and ago = 27 x3 = 81 years Present sum of ages of A, Bana =O1e3n5s DO years Sum ct ages of B ana, 5 years aga = 2x2 = 40 yeas Present sum of ages of @ ang ¢ 24 +2%5 = 50 years A8 Present age = 50-50 = 49 years Viiay Terculkar nes certain average for 9 innings. In the tenth inning, re scores 100 runs therety increasing nis average cy Bruns. His rew average ig @a (0) 28 Ow ® Ans. (c) From (i) an (i) we get 10 (x +8) =O+ 100 ee yae8ao8 Tre average of the frst five mutes of 7's @ a (b) 21 ©) 2B (@) 0 ‘Ans. (b) First five mutties of seven are 7, 14,21, 28,35 7 average of first five muttoies of 7 70+2+3 The average age cf 2 faruly of € memoers's 22 years. f the age of the ycungest member 7 tr te be 7 years, wnat was tre average age oF tamiy at me bit of the youngest Te7Ee”? a 5 © 6 ga io 2 ‘Ars. (b) Present sum of ages of fariy Temeer 26 x22 = 12 years n MADE EASY Scanned by CamScanner '* Reasoning & Apttice at x & Aeiage seh ok aun ot Hany ana VA AN wyeas ne He at the tN OH a 6S ae ae ae Ave enter = yeas P Par avenage aed Romans od cytinntto® se icommenty “veer tuner navman ave vee's ant aS years are siositited bY ME wre Shute wee ge NEMO ws was es we Ans (a) Let he mmage age of pers IN the Sorematee De yee Late Gt AAT MNOWOTOT BEN VERE Derg af aes BOUNCE NG neraga Sad ss yes ORGS ar-Wer agen. veg Ses i” $ etre teeae Ber wo va86 2. aNBIAgE AGE OF NAO MEME « S casyees 8 TNesgeed ot the rain 9 gong hom Nagour weAranat's 1D; wre wren cam acs hom Alanabas Bo Nagour epee 1STamy Find be average speRtaimng he roe cues @ a O18 we ans (a) Let the cistancs benwees Alanatad ant Nagou be ek> Treaverage seed «§ — 28 Scanned by CamScanner MAD Ly, 10081199 karvh so Noto Average geod Total Taka! tone tthe the average WOIMOLA CLASS OF 29 stdin vg AD Ag TE Me WIGAE OF {Me teaches by vretintod, the average ses by SOO gM Wg ie toe woght of the teacher? (a ashy ©) 050 ©) oe (2) S849) Ans (i) Sum of Weight of 2B shudtonts: = Ax = 1160 kg Lot the wight of the teacher be vag. thes Her dorose tS WHOS SS ved SxIO=1160 = 1245-1160 The average of 3 numbers ig 17 and that? the hist two iS 18. Find the third number @ ts @) 8 oO oe Ans. (a) Sum of $number = 3x17 = St SUM of the fret wo membors= 2s 16 = 2 2. The third member = 51-32 = 19 Theage of Mita ant Poot inthe rave? & After $ ywars, the rate of ther ages will Decome 6 8 Find the average af Mer AES atter 10 years @ wns er on Ans (a) Lot ine presentage ot Mita: anid ana Be N and & years eseCIVEl, paasveany 285 5 SSS are TE Ge eH ser 2 We MADE EASY Mann 6a 0 abe war we Ane (i! Mar mogpguirsmahboob. "Average 4 1 rat Gwen, na Ztitlers2t re Seres Loree Present ages ave 1 and 3 years Sn=xe2 ° * ten years, their ages will be 17 and 14 The a ~~ and 13 The average ater cluding the next two + Average of their ages _ ° eEEIt Ort 2 eee Derederes ~ « tidied erey — 3. 12 years , Bx+3eni2+3 12. Find the average of tne first 97 natural =e “ wre Hence tre average increases by 1 (b) er a . 15. The average of 50 numoer ig 38. It wo a numbers, namely, 45 and 55 are discarded Sum of frstn natural numbers ang omannanmossn ( ©) 7 _ nary) Bae ae “ ‘Ans. (4) Sum of 50 numbers Sum of the first 97 natural members 7 =2 (7*9 . arsa 4753 2 Their a melee verage = TP «49 13. Find the average of all prime numbers ‘between 30 and 50. 16. Average marks obtained by a student in (2) 208 ©) 388 3 papers is 52 anc in the fourth paper ne (©) 378 (0) 418 obtains 60 marks. Find his new average. Ans, (a) (a) 54 (o) 52 ‘The prime number between 30 and 60 are (0) &% ( 535 31, 37, 41, 43, 47 ‘Ans. (a) 2. Their average 3x52+50_ 6, ‘The new average = 1437441443447 2.8 $ ‘17. The average weight of 5 men is decreasea 14, The average ofS consecutive number isn. yg wrenone of them weigring 1809's the next two numbers are also included. the replaced by anotne: person Find the weight average will of the new person? (@) increase by 1 () remain the same (@) 165 e is (©) increase by 1.4 (d) increase