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Mary’s University

Emerging technology


Group members ID Numbers

1. Martha G/Egziabher………………………...RAD/0285/13
2. Nebyou Seyfe………………………………. RAD/0290/13
3. Tesfalidet Dawit……………………………. RAD/3920/13
4. Fisehatsion Mulugeta………………………..RAD/0278/13

Submitted to- Hafte Abera

Date- 3 Jan 2022

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Cloud, Quantum and Autonomic Computing ... 1

1.1: What is the cloud .......................................................................... 1

1.1.1: Historical back ground of cloud computing ............................. 1
1.1.2: Applications of Cloud Computing in real-world ....................... 2
1.1.3: Advantages of Cloud Computing ............................................. 4
1.1.4: Disadvantages of Cloud Computing ......................................... 6
1.2: What Is Quantum Computing? ................................................ 6
1.2.1: Quantum computing history and background ......................... 7
1.2.2: Real-World Applications for Quantum Computing .................. 7
1.2.3: Advantages of quantum computers ........................................ 9
1.2.4: Disadvantages of quantum computers .................................. 10
1.3: What is autonomic computing? ............................................ 11
1.3.1: Historical background of autonomic computing .................... 11
1.3.2: Applications of Autonomic Computing .................................. 12
1.3.3: Advantages of autonomic computing .................................... 13
1.3.4: Disadvantages of autonomic computing ............................... 14
Chapter 2: Biotechnology ..................................................... 14

2.1: What is Biotechnology?........................................................ 14

2.2: History of Biotechnology ...................................................... 14
2.3: Applications of Biotechnology ............................................... 16
2.4: The advantages of Biotechnology .......................................... 19
2.5: The disadvantages of Biotechnology ...................................... 20
Chapter 3: Blockchain ........................................................... 22

3.1: What Is a Blockchain? .......................................................... 22

3.2: History of blockchain ........................................................... 22
3.3: Blockchain Applications........................................................ 24
3.4: Advantages of Blockchain ..................................................... 26
3.5: Disadvantages of Blockchain ................................................ 27
Chapter 1: The Cloud, Quantum and Autonomic Computing
1.1: What is the cloud
Simply put, cloud computing is the delivery of computing services—including servers,
storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—over the Internet (“the
cloud”) to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. You typically
pay only for cloud services you use, helping you lower your operating costs, run your
infrastructure more efficiently, and scale as your business needs change.

1.1.1: Historical back ground of cloud computing

Originally a military mainframe which was developed in 1950 to connect computer terminals
across an internal matrix, non-local storage technology advanced quickly once it hit the
scientific community. This was an important consideration back at a time when computing
had cost several million dollars and the need for multiple people to access the technology
became a necessity.

The term “cloud computing” itself was coined in 1996 within a Compaq internal document.
The term “cloud” was originally linked to the concept of distributed computing, which went
mainstream at Apple-spawned General Magic in the early 1990s, with even earlier mentions
in academic work before that. The concept was initially discussed by J.C.R. Licklider, the
first director of Information Processing Techniques Office at the Pentagon’s ARPA division
in the 1960s, according to Computerworld.

Licklider’s idea went on to revolutionize computing when, in 1969, Bob Taylor and Larry
Roberts developed ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Networks) and,
eventually, became the precursor of what we call the internet.

The decades following the 1970s saw the development of various Virtual Machines (VMs)
like those created by computer giants like IBM.elecommunications followed suit and started
to offer virtual private networks (VPNs) to the marketplace.

1.1.2: Applications of Cloud Computing in real-world
Cloud Service Providers (CSP) are providing many types of cloud services and now if we sill
cloud computing has touched every sector by providing various cloud applications. Sharing
and managing resources is easy in cloud computing that’s why it is one of the dominant
fields of computing. These properties have made it an active component in many fields.

1. Online Data Storage

Cloud computing allows storing data like files, images, audios, and videos, etc on the
cloud storage. The organization need not set physical storage systems to store a huge
volume of business data which costs so high nowadays. As they are growing
technologically, data generation is also growing with respect to time, and storing that
becoming problem. In that situation, Cloud storage is providing this service to store
and access data any time as per requirement.
2. Backup and Recovery
Cloud vendors provide security from their side by storing safe to the data as well as
providing a backup facility to the data. They offer various recovery application for
retrieving the lost data. In the traditional way backup of data is a very complex
problem and also it is very difficult sometimes impossible to recover the lost data. But
cloud computing has made backup and recovery applications very easy where there is
no fear of running out of backup media or loss of data.
3. Bigdata Analysis
We know the volume of big data is so high where storing that in traditional data
management system for an organization is impossible. But cloud computing has
resolved that problem by allowing the organizations to store their large volume of
data in cloud storage without worrying about physical storage. Next comes analyzing
the raw data and finding out insights or useful information from it is a big challenge
as it requires high-quality tools for data analytics. Cloud computing provides the
biggest facility to organizations in terms of storing and analyzing big data.
4. Testing and development
Setting up the platform for development and finally performing different types of
testing to check the readiness of the product before delivery requires different types of

