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Company Background

Company Name: San Miguel Hardware 263 Pineda Street, San Jose, San Miguel, Bulacan Hardware and Electrical materials

Mission: To expand our branch outside of Bulacan to be able to compete with other leading hardware stores, and to be able to help the people who needs our service. Vision: Our vision for the company is to be the one of the greatest supplier of every construction materials in the province of Bulacan. Company History: The hardware was founded by Nicanor Garcia who had gained experienced in working as a purchaser in a hardware owned by his uncle. Years later, he met Agueda Libunao and married her. Together they build San Miguel Hardware in 1958 as a source of income for their family. As one of the hardware at that time, it began to grow and expand. Until now, it is one of the top hardware in San Miguel and it hopes to continue its legacy through their children and grandchildren.

Products and Services: o o o o Dealer of electrical supplies Pipes and other plumbing materials Paints and Adhesives Construction materials and many more

Number of Customers: 250-350 customers per day

Number of Transactions: San Miguel Inventory System 1 of 29

200-300 transactions per day

Organizational Chart as of August 2011:

Nenita Garcia (CEO) Elisa Garcia (Decisions Manager) Amalia Garcia (Finance Manager) Hardware Assitant Hardware Assistant Hardware Assistant Warehouse Assistant Warehouse Assistant Alicia Garcia (Warehouse Manager)


Organizing for Improvement


To prevent slow business transactions, human errors and make the goals of the company closer to reality, the gang proposes an automated inventory system and a web based sales system. The proposed system brings new innovation for the company as well as faster and more efficient way of serving its customer. The automated inventory system will help transactions in all aspects quicker and will generate better results in all departments of the company. This system is a desktop based system and its aim to improve the existing system by adding features that updates every transaction records, helps in keeping the inventory up to date, lessen the time needed in transactions, generate sales reports, generates a list of critical level items, and many more . The web based sales system will take the company into new surroundings and elevate the capabilities of the company to higher heights in meeting the companys vision and San Miguel Inventory System 2 of 29

mission. This on the other hand is a web based application which aims to raise and increase the productivity of the company as well as making the company more accessible to different individuals. The primary business processes and operations that we focus on are the sales and purchasing system of the company as well as the supplier and customer information. The group focused on the purchasing and sales because it is the heart and soul of a merchandising company. Another basis of these proposals was the problems that are associated with their inventory which cannot manage the growing population of its customers. The team also based its proposal to the number of suppliers the company had which makes it difficult to purchase certain products but with the help of the system it will make the managers job easier to purchase items and goods to the different suppliers. Another user group which they focused on was the customers; many customers are asking for list of products available through phone calls and text messages but with the help of the web based application the company can now help customers by just sending them the link to the companys website to view and order products for pick up and also for faster transactions.


This study was conducted to determine the advantages and disadvantages of having a manual system in inventory of a hardware company. The analysts focused its studies on the purchasing and sales of San Miguel Hardware which evolves in obtaining suppliers information, obtaining customers information, obtaining agents information, choosing supplier, made purchase order, receiving supplies, updating inventory, sales reports and sales order; in some parts of the study we did not include the mode of payment in the proposed system. The group also looked into the following: the advantages and disadvantages of a manual inventory system, the effects when we deploy the automated system, the different behavioural patterns that might impact the customers as well as the company. Beyond that scope is not anymore part of this research. This research was conducted only within 5 months; and thus, result may still deemed limited in terms of its scope.