by 2 © i ern consec, 0 of S men be x Kg sofx,x+1 Let the average weight Seer ail before replacement of one person x4 2x¢3,andxe4 33 © Reasoning & Aptitude | MADE EASY Scanned by CamScanner *, ‘Pama ate S26 E88 thet way Also Letme weigrtct new person bes 4g tne rate of 70 «7 DE” NOU Find the » ga St- 150 ry speed for the JOUMeYS OF the ty, 6 Tew raga Sar compned if t $xnOw" that the distans e ranchito Patna $420 kiometers f (a) G4515K™DN (0) 64 Serge : (0) 3.82347" (2) E482 kgm i 18. The average age of 2 grove ct men is Ans. (a) = "24800 Dy 5 yea’s wren ape'so aged 18 The average speed Yea's replaced oy anew person of age 38 420 _ 2x60x70 84 Sars How Many en are there in ne group? 2x40, 2x60x70 _ B40 ie by 4 en er) 2 c) 5 io) 6 0 70 Po Ans. (0) =64.615 «moh a Let iners den men n the group and tne erage a8 ofthe Grou Dex years belore 21. Out of twee numbers, the fist is wee ne » feta second andttivee times the thea, The average, le of tne three numibvers is 88 The smaiey cs Tren x45= Ao 18 +38 numbers 8 @ 72 (0) 36 - = t+ Sr anes 20 ©) 42 (2) 48 » zns6 Ans. (d) at 19. The average age of the inaian encket team Lette frst rumber be n. en the ovter me ™ Dayng me Nagpur test is 30. The average a z la agectS of ne Dayersis 27 anatnat of anctne TERS NN OS atl e ‘Set of 5 players, totally difterert from the first fre. § 28 tts the captain whe was not included n ener of these twa grouns, then 19d the age of the captain @) (0) 56 () 0 (2) Cannot se determines Ans. (c) Let the age of the captain be x years Tre smatiest number = Sm 144 «4g Then 99 = 2x8+4429«5 1 > 30= 135 +46 145 22. The average we-gntot 6 persons is creased Dy 25 kg wren one ol them: whose weght a + x= 300-280 = 50 years 80 kg W6 replaced by a new man, then the ‘weight of the new man is 20. Abus goes to Ranchi trom Patna at he rate () ig ©) 78g 11 80.4 per now Another Dus leaves Ranchi (©) 7ekg (@) eng 34 | © Reasoning Aptitude MADE EASY Scanned by CamScanner MADE EASY Ans. (a) Let the avorage wi. be xkg ketorereolacement Let the wt. of new men be y xg Then, x42. = 5*~50+y 6 = 6r415=6x-50+y = y=65 23. The average age of three boys is 15 years. Ii their ages are in the ratio 3:5 7, the age of the youngest boy is (@) 21 years (c) 15 years Ans. (d) Let the ages be Sc, Sx and 7x years, Then, 15= Srseeke {b) 18 years (6) 9years = 15 =5x, the age of youngest boy x=3 x9=9years 24. Il a, b,c, d and e are five consecutive odd numbers, then their average is (a) Sa+b) (b) (abcde)/S () Sla+b+c+d+d+e) (0) None of these Ans. (4) Average = arlarar(ard+(ar6)+(a+8) 5 5a+20 Ee ward 25, The average of first five multiples of 3 is @) 3 ©) 9 () 12 © 6 Ans. (b) gi42+3+d45) _ 9X15 averages class of 30 students avorage weight ofa * ue kg. It, however. the weight of the teacher =9 MADE EASY Scanned by CamScanner 27. 26. *Avorage | 36 's included, the average become 41 xg. The Weight of the teacher is (a) 31kg () 62kg (0) 71 kg (0) 70kg Ans(c) Let the wt. of teacher bex kg Then, 41= 4030+ at = r=41x31-1200 = 1271-1200 = 71g The average weight ol ascnool of 49teachars is 80 kg. If, however. the weght of he Principle be included, the average decreases by 14g. What is the weight ofthe principie? @) 109kg @) 2349 (©) S9kg (2) None of these Ans. (0) Lot tho woight of principle be x kg an, 79 = 40X804 ai =9 x= 79x41-3200 = 3230-3200 = 39 kg The average temperature of 1%, 2” 3° December was 24.4°C. The average temperature ol the first two days was 24°C. The temperature on the 3401 December was (@) 2c (0)250 (@ 20 (@)None of nese Ans. (c) Let the temp. on 3” of December be x C. Then 2442 282424 252° The average of 20 results is $0 anc that of ‘30 more results is 20. For all the results taken togetner, the average © @ 3 (0) 90 () 12 () 24 +» Reasoning & Aptitude yoursmahboob. 