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In the grand cosmos, we may seem quite small,

Mere specks on this spinning Earth, after all.

But don't let our size mislead your view,
For within each human, a universe does brew.

In our hearts and minds, worlds take ight,

Dreams and hopes, in nite in their might.
In the depths of our souls, emotions roar,
Love, compassion, courage galore.

In our short lives, moments of grace,

We leave our mark in this boundless space.
Acts of kindness, dreams that dare,
Show that our worth is more than mere air.

Though our time here may swiftly pass,

In the tapestry of existence, we amass,
A symphony of stories, each one unique,
Humanity's beauty, in voices that speak.

So remember, in this vast expanse,

We're part of a cosmic, intricate dance.
Though our time is brief, our impact clear,
In this short life, we're luminous, I revere.

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