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Level I

Gilbert Renaud, PhD

David Holt, DO, HMD
May 1st and 2nd 2008 • Lo
ng Beach, CA

© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver

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Table of Contents
Did you ever
ever wonder
wonder why...?
why...? ..........................................................................................
........... 7
Disclaimer .................................................
........................... 8
................... 9
Acknowledgements .................
.......... ..............
... 10
Coursee Objectiv
Cours Objectives..............................................
............... 11
Recallll Healing
Reca Healing ...................................................................................................
........................ 12
Recall Healing
Healing Concepts/
ry ........................................................................................
........................................................................................ 12
....... ..............
.... 13
Emperorr and Old Sage........................................................................................................
Empero .............................................................................................................
..... 14
Pyramid of Health
Health ....................................................................................................................
.................................................................................................................... 15
1st Level: The physical
physical body ................................................................................................
................................................................................................ 16
2nd Level:
Level: The automatic
automatic brain ..................................................................................
......... 16
3rd Level:
Level: The Psyche
Psyche ..........................................................................................................
.......................................................................................................... 17
Example: The bus ...........................................................................................
.................. 17
Example: A Child Learning To Ride A Bicycle .............................................................. 18
Disease Developme
nt .......................................................................................................
....... 20
................................. 20
Emotional Trauma
Trauma ..........................................................
...................................................... 20
...................................................... 21
Total Body Load ......
......... 21
............................................. 21

© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver

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Ways We Get Sick ..............
....... ..............
......... 22
Example: Psycholog
ical conflicts
conflicts.. .................................................................................... 22
Examples: ..................................................
................ 23
Death by inadverten
ce ......................................................................................................
...................................................................................................... 25
Death by exhaustio
exhaustionn .........................................................................................................
......................................................................................................... 25
Hamer‟s Experiences ..........................................
.................. 26
Hamer‟s Major Discoveries.................................................
..................................................... 27
................. 27
Hamer Brain Focus ..........................................................
............................................. 28
Emotional Events
Events ..........................................................................................
........................... 30
The Automatic Brain: ..............
....... .............
.......... 30
Programming conflict and then, later on Triggering conflict......................................... 31
General observation on the periods of mourning the death of a spouse.
spouse. .............
....... .............
......... 33
ng Event ........................................................................................................
..... 35
Triggering Emotional Event .............
...... ..............
.......... 35
Felt Experience.
Experience. ....................................................................................................................
.................................................................................................................... 36
Conflict of the Diagnosis-Prognosis. ............................................................................... 39
Major Recall
Recall Healing
Healing Tools
Tools ................................................
..................................................... 40
Specific Emotional Disease Relationship ............................................................................ 40
ase Relations
hip .....................................................................................
..................................................................................... 40
tion Configur
ation .....................................................................................
..................................................................................... 40
Disease Predictor/P
nter .................................................
........................................... 41

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Programmedd Purpose
Purpose ......................................................................................................
..... 41
ve Life Cycles
Cycles ......................................................................................................
..... 45
nal Syndrome
Syndrome ..............................................................................
.......................... 54
Biologicall Cascade
Cascade .........................................................................................................
....... 56
Great Case Of Biological Cascade (from Claude Sabbah): ............................................ 56
Healingg Process
Healin Process .........................................................................................................
............... 59
Perfectly Unaware .......................................................................
.......................................... 59
Emotional Blind
Blind Spot ......................................................
..................................................... 60
“Schizophrenic individual” ....................................................
........................................... 60
Iceberg ...................................................
......................... 64
ing the Conflict
Conflict ......................................................................................................
...................................................................................................... 66
Each Person‟s Reality ......................................................................................................
..... 67
Brain/Body Connect
ions .......................................................................
.................................. 72
Body Connections – Ol
Oldd Brain vs new Brain
Brain .....................................................................
..................................................................... 72
Brain Area/Embr
yonic Layers
........................................... 73
Blastodermicc Layers
Layers ........................................................................
.................................. 73
Old Mesoderm Controlled by Cerebellum .......................................................................... 75
These centers govern Protection of what is Vital, Attack against Integrity, nurturing,
feeding, body‟s integrity, soiled, hurt, nest conflict
conflict ............................................................ 75
Cerebrum & Cortex
Cortex ................................................
....... 75
Healing: Old
Old Brain
Brain vs New Brain
Brain .......................................................................................
....................................................................................... 76
Breastt Cancer
Breas Cancer Example
Example ........................................................................................................
........................................................................................................ 78
Brain Stem and Cerebellum
Cerebellum Map .........................................................................................
......................................................................................... 82
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Cerebral Cortex
Cortex Brain
Brain Map ..................................................................................................
.................................................................................................. 85
dness ....................................................
..................................................... 87
Resolving the Conflict
Conflict ............................................................................
.................................. 88
Case Study – Resolvin
Resolvingg the Conflict.....................
....... 88
Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Joe the hunter. .......................................................................... 88
It is the solution of the conflict that brings healing. ....................................................... 89
Resolvingg the conflict.
conflict. ......................................................................................................
...................................................................................................... 91
Examplee Liver
Exampl Liver cancer.
cancer. .....................................................................................
................. 94
Two phases of disease.......
.......... 95
Epileptoid Crisis
Crisis Treatment
Treatment ................................................................................
................. 97
Healingg Microbes
Healin Microbes ..................................................................................................................
.................................................................................................................. 98
Facilitating Healing Addressing Doubts ................................................................................. 99
Practice Integratio
Integrationn ...........................................................................................................
..... 101
Practice Integratio
Integrationn Principles
Principles ...........................................................................................
........................................................................................... 101
Practice Integratio
Integrationn by Practice
Practice Type................................................................................
................................................................................ 102
Coursee Review....................
Cours Review............................................................................
......................................... 103
Level II Preview
............. 104
Recall Healing
Healing Questionn
aire ......................................................................
....................... 106
Clientt information
Clien information ...................................................................................
........................ 106

© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver

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With the same protocol you can help a certain

number of clients while other clients don’t
get well?

We’d like to share some ideas about improving

your score

© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver

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By participating in, or utilizing this course, the participant is acknowledging that he/she is a
licensed healthcare professional assuming full responsibility for the knowledge gained
herein and its application; or, if not a licensed healthcare professional, the participant
agrees to utilizehealthcare
knowledgeable the principles taught
professi in this
onal. Thecourse material
participant, by only under
utilizing the supervision
and/or participatingofina
this course, agrees that this course material is for educational purposes only, is not
diagnosing or treating any health condition, and is not intended to replace the advice of a
competent healthcare practitioner.

© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver

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This Recall Healing Workshop Level-I offers a different way of seeing health and life. It
brings an understanding about who we really are [from a biological point of view]. It is like
accessing a new level of awareness, a quantum
quantum leap.
leap. From this
this saying, disease
disease has a
meaning: showing outside
outside what we are unaware from the depth
depth of our being [the deep
inside]. This “new awareness” is the healer within. Becoming a ware of the previous
emotional trauma, as well as the “felt experience” associated to this trauma is the best way
to get a better future, free from recurrent “flashback.”

Through working,
working, loving, behaviours, etc. we keep repeating
repeating patterns which draw to us the
corresponding people and events in order to live “again” and “again” the same old stuff.
Being aware of what we carry within is the first step toward a new life and to be who we
This book is for the Recall Healing Level-I
Level-I Course students. It does explain what has been
taught during the course. We kindly ask NOT to copy or reproduce any part of this book.
If misunderstood, the information of this text may cause more actual pain than the
intended relief. Though you now have some keys to Recall Healing the complete set, set, the
“tool box” is still far too incomplete. Recall Healing of Living Creatures is a tremendous
science that needs to be deepened and
and integrated.
integrated. There is no room
room for improvisation.

© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver

Va ncouver • www.totalbiology.ca 9
I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to everyone who has facilitated my
learning of Total Biology of the Living Creatures (conceptually integrated in Recall Healing,
“a work
work in progress”). A speci al “thank you” to Dr Claude Sabbah (Total Biology of the
Living Creatures and Biological Deprogramming creator) for his teaching and impressive
Sabbah has of therespect
great depth of
f theconsideration
human being forthroug
h different
people; culturestoworldwide.
he is dedicated wor ldwide.
giving Dr.
the best
possible teachings to people who wish to get a greater understandin
understandingg of health.
Thanks to Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer for his extraordinary discoveries. They will change the
way we conceive of illness. If we lived in a just world, Dr Hamer should have been
awarded the Nobel Prize in Me
dicine for his revolutionary work! Thanks also to to Dr.
Robert Guinée and to Mrs. Margaret Van for being the first to put me in touch with these
findings in 1993.
A warm thank you to Bertrand Lemieux. With his 35 years experience
experience and knowledge,
Bertrand has been one of the first Recall Healing students in Quebec with an extremely
valuable course. He was my first teacher as a therapist, 25 years ago.
a go. I shared 10 years of
daily clinical work with him as a Naturopath and Massage Therapist in Mont-Laurier,
Quebec. Bertrand has been
been a working model and a genuine
genuine person with whom the well
being of others remains to to this day his constant quest. In 1994 1994,, we founded the
Naturopathic School of the High Laurentian linked with our clinic: Centre Visa Santé.
Thanks to Marie-Ginette Rheault (for her precious cooperation in the conception of the
original Recall Healing documents).
Thanks to Dr. Lee Cowden and Mr. Bill Gonseaux for the wonderful work they have
accomplished and for their dedication in the conception of IntegraMed Academy and
Recall Healing. We want to offer some meaningful tools to doctors and therapists in order
to provide modalities that contribute to optimize the
t he healing and well being of their clients.
Thanks to my brother Pierre and to my family. A special thank you to my wife for her
unconditional support
support and love.
love. She has facilitated this
this ongoing
ongoing process
process of learning.
Finally, thanks to my clients who have worked with me in order to access their own
healing. Their perseverance
perseverance and confidence in our work have led led them toto greater
understanding, in turn facilitating their personal healing.

Gilbert Renaud, PhD, TBC

Recall Healing Consulting,
C onsulting, Vancouver

© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver

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 To bring to the attendees
attendees an understanding ooff the magnitude of hidden emotions
and associated decisions upon the disease process.

To demonstrate
emotions how helping
and decisions a challenged
can facilitate
fa cilitate client
healing not becomeexpected.
otherwise aware of their hidden
 To teach the attendees how to effectively utilize the most basic foundational
principles of Recall Healing.
 To teach the attendees how to integrate these methods successfully into their

 What is Recall Healing?
 Awareness

Ways We Get Sick
 Pyramid of Health
 Disease Development
 Sudden Emotional Shock
 Healing Process
 Discovering the Conflict
 Resolving the Conflict
 Facilitating Healing
 Practice Integration

© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver

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It’s Meaning and It’s Roots
In Recall Healing a person is asked the right question(s) to cause a buried emotion and an
associated belief or decision to come into awareness enough to be resolved, which often
results in the resolution of an associated physical or psychological illness.
Recall Healing uses as its foundation the work of Ryke Geerd Hamer, Claude Sabbah
(mainly) and others, including the author‟s. Level 1 is one of many courses, which taken
together constitute
constitute the whole of Recall
Recall Healing as we know it today. As we continue to
learn and discover, this body of knowledge
knowledge will continue to grow. We encourage all those
who learn this information and apply it in their practices to share what they have learned
with us and others, so that this
this “work in progress” can be perfected.

Mark Twain
“The right word is a very powerful agent.
Whenever we come upon one of tthose
Whenever hose intensely
right words… the effect is physical as well as
spiritual and incredibly rapid.”



• Emotional conflict – can trigger disease

• Recall healing – resolves the emotional conflict and initiates a healing response
• Disease is not the enemy

Disease is the
person alive brain‟s
as long perceived best solution at that moment to keep the
as possible.
• Ryke Geerd Hamer – German New Medicine
• 1979 to Present
• 40,000+ cases
• Claude Sabbah – Total Biology
• 1968 to Present
• Thousands of well-studied cases

© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver

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 Contributes to Healing
 Putting Awareness into Action = Wisdom
 It‟s not what we are aware of that counts; it‟s what we do with our awareness.

Name it, Claim it and Dump it!

© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver

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The Sage says to the Emperor: “The past is always present in our d
aily behaviours, habits,
and automatic
a utomatic reactions.

Imagine that at the age of five years, a man wearing a red coat hit you with a club.
Thereafter, each time you will see someone dressed in red, your memory of the old event
will be reactivated and you will
will fear to be hit again.

The interest in going to explore your past is to be able

a ble
to heal your wounds by bringing to these situations the
light of consciousness.
consciousness. Only the one who has freed his
memory of fears and held hurts can fully live in the
present moment without
past memories. Suchhaving it regularly
a person is no tainted by
conditioned by his history.

He becomes unpredictable to those around him

because his actions are no longer dictated by acquired
habits but by the voice of his intuition.

Intuition is like a spring of fresh water which arises constantly new in the present and it
brings to him the marvellous inspirations of his soul, that part of his being which lives
always free of any resonance of sadness, misfortune, or fear with which humans poison
their existence.”

From Christian
Christia n Tal Schall
er: Story of Fun-Chang

“What does not come back to our awareness comes back as a destiny.”

Karl G. Jung

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Following is a verbal description of the meaning of this pyramid:

© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver

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We are an agglomeration of about 70 to 80 thousand billion specialized cells, each working

for the benefit of the whole.
whole. For instance, the cells of the digestive
digestive system digest food and
feed themselves with the resulting nutrients but also feed all the other cells of the body.


Our brain is the control

control tower of the body. Each part of the body is run by a
corresponding part of the brain
brain including the brain itse
lf, which runs itself.
itself. Its function is
to keep us alive
alive for the following
following instant. It is like a very
very powerful computer and it is
programmed exclusively in terms of biological survival.
To really understand how biology works we have to think of it in the environment in
which it has developed. It has been only a very short titime
me since we have been living in this
relatively safe environment. Biology has always been subject subject to a very dangerous
dangerous even
hostile world. Therefore, thethe brain has learned to constantly bbee aware of billions
billions of pieces
of information outside and inside of the body to be able to decide on the best course of
action so it can bring the body to still be alive at the next instant.
Every instant, it is redone. The predator can arrivearrive at anytime. The brain nev never
er stops;
every instant, it takes in billions of data entries (from different sensors all over the body)
coming both from the outside
outside and inside of the body. It then analyses,
analyses, studies, compares
to all the memories it has in stock, and gives out the result in the form of programs, sent
by electrical and magnetic impulse
impulse to each ppart
art of the body. All this is done for the
survival of the whole.
Presently on earth, the most powerful computers like the one that control satellites and
space travel at NASA, is what they rate
rate as a 4th
4th or 5th
5th generation
generation computer.
computer. In
comparison, the and
like a hard drive human
Romin would be one of the
that remembers 15th
every generations.
detail . Itfrom
of our life has athe
memory bank
moment of
conception. It also has a system
system for dispatching
dispatching programs all
all through
through the body (nervous
system) like a fax network.
Most diseases are the biological correspondence between the part
pa rt of the brain that controls
the organ that is sick and that organ, playing out a specific program, that of the specific
biological conflict.

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Breast cancer is the biological correspondence between the part of the brain that controls
the cells in the breast that are sick
sick and those cells themselves. They respond to a specific
biological conflict, that of breast cancer. And it is that
that way for almost all diseases, for
every organ including the brain. If it is sick we will say thatthat it is the correspondence
between the brain and its sick cells and those cells themselves, responding to a specific
biological conflict.


(Mind, Thoughts, Feelings, Beliefs, Religion, Education, Conditioning, etc.)

The Mind, as part of the Psyche, has the function that transmits information and data to
the automatic brain, the main computer. For the the automatic
automatic brain, the Mind (Psyche),
provides the ability to sense.
Psyche senses Mind analyses Automatic brain commands Body executes
Disease: the brain‟s best solution to stay alive as long as possible at the moment of the

A man leaves his office at lunchtime

lunchtime to go eat at a little res
taurant across the street. He has
done this hundreds of times.
times. He walks out of the building, crosses
crosses the sidewalk, and start
crossing the street. At that moment, he sees a city bus coming towards him at very close
proximity. His brain takes the
the information from all his senses.
senses. His eyes see the bus; his
ears heard the shout of onlookers, to name only the more obvious types of perception.
Then the brain evaluates the perceived elements and compares them its memory bank.
Usually when a moving object came towards him, all the scenes of accidents seen in reality
or on TV and many others memories relevant to the present instant are read in a fraction
willa second. It then
be alive at analyses
the next all thisIt information
instant. inforwards
formationtheand finds thetoperfect
programs ssolution
differentolution so the
muscles andbody
body jumps backwards to avoid the fatal impact. impact. All this is done instantly.
If the man had been past the middle point of the front end of the bus, the reaction would
have been different; his brain would have chosen a different program, he would have
jumped forward.

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Nobody thinks of calling that man‟s reaction
reaction a disease, an illness. Nevertheless, it is a non -
ordinary function that is put in action by his brain to bring him alive at the next moment in
time. The brain is never wrong. Depending on the information information it receives,
receives, it always
chooses the perfect biological solution to keep the body alive for the next moments in
time. If there is a possibility
possibility for survival, it sends the perfect
perfect solution to the body. On the
other hand, if after evaluating all the data available, it finds that the bus is coming too fast
and is too close to be avoided, it will unplug itself
itself and the man is already falling dead as the
bus hits him.
The brain makes the best possible decision with what it knows or believes at that moment,
in order to keep the individual alive as long as possible.

There is a young boy who does not yet know

know how to ride a bicycle. He has been riding for
a while with those stabilizing wheels. One day his father
father,, thinking itit is time, takes the little
wheels off and tells him that he has to learn to bike
bike like a big boy.
boy. And so the kid starts off
and the second his father releases the bike and he finds himself riding alone, his fear starts
to grow.
have him He
fall.becomes so scared that the only
only solution his brain
brain finds to stop this fear is to

The “thing” is the solution of the fear of the “thing.”

The perfect solution to solve

solve the fear of ggetting
etting some illness
illness is to get that
that illness.
Pay attention to the killing thoughts that we process: “I‟m stupid, I‟m crazy, I‟m lost, etc.”