38 | * Average Ans. (¢) The required average = 230450426 2009 50 50 20. The average temperature on Monday, Tuescay and Wednesday was 41°C and on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday it wes 40°C, fon Thursday i was exactly 39°, hen on Monday, the temperature wos (a) ec © ae Ans. (a) ‘The s.mol temp. 07 Tuescay ano Wednessay =9x40-39=81°C The cum of tomp. on Monday, Tuesday and Weanescay = 3 x41 = 123 Then temp, on Monday wil’ 123-31 = 42°C (©) 6c @ zo Average Practice Exercise: | 1. The daily earnings of a taxi driver during a week are : Rs. 60, Ro. 65, Rs. 70, Rs. 52.50, Fis. 03, Rs. 73 and Rs. 68. Whetis his average: daily earing fer the week? (a) Rs 7450 [b) R64.50 (c) Re 6450 (¢) Rs6450 2 Theaveragec! 1Onumoersis?. What wil be the new average it each cf te rumbe's is ‘multiplied by &? (a) 48 (by) sz () 8 @) 3. There ate 35 students in a hostel it the number of studeris increasea by 7 the experses ol the mess were increased 96 | * Reasoning & Aptitude Scanned by CamScanner MADE As, by As. 42 per cay while the ave, expenditure per head diminished by rs Find the original expenditure ofthe mass (@) Fs. 480 (0) Rs. 440 (© Fs 520 (3) Rs. 420 ‘An aeroplane Wravels distances 2500 ky, 1200 km and 600 km at the rate ct 500 en 400 keri and 250 KT ressectivaly The average speed cf the aeroplane is (@) 420k (b) 4104mm (0) 405 kmihr (6) 875kmimr Tho avotage weight o! 24 students of section Ac a class is 58 kg whereas the averags weight of 25 students of section of ine same class is 60.5 kg. Find the average ‘weight ofall the 60 students of tne cless, @) s74K9 (©) 599 «9 () 86.949 (0) 597k ‘The average age of 5 members is 21 years {ie age of the youngest member te § year, find the average age of the family atine sein of the younges! momber (@) 24 years (©) 25 years ©) 20years (@) 2B years Tho average monthly salary of a stall of 9 persons is is. 2450. One member of the Stafl whose monthly salary is Re. 2660 8 ansterted. Fird the average sary of 2 Femaining 6 persons of the siaft (a) Fe. 2405 (0) Rs 225 (o Rs anes (0) As. 2805 The average of ive consecutive oven numbers starting with 4 ‘a5 7 fe) 8 7S 3 yoars age the average age of a temi'y of ‘Smembers was 17 yaa's, Witt the Bvt of a New baby the average remainsthe same aver {oday Find the age of ie baby, MADE EASY Mace EASY O85 ara 3 Wratisn feradev: (oar os 12, Tre eum perween ts etwoon se secuna ur @x OB 1. Anumoe’ 6 7.thare andy 6 @) 8 ©@ 18.06 2penere 2 years Weed 0 eng oheR SLIT 6 regs up See antag YEP Ee, Sere co ee en ne GE a ar a, of t “ PY NOD LMS: 6 8 POA E RGAE BT To ntt V8 OPEL ONS BS EN Ym LEN ON at ae « 2 bres tie ~ haa WOOT MO bt a, hin, Zhe ti, Cara Sa ED 0 aera ped 16 RO ete OF Wie Onis Wr rawr: OPAL ANB MONS NODE OES MOLE LNB AS WSLS BS! 6, Fae * 4 4 warag up EOE OE a pets wer EE Te ps 6 Tk PAC GAL OE eemesviy #S ve Gp SOD LT er rae wages pee WM EET Scanned by CamScanner er gs Bor nT weweige winner) Os mrp he DB Oh APL LL TOG NE seen OLB FEED 4 th Vie % % ~ ering 4 MO OMEN 6 tae O48 DA ED, Hel aes OA, BMA penn payge see OME MON Ty OHO Made, v0 LNs 489 “peg wr LK wtorgs 4 0, aoe DIAS M0 Bttrigs ange 4 ‘o eW tt wee, 4-4 4 Amys be QA bbe am ane, CL tm FOR cae M8 WIG AE SRG RH aE Ye Marin DA Fen rirsg. «bn ares a 24% +44 AW YTD 1a Ft MOLNAR GIA DT 7 oe MAG WB ALES worng er, ae the & eras WA 8 ere eae, TA A cent, EE NAAT PE SMO SCRE A MEAD areas aire wecinen, we. % OB OREO MEDS US BAL Ti UBB 1 $taes NAR TOTO OO TE GEE CBEST Pe 6 meets & IMD _ oe ee owe yoursmahboob.wordpress.cgm 3 © Average 22. The average O tac aoces to mesma e Demeer Te WT Des DECOTES sate nuczer s 2 © '5) Be x 2 en average speed of 5 or Soin .nes. The wal Tey $ a oe fo) am ic) PK oan 25. 