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Introduction to Analytics

June 2023 Examination

Answer 1


The management consulting firm has correctly identified the lack of analytics implementation
as a primary reason behind these issues. To address this, I will provide a roadmap for the
retail chain to implement data analytics effectively and leverage the advantages of predictive
analytics. By doing so, the retail chain can gain valuable insights into future strategies,
optimize operations, and improve their overall performance.

Concept and Application

By following these means, the retail chain can climb the analytics esteem chain and influence
the upsides of prescient analytics to infer significant experiences into future systems.

 Characterize Business Targets: Obviously distinguish the business goals that the
retail tie needs to accomplish through data analytics. This could incorporate further
developing deals, improving stock management, upgrading customer experience, or
lessening costs. Adjusting data analytics objectives with business goals is pivotal for
powerful execution.

 Data Assortment and Reconciliation: Evaluate the current data sources inside the
association, including deals data, customer data, stock data, and outside data sources,
for example, market patterns and contenders' data. Distinguish the holes and decide
the vital data to be gathered or incorporated to empower prescient analytics. Execute
suitable data assortment instruments, like CRM systems or IoT sensors, to catch
pertinent data.
 Data Cleaning and Readiness: Purify and preprocess the gathered data to guarantee
precision, consistency, and culmination. Eliminate copies, handle missing qualities,
and normalize designs. Change and incorporate different datasets to make a bound
together and solid dataset for analysis.

 Data Storage and Management: Lay out a powerful data storage foundation, for
example, a data stockroom or data lake, to store and deal with the gathered and
handled data effectively. Guarantee data security, protection, and consistence with
significant guidelines.

 Data Analysis and Displaying: Perform exploratory data analysis to acquire bits of
knowledge and recognize examples or relationships in the data. Apply measurable
methods and AI calculations to fabricate prescient models that can gauge future deals,
customer conduct, or market patterns. Consistently refine and further develop these
models in light of new data and criticism.

 Perception and Revealing: Foster intelligent dashboards and representations to

introduce the broke down data and experiences in an easy to use way. Use instruments
like Scene, Power BI, or exclusively assembled dashboards to empower partners to
handily investigate and grasp the data. Routinely produce reports and offer them with
pertinent groups for informed navigation.

 Organization and Mix: Incorporate the formed analytics arrangements into the
current systems and work processes of the retail chain. This could include
coordinating prescient models into the CRM system, online business stage, or stock
management system. Guarantee consistent correspondence and cooperation between
IT, analytics, and business groups.
 Constant Checking and Improvement: Consistently screen the presentation of the
executed analytics arrangements and approve the exactness and adequacy of
expectations. Gather input from clients and partners to recognize areas of progress
and refine the models and cycles. Remain refreshed with the most recent progressions
in data analytics and adjust as needs be.

To move up the analytics value chain and leverage the advantages of predictive
analytics, the retail chain should take the following steps:

1. Establish a data-driven culture: The retail chain ought to make a culture that values
data and analytics. This includes instructing workers on the advantages of analytics and
empowering them to utilize data to illuminate independent direction.

2. Invest in innovation and foundation: To carry out analytics really, the retail chain
should put resources into the right innovation and framework. This might include
redesigning existing systems or carrying out new ones to guarantee that data is gathered
and put away in a manner that is open and usable.

3. Hire and train staff: The retail chain ought to recruit and prepare staff who have the
essential abilities to execute analytics really. This might include recruiting data
researchers or experts who have insight in factual analysis, data displaying, and AI.

4. Test and refine models: When the prescient models have been created, the retail
chain ought to test them to guarantee that they are precise and dependable. The models
ought to be refined as important to guarantee that they give valuable experiences.

5. Develop prescient models: The retail chain ought to utilize the data to foster
prescient models that can conjecture future patterns and results. For instance, the retail
chain could utilize prescient analytics to conjecture interest for explicit items and improve
stock levels appropriately.

6. Integrate analytics into independent direction: The last step is to incorporate

analytics into the retail chain's dynamic cycle. The experiences created by prescient
analytics ought to be utilized to illuminate business systems and strategies, for example,
item estimating and advancements.
7. Use analytics to streamline operations: The experiences produced by prescient
analytics can be utilized to advance operations in different regions, like estimating, stock
management, and marketing. By streamlining these regions, the retail chain can increment
income and work on net edge.


Executing data analytics and utilizing prescient analytics can give the retail chain important
bits of knowledge into future methodologies and assist with conquering the difficulties of
declining deals and net edge. By following the recommended guide, the retail chain can lay
out serious areas of strength for a for data-driven direction, enhance their operations, and
work on in general execution. It is fundamental to ceaselessly screen and refine the analytics
answers for stay cutthroat and adjust to changing market elements. With the force of data
analytics, the retail chain can pursue informed choices, upgrade customer encounters, and
accomplish supportable development.