As long as the conflict remains psychological we are not sick. We are sick when the
conflict becomes biological, e.g. when the brain has downloaded the conflict into the body.

In fact, disease is an answer to a related psychological/emotional conflict, unbearable for

the person (in(in correspondence with
with his belief & way to function in life). Consequently,
disease is a survival mode.
In the world of creatures - human, animal, plant, mineral, etc. - everything is programmed
in a survival
survival mode. So every biological
biological modification
modification (disease, health,
health, etc.) has a great
meaning. Claude Sabbah
We may be embarrassed because of a disease, but for nature, this is (at the first moment of
the disease) a winning program (gain for survival).
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Disease is not a fault
f ault but adaptation

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Every disease has a series of stepssteps or stages.
stages. We can consider
consider these
these steps
steps as the
progressivee development of the disease. It is important to
progressiv to understand these componen
both individually and collectively, to assist in healing.


When an event occurs that could have an emotional impact, the individual can experience
that event directly if they are a child or an adult. If the individual
individual is a fetus inside of a
pregnant mother‟s womb, the events experienced by the mother or other family members
can be recorded in the mind of the fetus.


An event experienced by someone will either be perceived as an emotional trauma or not.

If the individual is a child or adult, then the emotional trauma will be felt directly by that
individual. If the individual is a fetus inside of the mother‟s womb, the emotional trauma
will be recorded in the psyche of the fetus as a s if the fetus had experienced
experienced this emotional
trauma itself. The fetus becomes like an emotional
emotional sponge which
which attracts the emotions of
the parents, as well as the rest of the family (present and past).

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The response of an individual to an emotional trauma involves

involves the development of a belief
or decision about the relationship of that emotional trauma to the individual. This belief or
decision can be conscious or subconscious
subconscious or both.
both. In the case of a fetus or a very yyoung
child, the decision or belief is usually that of the mother or the caretaker picked up by the
fetus or young child.


Total Body Load includes environmental toxins (heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides,
solvents, etc), biotoxins (aflatoxins from fungi, various bacterial toxins, etc), microbes
(bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses, etc), toxic foci (an area in the body where large numbers
of microbes accumulate in a very small space), nutritional deficiencies, structural (mal-
alignment of the spine or other major joints, malocclusion of the teeth, etc),
electromagnetic radiations (fluorescent lights, cell phones, radar, X-rays, microwaves,
electrical circuits and appliances, etc), geopathic (magnetic and ionizing radiations that
emanates from the earth above an underground water stream, underground metal ore vein,
Hartmann Grid, etc), andand spiritual issues, etc. When the Total Body Load Load is low, a much
larger emotional trauma must occur in order to trigger a physical disease than if the Total
Body Load is high. Therefore the Total Body Load Load predicts to some degree tthe
he magnitude
of the emotional trauma that one must experience in order to become ill.


In most situations, the disease that results from an emotional trauma might be labelled as a
physical disease. But, in few situations,
situations, the disease that results from the emotional trauma
might have a psychiatric label such as depression, schizophrenia, etc; in this case, the
automatic brain takes the brain as a target.

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The following outline summarizes the sequence described in the previous paragraphs of
the development of diseases:
 Progressive
Progressive Accumulation of Total Body Load

NutritionalToxins and Biotoxins
 Microbes, Toxic Foci...
 Structural, EMF, & Geopathic...
 Protracted High Stress (Emotional or Physical)
 Mental Preoccupation => Accidents, etc.
 Sequential multi-organ dysfunction
 General Emotional and Spiritual Baggage...
 Sudden Emotional Shock (DHS) Triggers Disease
 Mechanism of Disease Development
 Psyche processes the Shock and Presents it to the Automatic Brain

Automatic Brain downloads the shock to the physical or psychiatric

 The automatic brain “buys
“buys time” so the
the person can survive

As long as the conflict remains psychological we are not sick; we become ill when the
conflict becomes biological.

A man travels to different countries for his work and is presently on a different

He receives
receives a phone call from his mother.
mother. She says to him: “I have been trying to reach
you for days, I am terrified, I am dying, I have a thyroid cancer...” (Conflict
(Conflict #1) an hour
later his wife calls and says: “I don‟t know what to do, the school principal called me
this morning and said that our so n might fail this year and have to repeat a year...”
(Conflict #2) That same evening, his brother calls him and says: “Bob, your best friend
has had a terrible motorbike accident with head injury; he is in a coma at the county
hospital...” (Conflict #3)

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This man now has three different psychological conflicts. He is not feeling good, he
worries, has a hard time sleeping. The next day is a horrible
ho rrible day for him. He does not
feel good and those conflicts
conflicts bother him but that is all. He is not sick because
because of them.
They are simply psychological
psychological conflicts.
That night he decides to go home to deal with things and the next morning he hops on
a plane to return home. He immediately takes his mother to a thyroid cancer ccliniclinic in
his area where they test her only to realize that
that she had been misdiagnosed.
misdiagnosed. She does
not have any cancer;
cancer; conflict #1 is resolved. Then he goes to meet
meet the school principal
who tells him that his son, since being told that he might repeat a year, has
ha s picked up
the pace and the previous day reported
reported great grades in three different
different subjects. If he
keeps it up he won‟t have to repeat the year after all, conflict #2 is resolved. He then
gets back home and there is a message in his voice mail saying that his best friend has
miraculously awakened without any permanent brain damage, conflict #3 is resolved.
This man finds himself happy again, he whistles. That night, he sleeps like a baby and
the next day he has a wonderful day, without worries or dark thought
As long as a conflict remains on the psychological plane, it affects only our moods and
bothers us on the psychological level.
It is only when a conflict reaches a certain limit where the brain can no longer manage
the body properly because of the extra stress
stress that changes
changes occur. The conflict is pulled
down into the biology, transposed by the brain in the area that corresponds to the exact
tonality of the conflict.
A conflict becomes biological
biological in two possible situations:
1. Through sudden, enormous shock, trauma or stress
Suddenly we feel the spectre of death: (imminent danger of death).
Ex: electrical box – the breaker switches “off” if there is an overwhelming power.
Disease is programmed in one moment!
2. A continuous, ongoing high psychological
psychological stress
Constant sympathicotonia, e.g. an out-of-control event.


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1) A business owner facing bankruptcy and losing everything he has worked so long
and hard to build,
build, having to dismiss his employees.
employees. He stresses day and night every
waking moment seeking a solution. He consults his banker, heads of departments in
his company to find a way to save the business.
2) A mother whose child is in a coma following an accident. She is in continuous stress
with feelings of guilt and survival. She turns constantly to do ctors
a nd fear for her child‟s survival.
and nurses for reassurance.
The two situations mentioned
m entioned above are lived largely in isolation, for which there is no
apparent solution.
The person lives in constant stress, thinks only about the problem, stops eating, cannot
sleep, slowly weakens, loses weight (not sleeping, eating, etc.)
Nobody can live at this rate for very long, one must be able to get out of the conflict to
find a state of recuperation
recuperation and rest.
rest. If not, the brain will need to find a solution.
Because it cannot change the situation outside of the body, it will find the perfect
one smallinarea
the physiology that willbest
that corresponds
corresponds alleviate
spstress. It transposes
ecific emotional it intoThe
conflict. the body in
remains the same but becomes physiological. At that vvery ery instant, the illness starts.
The whole body gains survival time thanks to this transposition but at the price of the
The automatic brain is always programmed in terms of survival and will read the high
stress as a threat and will respond with of program of survival – the illness.
For the autonomic
autonomic brain: As If = It Is. The psyche holds on to the thoughts
thoughts and the
feelings associated with each of the sudden emotional shocks even if we are no longer
in the place where
where the emotional shocks
shocks occurred.
occurred. The brain continues
continues to relive
relive the
memory of those experiences over and over…

Example: loss of a job, mother‟s illness, scholar failure.

At this moment, I‟m preoccupied, worried and stressed out. This informationinformatio n is a
concern at the psychological
psychological and emotional level only. Until now, nothing
nothing happened
into the physiology (the body!). This is just a psychological con
flict, so I‟m not ill.

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The whole being is controlled by psychological conflict. 100% of the brain energy is
used to process
process and
and manage the conflict.
conflict. The sympathetic
sympathetic system
system controls
controls the
physiology, a huge energy consumer.
consumer. If we didn‟t reach a relaxation
relaxation phase we would go
for sure toward
toward death either by extreme
extreme fatigue, by inadvertence
inadvertence or both. This is not a
winning solution for the automatic brain. This conflict that occupies 100% of the
brain‟s energy is therefore downloaded by the automatic brain into approximately 1%
of the brain into an area specific for that emotional conflict, called the Hamer Brain
Focus. The Hamer Brain Brain Focus alm
ost simultaneously
simultaneously downloads that
that conflict energy
into the specific site in the body that corresponds to that Hamer Focus and that specific
emotional conflict.

When we are stuck with a psychological conflict, preoccupied (the conflict spins into
the mind), we are totally unaware about what isis going on around us. We are not in
control of our survival (we are disconnected), prisoner of our thoughts so we may be
dangerously distracted. For example: crossing a street
street without paying attention and
being hit by a car or, being eaten by a predator.
predator. The automatic
automati c brain is programmed to
assure the survival so he can‟t function well with such high stress.
Being alive tomorrow and into the future is the only interest for our automatic brain.
The brain‟s goal is the
the “future to liv
live.” futuree to live, there will not be any
e.” If there is no futur
survival solutions,
solutions, not a single
single moment to llive
ive thereafter.
thereafter. At that precise
precise point, an
accident will occur. If instead the
the brain (the computer)
computer) perceives
perceives some possibility of
survival, it will supply a program (a disease) that is in direct physiological
correspondence with the conflict.

If the high stress persists without relief, solution, or release, the individual risks death
by exhaustion. The automatic brain is always programmed in terms of survival and will
read the high stress as a threat and will respond with of program of survival – the
If the moment to recover from stress is not appropriate (the stress level never
decreases), the automatic brain will produce the exact program to release that stress
level: disease.

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Ryke Geerd Hamer, M.D. was practicing internal medicine in Germany in 1978 when an
Italian prince accidentally shot Dr. Hamer‟s son, Dirk Hamer. Dirk lingered on the verge
of death for almost four months and finally died. This resulted in a loss conflict for Dr.
Hamer, which caused a testicular carcinoma. He later named this
th is conflict the "Dirk Hamer
Syndrome", a biological conflict shock that results in a disease.
Dr. Hamer initially thought that these connections applied only to cancer and had no idea
that they applied to all of medicine. He submitted his discovery to the University in
Tubingen in 1981
1981 as a post-doctoral thesis.
thesis. The main objectiv
objectivee of the thesis was to provide
his results to the University so that they could be tested on the next available cases as
quickly as possible and benefit patients. The University re jected Hamer‟s work showing the
interconnections between the psyche and cancer, without testing a single case for
reproduction, something they later admitted to in court. In the next few years, Hamer tried
repeatedly to open a hospital or a clinic as a refuge
ref uge for his patients so that they could
benefit from his knowledge. This waswa s always made impossible by concerted
concerted action against
it. In 1986onthetheDistrict
medicine of Koblenz
basis that he "failedinitiated
to denyanthe
action to stop Hamererfrom
Iron-Rule-of-Canc practicing
and failed to convert
to the tenets of official medicine". This was established in one hearing.
hearing. Forcefully
implemented, it was determined
d etermined that Hamer lacked the "maneuverability" and the
"necessary insight with regard to the required cancer therapy". Since 1986, Hamer has not
been allowed to talk to any patients. A presiding judge of the District Court of Cologne
advised him, by warrant, to find (at age 51) another calling, unrelated to medicine. This
made it impossible for Hamer to continue scientific research research.. With no financial means, a
secretary or other co-workers, he had to obtain CT‟s and the corresponding
corresponding recor
ds for his
research with great difficulty, and with the help of other doctors. This led to some cases
being not as well documented as he would have liked. Much was left to chance. If he had a
clinic and someInfinancial
accomplished. 1986, a support, one can
court ordered thathardly imagine what
the University Hamerencould
of Tubingen
Tubing havethe post-
continue post -
doctoral thesis proceedings. Nothing happened until early 1994 when the judgment to
validate Hamer's thesis was executed,
executed, a unique process in the history
history of universities.
universities. In
April 1994,
1994, the University announc
ed, concerning H
amer‟s German Ne
w Medicine, that "a
verification within the framework of the ppost-doctoral
ost-doctoral thesis is not planned".
planned". By 1994,
Hamer had expanded his system to the 5 biological laws that cover all diseases in the entire
field of medicine, based on research of 20,000 cases.
Since the underlying criteria are completely scientific, it is very easy to test Dr. Hamer‟s
German New Medicine. Physicians and physicians' associations all over the world are
constantly attesting to its veracity through signed documentation.

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 Dirk Hamer Syndrome (DHS) – Emotional Conflict
 DHS Causes Specific Predictable Hamer Brain Focus
 Hamer Brain Focus Immediately Manifests as a Specific Predictable Disease
 Examples

Dr. HamerLung
– Testicular Cancer

Dirk Hamer Syndrome (DHS) was discovered through tragedy.

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer discovered the shock-conflict mechanism underlying cancer
development when Dr. Hamer developed testicular cancer soon after his son was shot
dead in 1978. He realized soon afterwards that the strong emotions he felt related to his
son‟s death was the likely the cause of his cancer. Upon further
further examination with others
who also hadresolved
Dr. Hamer testicularthis
cancer, he concluded
emotional conflict that
and ithisdefinitely was the
cancer went cause
away of hissurgery,
without cancer.
radiation, or chemotherapy. When Dirk (a strong 20 year-old man) died, his father was
devastated and overwhelmed.
overwhelmed. The loss was absolute and Dr. Hamer was ill-preparedill-prepared for
such a deep and severe
severe unexpected shock.
shock. Dr. Hamer named named this shock,
shock, which was so so
strong and unexpected that it could cause a serious illness, after his son – the Dirk Hamer
DHS is a highly acute and dramatic psychobiological condition of intensive stress (where
an emotion-releasing action and verbalization are inhibited) associated with a specific
disease process that will evolve if no emotional resolution occurs.

The Shock is:

 Dramatic (devastated & overwhelmed: we can‟t take any action).
o It can be an intensive shock or a repetitive stress that occurs over a long
period of time.
 Unexpected (mostly), we are surprised and defensele
d efenseless.
 Isolating experience: we wish to talk about it but we are in such fear, grief, etc., that
we can‟t talk about it at the moment
moment of the shock.
 Obsession-creating: day and night, 24/7, non-stop, the conflict spins in our mind.

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Hamer Brain Focus

If we experience an overwhelming stress (ex: “Mr., your son is dead”), this is similar
emotionally to a large power surge on the electrical transmission line caused by lightning.
At the moment of high voltage, the appropriate circuit breaker switches “off”. If tthere
here is
no circuit breaker greater
greater destruction
destruction is assured; in the case of the
the brain, a larger part of
the brain may be damaged. With this “breaker procedure” the brain isolates the conflict in
a smaller area: a Hamer Brain Focus.
Most diseases are linked to emotional
emotional conflicts. The Hamer Brain FFocus
ocus (neuronal center)
in the brain is targeted at the moment of the emotional shock and it modifies the function
of the related organ (in correspondence
correspondence with the disease).
The Hamer Brain Focus concentrates all of the psychological conflict into an area which
occupies about 1% of the brain.
brain. This Hamer Brain
Brain Focus controls and causes
causes disease in
the targeted organ.
Becoming sufficiently aware of the unconscious programming, the brain releases the old
emotions andthis
suggests that replaces thetoold
equates programming
awareness at the thus resolving
cellular level asthe disease.
well, Current
which then ev
resolves the
“Not everything that we become aware of programs and everything we become
aware of unplugs the corresponding program and/or makes it possible to d
doo so.”

Claude Sabbah

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As we progress from conception through life events occur. Some of them create
emotional wounds.
wounds. These wounds,
wounds, depending upon a num number
ber of varying
varying factors,
factors, can
create a predisposition
predisposition to a physical disease at some future time. These events
events are called
“programming events”. As we continue to go go through life different events can occur
which “trigger”
“trigger” the onset of a physical disease. These events are called “triggering events”.
The “programmi
“programming ng event” is stored in the psyche. Once a “trig
gering event” occurs, the
previously programmed event is activated and the “triggering event” is processed in the
Automatic Brain and downloaded
downloaded in the form of a disease into tthe
he body.

Before going to
to school, a little boy does not yet know how to read or write. If he is asked
to draw an “A”, he cannot do it. There is nothing in his brain that would allow him to
answer such a demand. Things like that belong to experience and before it is learnt it
cannot be recognized.
One day that boy goes to school and a day comes when they will learn to draw the letter
„A‟. Magic happens o on
n that day. Where tthere
here was nothing, there is suddenly a conce
pt. It
is recorded in a virgin part of this child‟s brain for the first
first time in his life. That small area
of his brain will never be empty again and the conce pt of „A‟ will be there for his use until
he dies. When he is on his deathbed many years years later and he writes his last „A‟ in a lette
letterr to
his son, he will have written it maybe a few millions times. Amongst all of tthese hese letters „A‟
there is only one unique
unique one, the first. All of
of the others
others are copies.
copies. The first one is the
programming one; it sets the pattern for the rest of his life.
That is why beginnings are so important. The first time we do something we are
programming the way in which we will do it for the rest of our life. Of course everything
can be reprogrammed but it will take a lot of efforts to consciously apply our will long
enough to re-train the brain. It is a lot easier to
to do it right the first
first time.
There are three different
different ways to go from health to illness.
Programming / Trigger
ing Conflict
It may happen that a very strong conflict occurs that is powerful enough to both program
and trigger the beginning
beginning of an illness. This is rare but does happen and is usually caus
causee by
very traumatic events.

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Example: A right-handed woman starts her breast cancer after her child has been in a
coma for a few months after after a car accident.
accident. She has been in conflict of nest.
nest. It is an
intense crisis
crisis for her and she feels it as a drama for her child. Because it is the first time
that she lives a conflict of that
that sort, she will program breas
breastt cancer. Because the conflict is
really intense and lasts for a long time the program is triggered and she starts her cancer
right away.