8 compet € ea7 nator Te average wares cotated was 45 |: was ater oscovered Tat mere was some ero 7 erzato7 aca tre mares of 90 carordaies Nac to be cranges tom 80% 50 some aerage came own et~as The tetat 70 of canc ates wno acpesres > earns ¢ 2) 520 0 ) 60 '3) 525 28 Anan weve bow ag average 5°2 4tanas S wceets ty 26-76 ana erty decreases na average 6704 Tre number of wcware, tana Oy" Deter Ms ast mates 2 " 3) 72 a 27. Tree were 36 sucess > a nose! te Pubes of stunents nevease oy 7 me 2 * Reasonng& Aptnuge nen eee Scanned by CamScanner Of re rree umoers, second s tw taro sasorrcemered ‘res of the ree rurbers 6 44 oroes 2) 28 Os © 7% me Tre average age tacormtee sf Bmerset s40yeas A member agec $5 years erst and ne was replaced by a neTber ages ears The average age of the crete comm nae @ 32 yers (©) 38 years 2) Xyeas (@) 38 yea Solutions Ans. (c) Tarai eae ng tor 7 cays = Rs (60-65+79+8250+83+73+8 Pe 45050 Average a2 02mg 45159 Ars (c) The average ct *2-unper =7 Total oF SS mubore = 22 x7 mAs =F 6450 y we wraursmahheob, Numbers is multiplied by 8 = 70 x8 = 560 56 0 758 = New average 3. Ans. (d) Let the original exoenditure = Rs. x Original average expenditure = x +42 Now average expenditure == +4 Average age of 4 members 5 years ay, Ans. (a) Average salary of 9 persons = As 2450 Total salary of 9 persons = Rs, 2450 x9 = As. 22050 Total salary of the person wno is traneferred = Rs, 2650 ‘Thus, the total salary of remaining 8 persons is. 22050 - 2650 = Fis. 19400 x44? The average salary of the remainin a ag 8 persons . pe eee 2 On = iginal expenditure = Rs. 420 aii tot — 4. Ans. (a) The total time taken can be caloulted as © ANS. (6) showilbalog: 2 five even consecutive numbers are 4.8,8, 10.and 12 Distance | Speed _| Time | Thel everage 2500 km | 500 knvhr | S hrs. pAtOeBeI0412 402g 200 km _| 400 km/hr | Sars. 5 Sook | 20 toni | ena oge ot Stnber Total 4200 km onrs. EE aston = 100 years. Average speed = <2 = 420 km/hr, Present age of 5 members and a baby = 17 x6 = 102 years. 5. Ans. (b) + Ageo! the baby = (102—100)y1s = 2 years. 24 x58+26%60.5 Average weight = === 10. Ans. (a) Sum of fist nie numbers + sum of last nine = 5 s9.3Kg number = 105 x 9+11.4x9 x =21.9x9 = 197.1 Hence, the middle number 6. Ans. (c) 2197.1 -17x109 Total age of 5 members = 21 x5 = 105 year Total age of 4 members at the birth of the younger member, that is, § years £90 2105 - (5 x5) = 80 yoars Before the birth of the youngest member, the family consisted of only 4 members. MADE EASY Scanned by CamScanner 1. = 197.1 -1853= 118. ‘Ans. (b) ‘Average score betore 17thinnings =85-3x17=34 ‘3, Average scare after 17th innings =34+3=97. x» ‘* Reasoning & Aptitude 40 Average 12. Ane. (a) Wis given that A.B = 2:SandB.C=5°8 CombinedratiootA B.Cwillte 10.15 24 Since A+ B+ C= a8 therelore A = 20 8=20 C=48 "Note: Piease refer Ratio & Proportion to ‘ind out Combined atiool three numbers 19. Ans, (¢) StT+i4ty, Average 05,7, dang yx FTA Sa74idty Wis owen nat, x = 80% of “~741+y = 82,284y “106 4 ty a ‘Aiso “pt =e iy From (and (i), we get Sr -y = 26 wy sty a52 (iv) Solving 11) & (iv) we gety = 39 14 Ans. (c) Let te teintal!on Wednesday be x om so that on the oie 6 days, the iota is also.» Sines average raintal for no week = 3 ern 4 e4=3x7 0,2 =105om 18. Ans. (0) Lat the average age of 8 men be x years <. Sum ol the ages 01 8 men = Br years Now, according to the conaition of the ueston. average age of 6 men +2 woman) 2+ 2) years “+ Sum Of he ages 01 (6 men + 2 women) =O 62) ~ Be + 18 yoars 40 | * Reasoning &Aptiude Scanned by CamScanner MADE 1, Honco, tis clea’ that on replacing two mg, by two women, sum Of the AYES IMer629 by 16 years Tonia, nel 4905 of twa wornen = (20+ 24) + 16 = 60 years Average age of wo women ~ 2 coy 16, Ans. (b) Total cistence covere Fer slime than 100 +100 +100 > 700, Too, 100 = 983k 30 * 40 * 50 17. Ans. (¢) Wegnt of D = (80 x4 ~ 84 x3) kg = 68 kg Weight ol E = (68 + 3) kg = 71 kg (B+C +0 +5) Weight (79 x4}kg = 316 kg “(BACYe weight = (916-168 + 77))kg T7kg Hence, Als weight = (84 <3)-177}kg = 75kg 18, Ans. (d) 90 by option 19. Ans. (a) Correct average 20, Ans. (a) Lelthe number ct candidates who passed «2 Then, 89 xx +15 x(120~ 2) «120 x35 ++ Bde = 4200—1800 2400 O52 SR x= 100, 21. Ans. (a) Total dectease = (20 x2) montns ee MADE EASY ’ 24. An le 25.8 a ““ % — *Avorago ) a4 = 8 years 4 