HTML CSS Javascript

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Seat No.

SOCSET- B. Tech – Semester – I (Remedial) – Examination – Summer, 2023
Course Code : C2110C3 Date : 07-07-2023
Course Name : Web Technologies HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP Day : Friday
Time : 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm Total Marks: 50

1. All questions are mandatory. There are no external options.
2. Make suitable assumptions, wherever necessary, and state them clearly.
3. Use of a Non-Programmable Calculator is allowed/Not allowed.
4. Figures to the right indicate maximum marks.

Q:1 Attempt the following Questions. (10)

1. How can we specify the spacing between each letter in a text in CSS?
(a)alpha-spacing (b)character-spacing (c)word-spacing (d)letter-spacing
2. Identify the incorrect HTML tag among the following
(a)<b> (b)<img> (c)<image> (d)<strong>
3. Which of the following attribute is used for merging two or more adjacent
(a)rowspan (b)cellpadding (c)collspan (d)cellspacing
4. In how many ways can CSS be written?
(a) 1 (b)2 (c) 3 (d) 4
5. How can we write comments in CSS?
(a) # (b)/* */ (c) // (d)all of these
6. The "function" and " var" are known as:
(a) array (b) data types (c) declaration statements (d) prototypes
7. jQuery is a ________
(a)JSON library (b)JavaScript library (c)JavaScript method (d)PHP method
8. Which of the following is the correct syntax to make the background color of all
paragraph elements yellow?
(a)p {background-color : yellow;} (b)p {background-color : #yellow;}
(c)all {background-color : yellow;} (d)all p {background-color : #yellow;}
9. Which function in PHP is used to get the length of a string variable?
(a)count() (b)strcount (c)strlength (d)strlen
10. Which version of PHP introduced try/catch exception?
(a)PHP5 ( b) PHP6 (c) PHP7 (d) PHP8

Q:2 Answer any two out of Four Questions. (10)

1. How to specify the link in HTML? Explain the different target attributes with an
2. Describe synchronous and asynchronous requests in AJAX.
3. What are the basic rules while writing XML?
4. How to use different types of CSS transitions? Explain with the help of an

Q:3 Answer any two out of Four Questions. (10)

1. a) Write CSS to get the following formatting for the paragraph
1. Text color-dark red 2. Text case-uppercase
3. Font-courier 4. Font style-italic
b) Write HTML with CSS to
1. Change the background color of the webpage with a border.
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2. Set an image as a background
3. Manipulate a background image to no-repeat over an area.
2. Create two boxes in CSS with the help of the following fields:-margin, padding,
position, z-index, border, and float.
3. Why is the POST method more secure as compared to the GET method? Justify.
4. How to create a Date object using JavaScript? Define each method that is
accessible from the Date object.

Q:4 Answer any four out of six Questions. (20)

1. Write a Javascript code that checks the contents entered in a form text element. If
the text entered is in the lower case convert it to upper case.
2. Write a JavaScript program that prompts the user to enter two integers. Once
obtained, the program outputs HTML text displayed in the browser indicating
which number is greater than the other. If the two numbers are equal, it displays
the message “The two numbers are equal”. The text must be displayed within
<h1> tag.
3. Write a regular expression to validate the Email, MobileNo, and Password (the
password must contain a capital letter, a small letter, and a number).
4. Create a responsive navigation bar using HTML & CSS. And apply the following
CSS properties:
(a)The background color should be blue.
(b) Hover effect
(c) Media query

5. Write HTML code to display the following table.

6. Create a registration form in HTML and CSS using icons.

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