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Name: ______________________________ Class: ______________ Date : ______________

Chapter 4 : Ratio (A relationship between two numbers by division)

Self Practice 4.1 a (pg 76 )

1. Represent 描绘 the relationship 关系 of the following three quantities 数量 in the form of a : b : c.

(c) 4 minutes to 120 seconds to 1.6 hours (d) 3 m to 480 cm to 6 400 mm
4 minutes : 120 seconds : 1.6 hours 3 m : 480 cm : 6 400 mm

= ___ minutes : ___ minutes : _____ minutes = ¿¿ : ________ cm : ________mm

= _______ : _______ : ________ = _______ cm : ________cm : _______ cm

= _______ : _______ : ________ = _______ : _______ : _______
= _______ : _______ : _______
Self Practice 4.1 a (pg 76 )

2. Tahir pays 付 RM 5.60 for a plate of nasi beriani, RM1.20 for a glass of tea and 30 sen for a piece of
kuih. Represent 描绘 the relationship 关系 of the prices of nasi beriani, tea and kuih in the form of a :
b : c.
RM 5.60 : RM 1.20 : 30 sen =

Self Practice 4.1 b (pg 78 )

1. Which of the following ratios are equivalent to 18 : 24 : 45?

2 8
3:4:9 36 : 48 : 90 0.6 : 0.8 : 1.5 : :1
5 15

Thus 因此, ratios which are equivalent to 18 : 24 : 45 are

Name: ______________________________ Class: ______________ Date : ______________
Self Practice 4.1 c (pg 79)

1. Express each of the following ratios in its simplest form 最简单的形式.

2 8
(a) 240 g : 1.6 kg (c) :
5 9
2 8
240 g : 1.6 kg = : =
5 9

Rate 率 - a special ratio that compares two quantities with different units of measurements

Self Practice 4.2 a (pg 83)

1. State the rate 率 and the two quantities (including the units) involved in each of the following

(b) 20 litres of water flow out 流出 of a water tank 水池 each time the water is pumped 水被抽.
Rate =

The two quantities involved are


(d) The price of the fertiliser 肥料 used on a 10 hectare 公顷(qīng) farm is RM 500.

Rate = 10 hectare = 0.1 〖𝑘𝑚〗^2

The two quantities involved are


(e ) The shaft [机] 轴 (zhóu) of an engine makes 600 revolutions 转数 in 3 seconds.

Rate =

The two quantities involved are


Name: ______________________________ Class: ______________ Date : ______________

Self Practice 4.2 a (pg 83)
2. The table shows the speeds 速率 of two objects 物体, A and B. Convert 转换 the units of
计量单位 to determine 判决 which object moves 移动 faster 更快.
Object Speed
A 25 m per second The speed of object B =
B 8 km per hour

Object _______ moves faster.

Mastery Q 4.2 (pg 83)
Orang-utan Mass 质量 at birth 刚出生 Mass after 60 days (kg)
Borneo 婆罗洲(加里曼丹的旧称) 0.3 6.3
Sumatera 0.7 7.7

(a) Based on the information in the table above, state

(i) the ratios 比 of the mass at birth to the mass after 60 days for the two species 种类 of
Orang-utan Borneo = Orang-utan Sumatera =

(ii) the rate of growth 生长率 in kg per 60 days for the two species of orang-utan.
Orang-utan Borneo = Orang-utan Sumatera =

(b) State 声明 the two quantities 数量 involved 涉及 for the rate obtained 获得 in (a) (ii).

a c
Proportion - an equation stating that two ratios are equal. a:b=c:d =
b d

Self Practice 4.3 a (pg 85)

1. Write a proportion for each of the following situation:

(b) The height 高度 of four wooden blocks 木块 stacked 堆放 vertically 垂直地 on top of one another
24 cm. When Raju stacks 13 wooden blocks on top of one another, the stacked blocks is 78 cm.