months eee 4+ Age oF the ne ew boy = 18 yeers. Mes “Syears Reduced average = 458=2700 = 14 years 8 months > 22. Ans. (d) Letine nator bexanay.s ey ON + ya 124; 0%, dO = 454-2709 Eh years = 5r=27000,1= 540 co. 2 26. Ans. (a) ving above ecuations, Let the n 112 get LUmbe" oF wick ye 84,5 = 40, a Ketamine els taken betore the 23. Ans. (0) Total run sco afer at mah Let daily wages et = = 12x +26 Thon, dally wages ot A 2x Ar etraterevaagswekoaty0 sre = come 12 Feneny Wades of B = x 40 Thon ota run soored c8, average Cail nt Age Cally wages ot A, B and = Average xNumber of wiokets taken = SHert dO ae a0 = 12x45) 3 3 1261426 = 128460 > Ody 04 120 oF, 4x4 40= 380 => x=85 i 27. Ans. (b) = 4r=320 or, x=80 ‘Suppose the average expenditure was Wages o! A per day = 2 x80 = Rs. 160, Ais. x, Then, toial expenaiture = 35¢ 24, Ans. (c) When 7 more students ain the mess, ictal expenciture = 36x + 42 Let the - iio Now toaverage expenditure = Sx 42 _ 36x +42 4-2-2 3847 | S5n442 i Set Now, we have S482 3x04 = 25980 79) ‘Thus , the original expenditure of the mess } saa 35m12= Rs. 420 j 25. Ans. (¢) } Letine number of candidates bex, Tren. total 28. Ans. (c) f marks obtained by all the candidates = 45 Let tre number be n= 1,nandin+4 i larks reduced for 90 candidates Their average =" } 4 90 = 2700 Next two consecutive numbers aren + Zand } ie n+3 i Total reduced marks = 48x ~2700 ‘© Reasoning & Aptitude | 41 MADE EASY Scanned by CamScanner © Average a | Therefore, the average of five number » ene(o+de(nt2)+10+3) 5 ot ie § 29. Ans. (c) 2 Let tne sumoer be x 2x, 3° rare z+ Average = Scanned by CamScanner 44x9 vate rr iia So, the numbors are 36, 72 an Hence, the largest one is 72 Ans. (b) New average of tho commiteo(e = 8%40-55 +39 | 320-15 8 “8 = 38 years me ~*~ Ratio & Proportion Ratio For example A ratio is a comparison of two quantities by zo 4 Givisicn. It is a ratation tnat one quantity bears to F 72g 8 Called the cupicate ratio ot 2 smother with respect to magnitude. Incther words ° tate means whal part one quantty eet nove, 2. Triplicate Ratio: The rato ot the cubes o! two The quantity may be same kind or different kinds, Humber is called the vipicete ratio of tre tra numbers iaandbaretwo numbers, then the ratio of ato For oxampies, bisa/bor ab and is denoted bya: b, The two 2 8 quantities that are being compared are called B Tag © violate rato ot 2 terms. The first is called antecedent and second ° terms called consequent 3. Sub-duplicate Ratio: The ratioo! tne squer root o worumber's called the suo-duolicate For Example, the ratio § : 8 represent Swith ratio of two numbers for example 2 4 antecedent 5 and consequent 8. 6 ‘sub-duplicate ratio of z sone: 4. Sub-triplicate Ratio: The rato of the cube 1. A ratio is a number, so to find the ratio of roots of two numbers is calied tne sun- two quantities, they must be expressed triplicate ratioof two numbers. ‘nthe same units For example 2. Aratio doesnot changeil bath fits terms are multiplied or divided by the same g is sub-tinicar 1 itme number. Thus, 3.=8 Bec 5. Inverse Ratio or Reciprocal Ratio: "ne © iS antecedent and consequ " Type of Ratios inarchange thei places. the 1. Duplicate Ratio: The ratio of squares of two called the inverse rato OF tne firs number is called the duolicate ratio of the two Thuis ee bethapivea numbers. ‘Reasoning &Aptiude 43 MADE EASY _ Scanned by CamScanner | 44 | © Ratio & Proportion defor bse tits inversn ato, a’b For examplo, 4 ioot 3 3 Sthe inverse ratio of $ 6. Compound Ratio: The ratio! ie productt the antecedent to that of the consequent of {wo O° more given ratio is called the comocund ratio. Thus it a: b and ¢ : dare two given Fallos, (nen ac : bd is the compound ratio of the given ratios, Forexampie ¢ 1:3 sie i be the given ratios, ’ 1x35 _ 15 then their compound ratio is Dean? "Ge 0000 Proportion The equality of two ratios 's called Proportion if ale then a, b, ¢ and d are saic to be in rOportion and we write abie:d This is read as “ais to be as cis tog" 345 For examples, since 3-15 57 pg Me write 3:5 Proportion, 18: 25 and say 3,5, 15, 25 are in a Each term of pe rato F and © is cated a Propotion. a, b, cand are respectively te ts, Second, third and fourth proportional. Here a. are krown as extreme 5 and b.