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Nama : Muh.


NIM : 40300121074

Kelas : 5AG3

1. There are three perspectives used to explain the reasons for the studying DA, what
perspectives are they? Please briefly describe your answer.


Discourse analysis can be seen from different perspectives. Which is

1) A linguistic perspective

In this perspective, discourse analysis is used to understand how language is used

to build meaning in a text and discourse. This pays attention to grammatical analysis,
word selection, sentence structure, and how language is used to communicate specific
messages and meaning.

2) Social perspective

In turn the discourse analysis is also used to understand how the narrative reflects
the social structures in society. It includes the way language is used to support or
question social norms, social identities. Thus, analysis of the discourse can help reveal
social inequality, discrimination, and conflict in communication.

3) Critical perspective

In this perspective, discourse analysis is used to reveal biases, manipulations, or

bullying that may exist in text or discourse. It helps in understanding the critical nature
of the message being presented and makes it possible to identify the potential for
inequality or social conflict.

2. Who should learn DA and why? Please explain your answer in detail.


It seems to me that who should study the text-analyses of course asa language student
must be very important to study. Why is that so? Because as the previous father has
explained, when viewed by most or even almost entirely the teaching method of the past, it
was not found. Now in analysis this wacana is taught to distinguish between the aspect of
how it is said or "how" than the aspect to which it is said or "what." For effective
communication. But it does not preclude the possibility that societies are taught about self-
analysis depending on the concept of what is being taught and what is being taught is only a
basic understanding of the analysis of the discourse.

3. What should the students do in learning DA? Please explain your answer in detail.


Of course, before studying discourse analysis, we must first understand what the basic
concept of discourse analysis is. Because it has to know if the language exists deepstructure
and survey structure. Then many read the references to the discourse analysis that would
help understand the theories and methods used in the analysis. Then learn a variety of
methods of analysis, such as speech action analysis, critical discourse analysis, or framing
analysis. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of each method.

The discourse analysis is a skill that requires continuing practice and development.
Continue to study, practice, and update your knowledge of the new theories and methods in
the discourse analysis. Remember that understanding and mastery of discourse analysis
takes time and practice. With consistency in study and practice, you will become an expert at
better understanding, analyzing, and interpreting language and discourse.
4. What are the advantages of learning DA? What would the students achieve?


Good communication is so important that learning an analysis of the narrative can

increase our understanding of our language in communicating and thinking much more
critical and will open up our deeper understanding of human communication, culture, and
how language affects our world. This is very important because in communicating the many
meanings it contains, therefore it would be easy if we understood what it meant.

5. According to DA view, what should be learnt and should be taught in a Foreign Language?
Please explain your answer in detail.


The discourse analysis is a very important branch of knowledge to understand. Of course,

learning a foreign language strategy in communication is essential for learners to create
effective communication. This involves their understanding of how a speaker USES language
in various social situations including alternating rules of speaking, a strategy of politeness in
speaking and norms in conversation. critical discourse analysis. In language study,
introducing students to critical analyses of the language used in the media, politics, and
society. It keeps critical thinking and a deeper understanding of cultural and social issues.

6. In more specific case, what are the advantages of learning DA according pragmatic


Refers to a pragmatic understanding of perspective that is seeing communication not with

just one perspective but in various perspectives. Through a pragmatic perspective we can also
see that the focus from this perspective is that communication comes from what is visible, in
this case it can be both verbal and nonverbal. It is particularly relevant to discourse analysis,
which, as this we know, isa branch of linguistics that studies whether written or spoken of.
The advantage that can be derived from studying the wacky analysis based on a pragmatic
perspective that we will more easily understand good conversations in everyday life. The
discourse based on a pragmatic perspective helps us understand how the conversation is built,
how we benefit from the message of the person we are talking to and the language that is
used to create fluency in communication.

7. How to use DA in pedagogical context?


Discourse analysis can be a powerful tool in helping educators understand and optimize
their teaching, by considering how language and communication play a role in the
educational process. One way to use discourse analysis in the context of Padagogy is to first
select the text that will be analyzed, then start identifying the purpose of the text's
communication and then analyze the content of the text that has been selected, don't forget to
pay attention to the social context in which the text is used and pay attention. The language
style used is formal or informal.

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