IT resources and infrastructure. But Cloud computing provides the easiest approach
for development as well as testing even if deployment by using their IT resources
with minimal expenses. Organizations find it more helpful as they got scalable and
flexible cloud services for product development, testing, and deployment.
5. Anti-Virus Applications
Previously, organizations were installing antivirus software within their system even
if we will see we personally also keep antivirus software in our system for safety from
outside cyber threats. But nowadays cloud computing provides cloud antivirus
software which means the software is stored in the cloud and monitors your
system/organization’s system remotely. This antivirus software identifies the security
risks and fixes them. Sometimes also they give a feature to download the software.
6. E-commerce Application
Cloud-based e-commerce allows responding quickly to the opportunities which are
emerging. Users respond quickly to the market opportunities as well as the traditional
e-commerce responds to the challenges quickly. Cloud-based e-commerce gives a
new approach to doing business with the minimum amount as well as minimum time
possible. Customer data, product data, and other operational systems are managed in
cloud environments.
7. Cloud computing in education
Cloud computing in the education sector brings an unbelievable change in learning by
providing e-learning, online distance learning platforms, and student information
portals to the students. It is a new trend in education that provides an attractive
environment for learning, teaching, experimenting, etc to students, faculty members,
and researchers. Everyone associated with the field can connect to the cloud of their
organization and access data and information from there.
8. E-Governance Application
Cloud computing can provide its services to multiple activities conducted by the
government. It can support the government to move from the traditional ways of
management and service providers to an advanced way of everything by expanding
the availability of the environment, making the environment more scalable and

customized. It can help the government to reduce the unnecessary cost in managing,
installing, and upgrading applications and doing all these with help of could
computing and utilizing that money public service.
9. Cloud Computing in Medical Fields
In the medical field also nowadays cloud computing is used for storing and accessing
the data as it allows to store data and access it through the internet without worrying
about any physical setup. It facilitates easier access and distribution of information
among the various medical professional and the individual patients. Similarly, with
help of cloud computing offsite buildings and treatment facilities like labs, doctors
making emergency house calls and ambulances information, etc can be easily
accessed and updated remotely instead of having to wait until they can access a
hospital computer.
10. Entertainment Applications
Many people get entertainment from the internet, in that case, cloud computing is the
perfect place for reaching to a varied consumer base. Therefore, different types of
entertainment industries reach near the target audience by adopting a multi-cloud
strategy. Cloud-based entertainment provides various entertainment applications such
as online music/video, online games and video conferencing, streaming services, etc.
and it can reach any device be it TV, mobile, set-top box, or any other form. It is a
new form of entertainment called On-Demand Entertainment (ODE).

With respect to this as a cloud, the market is growing rapidly and it is providing various
services day by day. So other application of cloud computing includes social applications,
management application, business applications, art application, and many more. So, in the
future cloud computing is going to touch many more sectors by providing more applications
and services.

1.1.3: Advantages of Cloud Computing

As we all know that Cloud computing is trending technology. Almost every company
switched their services on the cloud to rise the company growth.

1. Back-up and restore data

Once the data is stored in the cloud, it is easier to get back-up and restore that data using the

2. Improved collaboration

Cloud applications improve collaboration by allowing groups of people to quickly and easily
share information in the cloud via shared storage.

3. Excellent accessibility

Cloud allows us to quickly and easily access store information anywhere, anytime in the
whole world, using an internet connection. An internet cloud infrastructure increases
organization productivity and efficiency by ensuring that our data is always accessible.

4. Low maintenance cost

Cloud computing reduces both hardware and software maintenance costs for organizations.

5. Mobility

Cloud computing allows us to easily access all cloud data via mobile.

6. iServices in the pay-per-use model

Cloud computing offers Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to the users for access
services on the cloud and pays the charges as per the usage of service.

7. Unlimited storage capacity

Cloud offers us a huge amount of storing capacity for storing our important data such as
documents, images, audio, video, etc. in one place.

8. Data security

Data security is one of the biggest advantages of cloud computing. Cloud offers many
advanced features related to security and ensures that data is securely stored and handled.

1.1.4: Disadvantages of Cloud Computing
A list of the disadvantage of cloud computing is given below -

1. Internet Connectivity

As you know, in cloud computing, every data (image, audio, video, etc.) is stored on the
cloud, and we access these data through the cloud by using the internet connection. If you do
not have good internet connectivity, you cannot access these data. However, we have no any
other way to access data from the cloud.

2. Vendor lock-in

Vendor lock-in is the biggest disadvantage of cloud computing. Organizations may face
problems when transferring their services from one vendor to another. As different vendors
provide different platforms, that can cause difficulty moving from one cloud to another.

3. Limited Control

As we know, cloud infrastructure is completely owned, managed, and monitored by the

service provider, so the cloud users have less control over the function and execution of
services within a cloud infrastructure.

