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For Pharmacy majors
November 22nd, 2022
Time: 60 minutes


PART A: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Then mark a
cross (X) over the letter of the answer you have chosen on your answer sheet (25

1. She likes her _____ well done.

A. meal B. raw C. steak D. frozen

2. Our biggest ____ of the day is usually lunch.

A. takeaway B. diet C. meal D. meat

3. I can’t ____ a new car. I’m broke.

A. afford B. pay C. wait D. have

4. The restaurant _______ us too much for the meal.

A. cost B. costs C. charged D. charges

5. Our typical Sunday lunch is roast ________, I especially like the wings.
A. chicken B. beef C. steak D. spicy

6. He is 35, but he _______ older.

A. looks like B. likes C. is like D. looks

7. ______ vegetables have more vitamins than when they are cooked.
A. Frozen B. Fresh C. Raw D. Home-made

8. She doesn’t like Mexican food because it is so _______.

A. raw B. spicy C. fat D. salt

9. Can you answer the phone? I am talking _____ my mobile.

A. with B. by C. in D. on

10. You can pay _____ Cash or _____ credit card for any product here.
A. in/ by B. in/ in C. by/ in D. by/ by

11. Many vegetarians eat soya as an/a _____ to meat.

A. diet B. dish C. alternative D. meal

12. We haven’t seen ______ since we left school.

A. ourselves B. together C. each other D. us

13. I ……….. all evening, but she still has not called.

A. have been waiting B. wait C. am waiting D. waited

14. This test is _____ less difficult than the last one.
A. much B. very C. many D. few

15. A ______ person is always telling people what to do.

A. competitive B. independent C. aggressive D. bossy

16. She is very _____ about her weight.

A. aggressive B. lazy C. manipulative D. sensitive

17. People on a diet often try to eat ____ food.

A. takeaway B. low-fat C. frozen D. spicy

18. I love ______ food but I don’t have much time to cook.
A. takeaway B. home-made C. frozen D. fresh

19. The light in the office turns _____ off automatically.

A. themselves B. it C. each D. itself

20. My father and I do not understand ______.

A. ourselves B. each other C. me D. us

21. Would you like to pay ____ cash or ___ credit card?
A. by/ in B. in/ by C. on/ in D. by/ by

22. His ______ is terrible: he eats too many sweet things.

A. meal B. style C. habit D. diet

23. A girl who has the same mother as you but a different father is your ________.
A. half sister B. step mother C. half parent D. step brother

24. Why are you moving? I _______ of moving for a long time. It is too small.
A. am thinking B. thought C. have been thinking D. think

25. Players need to _____ before they start playing.

A. get up B. look up C. warm up D. heat up

PART B: Choose the word/ phrase that means the same as the underlined word/
phrase. (5 points)

26. He is a wealthy man.

A. healthy B. rich C. strong D. selfish

27. After ten minutes trying to get the answer I gave up.
A. found out B. stopped C. continued D. finished

28. The furniture shop is offering three-suites pieces at giveaway prices.

A. costly B. very expensive C. high D. very low

29. His presentation was mercifully brief.
A. lengthy B. easy C. understandable D. short

30. They attended a conventional wedding last night.

A. traditional B. modern C. exciting D. awful

PART C: Choose the underlined word or phrase that is incorrect. Then mark a cross
(X) over the letter of the answer you have chosen on your answer sheet (10 points)

31. People tend to spend much time socialize with colleagues at work.

32. I was on a coma for 2 weeks and stayed in hospital for six months.

33. There is too many furniture in this room. There is not enough space

34. A few years ago, I read a book about how to get rid of unnecessary possession.

35. Have you ever been disappointing by your birthday present?


36. Travelling in foot forces you to engage with bits of the country you don't see
from a vehicle.

37. It is also embarrassing admitting that I can’t do something that my friends are able
to do. A B C D

38. Something was definite wrong here and he was pretty sure he was going to
hate it more than he was going to like it.
39. Have you ever wasted money in something you have never used?

40. When I get home I was really tired, so I had a shower and went to bed.

Part A: Gap-filling
Read the following passage and choose the word or phrase that best fits each space.
Then mark a cross (X) over the letter of the answer you have chosen on your answer
sheet. (10 points)

Twenty years ago, the typical __(41)__ family was ‘wide’. It usually consisted of 2 or 3
___(42)___, with many children in each ‘__(43)___ family’. People had lots of aunts and
uncles but often didn’t know their grandparents. However, according to a new _(44)___ by

the British research group Mintel, the family is changing __(45)__. The family groups of the
future will be long and _(46)___. Here are some of their __(47)___:
Very __(48)__ children will have their brothers and sisters, and it will be ___(49)___ to be an
only child.
Many children will grow up __(50)__ from other children and young adults.
41. A- great B- traditional C- extended D- intended
42. A- generations B- parents C- grandparents D- families
43. A- small B- central C- little D- nuclear
44. A- suggest B- study C- finding D- information
45. A- quickly B- shape C- continuously D- size
46. A- complex B- complicated C- small D- thin
47. A- information B- predictions C- guests D- findings
48. A- little B- many C- much D- few
49. A- common B- unable C- able D- easy
50. A- together B- close C- different D- isolated