This one is more common. It occurs when two events or two conflicts, which could be
years apart from each other, create an illness. The first programs the illness and the
second, which in this case is in the same tonality (meaning that the conflict has the tone
that can evoke the same strong emotions), triggers the illness to start its evolution.
Example: A lady has two children, a 16-year-old boy and a 14-year-old
14-year-old girl. Her daught
is not giving her any worries she
she is a good kid. Her boy on the other
other hand is driving her
crazy. He drives a motorbike and
and she fears for him.
One day he gets into an accident and ends up in a coma. She is called to go go see him and
she makes a terrible
terrible conflict. She stays with him
him and prays days and night for a miracle.
She is having an intense conflict of nest, a drama for her child and so she programs breast
cancer. Three days later he wakes up with no brain damage,
damage, he is out of danger. She did
not have time to trigger the evolution of the cancer but she has the program and it will lay
dormant until the conflict comes back.
Four years later, her son has calmed down; he has not driven his bike after the accident
and does not make herher worry anymore. Her daughter however,
however, is now ggiving
iving her a hard
ha rd
time. She had been in love
love with a man for a few years and he was the man of her dreams,
they wereoffiancé
darkness and
depres a few
sion everdays before
since. Shethe wedding
attempts he pulled
suicide out andashe
by ingesting has been
bunch in the
of pills and
ends up in a coma. The mother is right back in the same conflict as four years earlier but
this time it is already programmed and and so the cancer is ttrigger
ed and starts evolving.
evolving. Her
daughter gets out of the coma a few days later but gets angry at them saying that she
wanted to die and that they should have let her go. So the conflict lasts and a few months
later she is diagnosed with breast cancer.
For this woman to heal she has to deal with both events.
events. It is always very important
important to
find the programming conflict because it is the source, if it is not solved it will just be
dormant waiting for an opportunity to set in motion.

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Imagine that I copy
copy a song that
that I really like on a CD. When I am done, I listen
listen to it to
make sure it worked
worked and then I put it on my desk at the back. The phone rings and as I go
to grab the phone I knock
knock the CD unknowingly
unknowingly and it falls behind
behind my desk. It is a good
friend inviting me out so I go go and completely
completely forget
forget about the CD. It is there,
programmed, the disk is just waiting to be put in action to replay the song.
Two years later, I am in the process of moving to a new apartment
apa rtment and when I move my
desk away from the wall I find
find all kinds of artefacts,
artefacts, amongst the
m the CD. I put it in my
CD player and lo, I hear
h ear the song and remember that I had recorded it two years earlier.
An intense stress
stress awakens old conflicts.
A very intense stress is like a danger of imminent death.
d eath. Our brain opens our holographic
memory to find a solution. This is why some people will claim they ssay ay their whole lives in
a flash. It is their
their brains searching
searching desperately for a solution,
solution, an event where such a stress
was present and
a nd where they survived. This kind of high stress can trigger programs that
are symbolically unrelated.

(From: C. Sabbah)
A 77-year-old lady comes to see Dr. Sabbah with a very bad eczema covering her buttocks.
It is all red and cracked
cracked right through the
the dermis lair. It has been two
two years that she is
suffering, having a hard time sitting
sitting because
because of the pain. It bothers her a lot because she
can‟t go to tea parties and the theatre anymore or do her normal activities with her friends.

He asked her: “What happened that was so terrible in the period between few months to a
year prior to the onset of you ecze ma?” Immediately she answered that her husband had
died close to her 75th birthday and that the eczema had started about six months later.
She had a strong emotion and took a few moments to compose herself.
He thinks it sounds right eczema is separation and the buttocks is a part of her body that
presumably only her husband would have touched, it could be the source but why so deep?
Dermis means feeling soiled. So he asked her to tell
tell him more about her husband.
She tells him a virtual fairy tale. They had met when they were kids and were iinseparable,
got married
married very young and had the perfect relationship.
relationship. They were in love for close
close to
seventy years.
years. She told him that she wished everyone
everyone could have the blessing of liv
ing a
charmed life such as hers.
hers. Her love affair wi
th that man had been a rare thing in this world
and she felt blessed. It was very hard on her when her husband died and and she said she
probably would never be able to mourn him completely.
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Ok that was probably strong enough
enough to start eczema, it is a separation, and it fits. Her
husband had died when she was 75 and the condition had appeared six months later so we
would conclude that she had mourned him for six months and that she then got over his
death. She will not say it because
because she is afraid of being judged but eczema is a healing

There are three different, distinct periods in life. The mourning process will be relatively
easy in two of them. If the person is young, for example, in their twenties
twenties or thirties,
thirties, they
have to start a new life and so the mourning will generally take a shorter period of time.
Of course there are exceptions and this is only a general
general observation. If the person is old,
the loss is also generally easier to accept and the mourning period will be relatively short.
These people have lived long lives and generally expect one of them to die sooner or later,
so when time comes they they accept it with wisdom. Here too, this is a generalization and
some people may not so easily overcome
overcome the death of a loved one justjust as well. At an
advanced age, those people that are exceptions to this observation will generally die soon
The hardest time for mourning is during mid-life, when people are in their forties and
fifties. At that stage,
stage, the person has spent a long ttime
ime with their mate and is getting
getting ready
to spend their old
old age together. They think they are too old to have a nnewew life as younger
people one and too young to accept it with with philosophical perspective. It is generally
generally very
hard, and though there are always exceptions, often the mourning ends up with an illness.
So the woman in the example fits the description, she took a few months to mourn her
husband and then had this condition appear. Moreover she also mentioned
mentioned that she
she felt
she had to stop seeing her friends and going to the theatre and ha
dn‟t stopped going to cry
on her husband‟s
actually tomb. Though
over her husband‟s death.soci
al etiquette
That the would
was the not allow
triggering conflictherbut
conflict to was
say it, she was
it also the
programming? More than likely it was not. It does fit the condition but not as clearly
clearly as it
should. The affection of dermis
dermis still remains
remains unexplained.
So the therapist asked her, what other events in her life would be comparable in emotional
intensity to her husband‟s death. She thoug
ht har
d but could not find anything.
anything. Afte
asking again and again and not getting anywhere the therapist had the intuition that
something was buried deep in her unconscious and knew that only shock therapy could
bring it quickly
quickly back to the surface.
surface. It must be noted
noted that this does
does not work for every
case and it is actually rarely used, but for some cases it can be quite efficient. This is when
the experience of a true therapist comes into play.

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What me mean by shock therapy is the provocation of purposeful stress that applied on
the patient shocks
shocks the memory out of its hiding
hiding place. This is what he did: he simply acted
out as if he was going
going nuts and just started to show impatience and even anger. He started
to scream: “Come on, do not tell me that nothing traumatic ever happened in your life!
You‟re 75 years old, there must be something that went wrong at some point!” He also
got up and started to approach her, going around the desk and in front of the door to
block a possible escape route at the door.
door. This was all a show for her unconscious mind.
He played the predator to put her automatic brain into survival mode so it would go
searching in its memory bank and maybe open the door to memory he was looking for: the
programming conflict.
Of course became got nervous and sought to find the answer and eventually thought that
she might have found
found it. Immediately, he calmed
calmed his voice to show
show her brain that as soon
as she finds the aggression stops. He said: ““Do
Do you see? That wasn‟t so hard, now tell me
about it.”

She told him about a time when they had some financial worries and thought they may
loose their house.
house. He asked: “Was that as hard as your
your husband‟s death?” “No, of cour
not because we did not lose the house in the end and everything was fine.” “It is not it
then!” – he screamed – starting to advance again, insisting, to give her another dose of
stress. Once more she thought
thought she had found but the lit
tle hardship of
of being a parent that
she was recollecting
recollecting was not traumatic enenough.
ough. Once again he calmed right down and
screamed at her when he saw that itit was not the right memory. At that point he was right
above her looming over
over her head.
head. Now at the peak of stress
stress he told her.
her. “Your ec
zema is
where? On your buttocks, what happened to your buttocks?” as he said that he pointed at
his own buttocks (to revive visual memory) and bent to touch her on the hip and pressed
to revive the kinaesthetic sensation of pain
pa in in the area in question.
At that point she accessed the memory. She began: “When I was three years old ... ” and

had a really
When strong
she was threeshow
years of
she was. sitting
When onshea calmed down
windowsill in she to
ld himright
the kitchen the bystory.
old cooking wood stove, watching her mother cook. Her mother left to go go to the
bathroom and she thought
thought she would follow her.
her. On her way down from the windowsill,
she slipped and found herself
herself sitting on the
the hot stovetop. She screamed in pain trying to to
lift herself off the stove with her hands but wasn‟t able to do so because it was too hot.
Her mother was trying to get out of the bathroom, struggling with those old glass handles
that are always loose. By the time she got her
her off the stove
stove she had first, second
second and third
degree burns on her buttocks.
buttocks. To add to her pain, they had to clean the burburns,
ns, brush it to
get rid of dead tissues to prevent infection and all without anaesthetics.

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She suffered greatly
greatly and that is why she had
had completely forgotten it. The healing took a
long time and the whole experience
experience was like hell. That event would have taken years, if
ever at all, to come
come back to consciousness
consciousness if shock ther
apy had not been applied. This was
the programming conflict.
conflict. It was the first „A‟ for the skin
skin of her
her buttocks.
buttocks. The trigg
event came only 72 years
years later. Because she had lead a charmed
charmed life with very little conflict,
when she re-lived a separation the only program her brain found, relating to epidermis was
that one and so it triggered the program.
The pre-programming of a conflict can follow
follow two general directions:

 Vertical: family link [same blood], family

family,, genealogy
 Horizontal: acquired through siblings, relationship, friends, society, etc.
Thought s to Ponder:

We are not free but we are free to become free

Reasons are traps for fools.


Emotional events can create a program

program within the mindmind if it is not resolved.
resolved. This
programmed event is stored and may be fully activated when the accumulated body load is
such that a sudden emotional
emotional shock triggers
triggers a disease development. The program can be
created by a “triggering event”, by the Programmed Purpose, or through the Generational


An event that triggers

triggers a deep emotional shock that brings on an illness is called a
“triggering event”. The following is the process by which tthe
he deep emotional shock moves
to become a physical disease.
 Event causes an unfiltered/unprocessed
unfiltered/unprocessed (raw) emotion
 The event is also filtered/processed
filtered/processed to create beliefs/decisions about the event
related to similar previous events – “I‟ve been here before.”
 Automatic Brain processes
processes the raw and filter
ed information
 Automatic Brain creates
creates a Hamer Brain Focus
 Automatic Brain downloads
downloads to the physical or psychiatric body
 “Download” often leads to diagnosable disease

Body goes into Conflict-Active
Conflict-Active Phase of disease
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The Deep Feeling from ‘inside

The Felt experience is the way we feel within regarding our experienc
experiencee of the daily life. In
Recall Healing, “felt experience” is the key that is going to open the “corresponding door,”
the corresponding organ.
The „lived
„ lived experience‟ in itself is meaningless. It is always in connection with the way the
person has “felt” it. Different feeling
feelingss = different illness
es. Or nothing!

There are so various ways to

to live the ssame
ame event.
This is not the life experience in itself that is important; this is the deep feeling within
regarding this experience (the real meaning for the individual, consciously or
subconsciously):: the link with disease.
subconsciously) d isease.
The event is meaningful
meaningful and meaningless.
meaningless. This is what is awoken
awoken within the individual
individual that
counts. The DHS is not by haphazard.
haphazard. Year after year we live repetitive
repetitive stories, like if we
are on a rail
the family trac[genealogical].
clan k. The same old rail track that comes from our own life stor
ies and from

We are aware
a ware of the experience [event], we keep talking about it, BUT, nobody has a clue
about the way we really feel about it. For example, we may be in great
great fear but nobody
notices it. This is the “felt experience” and this does indeed program.

The emotional impact of this felt experience will have a direct consequence the type of
pathology and its gravity.
Intensity of the conflict = Intensity of the disease

Example: Witnessing an Adultery

Adultery Act
One day John, who is a husband,
husband, is going back home earlier than usual. His wife is not
expecting him at all. In fact, she‟s in bed with another man. When John gets home a nd
reaches the bedroom, he sees
sees them in bed.
bed. Surprise! Shock!
How did John react in the depth of his truest being? Let‟s look at some poss
ible scenarios:

Feeling “totally devalued, devastated, shamed in relation to his family (my own blood).”

In this felt experience, John feels that he is suddenly „totally nothing‟ in his own family.
The biological
meaning meaning
of “being totally would trigger
trigger leukaemia.
a nd completely
and In family.”
devalued in my this case, leukaemia has a deep
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Note: There is many ways to live an experience.
experience. However, John here isis like a train on rails.
Since he is a young boy his parents compare him, hundreds of times, with his brother and
his sister: “Look at them how good they are at studying, working, dancing, singing, etc.”
In the depth of his being, he is totally convinced that he is not worthy, that he doesn‟t have
great value.
value. During his adolescence, he has recorded many conflicts
conflicts of frustration and
failure as “not good enough,” always comparing himself with his brother and h is sister and
other family members (cousins,
(cousins, etc.). So when, later, he witnesses his wife
‟s adultery, his
brain reads the past in a fraction of a second. The impact of it will be felt the same way: “I
have no value within my own family,” triggering the blood!

Feeling it as the “ loss of my territory”

The biological meaning would be the “Myocardial infarct

.” Here John has a very different
experience. Since he is a young
young boy he had to fight
fight for everything he owns. He had to
fight at school
school in order to survive and he had to win. When he got a girlfriend, he had to
fight in order to claim her and later to keep her.
her. He had to fight and win for every
So “territory”
“territory” is everything: he is “territory.

Today in John‟s mind

mind it is:
My car, my dog, my family, my wife, my fur jacket that I have given to my wife, etc.
So when he witnesses his wife, how does he liv
livee it? Yes, as a “loss of territory.”

During a deep high stress of “loss of territory,” the man‟s biological brain will trigger the
coronary arteries right away. The consequence
consequence will be a programming
programming of a myocardial
infarction, which will occur soon or later.
Feeling it as: Devalued and Guilty for „losing my territory‟

John experiences right away, at the moment of this deep high stress, a Depression in
connection with loss
loss of territ
ory. Here John‟s brain will take itself as a ttarget
arget (s
“Depression‟s d
ocument” for more details).

Feeling it as: Impossible to mark my territory

Here John feels totally powerless
powerless for „not being able to mark h
is territory‟. This type of
conflict triggers
triggers bladder. The biological meaning of
of urinating is marking
marking territory.
Feeling it as: Menace in my territory (GHCMT)

cancer.there is a conflict of „menace in my territory‟
territory‟ the person starts rright
ight away a bronchial

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As example here, when John was young, he heard Dad, Mom and some others talking
about an uncle that he loved, making a fool of that uncle and little John got deeply hurt.
So when John witnesses his wife, his brain has a connection with “What will people thi nk
of me, say about me?” and this trigg
ers bronchi...

Feeling it as: Devalued, impossible to move + a „vertical fall‟

John experiences Multiple Sclerosis (directly

(directly triggering
triggering his legs only)
In fact, the shock is integrated this way: “I should never have returned!” which expresses a
MS programming:
Moving: should not have moved (programming paraly
Vertical fall: on a scale of „0 to 100‟, he has fallen down to „0‟ in his wife‟s heart, the
woman of his Life
Devalued because he considers himself as “nothing” for her.

Curiously here, only his legs are paralyzed, corresponding exactly to: “I should never have

Feeling it as “I can‟t digest this!” in the meaning of “I can‟t process this disgusting piece of

John starts here; right away, a c olon cancer because what came into his mind was: “Oh s _
_ _ ! Why is she doing that dirty stuff to me? To me who works so hard ha rd to give her the
best in Life?!”

Feeling it as a « Freedom »
He was cheating on his wife.
The best way to understand why this person is involved with a type of illness is by asking
first: “What did the person live, such that
that this particular illne
ss is the brain‟s best solution
to stay alive as long as possible?” See what comes up in your mind. When we un understand
the way we got ill, then we get closer to our healing process.

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The conflict of the diagnosis-prognosis creates a secondary conflict (worst than the first
The diagnosis conflict is the most devastating actually because
becau se it multiplies by 1,000 the
gravity of the disease.
We think that close to 90% of all illness and 99.9% of aggravations
aggravations are due to this single
shameful conflict. Nobody is to be blamed for it because it is unknown by most and not not
believed by some who are told about it. This conflict is the result of not the ddiagnosis
iagnosis itself
but of what a person does with it, self-prognosis.
A diagnosis comes from a trusted official; it has all the power of sciences behind it.
Unfortunately, faith is not included by science and most people take diagnosis and make it
into a plan for the future of the
ir state of health. Of course it is not done consciously.
Let‟s see how it works.

thisa person
person has
have part ofthis
thecan affect
brain thata isvery
very specific
affected byorgan. We have
this conflict, seen that
namely the
part that controls the
the same specific organ.
organ. On a brain scan it would
would show as a dot in the
area in question. In nature that would be it, if the conflict increases the little dot might get
slightly bigger but as soon as the problem is solved the information get to the damaged
part and healing starts.
Clash of Mindsets.
Mindsets. Incurable / for the rest
rest of my life / Self diagnosis
Hamer Herd and the Shield produced by the conflict of diagnosis
Conflict of the diagnosis:
diagnosis: different possibilities
We can‟t identify your problem, you have to go through another series of exams

Please, don‟tdoes
The patient tell anything to my
not get any wife
news about
from it!
its doctor, so he worrie
Stress level increases: talk between clients
The client takes a look on his medical file
The influence of the family
Disease is directly proportional to the level of stress.
The conflict of the diagnosis
diagnosis is gr
eater in the “unspoken”
“unspoken” realm than it is in the “spoke

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The primary objective of Recall
Recall Healing is to
to expose hidden emotio
ns that negatively
negatively affect
a person, often leading to disease, and then to resolve
resolve these emotions. We have discovered
a number of tools which help us to know where
where to look. These include:

 Specific Emotion/Disease Relationship

 Programmed Purpose
 Repetitive Life Cycles
 Generational Syndrome

Fundamental to each listed tool is finding the emotional event(s) that predisposes to a
disease - much like digging for gold in a large
large uncharted territory.
territory. The above listed
listed tools
help predict where to dig first for causative emotional event(s).