4. Security

Although cloud service providers implement the best security standards to store important
information. But, before adopting cloud technology, you should be aware that you will be
sending all your organization's sensitive information to a third party, i.e., a cloud computing
service provider. While sending the data on the cloud, there may be a chance that your
organization's information is hacked by Hackers.

1.2: What Is Quantum Computing?

Quantum computing is an area of computing focused on developing computer technology
based on the principles of quantum theory (which explains the behavior of energy and
material on the atomic and subatomic levels). Computers used today can only encode
information in bits that take the value of 1 or 0—restricting their ability.

Quantum computing, on the other hand, uses quantum bits or qubits. It harnesses the unique
ability of subatomic particles that allows them to exist in more than one state (i.e., a 1 and a 0
at the same time).

1.2.1: Quantum computing history and background

A host of new computer technologies has emerged within the last few years, and quantum
computing is arguably the technology requiring the greatest paradigm shift on the part of
developers. Quantum computers were proposed in the 1980s by Richard Feynman and Yuri
Manin. The intuition behind quantum computing stemmed from what was often seen as one
of the greatest embarrassments of physics: remarkable scientific progress faced with an
inability to model even simple systems. Quantum mechanics was developed between 1900
and 1925 and it remains the cornerstone on which chemistry, condensed matter physics, and
technologies ranging from computer chips to LED lighting ultimately rests. Yet despite these
successes, even some of the simplest systems seemed to be beyond the human ability to
model with quantum mechanics. This is because simulating systems of even a few dozen
interacting particles requires more computing power than any conventional computer can
provide over thousands of years!

1.2.2: Real-World Applications for Quantum Computing

➢ In Healthcare
1. Research

Classical computers are limited in terms of the size and complexity of molecules they can
simulate and compare (an essential process in early drug development). If we have an input
of size N, N being the number of atoms in the researched molecules, the number of possible
interactions between these atoms is exponential (each atom can interact with all the others).

Quantum computers will allow much larger molecules to be simulated. At the same time,
researchers will be able to model and simulate interactions between drugs and all 20,000+
proteins encoded in the human genome, leading to greater advancements in pharmacology.

2. Diagnostics

Quantum technologies could be used to provide faster, more accurate diagnostics with a
variety of applications. Boosting AI capabilities will improve machine learning – something
that is already being used to aid pattern recognition. High-resolution MRI machines will
provide greater levels of detail and also aid clinicians with screening for diseases.

3. Treatment

Targeted treatments, such as radiotherapy, depend upon the ability to rapidly model and
simulate complex scenarios to deliver the optimal treatment. Quantum computers would
enable therapists to run more simulations in less time, helping to minimize radiation damage
to healthy tissue.

➢ In Finance
1. Automated, high-frequency trading

One potential application for quantum technologies is algorithmic trading – the use of
complex algorithms to automatically trigger share dealings based on a wide variety of market
variables. The advantages, especially for high-volume transactions, are significant.

2. Fraud detection

Like diagnostics in healthcare, fraud detection is reliant upon pattern recognition. Quantum
computers could deliver a significant improvement in machine learning capabilities;
dramatically reducing the time taken to train a neural network and improving the detection

3. Marketing

Quantum computers will have the ability to aggregate and analyse huge volumes of
consumer data, from a wide variety of sources. Big data analytics will allow commerce and
government to precisely target individual consumers, or voters, with communications
tailored to their preferences; helping to influence consumer spending and the outcome of

➢ Meteorology

With so many variables to consider, accurate weather forecasts are difficult to produce.
Machine learning using quantum computers will result in improved pattern recognition,
making it easier to predict extreme weather events and potentially saving thousands of lives a

Climatologists will also be able to generate and analyze more detailed climate models;
proving greater insight into climate change and how we can mitigate its negative impact.

1. Logistics

Improved data analysis and modelling will enable a wide range of industries to optimize
workflows associated with transport, logistics and supply-chain management. The
calculation and recalculation of optimal routes could impact on applications as diverse as
traffic management, fleet operations, air traffic control, freight and distribution.

1.2.3: Advantages of quantum computers

1. Faster computations

These types of computers can perform computation at a much faster rate than normal
computers. Quantum computers have computation power higher than supercomputers also.
They can process data at 1000 times faster than normal computers and supercomputers.
Some calculations if performed by a normal computer can take 1000 years is done by
quantum computers in a few seconds.

2. Best for simulation

Quantum computers are best for doing data simulation computing. There are many
algorithms created that can simulate various things like weather forecasting, chemical
simulation etc.

3. Medicine creation
These types of computers can work better in the medical field. They can detect diseases and
can create a formula for medicines. Different type of diseases can be diagnosed and tested in
scientific laboratories using these computers

4. Google search

Quantum computers are used by Google to refine searches. Now every search on Google can
speed up by using these computers. Most relevant results can be populated using quantum

5. High privacy

These computers can make high encryption and is good at cryptography. It is impossible to
break the security of quantum computers. Recently China has launched a satellite that uses
quantum computing and China claimed that this satellite cannot be hacked.

6. Used in radar making

Quantum computing is also used in making radar missiles. The accuracy of radar weapons
can be improved by using this technology.