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TERMS AND ACRONYMS 1. OR Official Receipt 2. SMO San Migeul Online Ordering System 3. SMIS San Miguel Inventory System 4. Site Map - s a list of pages of a web site accessible to crawlers or users. It can be either a document in any form used as a planning tool for web design, or a web page that lists the pages on a web site, typically organized in hierarchical fashion. This helps visitors and search engine bots find pages on the site. 5. Functions - are requirements from the end users of the system 6. Features - are ways on how the group can provide the needed functionalities 7. Use Case - in software engineering and systems engineering, is a description of steps or actions between a user (or "actor") and a software system which leads the user towards something useful.[1] The user or actor might be a person or something more abstract, such as an external software system or manual process. 8. Actors - defines the interactions between external actors and the system under consideration to accomplish a goal. An actor specifies a role played by a person or thing when interacting with the system. 9. Database- organized collection of data for one or more purposes, usually in digital form 10. Database Schema - its structure described in a formal language supported by the database management system (DBMS) and refers to the organization of data to create a blueprint of how a database will be constructed (divided into database tables). 11. MPO- Made Purchase Order

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Problem 1. Items sold are not monitored properly

Recommendations Usage of computer capable of recording items sold Each hardware assistant should have a training using the computer. Usage of paper to list the items that was considered sold (backup) With the use of this new system it would be much more reliable in terms of monitoring since it has an update feature. Fax them at their office Constant communication example: exchanging e-mails Having a good database about agents and suppliers. By that you can easily contact them.

2. Goods from the suppliers to be ordered are not estimated accurately

3. Exchange products are not clearly checked

4. Returned objects are not registered again in the inventory

Have an accountable person to go to the factory of the supplier by that he could be able to check the ordered products With the use of a program that can create a draft. Usage of computer that can monitor the returned objects. By that you can update the inventory

5. Loss of merchandise are not accounted

Having an automated at the same time it is updated inventory. By that you can avoid human error

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Design of the Proposed System Use Case of the Proposed System

Proposed Use Case Diagram for the Online Ordering System of San Miguel

Create Account This is a use case for the Customer. Its required to have an account in order to log in and to interact with the system.

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View Products The customer has the ability to view all available products of San Miguel Hardware with this use case. In order to have access to this, the customer must have an online account and has successfully signed into the system. Order Products The customer has the ability to order products that he or she desires from San Miguel Hardware. This Use Case involves no payment whatsoever and is basically an advanced reservation for the product that the customer wants. The customer must be logged into the system successfully in order to access this function. Create Order Report The San Miguel Online Ordering System (SMO) generates an order report as soon as the customer orders the products. The system must be logged into the system in order to generate order reports. Receive Order Report After the SMO generates an order report, it is then sent to the Manager/Administrator of the system and the customer who had previously placed the orders. This is for confirmation of the orders that have been placed. This Use Case cannot function without the SMO having created the Order Report first. Log-in This Use Case is a small function but without it, the entire use case fails. The customer needs to be logged in in order to perform various use cases such as view products, order products, and receive order reports. The same case goes for the SMO which also needs to be logged into the system in order to create order reports. The administrator/manager of the system also needs to be logged in to receive order reports as well. The purpose of this Use Case is to show the relationships between the use cases along with the actors of the system. In this diagram, the user has the ability to create an account, view products online, make orders, and receive an order report created by the San Miguel Online Ordering System (SMO). The order report not only goes to the customer for confirmation of the order, but it also goes to the Administrator/Manager. All functions can only be possible when logged into the system with the exception of the Create Account use case because a customer needs to have an account in order to successfully log into the system. The SMO isnt designed for customers to be able to purchase hardware directly from the website, but is designed for customers to order their desired products using the website at a mediator between transactions. In other words,

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customers use the website to place orders in which San Miguel Hardware may prepare the orders for pick-up for the customers and not delivery to the customers.