For thousands of years there has been a general acceptance that emotions affect the
physical body. It has recently been
been discovered that each disease
disease has an emotional complex
most commonly associated with the disease and correspondingly, each emotional complex
has a disease most commonly triggered by the emotional complex.

To help categorize the relationship between disease and emotion a simple configuration is
required. Working from the disease process there is a specific Homer Focus
Focus associated
with each disease. Each disease has a corresponding Active Phase and Repair Phase. A
General Emotional Conflict is also associated with each disease while there are many
diseases which have one of more specific emotional
emotional conflicts. A defining
defining configuration is
illustrated below.
I. Disease Process (Working Diagnosis) - DX
A. Embryonic Layer/Hamer Focus – EL/HF
B. Active Phase of Disease
Disease - AP
C. Repair Phase of Disease - RP
D. General Emotional Conflict - GEC
1. Specific Emotional Conflict 1 – SEC1
2. Specific Emotional Conflict 2 – SEC2

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Specific hidden emotions predispose to specific diseases. For the disease

disease to manifest itself
an emotional trigger is required. It is possible to
to expose th
thee hidden emotion and thus
prevent the development
development of the disease. This will be discussed in greater
greater detail in a later


Defined as the purpose that a fetus or infant unconsciously takes on and continues to live
out through their life because of events and emotions that their mom and/or dad
experienced around the time of conception (including prior to conception), during fetal
gestation, at birth or during the first year of life.
This amazing theory comes from the same man that came up with the cellular biological
memorized cycles, Marc Frechet.
Frechet. In fact it is more than
than theory; it is a law in the unive
rse, a
fundamental principle that can be applied to everything, including life.

This universal
written principal applies to any and every object/subject. The principal can be
as follows:
For all things (object/subject) there is an immaterial phase that precedes its material phase;
there is a program (a plan) in its immaterial phase and a purpose in its material phase.
Thus, everything has a creator; the program or plan is made during the immaterial phase
and the object/subject will express its corresponding purpose in its material phase.
Now this is a little
little obscure but will become clearer with examples.
examples. We will start
start with
simple things.

Let‟s It existed
existed bulb
a light only asin an
minds of someitvisionari
Before visionaries,
existed, es,
especially Thomas
light bulb was in itsEdison.
Edison . He
envisioned an object that could give out light when the sun went down, something that
would work with electricity, which had recently been discovered. This was his program or
plan for the
the light bulb. He worked hard and came up with the first light bulb. Thus it was
created and so passed
passed into its material phase
phase.. Now it would express
express its
its purpose by doing
exactly what its creator envisioned - giving out light with electricit
We can do the same with any object and its “creator” and invariably the object, when
created ends up fulfilling its purpose, which corresponds to the program in its immaterial

This is a universal principal and the

refore applies to everything.

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Every object has a purpose that corresponds to the program that was made for it by its
creator, “The Inventor.”

The inventor may be nature, God, the wind, a man

man or woman, time.
Every illness has a purpose that corresponds to the program that was made for it by its
creator, “The Brain.”

Even though we may not understand the purpose of something like an illness, it does not
mean it does not have one.
Every individual has a purpose that corresponds to the program that was made for it by its
creator, “The Biological Parents.”

Humans are here to serve a purpose. Most people sense that. that. What we did not realize is
that it is the parents that set that purpose by making a program before the baby is born: the
ambiance before conception, conception, during pregnancy, the ambiance at delivery and
during its first year of life on earth.
earth. It is all done without us being aware of it but it will
bind thetonewborn
be nice fulfil buttosome
this are
ose as long
and as it remains
keep rema
individuals s inus.hell.Some projects
It just obeysmay
biological law: during the period of the Programmed Purpose - the psychological conflicts
of the parents become the biological conflicts of of the baby which.
An object usually has a very simple purpose, one that can easily easi ly be understood and
expressed. It is not that simple for individuals, which have multifaceted
multifaceted purposes. We will
see in examples how this would pre-destine a person for specific illnesses,
illnesses, jobs, life pattern,
whether they will have kids
kids or not and how many, and so many other aspects of one‟s life.
The psychological conflicts
conflicts of the parents become
become the biological conflicts of the child.

Dad/Mom had a dream about it; I live it through my behaviour.

(From: Claude Sabbah)
This story happens in a country of South America where the state is a dictatorship and
there is a resistance
resistance movement. Juanita‟s mother was in love with Ramón, one of the most
wanted leaders of the resistance. She lives in a little town with her parents and he in the
mountains with his group
group of rebels. He comes down once in a while to see his beloved
making sure nobody sees him.

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One day, she realizes that she
she is pregnant. When Ramón comes to ssee ee her next she tells
him and they are forced to
to take a really hard decision: will tthey
hey keep this baby. They know
that keeping it has many implications but
but they love each other and want this child. They
both want it so much that they decide to keep it.
Juanita is that baby. Her mother, who has hidden her relationship with Ramón, has a big
problem. In those days (even now in Latin
Latin America), having a baby out of wedlock
wedlock is
unthinkable. It would bring shame on the whole family. They would be asking who the
father was, she could say Ramón. She cannot ssay
ay that she does not remember,
remember, she would
be seen as a tramp.
The solution she finds is to go in the city nearby, taking a knife with her. She goes to a
dark alley, rolls on the ground, tears her clothes with the knife, cut herself a bit to make it
look real and then screams: “help, I am being raped”. She goes home and refuses tto
o let her
family call the police saying,
saying, I just want to forget
forget it and wash myself from this sstink.
tink. She
fakes a bit of depression in the following
following months, and that‟s that. She has now a legitimate
reason to become
become pregnant. Of course sshe he will have to hide it until it is too late for
abortion, but at least it can be justified when it is seen.
This child is born with a specific project: “you will not know your father.” Of course she
will meet him, because her mother and Ramón still see each other but they will never tell
her who he is. When she turns about 2and 2and a half, three years
years of age, she
she starts to notice
the love and affection in the eyes of her mother and of this man.
man. She knows but sshe he is not
allowed to know, so it will remain a secret. It becomes her conflict.
Juanita will have amongst other thing some difficulty in school. She is very good at all the
topics except
except math‟s and history. Why is that? Well, history is a topic where one learns
about the different kingdoms, kings and queens and their heir and descendants. It is
always stories of bloodlines and Juanita is not allowed to know her own. It is normal that
she will not be able to know others.
In mathematics,
mathematics, she was ok with everything until she gotgot to Algebra. She could not
resolve an equation
equation and that is also easy to see why. She was not allowed to know
know the
unknown: „x.‟ Now, we understan
d why Juanita could not do algebra:
algebra: it was part o
off her
Programmed Purpose; she could not know the unknown „x‟: her father. Along with that
program came another one that is just implicitly contained in the forbiddance of knowing
the father and that is impossible family/home. It will be impossible for her to have a
normal family. It was the psycholog
ical conflict of her parents when she was in tthe
he womb
and therefore it has become her biological conflict.
During her whole life she will try to find a proper mate but will never succeed. We have
here another important
important principle. We already have stated that:

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The psychological conflict of
of the parents becomes the biological
biological conflict of
of the child.
That is easily observed in Juanita‟s life because she will always dream of having a family, a
husband and kids, but
but because of her projects,
projects, she is nnot
ot allowed. And so her biological
conflict (forbiddance to family) will be the opposite of her psychological conflict (I want a
family). It just makes
makes sense because for the biological
biological conflict to be a struggle,
struggle, the child
needs to really want the opposite.
We have all lived through experiences like this when the thing we wanted the most never
happened. Well, it was this principle at work.
Juanita will meet all many very nice a suitable man but there will always be something in
the way, some kind of excuses
excuses when it gets too
too serious for the relationship to end. It is her
purpose and she cannot escape it as long as it is unconscious.
In that Programmed Purpose there is one more thing we can see as a possible future
manifestation of it. During all of the gestation and first year of life of
o f this child, (the period
of the Programmed Purpose imprints) the parents would have had the feeling that it was a
as thefor the child.
conflict Thatin impossible
of drama home will
the nest. Juanita or family is inhave
therefore thethe
same symbolic
program for
breast cancer.
cancer. And so in her life, situations will occur to make her live this conflict and
eventually get
get the cancer. That is the reason she came to consult
consult with doctor Sabbah.
After decoding all of this, the doctor told her that she was carrying a huge suitcase full of
shit and that it did not even belong to her. As he said that, he took an old suitcase
suitcase he
always kept in his office for this exact purpose and dragged it as if it were very heavy and
he told her that she just needed to drop it.
it. At the moment he dropped the suitc
ase he was
dragging, she had a fit of laughter and for the next fifteen minutes she could not stop
When she came to, she told him that she had seen this scene before and when he had
played out the action it had reminded
reminded her. She was in university
university at the time in a big city
and she had taken a train. When she got out of the train she was walking slowly in the sea
of people trying to get
get off the boarding ramps. There was an oldold lady just in front of hher
dragging a huge piece of luggage.
luggage. She struggled along until her niece came beside her and
said: “Auntie why are you carrying this suitcase?” the old lady answered: “well I have to
take with me; nobody else goingg to drag it for me.” The younger woman then answered:
else is goin
“But Auntie,
Auntie, this is not your suitcase. Look, I took yours and I am carr
ying it for you.” At
that very moment
moment the old lady looked at the suitcase and dropped it. She just left it right
there, yelling at a station employee to tell them that this suitcase was somebody else's and
that they should take care of it.

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For Juanita, remembering this event liberated
liberated her. The flow of emotion,
emotion, the tension came
out in the form of
of a fit of
of laughter and
and she was healed at that very
very moment. The chart
below shows the Programmed Purpos


Repetitive Life Cycles are the inherent tendency of an individual to repetitively experience
similar events that cause similar emotions and decisions throughout their life at predicable
intervals. This tool
tool is fundamental in Recall
Recall Healing.
Healing. Some good
good ages to prospect for
emotional gold would be:
 Age Fraction - If a person is 60 years old at illness onset, age 30 (half of 60), 15
(quarter of 60), 7 ½ (one eighth of 60), and 12 ( one fifth of 60).
 Age of Independence (“AI”)
(“AI”)-- If a person‟s AI is 18 and they are 60 years old at
illness onset, then they
they are 6 years past 3 times the AI (age 54). Look for an event at
age 6, at age 24 (AI + 6 years) and at age 42 (double AI + 6 years).
The events of our life are memorized in our biological system in the form of biological
cycles, contained within our cells. We owe this discovery, critical to the understanding
of our biology, to clinical psychologist Marc Fréchet. This is of extraordinary, practical
interest for the understanding and healing of illnesses. There are thousands of cycles
and sub-cycles in the cosmos, of which our own cycles are universal transpositions.
They represent the pulsation of the universe transposed in our biology. The events of
our life do not occur by chance!

“That which is above is like that which is below.”

Hermes Trismegist

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Let’s take a look at the story of Marc Fréchet. a psychologist who got phenomenal
results by working with the cycles in the life histories of his patients.

His mother-to-be
mother-to-be had done some foolish things and was scheduled to go before a judge.
She decided to have a child, thinking that at the sight of a newborn the judge would be
more lenient and she would thereby avoid imprisonment.

This infant was a “living object” created for and charged with a pur pose:

to preve
prevent his
hi s mot
herr fr om g oing to pri so
It is for this reason
reason that he was conceived and that he came into
into the w

Marc Fréchet will say: “I came into the world to free my mother from incarceration.”

This is inscribed in him. He becomes a psychologist, and all his life he will attempt to
free people (and most particularly women) from their incarceration (pathologies). His
initial program was to free his mother; 95% of his clientele will be female.

Nevertheless, his mo
ther was convicted and im
prisoned with her child.

In the Marc’s programmed//purpose,

programmed//purpose, his imprisoned mother remains locked up in a
little cell, which is integrated into the Marc’s biology (body) as the program “NO
MOVING.” This is a conflict of movement which can translate as a paralysis, in other
words as a biological transposition of all the situations in which one is cornered,
immobilized, in which one cannot move. Whether it be a real paralysis or a virtual
paralys is (“I’m sstuck
tuck within these ffour
our walls”), the b
rain only knows biology.

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Time passes and Marc meets a woman. It is love at first sight, and they marry. With
their marriage,
marriage, the
theyy both become autonomo
us, which is to say they become independent
of their parents. The day of their wedding they symbolically “relive” the day of their

The young wife is radiant, happy and in full health. They marry, spend their wedding
night, and the following morning, upon awakening, she is paralyzed and cannot get up.

He has come into the world to free his wife from her immobilization, and this occurs
the day he becomes autonomous, in other words, the day he marries, since on this day
he relives and thus r eview
viewss (r
( r elilive
s) the day ofof his
hi s bir th. Among two and a half billion
women on the planet, he chooses to marry someone who will become paralyzed the day
of her marriage. T hi
hiss is
i s a sy
hronicitycity whi
ch i s e
d in an M B C C .

In some way, the same situation repeats itself. The person who counted most for him as
an infant was his mother, and he came into the world to prevent her from being
immobilized. The day after his wedding, the woman who counted most for him was

On the day of her wedding, his wife also relives the day of her birth. During her
delivery, labor suddenly stopped, creating a situation in which she was immobilized.
The baby had to be extracted with forceps, and they pulled a little too hard, causing a
spinal sprain (or wrenching her spine) which led to a paralysis of several days. She
becomes paralyzed again the day of her independence, as she did on the day of her

A cycle always has a starting point, an end point, and a period when the phenomenon
passes again through the sam
samee state (beginning point).

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A)) The cycle of re
pr oduct

Starting point = puberty

End point = meno


Period = 28 days

A woman has cycles of 28 days at the end of which she has her period. This means that
the human species always passes through the same state: periods every 28 days. This is
TRANSPOSI TI ON of the lunar cycle in us as BIOLOGY .

Hens lay eggs every day: they have a cycle of one day.

Deer give birth every year: cycle of one year.

Salmon spawn every two years: cycle of two years.

Dogs and cats have litters two or three times a year: cycle of 1/3 or ½ year

In the cells involved in this part of their biological life, in the cells of their brain with
their hormonal peaks, in the cells of the ovaries and uterus, there is a BIOLOGICAL

B ) Other
Other cycle
 Cycles of seasons, days, nights, moons.
 Cycles of fruits, animals.
 Cycles of life and death. Cycles of hormones.
 Cycles of race, population, family,
family, personal ccycle
 Cycles of cells (bone completely renewed every 7 years)

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C ) C ycle
ycless of the car
car diac ce
We are alive because our heart beats. The average rate is 70 to 90 pulsations per minute,
with variations. This means that the cardiac cells possess a memorized cellular cycle.
This begins a few weeks after
after conception and ends at death.

D ) C ycle
ycle of the r espi
spirr at
ory cell
There is a cycle of about 4 seconds per breath, or 15 breaths per minute.

Starting point: the moment

moment I am bo
rn. End point: at death.

There is clearly a memorized cellular cycle.

E ) C ycle of the memory

ory cell
s, of the mi nd

These are cells like any others and function in the same way. They take the events of
my life and memorize them. From then on, like all cells, they are integrated in
memorized biological cellular cycles.

Suppose that I lived a psychological or traumatic event as a conflict in my life at the

age of 7 years and 3 months. With this event it is as if I reset my pendulum at zero, and
every 7 years and 3 months I am going to relive this event in a certain way.

F ) C ycle of ide
i dentity
ntity ((di
difffer ent from
fr om the cyc
le of
of i nde
This is the moment when I IDENTIFY MYSELF, when I REALIZE I AM MYSELF.
This takes place generally around the age of 2 or 3.

It is the moment when we become a little less fused with our mother.

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E x amp
ample: a chi
ld w
ho b
comes conscious
conscious of his
hi s ide
i denti
ty the
the day
day he ttur
ns 3.

There will be a cycle of identity of three years.

a) If this takes place in a positive way, he will register a positive memory, and every
three years he will have the chance to experience something greater in terms of his

b) If this goes badly, he will register a negative memory, and every three yea
rs he will
have an occasion in which to experience something less in relation to his identity.

When thi
thiss goe
g oess we
At six years of age he enters first grade; he will adapt well as a student and will begin a
successful school life
At 9 ye
ars, he will make pals who will be friends throughout his lif

At 12 years, he will be well integrated into a sports team.

At 15 years, things will go well with girls.

2) I f thi
hiss go
g oes bad

For example, his sister who is 3 years older has a disappointing birthday. Her godfather
was absent, and her parents argued. Her birthday meal took place in a hostile
atmosphere. Three months later a sumptuous celebration was created for her little
brother. She is jealous and wants to hurt him: “You aren’t Mom and Dad’s son, you
were found in a trash can. I am their child.”

At this moment, the child

child tak
tak es iin
n negati
negati ve i nf
tioon, he identifies with it, and he is
so afraid it is true that he doesn’t dare speak to his parents about i t. Later his mother
reassures him by her responses to trivial questions and by showing him photos of her

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But he has taken on his identity IN A NEGATIVE STRESS.

Every 3 years he will experience personal dramas in relation to his i de

ty,, unless
unless it is

At 6 years of age, he isn’t going to integrate with other children

At 9 ye
ars, he is going to argue, fight on the school playground

At 12 years, he is going to get mad at his friend of 9 years.

At 15 years, things won’t go well with girls:

Either he will be led around by the nose because he wants to be loved,

or he will force himself on them in such a brutal way that he defeats


Parents are not aware of the impact

imp act of their reactions, of their children’s dramas.

3) Som
Someti mes a child does not
not fifind
nd his ide
ity or only
only does so much
uch lat
later .

For example, it is the drama of his mother’s life that causes him to

fail to find his identity. He does it very badly and much later on.

This woman wanted a child which she could not manage to have

(miscarriage, child dead at 1 month)

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With her third pregnancy the child is born. He is the apple of her eye and she
overprotects him. He is so fused with his mother that he does not take on his identity at
a normal age. The child is raised in a state of pure stress. The mother fears her son’s
death. She coddles him

G ) C ycle of i ndepe

This begins the day we leave our parents, when we become independent financially and
in terms of housing. This concerns sh
lter , foo
food and money
ney. For some this takes place
on the day of their wedding.

