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The Caribbean safe school initiative (CSSI) forum was at 10 out of 10 experience.

It was a environment
where I felt comfortable and safe to share my opinion on different topics. On day one we began with the
introductions of all the student representatives for each of the Caribbean islands.

This welcome and introduction was warm and I as a nervous person at times felt very welcome. We
went on discussing ‘what does safety mean to you?’ We went out into break rooms and discussed what
it meant to us and how we can better safety in our schools.

Following lunch time we had a wonderful ice breaker and fun activity with a game of kahoots. This was
a fun and learning experience because it wasn’t just a game, it was a game that educated us on things
we may not have known.

After we had a number breakout session discussing situations such as:

 Equal access to education
 Improving school safety
 Addressing cyber bullying

Day two we had a recap of the key messages of day one. We had an Presentation on ‘Hard Talk on
Climate Change and Resilience’ where we were able to be very interactive and interact with the
presenter. After we had a fun activity of scribble which was my personal favorite.

After that we had our last few break out session to discuss:
 Explore ways in which national school safety agendas can involve and profit more effectively
from the youth.
 How youth can contribute to regional decision-making processes related to the CSSI.

Soon after the two day forum had come to an end where we were blessed with others sharing their
opinion on how this forum can impact their lives and a lives of others and how we can be a microphone
for those who have a voice but cannot be heard.

This forum overall was a Amazing experience on how we can make schools around the Caribbean safer.
Forums and programs like this need to be done so more children and representatives can share their
voice in a safe and non judgmental environment.

Kimona Watson

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