Proposed Use Case Diagram for the San Miguel Hardware Inventory System

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Make Purchase Order When an Agent/Supplier comes by on a frequent visit to our company, our managers negotiate with the agents in order to make a decision on which hardware products our company needs more of. The purchase order is given to the Agents who take note of our orders and gives them to our suppliers. Our decisions of our purchase orders rely on the information about our inventory provided by the San Miguel Inventory System (SMIS). Receive Supplies When we receive our ordered supplies, the Managers inspect the incoming supplies while our hardware assistants restock our shelves with new supplies. The received supplies are also updated into our SMIS. Update Inventory The SMIS updates the inventory of everything that comes in our store and leaves our store. This will provide our managers with more accurate decisions when making purchase orders. The SMIS cannot update the inventory without being logged into the system. Check Inventory This Use Case is a function made possible by the SMIS. Since it keeps track of all incoming and outgoing products, the inventory will always be up-todate. The Check Inventory is for use for the managers. It helps the managers make decisions when it comes to making purchase orders because it tells the managers what products the stocks lack and which products run out quickly due to popular demand. In order to check inventory, the Manager must be logged into the system. Sell Hardware Product This Use Case is for the actual sales of the hardware. Managers, and hardware assistants are able to sell hardware product within the store. When products are sold, the information goes into the SMIS, which automatically updates the inventory. Create Sales Report This use case interacts only with the SMIS. Once a sale has been made, the SMIS not only updates the inventory system, but it generates a sales report that keeps track of total profit and total revenue. Receive Sales Report Only the Manager is allowed access to receive the sales report. The SMIS needs to have created the sales report in order for the manager to receive the report.

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Log-In In order for the Manager to access usable features such as Updating inventory, checking inventory, the Manager must be signed into the SMIS. On the other hand, the SMIS also needs to be logged into the system in order to function. The purpose of this Use Case Diagram is to show the relationships between the actors of the San Miguel Hardware Company with its interactions to the inventory system. Unlike the SMO, this system is based off-line. The agents (also suppliers) who make frequent visits to our company lay out their products for our Managers to determine the products needed for the store with the help of the Inventory system (SMIS) which is programmed to automate a list of items low on supply and high on demand. This is possible because the SMIS is designed to interact with the receiving of supplies (incoming) and the sales of supplies (outgoing). This makes it possible for the SMIS to simultaneously update the system on the status of our companys inventory. The manager must be logged into the SMIS in order to check inventory statuses. Not only does it update inventory information, it also generates sales reports in which the Manager can use. The other two actors in this Use Case are the Warehouse Assistants, who help stock incoming supplies when supplies have been received, and the Hardware Assistants, who work on the floor selling products to the customers.

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Functions and Features

Functions Allows the manager to view the inventory.

Features The manager can view the status of each item in-real time with the use of a website. System can generate inventory reports and sales reports

Allows the manager to update the inventory.

The manager can update stocks including the items that were returned, sold and ordered product via website

The system notifies the manager if the item reached the critical level.

The system will be able to inform the manager if the item reached the critical level by highlighting the specific item that has reached critical level and will have a pop-up window to notify. That will work with the use of website

The system can make a draft purchase order to agents.

The system can make a purchase order for the manager for critical level items but will need the managers approval. (via email to the suppliers and text message to the agents

The customers can order online and the business owner can set the date for claiming.

The system is connected via the internet base website where orders can be made. Certain notification will be made by the business owner (via email or text messaging)

The system can make sales reports for further reference.

The system can make a sales report for the manager. Sales report can be set depending on the date specified by the manager.

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Site Map/ Program Hierarchy

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Database Schema

San Miguel Inventory System Database Schema

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Data Dictionary

Sales Table (Sales) This table contains all the information about the sales of San Miguel Hardware Company Field Name SalesNo Field Title Sales No Data Type Numeric Field Size 10 Field Description Unique number assigned to the program for identification of the sales. The number assigned to the program for identification of the customers. This is the date of pick up. The date when you will order. Nullable? (Y/N) No Primary Key Yes Foreign Key No Reference table N/A

Customer ID

Customer ID






Customer Table


Pick up date Order Date

Nvarchar 15 Nvarchar 15










PurchaseOrder Table (Purchase) This table contains all the information about the Purchase of San Miguel Hardware Company Field Name Field Title Data Type Numeric Field Size 10 Field Description Unique number assigned to the program for identification of the purchase. The date of purchase. Nullable? (Y/N) No Primary Key Yes Foreign Key No Reference table N/A