E x ample
ample:: the wom
an who deve
d a ner
vous de
With a cycle of independence of 21 years. At 17 she falls in love with a boy. They want
to get married, but she asks that they wait until they return to France to do so. Back in
France, the boy stays at his fiancée’s for awhile and only later goes to see his parents.
His mother has a fit of jealousy, gets her hands on him again and demands that he put
off his wedding.

The fiancée also sabotages herself by accepting this. She has always felt that good
things would pass her by. In the end, she doesn’t marry him and falls into a lover’s
depression. At 21 she meets a man she loves, and they marry.



Her life goes on with this memory: 17 years after her 21 st year, when she is 38, she
relives the departure of the first man in her life: her husband dies and she loses the
second man in her life. A young widow, she suffers another depression. Her life
continues. At 42 years of age she enters the third cycle of her life: 17 years after this
date, thus at 59, she decides to take care of her suffering mother. Her husband objects,
but she does it anyway,
anyway, and hhee leaves her. She experiences
experiences a depressio
n again, this time
very deep. She no longer has any interest in anything. She suffers a depression of
involution, gives
gives up and dies.

NB: Each of her depressio

ns lasts ffour
our years.

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E x amp
le:: taken
aken fr
f r om the stor
stor y of
of M ar c F r échet
17 years and 3 months after his marriage: motorcycle accident

At the age of 17 years and 3 months: mobilette accident

This is not the result of coincidence, as one often thinks.

Marc Fréchet wrote his thesis on these cycles. He treated his patients by focusing on
each one’s cycles, noting their dates of birth and the events month by month until the
date of their independence. He then related the events that occurred after this with those
that had occurred follo
wing their bi

Recognition, i n other
other wor
wor ds becom
becomii ng consci
conscioous of som
ng,, allo
ws de
depr ogr
mi ng

K no
wi ng some
something i s not enough; we must “recognize” it in order to deprogram it.

He did not do this work for himself. He did it as an intellectual reader of his own story,
but not a reader ready to cancel the program
program in himself.

So it happened that in passing through the period of the accident in his third cycle…he
once again had a motorcycle accident, which this time was fatal.

Everything has cycles, which explains why our illnesses reoccur at certain dates, in
other words when the memory
memory diskette is activated!

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According to research, the Generational Syndrome is the predictable emotional/illness

pattern within the Conception Order Matrix in the target generation (the generation of the
client) and in each preceding generation
generation for at least three generations.
generations. Below is an example
of a “Concep
tion Order Matrix” for one generation.

Our “order” position [number] in our family and family clan d etermines which ancestors
(great grand-parent, grand-parent, uncle, aunt, etc.) is/are in link with us.
Examp le: a 29 yy/o
/o man who is a #3 in his family. During the WWII the “Nazis”
interrogate him and he has to deliver the war secrets [about his best friend, friends, spies,
plans, etc…]. If hehe doesn‟t,
doesn‟t, the Nazis are going to kkillill his son. He has a treme
conflict linked to
to “speaking
”. Few years later after war
war,, his wi
fe got children.
children. The #3, at
29 y/o develops
develops an osteolysis
osteolysis of the
the jaw. So this son
son lives in his biology [body] his father‟s
conflict. He was the biological
biological target.
In order to establish our family rank, we have
have to consider every pregnancy.
pregnancy. This includes
every miscarriage,
miscarriage, abortion, still
still birth, etc. For biology, Life
Life starts from
from the moment of
Verticality: the circulation
circulation of a memory/prog
ram, from a generation
generation to another,
another, is vertical.
People (siblings) who have the same number (#) are in the same column (vertical) and are
generally in
in a better agreement
agreement with each
each other. Better that the one on the same line
If I am # 3, I research
research through
through my genealogy
genealogy (family clan)
clan) every #3, 6, 9, 12,
12, etc. Once I
have identified them I take a close look at what was their main struggles, qualities,
profession (work), lacks, illnesses, etc. and what was the cause of their death (if this is the
case). All this is going
going to help me to understanding
understanding my own life (qualities,
(qualities, conflicts,
profession, etc.)

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Example: A man & a woman, scientists, parents of three sons
The father is #1, chemist engineer
The mother is #2, astronomer
They have three children (3 boys)
The first one (#1) is passionate
passionate about special
special mathematics, want to be “like Dad”

The second one (#2) studies astronomy, like

like his Mom
The third one (#3) likes literature (reading & writing) and plays the guitar; he is an artist
and feels completely
completely misunderstood
misunderstood from his parents. Why?
The grandmother, on the mother‟s side, was #3; she was a great singer and an artistic

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LAW: The manifestations of each person in each generation of their respective family clan
are always the expression of the circulating memories in biological cascades indefinitely,
until resolution of the conflict.
conflict. At that moment, the descendents
descendents are set free.

generation cascade refers
to the next in atodirect
the passage of clan for
line of descent, or familial
from grandfather tofrom
How is the memory passed? - Via the project/purpose of of parent(
s) to child. If the
programing equivalent (is carried in equal measure) in the mind of the father and the
mother and is very conscious to both, the child will receive an equal portion of the
program– 50/50 – from each parent.
Example: Both parents are very athletic and both desire their child to be very strong
athletically and reach the level of international competition (which they themselves desired
but did not achieve). Their program for the chil childd is very strong and clear and their
offspring will carry an equal weight of the program from each parent.
Sometimes the father will bring more weight to the program than the mother, or vice
versa, either consciously
consciously or subconsciously
subconsciously (without awareness).

This is a case of biological cascade linking paternal grandfather, father and son (the
The son, 32 years old, presents with a serious d
epression. He is a pharmacist‟s assistant,

able he
to is passion
take ate about
two trips a yearalchemy. He sets as
into a mountainousidearea
a little of his to
of France salary
salary each
study monthwith
alchemy to bea
master alchemist.
The biological invariant
invariant of depression is:
Conflict of territory plus hormonal pat or stalemate (term from chess), which can be lived
in three ways: as a conflict of loss of tterritory,
erritory, or of marking territory, or of human ddispute
over territory.
The clinical expression of depression is one of feeling devalued and guilty. How does this
show up in this young man‟s life?

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Always alone, knows no one, has no friend to share a drink with feels extremely devalued
“I am no inte
rest to anyone. I have no value
value.. I am wo
rse tthan
han nothing. Of co
urse, I am
guilty. I should appr
oach people bu
butt I can‟t do it.”

As he feels very devalued

devalued and guilty, he is very depressed.
Note: His father died of an MI (myocardial infarction or heart attack), so therefore he
carried the conflict of loss of territory.
How can we understand this man‟s severe
severe depression
depression?? Let‟s look at the story
story and how
things play out from generation to generation in a biological cascade.
The paternal grandfat
her was rich, had many properties, and lived in a great estate with
stables and horses.
horses. He had three children – first a girl, followed by a boy, and then 12
years later, a third child,
child, also a boy. When this man died, his children
children were aged 31 years,
29, and 17.
The two older children got together between themselves and made an arrangement
arrangement with a
lawyer to favour
inheritance themselves
– the oldest child and the first male of the family – to split the
keeping 45% each for themselves, leaving only 10% for the youngest
(the father of our depressed
depressed young man). The youngesyoungestt felt dispossessed
dispossessed of his rightful
inheritance and lived a conflict of loss of territory.
Why did this happen? The key to the story is the grandfather. He made his fortune from
nothing. He worked
worked hard as a young businessman and bit-by-bit started to build his
1st child – was conceived when he had little and was in the process of building his future
wealth. The program for
for this first chil
d, a daughter - “You‟ll see,
see, my dear. We are ggoing
oing to

have a beautiful
this program andlife. We will
express her be rich
rich and
purpose you‟ll
– to liveliv
ine opulence.
like a princess.” This
She will child
have will take
almost half on
half of
her father‟s fortune.

2nd child – 3 years later, the father

father is still in the process of building his wealth. His
program is the same – to become rich and and live in opulence. His second child,
child, a son, also
will express his purpose
purpose and will inherit
inherit almost half of his father‟s fortune.
3rd child - 12 years later, the father is in his forties and has reached a very different stage in
his life. The program is different as a result. He is investing
investing large sums of money to have
his fortune grow even more, but at the same time he risks great losses, even financial ruin.
This third child, a son, will come at a time when the father fears to lose his money and
more (his estate/territory),
estate/territory), and will express
express his purpose.
purpose. He will inherit
inherit only 10% of his
father‟s fortune and live a conflict of loss of territory.
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Considering the father of our patient,
patient, everything will fall into place.
place. After the death of his
father, at age 17 years, he realized his older siblings had plotted to divide the inheritance
unfairly. He could have taken
taken action
action – warned other relatives or the police and tried to get
support for his position – but he did nothing.
nothing. He lostlost everything
everything and felt guilty and
devalued. This program
program will later mark his son,
son, the depressed
depressed patient.
So what happened? When the wife of this man (the father of the patient) became
pregnant, his conflict of loss suffered so deeply, resurface
d. His son was going to live in
relative poverty,
poverty, whereas his cousins
cousins lived in wealth. He wanted to change
change all that and
decides to initiate a lawsuit to regain his portion of his father‟s inheri

Consider carefully that this father plans, in a noble and just process of the law; recuperate
his fair portion of his inheritance.
inheritance. He does not have much money,
money, but he is going to use
the little he has to pay for this noble process in attempt to reclaim something of great value
fortune.. And his son is passionate about alchemy – from a
– all his portion of his father‟s fortune
metal of little value, such as lead, by using a process pure and noble (the great tradition of
alchemy), he tries to create gold. His interest interest in
in alchemy is imprinted
imprinted in his
Returning to the court case, the father is unsuccessful, given that his siblings have the
means to hire the
the best lawyer to defeat him. He loses and
and is totally ruined
ruined and dies of
of a
myocardial infarction.
The grandfather starts from nothing and
a nd builds a great fortune. By the time of his third
child , he has the shame and fear of losing his fortune. The conflict of „fear of losing my
territory‟ passes in the Programmed Purpose to this child, the younger
younger son.

This son,infather
territory, to theofpatient,
a climate “I am isdevalued
disinherited by his and
and guilty” siblings
siblings and
will laterlives
die this
of a asmyocardial
a loss of
infarction. He passes the program of “I am devalued and guilty” to his son who will
express it in his biology as a depression.
His son, the patient, will suffer a monstrous depression, in direct proportion to the
magnitude of his father‟s conflict, which was quite great – he lost a huge fortune.

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• Accurately
Accurately Labeled Physical Disease
Recognize • Accuratel
y Labeled Psychiatric Disease

• Predictable Conflict(s)
Conflict(s) for Each Disease
Realize • The Right Questions to Ask

• Becoming Aware
Aware of the Emotions Felt
Recall • Becoming Aware
Aware of the B
eliefs/Decisions Made

• Releasing Old Emotions

Resolve • Replacing Old Beliefs & Decisions with New Ones

• Associated Brain Hamer Focus Disappears

Recover • Associated Physical/Psychiatric
Physical/Psychiatric Disease Heals


Everyone has a conscious levellevel and subconscious level. Most of us are totally
totally unaware of
our subconscious and yet it never sleeps and affects many are areas
as of our lives. The ability to
recognize areas that are hidden from our conscious mind can make all the difference in
how we live our lives. The objective in in Recall Healing is to bring the subconscious
subconscious intointo
conscious awareness.
awareness. Therefore it is the ultimate
ultimate goal of a Rec
all Healing Ther
apist to ask
the right questions that
that will elicit the correct responses.
responses. These correct responses
responses often lead
to significant healing
healing within the client. The following list describes the effectseffects that these
emotions can cause while we are “Perfectly Unaware”.

 Actions and reactions controlled

controlled by hidden emotions
 Energy drained by hidden emotions
 Excitement of life withered by hidden emotions
 Lack of sleep because our subconscious is being driven by hidden emotions

We relive the same life patterns
patterns over and over because of hidden
hidden emotions

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Each individual sees, interprets and reacts to the world through his own internal conflicts
in response to his own emotional reactions.
reactions. There are three ways/patterns
ways/patterns to evaluate our
inner world.

Healthy individual: sees the Schizophrenic individual: Average Ill Person: Has blind
world as it is 100% trapped in his conflict spots about certain situations.


The healthy individual sees

sees the world as it is
is,, for what it is
Example: a book is a book.
A pencil is a pencil.
The individual‟s consciousness
consciousness is ““sane”
sane” of sound mind
mind,, with no dis
tortions, untruths.


The schizophrenic is in the world and not of this world at the same time. For him a book
is a tree or a pencil or a plate, etc. There is a distortion
distortion between what he se
es and the thing
itself. The schizophrenic
schizophrenic sees the same object, the book, as normal people but the
meaning he gives
gives to it is different.
different. It is not
not of this world.
world. His consciousness
consciousness is as a blank.
He cannot connect with reality.

The “Ill Person”, sick with a disease, holds a normal conscious ness li ke the healthy
individual but for the disease his consciousness is like the schizophrenic – a total blank.
There may be one (or more) “blank” if the person does not have access to his own
consciousness for specific events
events (diseases/conflicts).
(diseases/conflicts). The blank area is referred
referred to as the
emotional “Blind Spot”.

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The individual does not see, does not have an awareness of his own conflict. It is as
though he is looking at his world through glasses partially covered with dense black bars
that prevents him from seeing tthe
he complete, clear picture.
picture. And he is totally blind in some
bands of the full spectrum or experience
experience of his life.
life. The task of the facilitator in Recall
Healing is to help the client uncover and release himself from this emotional
emotional “Blind Spot”.

Exercise: Find
experience an overwhelming
one word and/or
sentence for which you react promptly and for which you
Because most people have a few conflicts that block areas of their awareness, we could say
that these are like
like prison bars. It is not easy to break thes
thesee but it is possible
possible and it is tthe
first step towards healing. For the therapist, it is the goal that will lead to success or failure
He has to find it in his patient and break through. We will see examples of that nut first first
let‟s understand this more clearly

“Long ago, I lived great trials and difficult events, unbearable, hard and overwhelming, that
my brain stored somewhere in my subconscious in order to protect the person I was at
that particular
particular period of my life.
life. I don‟t remember
remember any of the memories. I don‟t see any
of these, although, these are among the dominant „actors‟ of my daily life.”

The “Blind Spot” is a mechanism of the brain to protect us from such memories and to
help ensure we function as well as possible. The brain comprises
comprises several
several layers
layers of
Let‟s compare the brain to a lake:
la ke:

A stone thrown into the water produces riddles (some wavy circles)
circles) and reaches the
We receive information that stimulates the brain‟s reception centre (visual, audio and the
thinking mechanism). This information is immediately processed. A decision is made
regarding the need of this information: is it urgent now or later? later? And then,
then, this
information will be stored in pre-conscious part of the mind, in case we need to process it
When this information is in correspondence with our conflict (terrible drama, great shock,
etc.) it is sent directly in the depth of the subconscious without affecting the surface.
Otherwise if we had access in full consciousness we would live an overwhelming stress.
This can bring an ongoing stress, eventually leading us toward a disease. The “Blind Spot”
is a process that protects against this pattern.

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This information is downloaded into biologic
al unconscious memory. We are unaware of
the possible reminder.
The real therapeutic work is to help the patient to become aware of what is hidden into the
unconscious mind regarding the conflict/illness and then to clear the stressful information.
When the “Blind Spot” is released, we access to new state of mind.

Example: The stroller

A woman was at a t the park with her 3 years old son. While she talked
tal ked with other women,
the little boy rides his bicycle out towards the street. She saw him just as he was almost at
the gate and started
started yelling and running ttowards
owards him but he kept going into the street.
street. A
man was driving along and did not see the child who rode straight in front of him and the
child was thus hit and killed in the accident.
She feels guilt; she thinks
thinks she should have been more aware, that it is her fault. She just
lifted her eyes from the boy for maybe 30 seconds but she feels that she has failed in being
a good mother.
mother. She feels worthless.
Now it has been a year and a half, and she is sti stillll in deep depression. Her mother tries
tries to
help her and she suggests she should go out to see people, shop or at least go for walks.
She tells her it is not her fault, just a bad luck, and that life goes on...
And so one day she decides to go do a bit of shopping so she can tell her mom that she
did and make her happy. In the late afternoon she gets dressed and walks out of her
apartment. She lives on the fifth floor and so she has to take the elevator down to sstreet
level. Then she walks out through the lobby. A Att the moment she opens the front door of
the building, the following scene is taking place on the sidewalk just in front of the door.
A young lady is pushing a stroller and notices the little hat on her baby‟s head has just
fallen of its head. She stops to replace it saying: “Oh little baby has lost her little hat, see
how mommy is a good mommy,
mommy, she noticed right away.
away. We don‟t want the baby
baby to catch
a cold, so mommy is going to put it back in place. There! See how mommy takes good
care of you? Now let us go
go back home, we will have warm bath and then we will
will have a
little nappy.”

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This is unbearable for this woman, it reminds her of how she was not a good mother and
had her son killed.
killed. And so she cannot take this informati
on in full conscience,
conscience, it would
put her right back into a high stress
stress conflict. And so her “Blind Spot”
Spot” takes care of that by
sucking the information
information right through
through into her unconscious. This process leaves
leaves a blank in
her mind and because the human mind has a hard time with void, her brain sends her a
thought to
to fill the eempty
mpty space. At that moment
moment she thinks: “I
“I can not remember
remember if I
locked the door, I better go check it out.” This is what is called a parasitic thought.
And so she turns around and goes back up in the elevator wondering what is happening
happ ening to
her. While she worries
worries about th
is, the scene of the stroller is being buried
buried deeper and
deeper in her unconscious. To make it even more efficient, her brain sends her more
questions. She cannot remember
remember shutting
shutting the light
light off and the TV.
TV. She thinks she is going
crazy. She is more
more and more worried.
worried. When she getsgets back to
to her apartment, she
she finds that
she had done all those
those things she could not remember,
remember, so she worries
worries even more.
more. If she
had forgotten, it would have been normal to not recall these actions but because she had
done them, there must be something wrong with her.
So she locks the
the door again and goes back out. By the time she reaches the front door,
the lady with the stroller
stroller is long ggone
one and she does not remember
remember ever seeing her. She is
in the midst of her “Blind
“Blind Spot”.
Spot”. Her brain di
d this to protect her.