Answer 2


The growth of food-tech new companies in India has been filled by changing consumer
inclinations, technological headways, and ideal economic situations. With the rising internet
entrance, cell phone utilization, and a youthful working populace, the Indian food-tech
industry has seen critical development and disturbance. This area has changed the manner in
which individuals order, get, and partake in their dinners, giving accommodation, assortment,
and upgraded eating encounters. In this time of digitalization and advancing consumer
requests, food-tech new businesses have arisen as creative players, utilizing technology and
information to take special care of the developing necessities of customers.

Concept and Application

Food-tech start-ups use analytics to make data-driven decisions in several areas to maintain a
competitive edge. Here are six key areas where they apply analytics:
Changing Consumer Conduct: The change in consumer conduct towards comfort, efficient,
and on-request benefits has made a fruitful ground for food-tech new companies. Occupied
timetables, urbanization, and a longing for consistent encounters have driven consumers to
embrace online food conveyance stages and computerized ordering choices.

Food-tech new businesses influence analytics in different key regions to settle on information
driven choices and keep an upper hand in the unique food industry. The following are 6 key
regions where analytics is usually used by food-tech new companies:

1. Customer Division: By investigating customer information, like socioeconomics,

ordering conduct, and inclinations, new companies can fragment their customer base
and designer marketing strategies to successfully target explicit sections. This aides in
personalization, further developing customer fulfillment, and driving recurrent orders.
2. Pricing Strategies: Analytics helps new businesses in deciding ideal pricing for their
items by considering elements, for example, fixing expenses, contest, and customer
readiness to pay. By investigating pricing flexibility and leading examinations, new
companies can improve pricing strategies to drive benefit while staying serious.
3. Personalized Recommendations: By utilizing analytics, new companies can give
personalized recommendations to customers in light of their inclinations, past orders,
and conduct. This upgrades the customer experience, energizes upselling, and
increments customer loyalty.
4. Marketing Campaign Enhancement: Analytics empowers new companies to gauge
the viability of their marketing campaigns by dissecting customer reaction,
commitment measurements, and transformation rates. This aides in streamlining
marketing spend, distinguishing fruitful channels, and further developing campaign
focusing on and informing.
5. Social Media Monitoring: By utilizing social media analytics, new businesses can
screen customer opinion, brand notices, and patterns across different social media
stages. This gives important bits of knowledge to notoriety the board, grasping
customer criticism, and distinguishing amazing open doors for commitment and brand
6. Customer Agitate Analysis: Analytics helps new companies distinguish and
comprehend the elements adding to customer beat. By examining customer conduct,
order history, and input, new companies can proactively address issues, execute
retention strategies, and further develop customer retention rates.

As the food-tech market continues to grow, companies that are able to leverage data analytics
effectively will have a significant advantage over their competitors.

Changing Consumer Conduct: The change in consumer conduct towards comfort, efficient,
and on-request benefits has made a rich ground for food-tech new companies. Occupied
timetables, urbanization, and a longing for consistent encounters have driven consumers to
embrace online food conveyance stages and computerized ordering choices.

Technological Headways: The fast progression of technology plays had an essential impact
in the ascent of food-tech new businesses. Consistent portable applications, strong
coordinated factors framework, and the joining of analytics and simulated intelligence driven
arrangements bring engaged new companies to the table for personalized encounters,
effective tasks, and ongoing following for conveyances.

Expanding Internet Infiltration: The far and wide accessibility of reasonable internet
access has worked with the development of the food-tech industry. With a huge populace
accessing cell phones and the internet, more individuals are open to utilizing on the web
stages to order food, prompting a flood popular and open doors for food-tech new businesses.

Ascent of Online business: The outcome of online business stages in India has prepared for
the development of food-tech new companies. Existing strategies and conveyance
organizations, combined with a culture of internet shopping, have made a good environment
for food conveyance new businesses to flourish and grow their administrations.

Entrepreneurial spirit : India has seen a flood in enterprising movement, with many hopeful
people distinguishing the potential in the food-tech area. The accessibility of investment
subsidizing, strong government strategies, and a developing startup biological system have
urged business people to enter the food-tech space and foster imaginative answers for take
care of the advancing business sector requests


The ascent of food-tech new businesses in India connotes the changing scene of the food
business and the rising impact of technology. These new businesses have upset customary
eating encounters, offering consumers accommodation, assortment, and personalized
administrations. The combination of changing consumer conduct, technological progressions,
and strong economic situations has made a flourishing biological system for food-tech new
companies to prosper. As the business keeps on developing, it is normal that food-tech new
companies will assume a significant part in forming the eventual fate of food utilization,
conveyance, and eating encounters in India.