PurchaseOrd Purchase erNo Order No



Nvarchar 10





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Product Order Table (ProductOrdered) This table contains all the information about the Product Ordered of San Miguel Hardware Company Field Name ProductOrde rNo Field Title Product Order No Data Type Numeric Field Size 10 Field Description Unique number assigned to the program for identification of the Product Ordered. The number Assigned to the program for identification of the Sales The number Assigned to the program for identification of the item. The quantity that you will order. The price of ordered goods. Nullable? (Y/N) No Primary Key Yes Foreign Key No Reference table N/A


Sales No






Sales Table


Item Name Id






Inventory Table

QuantityOrd ered Price

Quantity Ordered Price

Nvarchar 10 Nvarchar 15

No No

No No

No No


Product Purchase Table (ProductPurchase) This table contains all the information about the Product Purchased of San Miguel Hardware Company

Field Name ProductPurc haseNo

Field Title Product Purchase No

Data Type Numeric

Field Size 10

Field Description Unique number assigned to the program for identification of the Product Purchased.

Nullable? (Y/N) No

Primary Key Yes

Foreign Key No

Reference table N/A

San Miguel Inventory System 15 of 29

Field Name PurchaseNo

Field Title Purchase No

Data Type Numeric

Field Size 10

Field Description The number Assigned to the program for identification of the Purchase.

Nullable? (Y/N) No

Primary Key No

Foreign Key Yes

Reference table Purchase Table

ItemSupplier ID

Item Supplier Id



QuantityPur chase

Quantity Purchase

Nvarchar 10

The number No Assigned to the program for identification of the items of the supplier. The quantity that No you will purchase.



Item Supplier Table




Item Supplier Table (ItemSupplier) This table contains all the information about the Item Supplier of San Miguel Hardware Company

Field Name ItemSupplier ID

Field Title Item Supplier ID

Data Type Numeric

Field Size 10

Field Description Unique number assigned to the program for identification of the Item of the supplier. The number Assigned to the program for identification of the Item. The number Assigned to the program for identification of the supplier. The type of package that the supplier offers. The quantity of item.

Nullable? (Y/N) No

Primary Key Yes

Foreign Key No

Reference table N/A


Item Name ID






Inventory Table


Supplier ID






Supplier Table

PackageTyp e Quantity

Package Type Quantity

Nvarchar 15





Nvarchar 10





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Admin Table (Admin) This table contains all the information about the admin of San Miguel Hardware Company Field Name AdminID Field Title Admin ID Data Type Numeric Field Size 10 Field Description Unique number assigned to the program for identification of the admin. The last name of the admin Nullable? (Y/N) No Primary Key Yes Foreign Key No Reference table N/A


Last Name

Nvarchar 20






First Name

Nvarchar 20

The first name of the admin The username of an admin







Nvarchar 20




Username Table

Username Table (Username) This table contains all the information about the Usernames of San Miguel Hardware Company Field Name Username Field Title Username Data Type Field Size Field Description Unique number assigned to the program for identification of the username. The password of each user. Nullable? (Y/N) No Primary Key Yes Foreign Key No Reference table N/A

Nvarchar 20



Nvarchar 20






User Level

Nvarchar 20

The level of the user registered.





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Address Table (Address) This table contains all the information about the Address of San Miguel Hardware Company Field Name AddressID Field Title Address ID Data Type Numeric Field Size 10 Field Description Unique number assigned to the program for identification of the address. The street. The city. The Province The country The type of address. Nullable? (Y/N) No Primary Key Yes Foreign Key No Reference table N/A

Street City Province Country AddressType

Street City Province Country Address Type

Nvarchar 25 Nvarchar 25 Nvarchar 25 Nvarchar 25 Nvarchar 15

No No No No No

No No No No No

No No No No No


Agent Table (Agent) This table contains all the information about the Agent of the Suppliers Field Name AgentID Field Title Agent Id Data Type Numeric Field Size 10 Field Description Unique number assigned to the program for identification of the agent. The lastname of the agent The Firstname of the agent Nullable? (Y/N) No Primary Key Yes Foreign Key No Reference table N/A

Lastname Firstname

Last Name First Name

Nvarchar 20 Nvarchar 20

No No

No No

No No


San Miguel Inventory System 18 of 29

Field Name SupplierID

Field Title Supplier ID

Data Type Numeric

Field Size 10

Field Description Unique number assigned to the program for identification of the Supplier. Unique number assigned to the program for identification of the Address.