That night when her mother calls, she tells her about her day. Of course, she does not
omit the stroller scene
scene on purpose; she genuinely
genuinely does not remember it. She tells her of
the sudden loss of memory and of of the mother starts worrying too. She suggests
suggests her to go
see a doctor because it is not normal for a young woman to have a blank like this.
The doctor takes this very seriously and has her go through a series of expensive tests
te sts but
find nothing wrong,
wrong, of course. He tells her she does not have any physical
physical illness, she has
a functional illness, the loss of short term memory and gives her some prescription to help
her with it. The doctor does not know about her “Blind Spot” a nd so did not know to ask
what was happening at the moment she questioned if she had locked the door. If he didd id
and insisted, she might
might have been able
able to recall the str
oller becaus
becausee it is still recent.
recent. He
trusts her to tell him the truth so he does not suspect that something is hidden behind all
So in her memory there is a patch made to cover up the stroller scene, and she will never
be aware of it unless she tries hard
hard to break her “Blin
d Spot”. This would be the work of a
good therapist, to make her access full reality, so she can finish mourning her son and heal
from depression.

There are
there. Thisdifferent
is a keydegrees of “Blind
to therapy,
therapy, Spot”,
detecting it infrom very is
a patient light to extreme,
of great but it isBreaking
importance. always
through it is the first step to successful healing.
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Imagine that no one has ever seen

seen an iceberg. A bunch of scientists, on a boat, see for one
for the very first time. From afar, the only part of it that they se
seee is the exposed area
a rea of it.
Following their perceptions and deducting from what they see, they declare: “there are
mountains of ice floating on the surface
surface of the ocean”. They are describing an appearance,

but in fact it isonfalse,

appearances, siturface
is onlyof10%
the surface of. reality.
things To findItreality
is important not
no t to
one needs
needs to go
remain in the
deeper, worldthe
beyond of
What we see is only the visible 10% of reality, but even if we got 100%, we would still be
mistaking. Not only do we get to see only this 10% of reality but also this 10% is
completely false. Reality is at the opposite
opposite of appearance.
We just have to look at the apparent immobility of things to demonstrate it. When we
look at an object that is apparently still, if we stop there and take it for what it looks and
say, this object is still, we are absolutely wrong.
wrong. In actual fact that
that object is oonn the earth
and is subject to the movement created by the rotation of the planet, therefore going east
at a pretty impressive
impressive speed of 1666.66 km/ km/ hour. It is also subject
subject to the rotation of the
earth around the sun, and and of the rotation of our solar ssystem
ystem in the galaxy. The galaxy is
also moving in the universe.
universe. Only when we go the the extra length to
to the deeper levels do we
see the real reality.

We now see that nothing is really still and that it is only an illusion. Everything is moving
constant ly in a complex volumetric spiral. Not only do we see a really small part of reality,
but also what we see is false.

Even after
changes, wewe stillknow
still whatwe
see what reality is beyond
saw before, andthe
illusionnature of appearances,
remains. The only waynothing
to stay
within reality is to be aware
aware of the real reality of phenomenon.
It is extremely important to be aware or this because or brain is connected with the real
reality of the universe, it works within the real.
Emerged part: 1/10 (we see it)
Submerged part: 9/10 (we don‟t see it)

What we see can be quite misleading.

We are fooled by what we see.
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We have to keep in mind the B part of the IC
EBERG that reflects
reflects the real reality.
Often, we are victim of our knowledge, which is only
only a small perce
ntage of reality. We
think we know but …

True knowledge liberates!


We may be embarrassed
embarrassed with a disease but for biology,
biology, disease is an asset
asset (a solution)!
We are going to learn how to see reality with a different approach,
approach, e.g. by considering
considering every
dimension of the human being.
In the picture below we see an example of the
the Iceberg analogy. However if you will notice
not only is 90% of our awareness below the surface, it is also clouded.

As a client progresses
progresses and gains insight into these hidden emotions, they also gain more

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Key to any resolution

resolution is the ability to discover
discover the conflict. The Recall Healing Therapist
has at their disposal
disposal a number of tools
tools with which to accomplish this ggoal.
oal. The following
picture illustrates how the use of these tools can bring clarity to the hidden emotions that
may be causing the client significant distress and disease.
d isease.

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Reality is defined in the dictionary as the state of being real. Life though offers a much
more complex view of reality.
reality. At its simplest, reality is what our mind believes it to be
at any given moment. The following list exemplifies the varying degrees of “reality”
our mind can conceive.
As If = It Is

 Examples
 Real
What does exist: a cat is a cat
 Virtual
This is the imagination which could exist or that could happen. It only exists
in the world of the mental
mental representation. For a child who has
has been attacked
by a bald man with a beard, all bald men with a beard are dangerous.
The virtual representation
representation he has is: “Bald
“Bald man with a bear
d = Dang

 Imaginary

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What does come from imagination,
imagination, which may not exist and most of the
time, does not exist.
exist. The autonomic brain is not aware of the imaginary as it
is; it does react just to the feelings [like a felt experience].
 Symbolic
The symbol is a maximum of data (information) on a spatiotemporal
minimum support.Ex:
immediately know whatIfhewelooks
“This man is strong
thought is also as a bull” we
comfortable in
 Expectations
Our expectations can become so strong they can materialize into reality.
Real vs Symbolic - Stomach Cancer Examples

The whole digestive system is affected by conflicts of “I cannot digest this chunk or
morsel.” The closer in
in time the conflict is, the
the more it will affect tthe
he upper parts of the
digestive tract.
tract. Conversely, the further
further it is or the longer it lasts, the more the conflict will
affect the lower digestive tract (intestines).
Stomach cancer is related to a conflict of a recent indigestible annoyance.
As long as there is an
a n occlusion in one‟s stomach, one can‟t eat. It is ultimately important
that the chunk be digested
digested as fast as possible
possible.. The perfect solution for this is cancer of the
mucous membrane
membrane of the stomach
stomach because
because cancer is a turbo function. If the normalnormal
digestive acids and enzymes are not strong enough, the ones produced by a cancer will be.
This may sound, absurd but it is true; a cancer is a second-generation
second -generation organ that is better
performing then
then the orig
inal. The digestive enzymes and acids produced by a stomach‟s
mucous membrane
membrane cancer are ten
ten times more potent
potent then those of a normal stomach. Dr.
Hamer tested this by making the following experiment.
Hamer‟s experience:

He took two test tubes and put the following ingredients in them.
Tube A Tube B
10 cc of normal stomach mucous 10 cc of cancerous stomach mucous
membrane membrane
10cc of nutritive liquid (So the cells live) 10 cc of nutritive liquid (So the cells live)
10 gr. ball of ground beef 10 gr. ball of ground beef
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The results were amazing; the cancer digested the meat 10 times faster then the normal
cells. The same kind of experience
experience have proven that most
most cancer are like this, a turbo, an
improved, organized organ that comes when needed to increase the organ‟s function.

Our friend the wolf will get cancer and digest the rabbit‟s leg i n a few days or weeks so he
does not die of starvation.
starvation. As soon as the chun
chunkk is digested, his brain
brain will send a message
to theits
it has stomach for the
own blood cancer
vessels andtoarteries.
vessels be eliminated.
eliminated. Because
Why would the abody
go isto
effort organ,
of creating
new blood system for something that that is a dysfunction? Right there we have the the right to
wonder. When the brain give the order to eliminate the tumour, the body auto-operates
on it and so cuts the blood vessels and arteries and the whole thing is eliminated,
disintegrated. And so the wolf will have blood blood coming out ooff his anus for 10-15 days,
along with some pus and little pieces of flesh, and then it will stop on its own.
Of course, the wolf does not fear cancer, no one has told him that it is a serious condition
and that he might die of it. He will never relapse,
relapse, unless some
some other chunk needs to to be

The elimination of a tumour his fast, when the brain decides that itit is not needed anymore,
and sends the message, it is a matter of a few days or weeks, and it is over.
 Nature‟s Example - Wolf Swallows Rabbit Leg

There is a young wolf that lives

lives with his pack hunting rabbits. Every time they get one, the
wolf barely manages to get a leg while the oothers
thers are feasting on the main parts. It tries to
eat it but because it is hard and full of bones and cartilage, it takes a while to get through it
and another biggerbigger wolf comes and steals it from our young friend. After many
experiences of that sort, the young wolf gets sick of it and decides to eat it whole so to get
at least his little morsel.
Unfortunately the rabbit‟s leg is too big to be digested in one chunk and so the wolf gets a
condition of digestive occlusion, meaning his digestive tract becomes completely blocked
not allowing him to eat until the blockage
blockage is removed.
removed. This also happens to human beings,
but we‟d have surgery
surgery to remove this blockage,
blockage, which the wo
lf cannot do of course. For
ages nature has had to deal with this possibility especially when surgeons did not even
exist; so the brain had to find a solution. If the morsel could be digested in a few days or
weeks, then the individual would
would survive. If it weren‟t the case and the occlusion laste
d for
too long, the individual would die.
Nature has a perfect
perfect solution for this
this problem and that is stomach cancer. In this case, the
chunk or morsel is real, but in the human world, it could be also imaginary, symbolic or

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I can‟t digest the morsel (main conflict)

There is a main digestive conflict. From not important to very intense (as secondary
This is the synthesis of every emotion and felt experience that will determine the targeted
Various possible digestive
digestive conflicts:
I can‟t forgive; I hold on, I‟m stuck with it: rectum

I can‟t assimilate that, I can‟t accept, I want to flush it: trigger small intestine conditions

I can‟t digest this morsel, in a recent conflict, an annoyance within my family clan: trigger
stomach conditions
I can‟t swallow that, I thought I had it but it is gone: oesophagus

I can‟t catch the morsel: trigg

er E.N.T. conditions

I can‟t digest this old same shit: colon cancer, sigmoid

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Between oesophagus and rectum there is a notion of time: in the digestive tract, closer the
oesophagus is related to recent conflict, closer the rectum is related to ancient.
 Human Example – The Businessman
Two old friends have started a business together and it becomes prosperous. One of
them, Mike, is really good at going at meeting new clients and likes travelling, selling their
product. The other one, Bob, is m more
ore the office type,
type, he deals with the big clients,
clients, by
appointments, and thinks and plans the futurefuture of the enterprise. One day Bob tellstells Mike
that their positions in the business should be made official and that since he does the work
of a director and Mike is more like an assistant director, they should make that way
officially. Mike reacts
reacts strongly against
against that, he says they have created this business together
and that they should remain equals in it. Bob sees it differently, it would look better better if
their roles were established and he se sets
ts out to do just that. Every week on Friday, as a
habit, he gets Mike to sign papers
papers which he does quickly
quickly trusting his life-long friend. And
so, in the following months, Bob slips a few legal documents through the pile and has
Mike unknowingly sign over the position of director to Bob and the assistant director to
One day, he tells Mike what he has done and adds that it is better that way; it will make the
business look more organized,
organized, and therefore
therefore more prosperous.
prosperous. Mike cannot digest
digest that.
Now, the chunk is not real, it is symbolic.
symbolic. For the brain
brain,, it is absolutely no different,
different, it is
an indigestible annoyance, and so it is programming stomach cancer.
For the brain: AS IF = IT IS

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Things that happen in the body are connected both to the embryological development of
the body and to the connection of the specific brain centers to each of those embryonic


Specific areas of the brain correspond to specific

specific areas of the body. These brain areas are
divided into two main components each of which is further divided into two additional
parts. The area of the brain and the area of the body predict ho how
w a disease process
process will
manifest in the active phase and the repair phase (both phases will be defined and
described further in
in a subseque
nt section). The following chart lists the areas of the brain
associated with the specific organs and tissues.

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layers cell
the humantobody
our originates
originates from
intra-uterine one of the[during
development thre
threee blastodermic
the first threelayers.
layers. These

 Endoderm (brain stem) [Vital]: vital organs like digestive track and reproductive

 Mesoderm
o Old Mesoderm (cerebellum) [protection & integrity]: dermis, pleura,
peritoneum, pericardium, meninges, etc.
o New Mesoderm (cerebral medulla “white substance”) [stand, move, walk,
run, etc.]: bones, muscles, connective tissue, etc.

 Ectoderm (cortex) [Relational/Territory]: skin and every component made with

ectoderm + nervous system.
The following chart details the different areas of the brain which make up the Old Brain
and the New Brain.
Old-Brain (the most primitive part of the brain)

 Brain Stem
o Controls function of the endoderm

o These centers govern: Vital glands and Homeostasis (vital regulation of the

o Sympathetic Phase: Mass

o Parasympathetic Phase: Growth stops, encapsulation or destruction by

bacteria or mycobacteria; necrosis, cellular reduction

o Biological function old mesoderm type

o These centers govern:

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o Protection
o Nurturing, Feeding
o Body‟s integrity
o Sympathetic Phase: Mass
o Parasympathetic Phase: necrosis, cellular reduction,cys

New-Brain (the most advanced part of the brain)

 Medullar layer (white substance)

o Biological function new mesoderm type

o These centers govern:

o Movement

o Value

o Loss of direction
d irection
o Sympathetic Phase: Necrosis, ulceration

o Parasympathetic Phase: Regeneration, mass; cyst filling up; necroses healing

with reconstruction
reconstruction scar

 Cortex, grey substance

o Biological function ectoderm type

o Left female – right male
o These centers command:

Outside (male,relations
o Sympathetic Phase: Necrosis, ulceration
o Parasympathetic Phase: Regeneration, mass; cyst filling up; necroses healing
with reconstruction
reconstruction scar
The following is a graphic
graphic representation
representation of the above chart.

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Brain Stem & Cerebellum CEREBRUM
Conflict Active Phase:
Phase : Cells Multiply, Form a Mass Conflict Active Phase: Cell Reduction, Necrosis, Ulcer
Phase : Cell Reduction, Necrosis,
Recovery Phase: Recovery Phase: Cell Multiplication, Regeneration, Mass,
Ulceration Cyst, filling up the ulcer-necroses
u lcer-necroses with reconstructio
n scar

Endoderm controlled by Brain Stem New Mesoderm controlled by

These centers govern: Homoiostasis Relays to Vital Whitegovern
These centers Medulla (Cerebrum)
Production, Value, and Loss .
Organs –digestive (to eat), breathing, urinary (to reject), sexual
(to reproduce) Adrenal Glands Arteries
Blood Platelets Bones (skeleton)
Adenohypophysis Alveoli Blood Red & White Cells Brain Marrow
Appendix Bladder (sub-mucosal) Connective Tissue Fat (hypodermis)
Brain Stem Cecum Joints/Cartilage/Tendons/Spinal Column/Pelvis/
Column/ Pelvis/
Duodenum (except bulb) Colon Neck of Femur/Ribs/Skull/Shoulders
Epiploon Ileum Kidneys (parenchyma) Peripheral Veins
Esophagus (lower third) Jejunum Lymph Nodes & Vessels
Smooth Muscles
Navel Pancreas Spleen
Fallopian Tubes Lungs (alveoli) Striated Muscles
Gonads (germinative cells) Pharynx – Palate Teeth (dentin)
Hypophysis/Pituitary Pituitary Glands Testes (interstitial zone)
Kidney,Collecting Tubules Placenta Uterine Muscle
Liver (as a solitary cancer) Prostate
Middle/Eustachian Tubes Ectoderm controlled by Cortex
Mouth (sub-mucosal membrane) (grey substance)
Parathyroid (acinar portion) These centers command: Laterality (male, female) Outside World
Relationships, Conquer Territory, Communicate, and Separation
Salivary Glands (acinar portion)
Sigmoid-Rectum (endodermic)
Breast (milk ducts/intraductal)
Small Intestine (jujunum/ileum) Broca‟s Zone/
Stomach (big curve) Command sensitive Epidermis /Skin
Sublingual Glands Esophagus (upper two thirds)
Sub-mucosal Membrane of Digestive Tract Hearing (inner ear)
Tear Glands/ Adenoid Vegetations
Vegetations Nasal & Mouth Mucous Membranes
Thymus Nerve Sheath
Thyroid (acinar portion) Neuro-motor areas (paralysis)
Tonsils Olfaction
Uterus (mucous membrane) Pancreas (alpha & beta cells)
Salivary & Sublingual Ducts
Schwann Sheath
CEREBELLUM Sensitivity of the Periosteum
Breast (milk gland & dermis) Bladder (right mucous Aorta
Cerebellum Membrane) Biliary &Pancreatic ducts
Dermis Cervix Bladder (left mucous
Eustachian Tubes Coronary Veins membrane)
Eyelids Larynx Bronchiall arch (neck nodes)
Meninges Rectum Bronchiall tubes
Pericardium Retina/vitreous humor Coronary Arteries
Peritoneum Thyroid Duodenum (bulb)
Pleura Uterus Retina/Vitreous humor
Scrotum Vagina Seminal Vesicles
Stomach (small curve)

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There are four ways the brain can act on the cells of the body. These relate to the type of
tissue is targeted. There are four types of tissues: ancient
ancient mesoderm,
mesoderm, new mesoderm,
ectoderm and endoderm. Each one of these works with its specific action that we can see
in the biological piano and its pound keys.
1. Forming a mass (Cellular multiplication)
During the conflict active phase the brain commands cellular multiplication:
tumours, adenocarcinoma, polyps, cysts, fibroma, etc.
During the repair phase the brain commands reduction of the mass / restoration,
caseination, cavern, fibrosis, scar, encystations or bacterial reduction with for
instance: Koch bacillus.
2. Digging (Cellular reduction)

During the conflict

conflict active phase the brain commands to micro-ulcerate, to dig. So
we will get: geode,
geode, porosity, cavern, ulcer, etc.
During the repair phase: cellular multiplication in order to restore the tissue, to fill
up the holes, etc.
Ex: stomach ulcer
3. Blocking of a function (The brain commands to stop a function)
During the conflict active phase: blockage
Ex: diabetes, MS (stopping the production of myelin), stammering, myopia, paralysis
During the repair phase: restoration of the function [unblocking]
4. Unblocking of a function (the brain commands multiplying
multiplying a function)
During the conflict active phase: the brain commands to unblocking of a body‟s
(Ex: Parkinson, Gilles de la Tourette‟s disease, tics and tremors)

During the repair phase: back to normal

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There are two types of brain
brain function:
1. Hyper, increasing +++ mass (Key #1) or function (Key #4)
2. Hypo, decreasing ----- through digging
d igging/ulceration
/ulceration (key #2) or blocking (key#3)
Every illness, condition, syndrome fits
fits in one of these categories. These are the methods
of action
relates the different
to the brain hasillnesses.
to help us solve
solve our conflicts.
conflicts. We will explain as we go
go how this
Generally, the first time we have a biological conflict (and so an illness) and we solve it,
there will be full restitution of the affected tissues.
tissues. On the other hand, if the conflict
returns, the brain will, from then on, keep a little bit of the altered tissue for the next time.
The brain does not like working needlessly. If we keep getting the same conflict, why
bother repairing completely something
something that will have to be altered
altered again. This is what
benign tumours
tumours are; they are the remains of re-occurring conflictconflicts.
s. For there to be a
tumour it has to have grown at some point. Benign tumours are therefore a sleeping
cancer that wakes up when needed and goes back to a state of latency during truce.