7. Used in artificial intelligence

These types of computers perform well in artificial intelligence. They can make decisions
more precisely than normal computers. Scientists can do better research using these

8. Machine learning

Quantum computing is applied nicely by using machine learning techniques. Users can use
less code and uses machine learning process for improving outcome.

1.2.4: Disadvantages of quantum computers

1. Algorithm creation

For every type of computation, it needs to write a new algorithm. Quantum computers cannot
work as classical computers, they need special algorithms to perform tasks in their

2. The low temperature needed

As the processing in these computers is done very deeply so it needs a temperature of

negative 460 degrees F. This is the lowest temperature of the universe and it is very difficult
to maintain that temperature.

3. Not open for public

Due to the high range price, they are not available for public use. Also, the errors in these
types of computers are high because they are still in the development phase. Quantum
computers work fine in 10 qubits but after increasing qubits like 70 qubits, the accuracy is
not right. There are experiments already going on to make the results of these computers

4. Internet Security

It is assumed by the scientists that if a quantum computer is implemented in the best way,
then whole internet security breaks. This is due to the facts that these computers can decrypt
all the codes on the internet.

1.3: What is autonomic computing?

Autonomic computing is a computer’s ability to manage itself automatically through
adaptive technologies that further computing capabilities and cut down on the time required
by computer professionals to resolve system difficulties and other maintenance such as
software updates.
The move toward autonomic computing is driven by a desire for cost reduction and the need
to lift the obstacles presented by computer system complexities to allow for more advanced
computing technology.

1.3.1: Historical background of autonomic computing

IBM started the move toward autonomic computing in 2001. IBM engineers saw the need to
develop smart systems that could monitor, repair and manage themselves to a high degree. In
2004, IBM Press published the 336-page “Autonomic Computing” book that described
systems that “install, heal, protect themselves, and adapt to your needs – automatically.” The

purpose of autonomic computing is to decrease human management and lower maintenance
costs associated with break/fix, patch management, restarting services and problem
reporting. Removing human intervention promised to reduce costs, to improve service levels,
to enhance service levels and to simplify management.

The term autonomic means involuntary or unconscious and refers to the autonomic nervous
system that controls breathing, pupil dilation and contraction, and other neuromuscular
reflexes. The theory is that a computer system’s normal operations can operate at peak
efficiency because of in-memory monitors, scheduled actions and periodic housekeeping
tasks taking place in the background. One such autonomic system that system administrators
have put into practice for decades is the daily backup. Scheduled backups run independent of
all other system processes, restart if interrupted and have automatic reporting capability.

The idea of systems that are self-healing, self-managing and self-monitoring is not new.
Fiction writer Edward Ellis proposed the idea of a steam-powered mechanical man in his
1868 novel, “The Steam Man of the Prairies,” and Karel Capek coined the term, “robot” in
his "Rossum’s Universal Robots" in 1921. The revival and excitement surrounding
autonomous computing in the early part of the 21st century waned a bit with the widespread
adoption of virtualization and cloud computing. However, there is now a return to interest in
self-managing systems.

1.3.2: Applications of Autonomic Computing

Autonomic computing promises to simplify the management of computing systems. But that
capability will provide the basis for much more: from seamless e-sourcing and Grid
Computing, to dynamic e-business and the ability to translate business decisions that
managers make to the IT processes and policies that make those decisions a reality.

E-sourcing is the ability to deliver IT as a utility, when you need it, in the amount you must
have to accomplish the task at hand. Autonomic computing will create huge opportunities for
these kinds of services.

Other applications include server load balancing, process allocation, monitoring power

supply, automatic updating of software and drivers, pre-failure warning, memory error-
correction, automated system backup and recovery, etc.

One area where autonomic computing can contribute significantly is Grid Computing. Grids,
empowered with the self-managing capabilities of autonomics can revolutionize computing.
And the applications are not just restricted to the IT industry alone.

There are several Grid Computing initiatives underway. The University of Pennsylvania, for
instance, is building a powerful grid that aims to bring advanced methods of breast cancer
diagnosis and screening to patients, while reducing costs. The Grid is a utility-like service
delivered over the Internet, enabling thousands of hospitals to store mammograms in digital
form. The Grid will provide analytical tools that help physicians diagnose individual cases
and identify cancer ‘clusters’ in the population.

Another example is the North Carolina Biometrics Grid, accessible to thousands of

researchers and educators to help accelerate the pace of genomic research that could lead to
new medicines to combat diseases and develop more nutritious foods to feed the world’s

But autonomic computing development faces some challenges too and it may be some time
before we see its implementation in applications like Grid Computing.

1.3.3: Advantages of autonomic computing

The main benefit of autonomic computing is reduced TCO (Total Cost of Ownership).
Breakdowns will be less frequent, thereby drastically reducing maintenance costs. Fewer
personnel will be required to manage the systems. “The most immediate benefit of
autonomic computing will be reduced deployment and maintenance cost, time and increased
stability of IT systems through automation,” says Dr Kumar of IBM.