Answer 3 (a)


Mobile analytics is a process of collecting and analyzing data from mobile devices to gain
insights into user behavior, preferences, and engagement with mobile apps and websites. The
primary goal of using mobile analytics is to improve the user experience by understanding
how users interact with mobile devices and to optimize mobile marketing efforts to generate
more revenue.

Concept and Application

In this article, we will discuss five goals of using mobile analytics in detail.

1. Understand user behavior and preferences One of the primary goals of mobile
analytics is to understand user behavior and preferences.

By collecting data on how users interact with mobile apps and websites, businesses
can identify patterns and trends in user behavior, such as how long users spend on
certain pages or which features they use the most. This information can help
businesses optimize their mobile apps and websites to meet the needs and preferences
of their target audience.

2. Improve user engagement and retention Mobile analytics can help businesses improve
user engagement and retention by identifying areas where users may be experiencing
issues or dropping off.

By analyzing data on user behavior and preferences, businesses can identify points in
the user journey where users are dropping off and optimize those points to improve
engagement and retention.

3. Optimize mobile marketing efforts Mobile analytics can help businesses optimize
their mobile marketing efforts by providing insights into how users are interacting
with mobile ads and campaigns.

By analyzing data on user engagement with mobile ads and campaigns, businesses
can identify which campaigns are most effective and optimize their marketing efforts
to generate more revenue.

4. Increase revenue and ROI Mobile analytics can help businesses increase revenue and
ROI by optimizing user engagement, retention, and marketing efforts.

By understanding user behavior and preferences, businesses can improve the user
experience and generate more revenue from mobile apps and websites. By optimizing
marketing efforts, businesses can generate more revenue from mobile advertising and

5. Identify new opportunities Mobile analytics can help businesses identify new
opportunities by providing insights into user behavior and preferences that may not
have been apparent before.

By analyzing data on user behavior and preferences, businesses can identify new
trends and opportunities for innovation in mobile apps and websites. This information
can help businesses stay ahead of the competition and innovate to meet the evolving
needs of their target audience.

In conclusion, mobile analytics is a powerful tool for businesses looking to improve the user
experience, optimize mobile marketing efforts, and increase revenue and ROI.

By setting clear goals and leveraging the insights provided by mobile analytics, businesses
can stay ahead of the competition and innovate to meet the needs of their target audience in
the fast-paced world of mobile technology.

Answer 3 (b)


Mobile analytics provides organizations with valuable insights into user behavior and
preferences, helping them optimize their mobile apps, websites, and marketing efforts. By
tracking various metrics, businesses can make data-driven decisions to improve the user
experience and generate more revenue.

Concept and Application

In this article, we will discuss five types of information that organizations can track using
mobile analytics.

1. User demographics and location Mobile analytics can track user demographics and
location, providing valuable insights into the target audience of an organization's
mobile app or website.

This information can help businesses tailor their products and services to meet the
needs of their target audience, such as by offering localized content or by optimizing
user interfaces for different age groups or gender.

2. User behavior and engagement Mobile analytics can track user behavior and
engagement, such as how long users spend on different pages or which features they
use the most. This information can help businesses identify areas where users may be
experiencing issues or dropping off, allowing them to optimize the user experience
and improve engagement and retention.
3. Conversion rates Mobile analytics can track conversion rates, such as the percentage
of users who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a
form. This information can help businesses optimize their mobile marketing efforts
and improve the ROI of their mobile campaigns.

4. App crashes and errors Mobile analytics can track app crashes and errors, providing
valuable insights into areas where the mobile app or website may be experiencing
technical issues. By identifying and addressing these issues, businesses can improve
the user experience and reduce user frustration.

5. Mobile ad performance Mobile analytics can track mobile ad performance, such as

click-through rates and conversion rates. This information can help businesses
optimize their mobile advertising efforts by identifying which ads are most effective
and which campaigns are generating the highest ROI.

types of information that organizations can track using mobile analytics.

1. User demographics and location Mobile analytics can track user demographics such
as age, gender, income, education, and other relevant characteristics. This information
can help businesses understand who their users are and tailor their mobile apps or
websites to meet their needs.

For example, a mobile app that targets younger audiences may need a more visually
appealing user interface with more interactive features, while an app designed for
older adults may prioritize ease of use and accessibility.

2. User behavior and engagement Mobile analytics can track user behavior and
engagement, providing insights into how users interact with mobile apps or websites.
This information includes metrics such as time spent on the app or website, pages
viewed, features used, and user journey paths.


In conclusion, mobile analytics provides organizations with valuable insights into user
behavior and preferences, allowing them to optimize their mobile apps, websites, and
marketing efforts.
By tracking user demographics and location, user behavior and engagement, conversion rates,
app crashes and errors, and mobile ad performance, businesses can make data-driven
decisions to improve the user experience and generate more revenue.

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