The following chart delineates the Conflict Active Phases and Recovery Phases for
different types of brain controlled tissues/organs.
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The function
f unction of the breast is to produce milk, which is the most perfect and best-adapted
food for babies. Mother‟s milk prov
ides the best nutrients to enabl
enablee the most harmonious
development of a baby. Mother‟s milk is created
created for human sur vival. This is a biological
programming that has been genetically encrypted within mammals (humans and animals)
for millions of years.
years. This is a m
aternal program for a baby‟s survival.
In Recall Healing:
There are 4 main types of Breast
Breast Cancer (corresponding
(corresponding to 4 different types
types of cells). Each
type of cancer corresponds to a precise conflict with a particular me
The main biological invariant of breast cancer is “Home/nest conflict”. Home/nest
means: home, husband, children, family, etc. (symbolic,
(symbolic, real, virtual,
virtua l, and imaginary).
1. Cancer of the Milk glands - Adenocarcinoma

Conflict: Human drama in the home/nest.

This cancer starts in the milk-bearing cells, i.e. the cells that secrete milk. The
biological conflict is the “nest” conflict, experienced as a drama affecting my child,
my husband, my marriage,
marriage, etc. This has to do with thethe home, the house or the fear
of something happening
happening to my children
children.. It is the conflict ooff mothering.
In nature for millions of years, breast- feeding has been the mother‟s best way t o
save her child (in times of famine, illness, etc.) as this provides both food and drink
to the child, so he can survive.

Immediately the genes

neurons governing of the chromosomes
the milk-bearing of breasts,
cells in the the cells(the
make up the seat
of neurons of
on the
side wall of the cerebellum),
cerebellum), giv
givee orders to the breast to proliferate its cells. This
gives rise to a cancer, which is actually a turbo-breast, a hyper-productive breast
(which increases
increases its lactating ability),
ability), so that the child can survive.
survive. (The nutritional
power of the liquid produced by these cancerous cells is superior to the power of
normal milk).
It produces highly concentrated milk whos
whosee sole aim is to save the child‟s life. This
is yet another example of the brain‟ s perfect solutions.

The milk-bearing cells are of ancient tissue from the old mesoderm governed by the
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During sympathicotonia this produces a lump (Adenocarcinoma).

Its biological purpose is to produce the best quality milk for even better protection
of the child.
In the healing phase, the lump reduces and sometimes produces an infection.
infectio n. The
micro-calcifications are little
little nodules. Sometimes the breast
breast inverts (within).
After the first and second conflicts, all this disappears, but after the subsequent
trauma scar tissue and a lump remain (a benign tumour, an encysted and inactive
Nest conflicts are connected with the breasts because of the link with food being
produced out of one‟s
one‟s own self. It is how women save their love
d ones!


The right breast:
This is the site of the “extended nest” conflict, a human drama with a person one is
caring for but not mothering, such as a partner or other persons one cares for, such
as brothers, sisters, friends, relatives, parents or grandparents.
This may represent a non-sexual conflict with a sexual partner, (which is therefore
transposed from the uterus to the breast,) e.g. a wounded or handicapped husband.
Human drama with a person whom one does not no normally
rmally mother, e.g. an energetic,
healthy man. If one is mothering the person, the cancer
cancer develops iinn the left breast.
Example: A woman wants to buildbuild her home, her nest.
nest. A quarrel develops with her
partner. Six weeks later a mammary tumour appears. (On average, two months
after a conflict, a lump measures 7 mm.). When the big reconciliation
reconciliation is done, she is
reassured and moves into the
the healing phase. If the nodule measures
measures less than 7 mm,
it remains unnoticed and will be considered as fibrosis or mastosis.
The left breast: MOTHERING nest conflict.
This is the “nest” conflict (in the narrow sense): a drama with someone I am
mothering. This may be with whatever is inin my nest, babies, children,
children, small animals,
my apartment, house, pet project, enterprise (which is like my “baby,”) grandparents
or a sick and greatly cherished husband.
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This is the STRICT nest conflict, because it is to do with what we feel intimately
responsib le for, (as our baby). There is a feeling that something serious is
threatening the child, his safety, what he is doing, and his future.
Sometimes the “child” is symbolic.

This conflict is to do with what is being mothered

mothered or taken “under
“under one‟s wing.”
Sometimes it is to do with the house or something virtual.
It is also to do with the mother-child or child-mother relationship between others,
(as in the case of a little girl taking care of her brother).


Reversee what has been said for the right-handed woman.
The left breast is the
the site of the non-mothering or extended “nest” conflict.
The right breast
breast is the site for the moth
ering “nest
“nest”” conflict.

FOR A MAN: This is the

the father-child conflict.
conflict. It occurs in less than
than 1% of cases.
2. Cancer of the milk-ducts
Conflict of separation within the nest, lack of commun ication, inability to convey one‟s

When the conflict is a “nest”

“nest” conflict as
sociated with a feeling of separation an
d/or lack
of communication, this corresponds
corresponds to a cancer of the
the ducts. The ducts are the means
by which the milk is conveyed out towards my baby.
Example of a mother separated from her 12 year-old son detained in a rehabilitation
centre for committing robbery with violence.
She is certainly going through a mothering conflict and she is separated from her child.
Her brain therefore sends a specific program to dig holes in the tissues (active phase in
the ectoderm,) as if a greater diameter were needed for the flow of milk to be certain
that her milk would reach all the way to her child, (as if increasing the diameter of the
channel would increase the possibility of communication with him.)
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In the healing phase the holes are mended, and this is when a cancer appears, an intra-
ductal invasive carcinoma.
carcinoma. The breast swells
swells temporarily, for the channels
channels are blocked
and we are told that this is a carcinomatous mastitis of the breast, which is considered
to be the worst form of cancer.
Example: a mother in conflict with her 14-year-old daughter who is already sexually
the great
to listen andofcomplains
to her parents.
compl TheNo
ains loudly. mother tries toion
communicat reason with her
is possible.
3. Skin cancer, melanoma (affecting derma)
This is the conflict of
of loss or staining of one‟s inte
grity within the ne

Example: a woman has a new boy-friend and tells him she has breast cancer (in the
glands.) Her boy friend rejects
rejects her, and she feels as if she is unclean.
unclean. She develops
melanoma. Melanoma of of the breast is different in
in that it is RUBY instead
instead of black.
The feeling is that my integrity
integrity has been sstained/soiled.

Example: a woman is deceived by her husband.

The melanoma would act
a ct as a shield, a form of protection, a screen: the skin (derma) is
the affected part.
4. Reckling
hausen‟s disease

The conflict of wanting separation within the

the nest, wanting to
to cease contact.
This centres on the preoccupation with wanting to separate from the nest or within the
One wants to separate, but one can‟t – the man perhaps insisting and the woman no
longer wanting this contact.
In Recklinghausen‟s disease it‟s as if ther e were thousands of little tumours on the
nerves preventing information from circulating.
They say: I don‟t want the message of contact to reach my brain, so the nodules
interrupting the flow of information are set up on the nerves relaying the message back.
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Localization/Positioning of breast cancer

Upper quadrant: I think about and rationalise my conflict and ruminate.

Central quadrant: very deep shock experienced as the stab of a dagger.
Deep: must remain hidden, secret, unknown
Lower quadrant: I devalue myself in my conflict
External quadrant:
quadrant: I feel attacked.
attacked. The danger comes
comes from outside,
outside, from outside
my family, my home, my work, my clan.
Internal quadrant: drama I am experiencing within myself with regard to someone
else. The danger comes from within:
within: within my nest, my clan,
clan, my work,
work, my


The following chart identifies which parts of the Brain Stem that correspond to specific
organs and tissues.
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The following chart identifies which parts of the Cerebral Cortex that correspond to
specific organs and tissues.
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A client‟s handedness is an important

important component in helping tto
o determine the source of the
hidden emotion. The following chart gives the personal attributes attributed to the left or
right side depending upon the handedness of the person.
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Conflict resolutions are either practical
practical or they are of
of the mind. A practical solution (10%
of the cases) is one in which the conflict is resolved through some action which removes
the conflict. A solution of the mind
mind first requires the rrecognition
ecognition of the disease condition
and then follows a process listed below to a successful recov
ery of health.
 Practical Solution
 Solution of the mind
 Recognize Disease
 Realize the Connection Between Emotional Conflict and Disease
 Recall the Emotion Felt and the Beliefs/Decisions Made
 Release Old Emotions
 Replace Old Beliefs/Decisions with New Beliefs/Decisions
 Recover Health (Physical/Psychological)



(From Claude Sabbah)

Joe is a hunter, he lives in the year 100,000 BC His tribe lives on a mountain in a cave
where they are safe from predators. Early every morning, the chief wakes all the hunters
and they set out for their day trip.
trip. They go down the mountain intointo the valley where they
have to cross a river
river to get to their hunting
hunting grounds. It is a long walk but they know they
have no choice; they could not live closer because there would be no shelter from
predators after nightfall.
nightfall. Trying to hunt
hunt on the mo
untain had proven
proven to be a waste of
The set up works for them and so that is the way they live. The only problem is the river.
To cross it, they go to a more shallow area
a rea and have to walk through it. The problem is
that it is full of very
very poisonous snakes. Every once in a while, one of the hunter screams as
they cross and within a few minutes as he reaches the other side starts frothing at the
mouth and dies in agony while the others watch, helpless.
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Joe is scared; he has seen so many hunters die over the years, his grand father 5 years ago,
his father two years ago and his own brother two weeks ago. Every day, he lives in fear.
At night he cannot sleep, he has nightmares. In the morning, when it is time to go, he
shivers. When he gets
gets to the river,
river, he trembles.
trembles. Once on the other side, he worries
worries about
the night crossing.
crossing. And so, he lives with a serious conflict that keeps
keeps him in a constant
stress and undermines
undermines him twenty-four hours hours a day. As we have seen, with mister
business, one cannot
brain will have to find live for very
a solution long
if he in that type of energy draining situation and his
d oesn‟t.



There are two types of solution one can use: Practical

Practical Solutions, the physical removal from
a conflicting situation, and Solutions of the Mind, where one goes beyond the conflicting
situation and finds resolve by thinking it out. Solutions of the mind are better because the
last. The conflicting situation remains but it does not affect the person
person any longer because
they went beyond it.
Practical solutions: Joe and his tribe mates could decide to eliminate the snakes in a snake
hunt. They would have to kill every snake in that river from top to bottom, it might take
them a while but they would
would then be free of the problem. They could find a snake poison,
and dump it in the river near the source everyday until all the snakes went floating down
the river.
Solutions of the mind: Joe could invent the bridge, or the boat, they could dig a tunnel,
invent stilts, or any other way to go over the river without having to be in contact with the
water. The snake would
would remain but would
would not scare them any mor
The illness is related to the conflict,
conflict, not to the conflicting situation...
It is important to see that healing can occur even if the conflicting situation lasts or
That is why practical solutions are not the best. By removing the situation, one runs the
risk of falling back as soon as the situation comes back. With solutions of the mind,
mind , it does
not matter what happens, once
once we have gone beyond,
beyond, it does not affect
affect us any more. It is
through love that one goes beyond conflicting situations...

Lets get back to Joe the hunter.

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Eventually his brain says: “Because it is so terrible for you to cross this river, and because
you have not been able to find either a practical solution or a solution with your mind, I
will give you a biological solution, the only one I can give you.” Paralysis appears because
it is the perfect solution of the brain.
Now that he is paralyzed, he does not have to wage across the river anymore, and so he is
the river)ofand
does notstress.
He does
devaluat not have
ed because fear. Inwith
fear. thefact,
actual act, he
fact of still
moving (to
has the
conflicts, but now that they are in in his biology they are more manageable, less stressful.
stressful. He
has a conflict about moving, he is paralyzed and he feels devalued because he is now left
with the women and children, but now it is not his fault anymore, so it i t is more viable this
Now we have to understand why it is a multiple sclerosis and not another type of paralysis
that is programmed.
programmed. We stated that a conflict of moving for multiple sclerosis
sclerosis was related
to a vertical move, which is subject to gravity. In his do
om, Joe‟s stress,
stress, start
ed every time
he had to come down from the mountain, his stressstress increased
increased as he came down. That is a
move happened
stress that isis related
as hetomoves
downwhere gravity
into the river.definitely applies.
Every step that. he
More tookso,deeper
took the biggest
in the
water, made
mad e his fear grow and as he came back up on the other side, his stress decreased.
For his brain then, going down (the mountain or into the river) meant more stress, and
going up relieved it. It is a vertical
vertical move, which is subject to gravity
gravity,, and therefore the
biological transposition will be multiple sclerosis.
The military machine, and especially the Vietnam War was a great creator of multiple
sclerosis. The kids had to go on the terrain
terrain where death was a defi
nite possibility.
possibility. Because
the choppers could not land for long enough to drop them safely they had to jump four
meters into their doom. As soon as they touched the ground, they were in mortal danger.
Imagine the stress, related to
t o that jump. That is a very good example of a vertical move to
which gravity applies.
In biological decoding,
decoding, the clarity of the evidence varies
varies greatl
y. Because our brain
brain deals
with what
wha t is represented in our mind, it can be extremely evident when the conflict are in
reality, but it can also be very subtle when the conflicts are lived through the symbolic,
virtual or imaginary realms. For the brain it is all the same thing, it does
d oes not differentiates
dif ferentiates
what is real from the imaginary,
imaginary, symbolic or virtual equivalents.
When the illness appears, Joe‟s conflict does not put his survival at risk; he d
oes not have
to face it anymore. Even if he is sick, he lives that situation (when the illness starts) as a
In order to heal MS, Joey has
ha s to “solve” its own “biological conflict.”
© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver
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For every paralysis there is a “double conflict.”

To moving [not being able to escape] (Main conflict)

Self-devaluation [feeling not good enough,
enough, feeling like s _ _ _, etc.] (Secondary conflict).

MS‟s Biological Pattern

Vertical fall + Self-devaluation + Programmed Purpose: “I have been conceived to keep
the spouse at home.”


The autonomic brain processes its duty at the lowest possible stress level. If the stress
level is challenged,
challenged, the autonomic brain reacts right away. As long as that stress level is
manageable, nothing changes.
changes. Instant after instant
instant the brain remains
remains in control, everything
is real!

In the real reality: Action = Reaction

From illness to heath:
Practical Solution
A practical solution is the removal from or of the conflicting situation. Not the best
because when a similar situation comes back, the conflict is still there.
Solution of the Mind: Going Beyond the conflict:
The human evolution, the human intelligence, the power of thinking and analyzing of the
mind, etc. All these are tools to help to reaching a healing through “transcendence.”

It is the
the ultimate way of healing. With love and compassion one can ggoo beyond the
conflicting situation
situation and not let it bother them. There is a fine line between going
going beyond
and denying our feelings.
feelings. The major difference is that one heals the other does not.
not. There
is not yet a clear distinction
distinction that one can write about for this process, it is personal. Each
case is different and deals with
with issues in their own way. We all have wh
at it takes to do it
NB: Human beings may express an illness, at a different moment or in a different place.
In general people are simply looking for a practical solution in correspondence with their
own desire, expectations, satisfaction, etc.
© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver
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The Fiancée.
A young lady awaits her fiancée who is working
working hard to finish his schooling and get a good
job to insure a comfortable
comfortable home for his future wife. After two yearsyears of waiting, the
moment comes when
when they had decided it would
would be the right
right time to get
get married. A few
days before, the young man tells her that he does not love her enough and would rather
not get married this young.
If she feels it like a terrible loss:
In nature the most horrible thing one can lose is their child. The org organs
ans that are
responsible for the making of children
children are the testes and the ovaries.
ovaries. That is where a
biological conflict of loss will lodge itself.
Therefore, a conflict of
of loss will program
program testis and ovarian
ovarian cancer
If she feels it as a treat to her nest: we will see it soon...

A conflict of nest will

will program breast cancer
If she feels guilty and devaluated,
A conflict of guilt and
and devaluation will
will program a depression.
A practical solution could be for her to use all of her feminine appeal to get him back.
Dating his best friend to make him jealous, or plea with him.
If it works, great, she‟s healed, but if it does not, she remains sick.

She is not condemned to be sick though; she can go beyond and find solace otherwise.
As a therapist, one cannot give
give the solution to his ppatient;
atient; it is for them
them to find their own.
She could be reminded of what love really is, though.
Love in a pure centrifuge
centrifuge feeling that
that emanates from a person towards others. Most
people‟s idea of love is more vers ed towards possessing the other, wanting to be loved.
That is not love. When one really loves another, all that matters is the other‟s happiness
and fulfilment. There is no eg
egoo in true love, if the
the other is better
better away or with somebody
else, one should release them and send them good thoughts and wish for their happiness.

What one does:

© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver
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Imagine you own a new car and it is very important to you to keep it nice and
scratch free. You live in the countryside and you have a long driveway, surrounded with
trees. When you drive by a certain stretch of the drive way, the branches have grown over
so much that it rubs along side
side your car and scratches
scratches it. Even though
though you really want to
keep your car nice and clean, it ends up all scratched up.

has given you and
it to you haveitacame
her old china mother
mother‟s dish set
set. inYou
mother. yourreally
like itYour mother
and want to
keep it. If you carelessly
carelessly handle them and end up dropping
dropping one every
every so often, one day
you end up with none left. Even though you really wanted to keep them, they broke up
and now are nothing but an old memory.
These examples are obvious
obvious and no one wi
willll disagree.
disagree. Let‟s try one more...