“Higher order benefits will include allowing companies to better manage their business
through IT systems that are able to adopt and implement directives based on business policy,
and are able to make modifications based on changing environments.”

Another benefit of this technology is that it provides server consolidation to maximize

system availability, and minimizes cost and human effort to manage large server farms.

1.3.4: Disadvantages of autonomic computing

It is internet dependent which means it does perform poorly in case of weak internet
connection or no internet connection. As it is self-performing, sometimes it gets complicated
for the end-user to detect the error that occurred

Chapter 2: Biotechnology
2.1: What is Biotechnology?
At its simplest, biotechnology is technology based on biology - biotechnology harnesses
cellular and biomolecular processes to develop technologies and products that help improve
our lives and the health of our planet. We have used the biological processes of
microorganisms for more than 6,000 years to make useful food products, such as bread and
cheese, and to preserve dairy products.

2.2: History of Biotechnology

What do stone-washed jeans and home pregnancy tests have in common with bread, cheese
and wine? They are all examples of manipulating living organisms to create products or new
processes. They are all products of biotechnology.

Humans have used biotechnology since the dawn of civilization. Egyptians used yeasts to
bake leavened bread, the Chinese developed fermentation techniques for brewing and cheese
making, and the Aztecs used Spirulina algae to make cakes. Today, when most people think
of biotechnology, they probably think of recombinant DNA. Although much of modern
biotechnology does deal with manipulating DNA, classical biotechnology began long before
we even knew about genes or chromosomes. What began as recipes for production of food
now includes technology to enhance everything from farming to pharmaceuticals.

What we think of as modern biotechnology began around the end of the nineteenth century.
By then, Mendel's work on genetics was completed and institutes for investigating
fermentation along with other microbial processes had been founded by Koch, Pasteur, and

At the beginning of the twentieth century, industry and agriculture started to incorporate
biotechnology. The growing automobile industry, for example, used fermentation processes
to produce acetone and paint solvents. By mid-century, major advances in genetics
dominated biotechnology research. The discovery that DNA carries the genetic code and the
structure of the "double helix" were described by Watson and Crick. Soon, new techniques
were developed to allow manipulation of DNA. Genetically engineered plants, microbes,
animals, and products like insulin, highlight the future of biotechnology.

The importance of the new genetics culminated in The Human Genome Project, an
international project instituted by the Department of Energy
and the National Institutes of Health to "map the human genome." The goal of this project is
to identify the structure of the entire human genome,
including its three billion base pairs and approximately 22,000 genes. The hope is that this
knowledge will help scientists identify, prevent and treat many of the illnesses resulting from
genetic malfunction.

Discussion of the ethical implications of recombinant experiments began several decades

ago. James Watson was the elected as the first director of the Office of Human Genome
Research at the NIH. With great insight, he suggested a portion of the budget of the human
genome project be set aside to study the ethical, legal and social implications of the project.
As genetic discoveries have progressed, the importance of regulating how the knowledge
will be used has become of primary importance. Philosophers and ethicists now work side by
side with research scientists and lawyers to help determine not only what we can do, but also
what we should do with genetic knowledge.

Today, biotechnology is being used in countless areas including agriculture, clincial

applications, bioremediation and forensics, where DNA sequencing is a common practice.

Industry and medicine alike use the techniques of PCR, immunoassays and recombinant
DNA. Genetic manipulation has been the primary reason that biology is now seen as the
science of the future and biotechnology as one of the leading industries.

2.3: Applications of Biotechnology

1. Nutrient Supplementation

One of the most important uses of biotechnology is the infusion of nutrients into food in
situations such as aid. Therefore, it provides food with heavy nutrients that are necessary for
such circumstances.

An example of this application is the production Golden Rice where the rice is infused with
beta-carotene. The rice has Vitamin A, which the body can quickly synthesize.

2. Abiotic Stress Resistance

There is actually very little land on earth that is arable, with some estimates that place it at
around 20 percent. With an increase in the world’s population, there is a need for the food
sources available to be as effective as possible to produce as much food in as little space as
possible. There is also a need to have the crops grown to be able to make use of the less
arable regions of the world.

It means that there is a need to develop crops that can handle these abiotic stresses such as
salinity, drought, and frost from cold.

In Africa and the Middle East, for instance, where the climate can be unforgiving, the
practice has played a significant role in the development of crops that can withstand the
prevailing harsh climates.

3. Industrial Biotechnology

Industrial biotechnology is the application of biotechnology that ranges from the production
of cellular structures to the production of biological elements for numerous uses.

Examples include the creation of new materials in the construction industry, and the
manufacture of beer and wine, washing detergents, and personal care products.

4. Strength Fibers

One of the materials with the strongest tensile strength is spider webs. Amongst other
materials with the same cross-sectional width, spider webs can take more tensional force
before breaking than even steel.

This silk has created much interest in the possible production of materials made from silk,
including body armor such as bulletproof jackets. Silk is used because it is stronger than
Kevlar (the material most commonly used to make body armor).