¢ are known as meens, 1 ~ 2 MADE Ea, SOME BASIC FORMULAE UW four quantities are in properign, Product of means = Product of Extemes example, in proportion a : b oxe=axd ©:0, Weng, Means acbi:e:a Extremes From this relation we see that it any tieeg the four quantities are given, the fourth ey. be determined, Fourth Proportional Ha-b-:¢;.x,xiscalled the fourth prooaton ofa. b,c, Wenave, 2 = o y= bxe bx a Thus, fourth proportional ofa, b,c. is me Example: Find tne fourth proportional toe Numbers 3,8, 6 Solution: Let be ine tourt proportional, te 9:8: 6:r0r 328 a"5 xn OXB lig Third Proportional "a:b: xlS.called the tied proportoral ota,b Worave 2=8 or xa Thus, third proportional of a, b is z Example: Find a third proportional to the numbers 3,6 44 | © Reasoning a apuuce Scanned by CamScanner MADE EASY MADE 4. Moar Waa Prope We he ——~yeursmahboob. wordpress Gail, ie Solution: If third 3:6:6.5 a Proportional is x then So xs = 19 3 4. Mean Proportional Wazx::x:b,xis called the moan oF second Sroportional of a, b Weave, 2 = ox? -ab xb x= Jab Mean proportional of a and b is Jab We also say thet , x, b are in continued Proportion Example: Find the mean proportional between 4 and 64. ‘Solution: Let be the mean proportional Then 4:x5x. 640r 4 x 2 se = 4x64, x= 16 - or x? 4x64 alc 5. Ht 2 2Sthen bod atb_ c+! bd © (componendo) oe idendo) =" @ividendo) c+d c-d (Componendo and Dividendo) Example: The sum of two number is ¢ and their quotient is P/Q . Find the number. Solution: let the number be x, y 0) Partnership Torun a business or any Organization we need: 1 ave partnerships, There are two types of Dartners, 1. Working Partner: ‘Those partners Who invest Cf organization are called working partners 2. Sleeping Pariners: Those partiers wno merely invest money and do not invo've in Business afar are callan sleeping pariners Mainly there are four types of conaitions related to distritution of profit in business, (Here we will use following notations, Ratio of Profii =P, P,:P5... P, Ratio of Capital invested = C, °C): Cy... :C, Ratio of Time period of investments = t,t :t, we) Condition |: When time period of investment is constant then profit of partners will be divided into ratio C,:C,°C,...:C,, where Cy, Cy Cy... C, ate investment of respective partners x1 What willbe ratio of prot f three sartners ‘A,B and C are investing 20000, 45000 land Rs. 60000 for one yaar. Sol: Ratio of profits of A, B and C will be 20000 : 45000: 69000, > 4:9. 12 Ans. dition I wen amount invested is same for different partners but time period is different thon profit will be divided into ratio ot their time invesied Le 45 Given a eeP and ya MADE EASY Scanned by CamScanner ‘© Reasoning & Aptitude | Scanned by CamScanner “—“yoursmahboob. wordpress, GM a Ratio & Proportion —— Dnvide Rs, 600 emong A, B.C and D so that A ano 8 together get thrice as much as © and D together, B gets four umes ct what C gets and C gets 1.5 times as much as D. Now the value of what B ge's is (a) 30 (0) 75 (€) 125 (d) None of nese Ans. (a) A+B+C+D=500 Here A+B=3(C+D) So AC +D) = 5D C+D. A+B = 375 also Bsa andc + =15D C+D= 10 25D= 12 O=s0CH75 . B-m 2. if 6x2 + 6)2 = 13xy, what is the ratio of xtoy? (a) 2:3 {b) 3:2 (0) 4:5 1:2 ‘Ans, (a) and (b) both 6x2 + 6)? = 18xy Here using options (a) and (b) will satisty the given condition xiy=2:3 3. It4exeminars can examine a certeinnumber of answer books in € days by worsng "ours a day, for how many hours a day would 2 ‘examiners have to work in order to examine twice the number of answer books in 20 days. Ans. (c) Man. Day. Hour = constant > 4x8 x5 = 160 = Man. day how = 160 x 2 (twice as carer) 2x20.xn = 160 x2 A In mixture of 40 itres, tne ratio of mik and water is 4:1. Howmucn water must be added fo this mature 80 that the rate ot mik and water becomes 2: 3 (a) 20 lites () 32ites (©) 40ttres (9) 20itres Ans. (c) Lot water isx 4xcx = mile water 82-8 = 4k. x(since toIat 40 iters} 322 Now 3 22 eo 40 tre sae es If three numbers are in the ratio of 1 2.3 and halt the sums 18, then theralioof squares of the numbers is, (@) 6:12:13 (by 1224 (©) 96.144 324 (a) None of nese. Ans.