Imagine you
you have Cancer
Cancer and doctors tell you have very
very little time left to live. You
really want to stay alive but you are sick, depressed, you stay home and await the inevitable.
Even though you really want to stay alive, you may want it with all your soul, you will still
These show simply that it really does not matter at all what we want. We may want
something with all our might, but it will change nothing. If you you drop the dishes, they
break. If you drive the
the car to close to a tree, the branches will scratch it up. The only
thing that matters is what one does.
We should have to this seemingly trivial but extremely important fact, that it does
not matter what one knows either. One could could be the most advanced physicist in the
world, working with the law of gravity to study falling objects, if that person drops the
dish, it breaks. One could be a car paint expert, ifif he drives too close to the tree,
tree, his car
These simple realizations are extremely important to keep in mind especially when
dealing with illness. Therefore we should try to state this clearly, and
and learn it as a very
important motto.
Healing does not depend on either what one wants or doesn‟t want, nor on what one
knowsor doesn‟t know.
know. It depends exclusively
exclusively on what one d

The knowing or not knowing part may seem to come in contradiction with all the
rest of this but it does not. Knowledge gives
gives only potential healing. It gives
gives a person the
means to act. Knowing that tree branches
branches scratch cars will give
give the cue to a person
person that
maybe theyallows
the illness shoulda cut the branches
person to find aback a bit.soAnd
solution theysocan
heal. Itthe conflict
is not that triggered
the knowing that
heals but the solution.
© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver
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One can be conscious of where the illness comes from, knowing the exact emotion
that affected the organ,
organ, and still remain sick.
sick. If they are unwilling
unwilling to
to let it go, they keep
their illness.
It also works the other way, if a person has an illness, and the conflict behind it
resolves itself
itself without them knowing
knowing any of this, they
they are healed. So it does not matter
whether one knows or doesn‟t, it is the solut
ion that bring
bringss healing.
Attitude is everything,
everything, and there is major improvement
improvement needed
needed in our attitude
attitude in face
of illness. The media machine
machine and the medical association,
association, the whole
whole of society
society has thi
thi s
idea that one should fight
fight against illness.
illness. It is an enemy that has attacked our body and we
have to fight to
to get rid of it. This attitude
attitude is not very conducive
conducive to healing.
healing. In biological
terms, fighting means being in ssurvival
urvival stress.
stress. This is what
what causes illnesses in the first
place. Fighting it adds more stress
stress to the organism.
organism. The right
right attitude is to be thankful
because the illness is there to help; it is there to save our life, making us see where we have
failed to manage our emotions.
To help our body heal, we have to be at ease, peaceful. We have to rest. The
process of healing needs a lot of energy and if we are in combat, we are spending it
uselessly. One should take advantage
advantage of moment of illness while itit lasts, and when
solution comes, let the body recover.
The other very important factor is faith. Without any help from anything else, faith
can heal. It is a most powerful force that holds key
key to many doors. Brother Andre in
Montreal healed hundreds
hundreds with that very
very tool. Hundreds of pairs of crutches lay in the
“Montreal Archipelle”
Archipelle” to remind peo
ple of this. Unfortunate
ly faith is misunderstood,
though this other aspect is part of an entirely different discussion and we will come back to
it in the chapter about doubts.


Conflict with lack [missing something vital]: when we have a lack of food, every cell of the
liver work
work overtime
overtime in order to compensate the intestine
intestine failure.
failure. The hepatocy
(parenchyma of the liver) are at work.
work. This conflict is highly
highly vital.
Case: Dr. Hamer (man with cancer of the liver)
The genuine healing always comes from the individual. It does d oes not
n ot come from others
other s or
from something else. The individual, who expects
expects healing from somebody else, generally
remains ill. This isis our conflict and we can‟t dump that responsibility to somebody else‟s
back yard. Otherwise, this isis like a bomb that will
will explode later (in the future).
© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver
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The best winning solution to deprogram its conflict, so its illness, it is by transcending the

 Conflict–Active Phase
Critical to understanding the pattern of disease is to understand that there are two
phases to every disease – the conflict phase and the healing phase.
Each phase has different characteristics.
Conflict Phase: commences with the onset of the deep high stress or shock and is
recognized by symptoms of sympathetic overdrive, the flight or fight response or
adrenaline response, namely:
na mely:
o cool extremities
o poor sleep
loss of appetite
o obsessive/agitated
obsessive/agi tated thinking
o disrupted focus and concentration
o sense of being overwhelmed
If the individual does not solution the conflict readily, the brain will capture the
stress energy
energy and automatically switch
switch to a survival program (the disease). Once this
happens, psychologically the individual is much relieved and restored to near normal
function. The core of the emotional
emotional conflict is dropped into the subconscious
subconscious and
stored there. And for the most
most part the disease progresses
progresses imperceptivity.

In many cases,
person‟s awarenthe
ess.conflict phase what
However, of thepeople
disease are
more often and outside
aware the
of and
complain/stress/worry themselves
themselves about is the healing phase of the disease.
 Healing (Repair Phase)
The Healing (Repair) Phase begins once the solution to the conflict
conflict is found and
acted upon - either practical or psychological through transcending the conflict.
Treatments – surgery, medications, etc. – contain the physical aspects of the disease,
can significantly relieve and reduce physical and emotional symptoms to support the
th e
healing process,
process, and in many circumstances
circumstances can be life-saving.
life-saving. However, you heal
(deprogram the disease) only by finding and applying a solution to the conflict.
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Once a solution is found, the brain recognizes

recognizes this. The person himself
himself may not be
consciously aware he has let go or resolved any conflict but the brain is constantly,
moment by moment,
moment, monitoring all aspects of survival. The stress energy
energy drops
and may be experienced immediately as:
o excessive fatigue and need for sleep
confused thinking
o flushing, sweats, fever
o vomiting
o dizziness
o return of appetite
o sometimes a short period of paralysis
The healing (repair) phase is biphasic. The initially phase is associated with repair in
the brain itself. Edema fluid comes into into the Hamer Brain Focus,Focus, or zone of
neurons involved in the disease program, bringing nutrients and elements for repair,
the the surrounding
surrounding healthy
phase can functioning
sometimes compressbrain
the tissue. Swelling
surrounding in tissue
brain the brain during
leading to
many of the symptoms described above.
There comes a point when the repair
repair process in the brain has progressed
progressed enough for
the brain to throw the switch from disease or survival program back to normal
program – e.g. the breaker to the
the normal program is back on. This
This moment creates
the epileptoid crisis, which results in an aggravation of symptoms for a short period,
from a few hours to a day.
Following the epileptoid crisis, part B of the healing phase, or restitution phase,
commences during which there is rapidly healing in the body.
© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver
Va ncouver • www.totalbiology.ca 96


1. Crushed ice in a plastic bag is applied to the head.

2. Place both feet in hot water.
3. Take Ribes Niger
Niger 1x or Black Currant Seed Oil every hour.
4. Drainage remedy – Burbur Detox every 15 minutes
5. Take herbal diuretics
diuretics – Juniper berries or Watermelon Seed tea every hour.
6. Drugs used as last resort in hospital:
1. Pharmaceutical diuretics – mannitol, furosemide
2. Steroids – dexamethasone
d examethasone or hydrocortisone
© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver
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In order for a mass lesion (that has formed in the body in response to an Old Brain
instruction) to heal, necrosis must occur. The microbes in the body are responsible for
most of this necrotic healing.
healing. If the microbes have been killed by well intentioned
intentioned doctors
prescribing antibiotics, the natural necrotic reduction of the mass cannot occur and the
client will remain ill longer or possibly die. Mycobacteria are preferentially
preferentially responsible for
this beneficial necrosis, but when they are not available, various fungi and a few other
bacteria can be used by the body to eat away the mass. This will be coveredcovered in greater
depth in a future course.
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For a person to heal, two conditions have to be satisfied:

The person must find and apply a solution to the conflict, either practical or by
transcending it; and
The person must hold an absolute certainty of his healing. He must clear any vestige of
doubt by acknowledging and releasing any of the following four doubts.
1. The Subject doubts the Recall Healing
Healing system
As soon as the person learns how the system works and gets some examples of healing,
it becomes clear - “I can heal.”

2. The Subject perceives

perceives his condition as the worst
worst possible
So he doubts he can‟t heal. Others mig
might worse than theirs and
ht heal but his disease is worse
he doubts he can heal. In Recall Healing, every
every disease is no worse than
than a cold.
cold. Be it a
cold or a cancer, the individual‟s brain has a switch to turn “on” or “off” the disease
program and for each disease condition the individual must find the reason for why the
brain switched “on.”

3. The person places too much belief in the bad prognosis spoken
spoken by the doctor or
another person.
4. The Subject doubts himself.
Some people heal from different
different cancers, MS, allergies, skin disorders, etc. “But me, I
can‟t. My condition isis too serious. I‟m not good enoug
enough h ... All over
over the world people
heal ... why not me?”

5. The Subject hopes to heal.

This fourth doubt is subtler. Dr. Sabbah searched long and carefully for this one. At
first the statement - have hope to heal - appears only positive. There is no negative
word in the phrase and
and yet there is no real affirmation.

What does this statement actually? “I hope to heal.” -

statement represent actually?
“I have only hope to heal and not yet absolute certainty to heal.”
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Wherever there is any hope there is some doubt, even the smallest vestige of doubt and
not absolute certainty. And without absolute certainty,
certainty, healing either will not proceed
or be incomplete.
When I have certainty,
certainty, I heal. I have absolute faith.

When I have hope, and

and not absolute certainty,
certainty, I do not heal.
There is no place where hope and certainty overlap. Hope is on one level. A very high
degree of hope can approach certainty, but to reach the level of certainty requires a
quantum leap.
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 Try Recall Healing, you‟ll like it!
 Slowly shifting your paradigm is preferred over a rapid change which can

 Recall
Use it Healing is a valuable
on yourself, family, &new
closetool; add itfirst;
friends to what
thenyou already
with do. trusted clients;
your most
then with others.
 Try it first on clients with whom you will most likely be successful, such as those
with chronic musculoskeletal
musculoskeletal complaints.
 Try it when everything
everything else fails.


 Body Level Work – is the most intense but least

likely to give long term healing
 Automatic Brain/Psyche Level Work – is
much less laborious & more permanently
successful; Includes automatic brain,
logical brain, emotions, & will
 Spirit Level Work – is no work at all
(only surrender) and the most permanent.
© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver
Va ncouver • www.totalbiology.ca 101


FOR ALL TYPES – Develop a mentoring relationship with a Recall Healing practitioner
who is willing to consult
consult with you.
 Large Busy Medical Practice (MD/DO) - Consider hiring a psychologist to learn

and perform
Small Recall Medical
Less Busy Healing work on your
Practice existing clients
(MD/DO) – You(one more tool).
do some of the work in-
house and refer out the rest to another
a nother Recall Healing literate practitioner.
 Solo or Large Group Psychology Practice – Add Recall Healing as another tool
and another way to market your practice (have close working relationship with an
MD/DO on hospital staff who is familiar with epileptoid crisis management)
 Other Practitioners (DC, ND, DDS, RN, etc.) – Proceed cautiously only with a
good working relationship with both an MD/DO and a psychology practitioner
familiar with Recall Healing and epileptoid crisis

We Are In Charge of Our Attitude.

“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me,
is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education,
than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other
people say or do. It is more important
imp ortant than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will
w ill
make or break
break a company, a church, a home. The remarkable
remarkable thing is we have a
choice every day regarding the attitude
attitude we will embrace from that day. We cannot
change our past; we cannot change the fact that people will act a certain way. We
cannot change the inevitable.
inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string
we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to
me and 90% how how I react
react to it. And so it is with you;
you; we are
are in charge ofof our

Charles Swindoll
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 What is Recall Healing?

 Ways We Get Sick
o Accumulated Body Load

o Manmade Toxins and Biotoxins

Nutritional Deficiencies...
o Microbes, Toxic Foci...

o Structural, EMF, & Geopathic...

o Protracted High Stress (Emotional or Physical)

o Mental Preoccupation => Accidents, etc.

o Sequential multi-organ dysfunction

d ysfunction
o Emotional Baggage

o Programmed Purpose

o Generational Syndrome

o Various Other
Other Emotional Baggage…
o Sudden Emotional Shock Triggers Disease
Mechanisms of Disease Development
o Psyche processes the shock and presents it to the Automatic Brain
o Automatic Brain downloads the emotional shock first to the Hamer Brain
Focus then to the physical or psychiatric body
o Diagnosable disease manifests
o The Automatic Brain
Brain “buys time” so the person can survive
 Healing Process
o Accurately Diagnosing
Diagnosing the Disease
Disease Process
o Discovering the Conflicts for that Disease

 Understanding and exploring the known emotional conflicts associated

with each disease

Asking right
right questions
o Resolving Conflicts

 Releasing Emotions
 Replacing Beliefs
o Old Brain vs. New Brain Healing Patterns

o Facilitating Healing

 Removing Doubts
 Creating Confidence
o Practice Integration
© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver
Va ncouver • www.totalbiology.ca 103

Level II will delve deeper into the subjects
subjects introduced in Level
Level I. Much of Level
Level II will
deal with specific diseases and
and their emotional
emotional counterparts.
counterparts. It is designed to give the
emotions. aSome
greater understanding
topics from Levelof
from II the
are:interaction between specific diseases and

 Detailed review of Level I

 Disease Review Structure
 Liver Cancer
 Smooth Muscle Diagnoses (Uterine & Intestinal)
 Striated Muscle Diagnoses (Muscular Dystrophy, MS, ALS)
 Joint, Cartilage, Tendon
Tendon & Ligamen
Ligamentt Diagnoses
 Skeletal Diagnoses
 The Small Property
 Grieving
© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver
Va ncouver • www.totalbiology.ca 104


Title Author Publisher

The Ancestor Syndrome Anne Ancelin Desclé de Brower
New Medicine - The Quintessence Ryke Geerd Hamer ASAC, Chambéry
Biogenealogy, Patrick Obissier Healing Art
Decoding the psychic roots of illness
Seven experiments that could change the Rupert Sheldrake Park Street Press
Totem and taboo Freud Payot
The Journey Brandon Bays Fireside


La Biologie Totale des Êtres Vivants, séminaire de base, tome 1 à 4 - Claude Sabbah,
Modules 1-2-3, cours de Bertrand Lemieux, Mont-Laurier, Quebec
Total Biology Level
Level I and II, Gilbert
Gilbert Renaud, Vancouver
Summary of the New Medicine – Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer

Web sites : www.totalbiology.ca

www.totalbiology.ca and www.biologie-totale.org
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Surname: ___________________________
Given Names: ____________________
Home Address: ______________________
City: ________________________
___________Postal Code:________________
Work phone #_______________
_____E-mail address: _________________

Personal information:
Age: _______ Birth date: ______________Time:
______________Time: __
Place of Birth: _________________________________________
Your parents‟ Date of Birth,
Birth, Dad: ____________Mom: __________________________
____________M __________________________
Your parents‟ Wedding Date:
Date: _____________________________

Sex: _______Rig
_ ______Right
ht or Left Handed: ________________________
How old were you when you became totally independent from your parents (independent
from food, money and shelter).
Be accurate: __________Month:_________
Marital Status (complete): ____________
__ _____________________Years:

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No. of children (age, date of birth)/ __________________________


Family Situation: ______________________


Your rank in _________________________

_______________ the family__________________________________
___________________________ (including ______________________________
siblings still-born or _________

No. of miscarriages:
miscarriages: _________________________
No. of abortions (mother/you):_________________
_______________ _________________________
Completed Studies: __________________________
Main Professional Activity:___________________
_______________ _________________________
What are you passionate about?
about? (One or two things)

What do you dislike the most? (One or two things)


Main concern (reason

(reason why you are coming to this appoi
ntment). Please be as clear
clear as

Date: ________________
© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver
Va ncouver • www.totalbiology.ca 107


fromthe majorbackward
“Now” events oftoyour life h”.
the “Birt (dramatic
“Birth”. Write events, trauma,
everything shocks,that
meaningful fears,
you can
remember in 4 columns, (Age, Date, Event, Feelings,) as follows:
Example: 46y 10m Aug 10 2005 Car accident Fear, thoughts
thoughts of death
40y 02m Nov 06 1999 Separation
Separa tion Despair, hopeless, unworthy
16y 11m Oct 20 1975 Parents divorce Powerless, sad, angry
13y 02m Nov 10 1972 Older brother died Sad, angry, rage, hurt


The greatest negative shock of your life (It could be the one that preceded your illness or
another one).

Date/Age at the beginning

beginning of your illness: ________________________________

Sudden shock or conclusion of a major event/situation, either positive or negative, which

would have occurred or terminated in the months or the year that preceded the beginning
of the illness: ___________________________________
_______________ _________________________
© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver
Va ncouver • www.totalbiology.ca 108

Fears and frights, fierce, intense or chronic (e.g.: drowning)


Very strong annoyances

annoyances / vexations with anger and so
rrow. (All 3 emotions at once:
once: e.g.: a
slap in the face).

Remorse, regrets.

Sudden traumatic event (e.g.: unexpected death of a loved one).


Heavy secret, never expressed to anyone.


Additional comments on certain important conflicts, if needed. (10 to 20 lines, on a

separate sheet)
© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver
Va ncouver • www.totalbiology.ca 109

Your Mother is pregnant

pregnant with you. What do you know about itit??

What was happening in your parents‟ lives: (accidents, loss of job, deaths, illnesses,
earthquakes, floods, in-laws living with young couple, major elections, travel, etc.).

1. At the time of your conception?

2. During her pregnancy
pregnancy with you?
3. Up until your first birthday (1 year old)?
___________________________ _________________________

Describe Your Family Tree, as far as you can remember, going back, if possible, 3 or 4
generations on both your father‟s and your mother‟s sides of the family. Give any
information you might have about any miscarriages or abortions, as well as about illnesses,
causes of death, dates of birth and death, and particular character
istics of their lives.
© 2008 Gilbert Renaud • Recall Healing Consulting • Vancouver
Va ncouver • www.totalbiology.ca 110

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