Nullable? (Y/N) No

Primary Key No

Foreign Key Yes

Reference table Supplier Table


Address ID






Address Table

Customer Table (Customer) This table contains all the information about the customer of San Miguel Hardware Company

Field Name CustomerID

Field Title Customer Id

Data Type Numeric

Field Size 10

Field Description Unique number assigned to the program for identification of the customer. The lastname of the customer The Firstname of the customer The username of the customer Unique number assigned to the program for identification of the Address.

Nullable? (Y/N) No

Primary Key Yes

Foreign Key No

Reference table N/A

Lastname Firstname Username AddressID

Last Name First Name Username Address ID

Nvarchar 20 Nvarchar 20 Nvarchar 20 Numeric 10

No No No No

No No No No

No No Yes Yes

N/A N/A Username Table Address Table

San Miguel Inventory System 19 of 29

Supplier Table (Supplier) This table contains all the information about the Supplier of San Miguel Hardware Company Field Name SupplierID Field Title Supplier ID Data Type Numeric Field Size 10 Field Description Unique number assigned to the program for identification of the supplier. The name of Supplier Unique number assigned to the program for identification of the Address. Nullable? (Y/N) No Primary Key Yes Foreign Key No Reference table N/A

SupplierNam Supplier e Name AddressID Address ID

Nvarchar 20 Numeric 10

No No

No No

No Yes

N/A Address Table

Email Table (Email) This table contains all the information about the Email of San Miguel Hardware Company Field Name EmailID Field Title Email ID Data Type Numeric Field Size 10 Field Description Unique number assigned to the program for identification of the email. The email address. The type of email Email records. Nullable? (Y/N) No Primary Key Yes Foreign Key No Reference table N/A

EmailAdd Emailtype E-RecordID

Email Add Email Type Email Record ID

Nvarchar 30 Nvarchar 20 Nvarchar 20

No No No

No No No

No No Yes

N/A N/A Agent table, customer table, supplier table

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Contact Table (Contact) This table contains all the information about the contact of San Miguel Hardware Company Field Name ContactID Field Title Contact ID Data Type Numeric Field Size 10 Field Description Unique number assigned to the program for identification of the contacts. The Contact number Type of contact Contact records Nullable? (Y/N) No Primary Key Yes Foreign Key No Reference table N/A

ContactNo ContactType C-RecordID

Contact No Contact Type Contact Record ID



No No No

No No No

No No Yes

N/A N/A Agent Table, Customer Table, Supplier Table

Nvarchar 20 Nvarchar 20

Inventory Table (Inventory) This table contains all the information about the Inventory of San Miguel Hardware Company Field Name ItemNameID Field Title Item Name ID Data Type Numeric Field Size 10 Field Description Unique number assigned to the program for identification of the Item. Description of the item inside the inventory of the hardware. Nullable? (Y/N) No Primary Key Yes Foreign Key No Reference table N/A

ItemDescript Item Nvarchar 25 ion Description





San Miguel Inventory System 21 of 29

Field Name SellingPrice

Field Title Supplier ID

Data Type

Field Size

Field Description The selling price of it. Critical level of the item. The quantity of item.

Nullable? (Y/N) No

Primary Key No

Foreign Key No

Reference table N/A

Nvarchar 10

CriticalLevel QuantityinSt ock

Critical Level Quantity in Stock

nvarchar nvarchar

15 10

No No

No No

No No



Software and Hardware Requiremnets Hardware Requirements


Runs with a Quad Intel 64-bit Xeon MP Support 1066 MHz FSB. It has 64bit support. 1200W Highefficiency Redundant Hot-swap Power Supply. This means a reduction in energy usage, which lowers the cost of electricity used.

