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NCERT Solutions for Class 8

Social Science - Resources and Development

Chapter 2 – Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife


A. Answer the following questions:

1. Which are the two main climatic factors responsible for soil formation?
Ans: Two main factors responsible for soil formation are Temperature and
2. Write any two reasons for land degradation today.
Ans: Two reasons for land degradation are Deforestation and indiscriminate use
of chemical fertilizers and pesticides on agricultural land.
3. Why is land considered an important resource?
Ans: Land provides habitat for various varieties of flora and fauna. Humans also
use it for various purposes like agriculture, building houses and roads, forestry,
mining and setting up industries. It serves many purposes like these and is thus
considered as an important resource.
4. Name any two steps that the government has taken to conserve plants and
Ans: The steps taken by the government to conserve plants and animals are-
● Various national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and biosphere reserves have
been set up for protecting natural vegetation and wildlife. Example-
Kaziranga National park, Assam.
● The killing of lions, tigers, deer, peacocks and great Indian bustards has
been banned. The trade of the species of plants and animals has also been
banned under the international agreement CITES.

5. Suggest three ways to conserve water.

Ans: Three ways to conserve water are-

Class VIII Social Science 1

● Replenishing groundwater by encouraging afforestation.
● Avoiding seepage of water by lining irrigation canals.
● Rainwater harvesting.

B. Tick the correct answer.

1. Which one of the following is NOT a factor of soil formation?
(a)Time (b)Soil texture (c) organic matter
Ans: (b) Soil texture
2. Which one of the following methods is most appropriate to check soil
erosion on steep slopes?
(a)Shelterbelts (b) Mulching (c) terrace cultivation
Ans: (c)terrace cultivation
3. Which one of the following is NOT in favour of the conservation of
(a) switch off the bulb when not in use
(b) close the tap immediately after using
(c) dispose poly bags after shopping
Ans: (c) Dispose poly bags after shopping
C. Match the following.
1. (i) Land use (a) Prevent Soil erosion.
(ii) Humus (b) Land suitable for agriculture.
(iii) Rock dams (c) Productive use of land.
(iv) Arable Land (d) Organic matter deposited on top soil.
Ans: (i) Land use – (c) Productive use of land
(ii) Humus – (d) Organic matter deposited on top soil
(iii) Rock Dams – (a) Prevent Soil erosion
(iv) Arable Land – (b) Land suitable for agriculture

Class VIII Social Science 2

D. State whether the given statement is true or false. If true, write the reason.

1. Ganga-Brahmaputra plain of India is an overpopulated region.

Ans: True. These are densely populated areas because plains and rivers provide
suitable land for agriculture.

2. Water availability per person in India is declining.

Ans: True. Although water is present in abundance on the Earth, freshwater
resources are limited. The availability of water has become a serious problem
throughout the world. The availability of water is declining very fast because of
wastage of water, deforestation, and the pollution and depletion of freshwater
resources like rivers and groundwater.

3. Rows of trees planted in the coastal areas to check the wind movement are
called intercropping.
Ans: False. The given process is known as Shelterbelts. Intercropping is when
different crops are grown in alternative rows and also sown at different times so as
to protect the soil from rain wash.

4. Human interference and changes in climate can maintain the ecosystem.

Ans: False. The ecosystem is adversely affected by human interference and climatic

Class VIII Social Science 3

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