{c) Let numbers are x: 2x. Seaiso itis given that 1 ple 2x43x) = 18 pir 2e+3) Gx =96.x=6 6:12:18 ratio! squares 36: 144 324: cralso 1:4 9 The ratio between two numbers is 3. 4 and their LCM is 180, The tist number is @ 0 (o) 5 (9) 15 2 Ans. (0) Lot number are rand Gy dr = HOF x 180 leery HGF will De x. 12? =x x 180. ‘fumbers willbe 45 : 60 @ 6 (0) 7% © 8 os MADE EASY $e Scanned by CamScanner ‘© Reasoning & Aptiuce | 47 — | * Ratio & Proportion Note: If there are two numbers Ny, & N then Ny XN = HOF of (N,N) xLEM of (Ny, NA) The incomes of A and B are in the ratio 3 : 2 and inelr expenditures are inthe ralio5 3. I each saves RS, 1C00, then, A's income is (@) Rs. 3000 (b) As. 4900 (©) Fs. 6000 (9) Rs. 9000 Ans.(c) Let incomes are Sr 2 expenditures are 5p: ay then r- Gy = 1000 i) also 2-3y = 1000 ® from (i) and (i) we get 6x ~10y = 2000 + 6r-9y = 3000 ‘Xs income is 6000 Hine ratio of sines of angles of a triangles is 1542 YB. tnen the ratio of square of its greatest side to sum of the squares of other two sicos ie (@) 3:4 (bo) 2:4 () 1:1 (9) Can'tbe determined Ans. (c) MAD, 9. Dwide Rs. 689 among A, Banac. A gets 2/3 of wnat B gets and & g what C gets. Now the snare ofc yp (a) Ps. 480 (0) Rs. 309 (o) Rs. 420 (2) None ot Ans. (a) 680 =A+B+C 2 1 A= 3B andB= 16 ag. 2 = 28.c=4i A= 58.C=48 = 20 +B+08 17, B. B = 120,C = 430 10. The students in three batches at Made Eas, are in the ratio 2. 3: 8. 11 20 students ae increased in each batch, the ratio change a 45:7, The total number of students in he \htee batches before tne increase wore (a) 10 (0) 90 ©) 100 (9) 160 Ans. (c) Lel students are 2x: Sr Sx now ‘According to the given condition 2r +20. 36420: S54 20=4:5.7 x=10 20:30 50=2:9:5 and ater saang 20 SMA: sin B:sinC=1:7 ee 40°50. 70 SinAsingat.4 angie are equal 11. The speeds of mee cats are in the rato So itis arigmt angled triangle Br ee, Ie rate between te ies taken . by bese cars to ravel tne same distance = (@) 2 3-4 fo) 4.3 2 > ©) 4:3:6 643 Ane. (d) Speeds are ntherato2 3 4 S ‘etoot ime van wi be 2.3.4 c B 643 the ABP: (AC + CB) 1:1 9 2g yg 7849 48 | * Reasoning & Aptitude MADE EASY Scanned by CamScanner Any 1 waAL yoursmahboob.wordpress. V2. Alii aircrew » Ate ay ere Lat yy both the numerate: AN) denayminaton, a thacton change to V4 bd the onynattaction wa ery Rs @ as Ans. (0) ve vera AVE SBN dee Peay ONIN y © 298 satishes the given condition 18. The aitteronce Dehyeen Myo positive NUNES v8.10 and the ratio berween them is 8.3 Find the product of the ho numbers ay 378 wor tts wy ars (a) 125 Ans (a) vow = 10 0 vye5S3 Ww vey Bt w according to (and (11) St= t= 10 1-10, td ym 26ya 18 Product of two numbers « 375 14, The present ratio of ages of A and Bs 45. 18 years ago. this ratio was 11 16 Find the sum total of thet presant ages (a) 90 yoars (b) 105 yours ©) Moyears (a) BO yours Ans. (a) Lot ages are ar Sy thon itis given that 4x-18 11 ox-18 16 Gay ~ 268 = S5x- 198 Qe = 90,12 10 Ages ara 40 and 80 sum = 90 ein tho tatio 1:9: 4: Fadd up ber 15 Four mur of 105, Find he val OMe to give a sum of biggest number 2 @ @ (0) 98 © 49 © MADE LASY Scanned by CamScanner © Hattie & ney ” om Ana (e) wae ae fe 0 10 mbes as Ve dee tee tye to TV HOD Vs fee aa 46.1 the rat oF he ages of Maya and Chana '86 Sat pweontand ttoen yous tom nae the ratio wil get changed we & twey Hint Mayas present age (@) 24 yous OY Wyews ©) Wea (Adyar. Ans (b) Lot thew ages age Bi fv thon, Wie wet mat Bviis 