Part B: Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question.
Then mark a cross (X) over the letter of the answer you have chosen on your answer
sheet (10 points)
Food as Fuel: How Leaders Power Their Day?
Leaders have learned that what they eat impacts their performance. We all know how great a
healthy diet is for your body, but did you know that some foods can boost your productivity by
nourishing your brain? Certain nutrients feed your mind and create long-lasting energy to
help you stay focused and productive all day long. Leaders see food as fuel to power their
days. They eat foods that provide energy and stimulate mental performance, rather than
foods that lead to a massive crash.
If you are serious about being as efficient and productive as possible during your workday,
you may want to ask yourself if the food you are eating serves as fuel for your body and
mind. If you aren’t eating to nourish your body, your work performance will suffer.
Why is this? All foods aren’t processed at the same rate. Most of what we eat is broken down
into glucose. Glucose can either be released quickly or slowly and sustainably. Foods that
release glucose quickly – like candy, soda, white bread and baked goods – cause a sudden
spike in blood sugar. While these foods may give you a sudden burst of energy, your blood
sugar levels will drop quickly–leading to that miserable afternoon slump.
Foods that release glucose slowly provide more sustained energy, as well as keep us fuller
longer. This includes whole grains, oats, fruits and vegetables. These foods won’t cause a
spike in blood sugar because they provide a steady flow of energy to your brain. They cause
your blood sugar to slowly rise and then slowly go down. Your brain needs a steady amount
of glucose to stay alert, focused and productive.
Productivity-boosting foods also provide the necessary nutrients your body needs. It’s safe to
say that most of us know that not all foods are created equally. Your body needs a certain
amount of nutrients – such as carbohydrates, protein, fat and vitamins – to function properly,
so it’s important to eat foods that are nutrient-rich to bring your A-game all day, every day.
51. What can glucose help?
A. keep you alert and focused B. Cause a sudden spike in blood sugar
C. cause you to suffer D. Give a sudden burst of energy
52. Where can people quickly get glucose from?
A. from carbohydrates B. from oats C. from white bread D. from whole grains
53. According to the text, why is food so important to leaders?
A. because it is the fuel to power their days B. because it fast releases glucose
C. because it nourishes the performance D. because it boosts nutrients

54. Why do leaders need to consider the kinds of food they are eating?
A. because food is unsafe B. because food brings too high glucose level
C. because food is nutritious D. because food is processed differently by the body

55. What does the quick drop of glucose level cause?

A. low blood sugar level C. high blood sugar level
B. unbearable hunger in the afternoon D. afternoon miserable sleeplessness

56. What does the word “spike” in the text mean?

A. relief B. decrease C. fluctuation D. increase

57. How can some foods boost the productivity?

A. they nourish the brain C. they stimulate performance
B. they provide energy instantly D. they function properly

58. Which nutrients does the body need every day?

A. carbohydrates B. soda C. fruits D. candy

59. What should people eat to feel full in longer time?

A. vitamins B. baked goods C. low fat D. oats

60. Who do you think should be interested in the topic?

A. leaders only C. patients who want to get rid of suffering illness
B. nutritionists D. anyone who wants to improve their work performance
Part C: Read the text and answer the questions below in complete sentences. (20
The best way to get around Paris is on foot or by metro, at least until you become familiar
with the bus routes. Free maps are available at the Gare du Nord railway station and other
metro or train stations. Buy a Paris Par Arrondissements from any of the kiosks at the metro
entrances. This useful little book lists every street by district and has maps with clear
references. And you can always ask the locals for directions, of course.
The Paris metro is easy to use, clean and fast. Follow sortie for the exit and correspondance
to change lines. Buy a carnet of ten tickets to save money and stamp your ticket in the
machine before you get on. The bus is also a great way to travel with a view, once you are
familiar with the routes. Central Paris is compact and the best way to get to know it is on
foot, particularly to feel the atmosphere change slightly as you go from district to district.
However, driving in Paris is only for the brave or mad. The easiest way to get a taxin in Paris
is to find a rank at train and large metro stations. The white light on the roof indicates the taxi

is free. You don’t have to tip taxi drivers, but they appreciate it if you round up the fare.
Finally, several companies offer river tours down the Seine. It may be a touristy way to get
around but it’s still fun.
61. What should tourists do to change lines of metro?
62. Why is it good to walk around central Paris?
63. How many means of transport are listed in the text?
64. Do you have to pay when travelling by taxi?
65. What does the word compact mean (in English)?
Translate the following passage into Vietnamese.
Bethany, the surfer who lost an arm

Bethany Hamilton was the best girl surfer of her age when she lost an arm in a shark attack.
She was only thirteen years old and was surfing in Hawaii when a tiger shark attacked her
and tore off her left arm. It happened so fast she didn’t even scream.

But Bethany was determined to get back on a surfboard as soon as possible. As soon as she
left hospital she began practising her surfing exercises on the beach. Everyone was amazed
to see her surfing so soon after her accident. Incredibly, she finished 5th at the National
Surfing Championships.

‘The first time I went back into the sea I was so happy I cried,’ she said. ‘It was easier than I
thought. But obviously it is much more difficult than with both arms, and I have to accept I’ll
probably never be the world champion, which used to be my dream.’




61. What should tourists do to change lines of metro?

=> Follow sortie for the exit and correspondance
62. Why is it good to walk around central Paris?
=> to feel the atmosphere change slightly as you go from district to district
63. How many means of transport are listed in the text?
=> There are 5
64. Do you have to pay when travelling by taxi?
=> Yes.
65. What does the verb compact mean (in English)?
=> small

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