Biotechnological techniques have been used to pick the genes found in spiders and their
infusion in goats to produce the silk proteins in their milk.

With this initiative, it makes production quite easier as goats are much easier to handle
compared to spiders, and the creation of silk via milk also helps make the processing and
handling much convenient compared to handling the actual silk strands.

5. Biofuels

One of the biggest applications of biotechnology is in the energy production sector. With
fears over the dwindling oil resources in the world and their related environmental impacts,
there is a growing need to protect the globe’s future by finding alternative environmentally
friendly fuel sources.

Biotechnology is allowing this to happen with advances such as using corn to produce
combustible fuel for running car engines. These fuels are good for the environment as they
do not produce greenhouse gases.

6. Healthcare

Biotechnology is applied in the healthcare sector in the development of pharmaceuticals that

have proven problematic to produce through other conventional means because of purity

7. Food Processing

The method of fermentation using the microbial organisms and their derivatives is applied by
which raw materials that are non-palatable and easily perishable are converted to edible and
potable foods and beverages, which have a longer shelf life.

8. Fuel from Waste

Applying bioremediation waste can be converted to biofuel to run generators. Microbes can
be induced to produce enzymes required to turn plant and vegetable materials into building
blocks for biodegradable plastics.

Methane can be derived from a type of bacteria that degrades sulfur liquor, which is a waste
product of the paper manufacturing industry. The resultant methane can be utilized in other
industrial processes or as fuel.

9. Commodity Chemicals and Specialty Chemicals

These can be produced using biotech applications. Traditional chemical synthesis uses often-
undesirable products, such as HCl, and involves large amounts of energy.

The production of the same chemicals can be done more economically and made more
environmentally friendly using biocatalysts. E.g., Polymer-grade acrylamide.

10. Hi-Tech Finishing Fabrics

Biotechnology is used in the textile industry for the finishing of fabrics and garments. It
produces biotech-derived cotton, which is warmer, stronger, wrinkle & shrink-resistant and
has improved dye uptake and retention, enhanced absorbency.

11. Detergent Proteases

These are essential components of modern detergents that remove protein impurities and are
used for breaking down starch, protein, and fatty acids present on items being washed. The
production of protease results in biomass that, in turn, yields a useful byproduct, an organic

12. Wound Dressings

It is also applied to the use of wound dressings coated with Chitosan, which is a sugar that is
typically obtained from shrimp and crab shells.

2.4: The advantages of Biotechnology

1. It can improve health and reduce hunger simultaneously.
Biotechnology has helped to improve the nutritional content of our food supply. Necessary
vitamins and minerals can be produced in croplands and this reduces health issues that are
related to a lack of nutrients. At the same time, biotechnology also improves cropland yields
and nutritional density, so people can eat less and still receive the same nutritional values.
That allows more people to have the food they need.

2. It creates flexibility within the food chain.

Biotechnology can also help croplands be able to produce foods that may not be possible
under “regular” conditions. Using concepts from this field of study, it is possible to grow
crops in the desert. It is possible to create crops that are naturally resistant to pests. Although
the amount of land our planet can provide is finite, biotechnology allows us to be able to use
more of it for what we need.

3. It offers medical advancement opportunities.

Biotechnology allows us to look within just as easily as we can look to the outside world for
advancement. Studies that involve the human genome have allowed us to understand more
about genetic diseases and some cancers, creating more effective treatments for them – and
sometimes cures. It has allowed us to explore the reasons behind certain birth defects to
understand the importance of folic acid. That makes it possible to extend average human

4. It allows us to preserve resources.

Biotechnology gives us an opportunity to extend the lifespan of our food supplies. Practices
that include salting foods to preserve them date back beyond Biblical times. Freezing and
drying foods as methods of preservation have been known for centuries. Pasteur pioneered an

approach of heating food products to remove harmful elements so they can be preserved for
an extended period.

5. It helps us minimize or eliminate waste products.

According to National Geographic, the footprint that humanity leaves on our planet from
waste is quite extensive. In 2006, the United States generated 251 million tons of trash. That
equates to nearly 5 pounds of trash per person, per day. 65% of trash comes from homes and
55% of that trash will end up in a landfill. Biotechnology allows us to create waste products
that have better biodegradable properties. It allows us to manage landfills more effectively.
That way we can begin to minimize the footprint being left for future generations.

6. It can reduce infectious disease rates.

Biotechnology has helped us to create vaccines. It has helped us be able to create treatments
that reduce difficult symptoms of disease. It has even helped us to learn how infectious
diseases can be transmitted so their transmission can be reduced. That allows us to protect
those who are most vulnerable to these diseases, giving them a chance to live a happy,
fulfilling life.

2.5: The disadvantages of Biotechnology

1. It creates an all-or-nothing approach.
One of the biggest problems that biotechnology faces is a lack of genetic diversity. The
processes included in this field can increase crop yields and improve medical science, but it
comes at the price of a genetic bottleneck. Should something unforeseen happen, an entire
crop or medical treatment opportunity could go to waste or even threaten the survival of
certain species.