9 svete” 8 4a DD a dB. 4 15, dee Ive By dye W Maya age 18 30 yours 12, IH 8818 vided among 180 olvkte such that each gv and each boy gobs “9 pana 0p rwspoctivay Then new many itl ave here ws wo © o we Ans. (0) Lot he numberof gels and boys ate «andy thon 0.20 1 Ore Be 0 a vey ety w from (i) uid GH) we get Ode eye MG yew et) $0, Ory ald we BR trabutot aang thee ee at monmey Ue t8 HoT banana we monkoys inthe it ue jaye py 1a yu (to fe Heanoning 8 Aputte | _ kguesmahboob. Ratio & Propottior Ans. (a) Te 6 234 Bananas are in ratio Gx Bx 9X is given that 6x + G+ Ox=391 Pr = 391, x17 {st monkey get 102 bananas Ans. (ch ‘ee Letnumbor are Sx and Bx then tig 549 8 ' aso 11 4" Sor + 9 = Oar + 72 : BeGxed Number are: 15 and 24 a Wa varies as y, andy = 7 when x 19. A mixture contains milk and wator in the ratio whens 21 5-1 On adding 5 hives of water the ratio of (o) % (h) 4 milk to water becornes 2 The quantty of 72 @) 6 2.he ilk in the mixture 1 ae (By * (a) i6les (0) 25 hives, “ proportional te + we (6) 825 \ies (6) 22.75 res 60 xeky “ Ans. (b) wom & milk end water ara Sx t1 : Let milk and water are Sx & . ee C Now Sa So tor ee 25 @ z ee Now = Brat asa = ee Melee 23. A vaties pantly as Band ©. and A = 6 une 20, Vijay has coins of the cenomination of Fe. ¢. B=3.C=2 tnd AwhenB= 5,627 fe 500 and 25 p in the ratio of 12 10.7. The airs (0) 36 {otal worth of the coins he has in As. 76. Find, &) 70 ty 106 2 the number of 25 9 coins inet Viay has ‘Ans (b) n a) () 72 Let A = HBC) thor (©) © (3) Noneot G =13.2) Ans. (d) . 8, k= tthen Coins are 12r 108: 7x A= (86) if = 1x(5 x7) = 36 tts given mat 12+ 10rx 1424 2 75 ata 24.11 x vanes as y directly. and as 2 inversely SOx+2n+t Bnd r= 14, when y = 10, fed ¢ when r= 49. Ors ant Te ees te Tox 24 475,204 (a) 14/10 4 (0) 10 21. Ntwonumbere are inthe retical § Bandi fe) 194 Be added 19 each, the ratio becomes (8) Canna ne determines 2 8:11. Now tind the lower number Ans. (d) (a) 5 ©) 19 © 5 (3) None of ese Fey ere wa 50 | @ Reasoning & Aptitude _ ce Lae LTTE Ne Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner MADE Ey, $2 | © Ratios Proportion 7 ——— = Manin A the ratio ol alcohol to water Deccre, 4 that betwoon the second and third be 7 9 Fe quanttyot alcohol ne mines trantra tied umber @ ‘Bites (©) 42 tes 6 Ame (4 () € (e) 26l0res (2) None ol raeg on o% (4) None 0! eee 12, The atio betnoen mo number's 2.3 Hteacn ‘rumbar'sincreaced by 4, he ato becomes Solutions » 8:7 The number are 4. Ans. (b) @) 8,16 (e) 16.24 Letxbe the fourth proportional, shen . @) 26,92 {¢) None of those 630 a 60:48:98:xor 2-8 13. The ratio of present agos of Suresh and Bx cee Mahesh 75. taltor8 years tne ages wi cpa 30798 _ 04 = be 1 the ratio of 4:3, the present age ct te Mahoon an 2 Ans. (a) @) S2years (0) 36yoars © ‘xe the thitd proportional, then ©) years (0) Nene of nese Ease ee 8 Aw | 14, Two numbers ae nine ratinctS:7 11 25be 42d2ia2ixor Bae ‘subtracted trom ec, they are inthe ratio ot e ea 35:59 Finathe cterence ofthe wonumibers or BHR gy Toes oe (e) 82 - i (©) 24 (6) Nonect nese 3. Ans. (a) re Lot consequent be 18. The valuo of k that must be added to " 7, 16,43, 7980 that ey stein ropotion ig ten 1. 8 7 5 we ee wo (8) None of tnese ‘+ Consequentx = 70, 16. Tne number that must be added to each of 4. Ans. (b) : the numbers 8, 21, 19 ane 31 to make the Let be the mean proportional. Then, a ‘aloof ral two numbers equal othe ratic of O25 xr: 004 poy \ast tworumbsr ig al om is o7 ie Sore : os (@) None ot these @ 200 ~ 17. The incomes of A and B ate in he rates. 2 ‘ ae04 i and thei expenditures in te ratio $3.1 5. Ang st commun nino o ‘ (@) Rs S000 (©) Rs 6000) ‘estar waene ura be G8 = ely this (©) F8.8000 (6) None meee Beet Oven tat 18. A mature contains alcohol and waler in the > 2-60 Jato 01 12. §. On acaing 14 ites of water SoWst ruber ae = 189 402240 wat Wee MADE EASY tere Re Scanned by CamScanner

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