Name: ______________________________ Class: ______________ Date : ______________

Self Practice 4.3 b (pg 86)
2. During the SEGAK test in the Physical Education lesson 体育课, Amir is able 能 to do 60 push-ups in
3 minutes. How many push-ups can Amir do in 5 minutes? (Assume 假设 that Amir does the push-ups at
the same rate 率.)
Unitary method 单一法
The number of push-ups in 3 minutes =

The number of push-ups in 1 minute =

The number of push-ups in 5 minutes =

Self Practice 4.4 a (pg 87)

2. A certain amount of money was donated 捐赠 to three charity organisations 慈善机构 P, Q and R. The
ratio 比 of the amount of donation received 收到 by P to Q is 2 : 3. The ratio of the amount of donation
received by Q to R is 4 : 1. Find the ratio of the amount of donation received by organisation P to
organisation Q to organisation R.
P : Q = Q : R=

4. Kadir, Chandran and Ping Wei participated 参加 in a Science quiz 科学测验. The number of they had
answered 回答了 was in the ratio 4 : 6 : 3. Chandran had answered 30 questions. Calculate the total 总

number of questions Kadir and Ping Wei had answered.
Cross multiplication method
Kadir – K , Chandran – C , PingWei – P
K:C: P=
Let "K "+" P" = total number of questions Kadir and Ping Wei had answered.

Name: ______________________________ Class: ______________ Date : ______________
Self Practice 4.4 b (pg 89)
5. 42 students in Class 1 Dedikasi have registered 注册 as members 会员 of the Computer Club,
机器人 Club and Taekwondo 跆拳道 Club. Each student is allowed 获准 to register for one club only
一个. It is given that the number of students who had registered as members of the Robotics Club is
one third 三分之一 of the number of students who had registered as members of Computer Club
the number of students who had registered as members of the Taekwondo Club is 14. Determine 确定
the ratio 比 of the number of members of the Computer Club to the number of members of the
Robotics Club to the number of members of the Taekwondo Club.

Computer Club – C , Robotics Club – R , Taekwondo Club - T

Self Practice 4.4 c (pg 90)

4. Suppose 假设 the exchange rate 兑换率 of USD1 美金 is equivalent to 等于 RM 3.90. Ahmad goes
the money changer 货币兑换商 to change RM 200 to US Dollars at this rate. The money changer
Ahmad back a change of RM5 together with the US Dollars. How much US Dollars does Ahmad

RM 200 ̶ RM 5 =
Let x = US Dollars that Ahmad receives

Rate =

Ahmad receives US Dollars ____________.
Name: ______________________________ Class: ______________ Date : ______________
Self Practice 4.4 d (pg 92)
1. The table shows the results of a study to estimate 估计 the population [生物] 群体 of a type of
freshwater fish 淡水鱼 that lives in a lake.

Estimate the population of the freshwater fish that live in the lake.

Let x = "Number of unmarked fish in first capture"

The population of the freshwater fish that live in the lake is _____________.

Self Practice 4.5 a (pg 95)

2. It is known that 35 % of the hard disk of a computer has been filled 已经充满了 with data 数据. Find
the ratio of the capacity 容量 that has been filled with data to the capacity that has not been filled
with data.

100 % ̶ 35 % =

The ratio of the capacity that has been filled with data to the capacity that has not been filled with
data =
Self Practice 4.5 b (pg 97)
1. Determine 确定 the percentage 百分数 of each of the following quantities by applying 应用 the
concept of proportions 比例.
(c)The bee hummingbird 蜂鸟 is the smallest 最小的 bird in the world. It can weigh 重量为 as little
仅仅(Jǐnjǐn) 2 grams. The ostrich 鸵鸟 is the largest 最大的 bird in the world and it can weigh as
much as 多达 150 kilograms. What percent 百分比 of the mass 质量 of a bee hummingbird is
mass of an ostrich?

Let x = the percent of the mass of a bee hummingbird is the mass of an ostrich

Thus 因此, _______________________of the mass of a bee hummingbird is the mass of an


Self Practice 4.5 c (pg 98)

1. There are 40 passengers 乘客 on a bus. At the next bus stop, 8 passengers get off 下车 and 18
passengers get on 上车 the bus.
(a) By applying 应用 the concept of proportions 比例的概念, determine the percentage 百分比 of
the passengers who get off the bus compared to 与…相比 the number of passengers originally
本来 on the bus.
(b) What is the ratio 比 of the passengers who get on the bus at the bus stop compared to the new
total number 新总数 of passengers on the bus?

(a) Let x = the percentage of the passengers who get off the bus compared to the number of
passengers originally on the bus.

(b) the new total number of passengers on the bus =

The ratio of the passengers who get on the bus at the bus stop compared to the new total number
of passengers on the bus =

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