2. It is a field of research with many unknowns.

Although our database of biotechnology has greatly expanded in the last generation, there are
still many long-term unknowns that we face. What happens if we tinker with the genetics of
a person to treat a disorder? What happens to the environment if we dramatically alter crops
to grow in locations that would normally not support crop growth? Should every action have

an equal and opposite reaction, future generations could pay the price for our research that is
happening today.

3. It could ruin croplands.

Biotechnology has allowed more vitamins and minerals to enter our food chain, but it could
be coming at a cost. Many crops obtain their nutritional content from the soil in which they
grow. If that soil is overloaded by the crop, it may lose its viability, even with crop rotation
occurring. That may reduce the amount of growing time each land segment is able to provide
while extending its recovery period at the same time. In some situations, the croplands could
be permanently ruined.

4. It turns human life into a commodity.

In the United States, the Supreme Court has ruled that DNA which is lab manipulated is
eligible to be patented. The foundation of this ruling was that altered DNA sequences are not
found in nature. At the moment, complementary DNA, or cDNA, has been specifically
mentioned as an example of what could be patented. Obtaining DNA to create altered DNA
sequences for profit minimizes human life (or plant and animal life) to profit potential. It also
opens the door to ethical and moral questions, such as when human life begins, with the
purpose of maximizing the dollars and cents that can be obtained.

5. It can be used for destruction.

All the benefits that biotechnology can provide could also be turned into a weapon that is
used for mass destruction. Crops can be improved, but they can also be destroyed. Medicines
can be made with biotechnology, but diseases can also be weaponized. If left unchecked,
biotechnology could even create a societal class that is created specifically for research
purposes only.

Biotechnology has done much to improve our way of life. It has helped the world to become
a much smaller place. At the same time, we still face many challenges that must be

Chapter 3: Blockchain
3.1: What Is a Blockchain?
A blockchain is a distributed database that is shared among the nodes of a computer network.
As a database, a blockchain stores information electronically in digital format. Blockchains
are best known for their crucial role in cryptocurrency systems, such as Bitcoin, for
maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions. The innovation with a
blockchain is that it guarantees the fidelity and security of a record of data and generates trust
without the need for a trusted third party.

One key difference between a typical database and a blockchain is how the data is structured.
A blockchain collects information together in groups, known as blocks, that hold sets of
information. Blocks have certain storage capacities and, when filled, are closed and linked to
the previously filled block, forming a chain of data known as the blockchain. All new
information that follows that freshly added block is compiled into a newly formed block that
will then also be added to the chain once filled.

A database usually structures its data into tables, whereas a blockchain, like its name implies,
structures its data into chunks (blocks) that are strung together. This data structure inherently
makes an irreversible time line of data when implemented in a decentralized nature. When a
block is filled, it is set in stone and becomes a part of this time line. Each block in the chain
is given an exact time stamp when it is added to the chain.

3.2: History of blockchain

Blockchain has the potential to grow to be a bedrock of the worldwide record-keeping
systems, but was launched just 10 years ago. It was created by the unknown persons behind
the online cash currency bitcoin, under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto.

A brief history of blockchain:

• 1991

A cryptographically secured chain of blocks is described for the first time by Stuart Haber
and W Scott Stornetta

• 1998

Computer scientist Nick Szabo works on ‘bit gold’, a decentralised digital currency

• 2000

Stefan Konst publishes his theory of cryptographic secured chains, plus ideas for

• 2008

Developer(s) working under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto release a white paper
establishing the model for a blockchain

• 2009

Nakamoto implements the first blockchain as the public ledger for transactions made using

• 2014

Blockchain technology is separated from the currency and its potential for other financial,
interorganizational transactions is explored. Blockchain 2.0 is born, referring to applications
beyond currency

The Ethereum blockchain system introduces computer programs into the blocks, representing
financial instruments such as bonds. These become known as smart contracts.

• Bitcoin’s role

Posting their seminal whitepaper in 2008 and launching the initial code in 2009, Nakamoto
created bitcoin to be a form of cash that could be sent peer-to-peer without the need for a
central bank or other authority to operate and maintain the ledger, much as how physical cash
can be.

While it wasn’t the first online currency to be proposed, the bitcoin proposal solved several
problems in the field and has been by far the most successful version.

The engine that runs the bitcoin ledger that Nakamoto designed is called the blockchain; the
original and largest blockchain is the one that still orchestrates bitcoin transactions today.

• The second generation

Other blockchains include those that run the several hundred “altcoins” – other similar
currency projects with different rules – as well as truly different applications, such as:

• Ethereum: the second largest blockchain implementation after bitcoin. Ethereum

distributes a currency called ether, but also allows for the storage and operation of
computer code, allowing for smart contracts.
• Ripple: a real-time gross settlement system, currency exchange and remittance
network, based on a public ledger.

3.3: Blockchain Applications

1. Supply chain management

Blockchains increase the overall efficiency of supply chains. It provides accurate

identification of the location of items on the supply chain. It thus removes the need for paper-
based trails. It helps prevent losses and monitor the quality of products while in production.