SuperServer 8045C-3RB

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Small Form Factor

Intel Core i3-2100 3.1GHz

4GB PC3-10600 (2x2GB)

Desktop package for HP. Includes no Monitor but were adding in a Sony LCD monitor.

500GB 7200RPM SATA-6G

AMD Radeon HD 6350 512MB



Optical Mouse

HP LaserJet Pro M1132 Multifunction Printer SWITCH Designed to accommodate for small/medium sized businesses and their needs. The switch allows the network to run at 10 Mbps, 20 Mbps, 100 Mbps, and 200 Mbps in order for the office computer to communicate with our server.

Cisco-Linksys EZXS55W EtherFast 10/100 5-Port Workgroup Switch

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Although a wireless router isnt needed as much within our company, the use of it isnt useless at all since the family has personal needs that they may work on through the wireless connection on their own personal computers.

Linksys E2000 Wireless Router TOOLS FOR CABLES Cables needed in order for the hardware system to run. The Cblwhl is for the Sony LCD monitor since our desktop package does not include the monitor, it also wont include the cables for the monitor to connect to the tower. The Cblwhl also enhances the display quality of the monitor.


D-Link Cable

Cblwhl DVI-D / DVI-D Dual Link Cable Cable Tester

Barcode Reader

Laser scanner needed in order for the hardware system to scan items. The EconoScan II enables
quick contact scanning of bar codes up to 4 inches in length. With an impressive scan rate of 200 scans per second, low quality or damaged bar codes as well as small or high-density bar codes can be read with exceptional speed and accuracy. This ergonomic handheld scanner is ideal to be used in a wide variety of markets, including retail, logistics and light industry applications.

IDTech Econoscan II

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Software Requirements We chose to use Windows 7 because not only is it the most modern operating system that Microsoft has released, but its better than both Windows XP and Vista. Its easier to use, faster, and more secure. Although Windows XP had a great run, its had its time and users are now becoming more sophisticated. Windows 7 is also more capable in supporting hardware and software than its previous counterparts. We also chose the 64-bit because installing the 32-bit may cause future dilemmas such as you cant upgrade from a 32-bit without doing a clean install, which may put future data at risk.


Windows 7 64-bit


Windows Server 2008 R2 OFFICE SOFTWARE SUITE

First of all, the R2 version is only available for Windows 7, which is the operating system that we have included for our system requirement. The R2 is way more secure than the regular Windows Server 2008. The WS2008 R2 Version enhancements include new functionality for Active Directory, new Virtualization and Management features, the release of IIS 7.5, and support for up to 256 logical processors. Very compatible with many different operating systems and in our case, compatible with Windows 7. Saves money compared to buying Microsoft office. Open Office 3 have very useful wizards that walk user through an entire process of spreadsheets, documents etc. It has the features of everything one would expect in and office software but it also adds nice extra features. For the type of work our system will do, Open Office 3.0 is the right software to use because buying the more expensive Microsoft office with its high-end features will be put to waste since we wouldnt need it for our system.

Open Office 3.0

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Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla is a free web browser and is compatible with many operating systems. Its user friendly, fast, and reliable and many websites wont even work without the use of Firefox. This browser also includes features such as bookmarks, history, and an easy-to-use way of cleaning caches and cookies. Most of the features for Firefox are easily located and ready for use.


AVG-Anti-Virus 2011 Free Edition Webhosting and Application Server

Easy to install and easy to use. When it comes to threat detection, AVG is always sharp whether it may be the smallest detail. The new UI for the 2011 edition have small changes from its previous editions but it highly improves the usability of the software. The speed of the 2011 Free edition is also a huge improvement from its previous editions. Includes web hosting, website management, email hosting, domain registration, e-commerce services, website scripting, as well as web marketing, which is everything that is needed to get a website up and running. PLDTs myDSL is the most affordable connection in the Philippines with satisfactory internet speed that is needed to be able to do what our company needs to do. BROADBAND CONNECTION


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