2. Digital IDs

With an estimated 1 billion people worldwide not having an identity, Microsoft is working
on creating ids to empower impoverished people and refugees. This would help in linking
them with the formal financial sector. It aims to do this through its Authenticator app. The
authenticator doesn’t just use a password. It uses an extra layer of protection that uses a code
or a token to identify a returning user or a device. It is an ideal way for users to control their
digital identities.

3. Healthcare

The patient, being the central point of the healthcare ecosystem, has the right to accurate
information. It can also be looked into as a matter of life and death. Privacy and security of
health data are very important. It helps in tracking the serials and batch numbers of

prescription drugs. Hospitals have moved away from paper for recordkeeping and they use
blockchain technology to store patient data, which is kept confidential. The patient would be
given a number key to access these records, thereby keeping him in control of who can view
that data. Patient diagnoses can also be stored, so as to track the patient’s health history.

4. Wills or inheritances

Paper wills or inheritances can now be replaced with digital ones which can be created and
stored using the blockchain network. It must be used along with smart contracts as it would
make your document both legally binding and crystal clear as to who should receive which
assets when you pass away. This puts your end-of-life concerns to rest.

5. Food safety

Intriguing use of blockchain in food safety is the ability to trace your food from its origin to
your plate. Using the immutable nature of blockchain, the transport of food products from
their origin to the supermarket can be traced. In the case of food-borne illnesses, the source
of the contaminant can be traced quickly and accurately.

6. Digital voting

Voter fraud has always been a great concern. It will not be anymore. You can make your
vote truly count with the immutable nature of the blockchain. It will make voting transparent
and any changes made to the network would be noticed by the regulators. The token-based
system created using blockchain technology will ensure the system of ‘one unchangeable
vote per person.’

7. Real estate

Ownership and title details are stored on the blockchain, thereby making it easier to transfer
ownership and trace ownership. Eliminating paper from the equation, it offers a crystal-clear
picture of legal ownership. Titles are stored on the blockchain network and can be viewed,
altered, and updated whenever required.

8. Data sharing

Introduced by IOTA, a distributed ledger technology developed by the IOTA Foundation, it

involves using the blockchain to share or sell unused data. The unused data bundles of
enterprises could be routed to places that need it the most. Blockchain can be used as a
marketplace to store data which can be used to improve a host of industries.

9. Weapons tracking

Blockchain technology would enable the federal government and law enforcement to track
weapon or gun ownership. It will act as an unchanging and transparent registry which will
also aid in keeping a record of weapons sold privately.

10. Copyright and royalty protection

Copyright and ownership laws on music, videos, blogs, and other online content are a must
in today’s day and age. These laws can be made secure through blockchain technology.
Digital content downloads would be a good option as it ensures that the artist or the creator
of the content also gets their fair share. Blockchain would also provide real-time and
authentic royalty distribution data to content creators and musicians.

Blockchain technology is an innovation which has been embraced by a majority of people.

Though the functionalities of blockchain are commendable, one needs to remember that it is
not the solution to every problem and that different blockchains will suit a variety of needs
and circumstances. The applications of blockchain will widely vary from one industry to the

3.4: Advantages of Blockchain

1. Process Integrity

Due to the security reasons, this program was made in such a way that any block or even a
transaction that adds to the chain cannot be edited which ultimately provides a very high
range of security.

2. Traceability

The format of Blockchain designs in such a way that it can easily locate any problem and
correct if there is any. It also creates an irreversible audit trail.
Do you Know the importance of Blockchain Technology

3. Security

Blockchain technology is highly secure because of the reason each and every individual who
enters into the Blockchain network is provided with a unique identity which is linked to his
account. This ensures that the owner of the account himself is operating the transactions. The
block encryption in the chain makes it tougher for any hacker to disturb the traditional setup
of the chain

4. Faster processing

Before the invention of the blockchain, the traditional banking organization take a lot of time
in processing and initiating the transaction but after the blockchain technology speed of the
transaction increased to a very high extent. Before this, the overall banking process takes
around three days to settle but after the introduction of Blockchain, the time reduced to
nearly minutes or even seconds.

3.5: Disadvantages of Blockchain

1. Power Use

The consumption of power in the Blockchain is comparatively high as in a particular year the
power consumption of Bitcoin miners was alone more than the per capita power
consumption of 159 individual countries. Keeping a real-time ledger is one of the reasons for
this consumption because every time it creates a new node, it communicates with each and
every other node at the same time.
Let’s discuss Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies in Blockchain

2. Cost

As per the studies as an average cost of the Bitcoin transaction is $75-$160 and most of this
cost cover by the energy consumption. There are very fewer chances that this issue we can
resolve by the advancement in the technology. As the other factor that is the storage problem
might be covered by the energy issues cannot be resolved.

3. Uncertain regulatory status

In each and every part of world modern money has been created and controlled by the central
government. It becomes a hurdle for Bitcoin to get accepted by the preexisting financial


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