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Memorial School
P.T - 2 (2023-2024)
Time: 2 Hrs Social Science (X) M.M. 60

General Instructions:-
 There are 23 questions in the question paper. All questions are compulsory.
 Question 1 - 10 are MCQs of 1 mark each.
 Question 11 - 17 are short answer type questions carrying 3 marks each.
 Question 18 - 21 are long answer type questions carrying 5 marks each.
 Question 22 is source based question of 4 marks.
 Question - 23 is a map based question of 5 marks.

Q1. Which type of governments were driven in Europe after the defect of Napoleon in 1815.
A. Conservative C. Liberal
B. Federal D. Feudal
Q2. Who announced a vague offer of 'Dominion Status' for India in 1929?
A. Lord Curzon C. Lord William Bentick
B. Viceroy Irwin D. Lord Mount Batten
Q3. Agriculture, dairy, fishing and forestry are examples of
A. Tertiary Sector C. Secondary sector
B. Primary Sector D. None of the above
Q4. Net Attendance Ratio is the total number of children of the age group attending school as a percentage of the total
number of children in the same age group
A. 17 and 18 years C. 9 and 10 years
B. 12 and 13 years D. 14 and 15 years
Q5. The Rio Convention endorsed the Global forestPrinciples and adopted _________ for achieving sustainable
development in the 21st Century.
A. Agenda 21 C. Agenda 22
B. Agenda 20 D. Agenda 23
Q6. India is the Second largest producer of rice in the world after________.
A. China C. Japan
B. Indonesia D. Malaysia
Q7. Most of the Sinhala – speaking people of Sri Lanka are ___________.
A. Christians C. Hindus
B. Buddhists D. Muslims
Q8. Which of the following does not have a federal political system?
A. China C. Japan
B. New Zealand D. Allof the above
Q9. Which of the following is an example of 'Coming together' federations?
A. Spain C. USA
B. Belgium D. All of the above
Q10. In India , the representation of women in legislature has been
A. Moderate. C. Low
B. High. D. Very low
Q11. What do you mean by Gender Division?
Q12. What is resource planning? Why is the planning essential give two reasons?
Explain any three measures for the conservation of resources.
Q13. In which year French Revolution occurred? Explain its impacts on Europe?
Q14. “Mahatma Gandhi found in 'Salt' a Powerful symbol that could unite the nation”. Support the statement with three
Q15. Define the following (any three)
i. Literacy Rate iii. Life Expectancy
ii. Infant Mortality Rate iv. Net Attendance Ratio
Q16.Classify the economic sectors on the basis of Nature of activities. Mention the main features of each.
Q17. Explain organized and unorganized sectors of an Economy.
Q18. What is unemployment? How to create more employment opportunities?
Q19. Narrate the events leading to the Jallianwala Bagh massacre on 13 April, 1919. What were its effects?
Q20. Describe the geographical condition, area of cultivation and production under wheat in India.
Q21. Which Constitution amendment made the third – tier of government in India more effective and powerful?
Describe any four Constitutional steps taken in the amendment.
Q22. Read the source given below and answer the following questions:
Energy is a basic requirements for economic development.Every sector of the national economy –agriculture, industry,
transport, commercial and domestic – needs inputs of energy. The economic development plans implemented since
independence necessarily required increasing amounts of energy to remain operational. As a result, consumption of
energy in all forms has been steadily rising all over the country. In this background, there is an urgent need to develop a
sustainable path of energy development. Promotion of energy conservation and increased use of renewable energy sources
are the twin planks of sustainable energy. India is presently one of the least energy efficient countries in the world. We
have to adopt a cautious approach for the judicious use of our limited energy resources. For example, as concerned
citizens we can do our bit by using public transport systems instead of individual vehicles, switching off electricity when
not in use, using power – saving devices and using non – conventional sources of energy. After all, “energy saved is
energy produced”.
1.How will using public transport systems instead of individual vehicles help us?
A. Saving resources. C. Saving vehicles
B. Saving energy. D. All of the above
2. There is an urgent need of ________ development.
A. Unsustainable C. Non – Energy
B. Sustainable D. None of the above
3. Meaning of sustainable
A. Viable C. Conserve
B. Temporary D. None of the above
4. What is considered to be the basic requirement of Economic development?
A. Resources C. Technology
B. Energy D. Citizens
Q23. On the given map of India mark and locate:

i. A place associated with the calling off the Non – Cooperation Movement.
ii. A place associated with the movement of Indigo Planters.
iii. A place associated with cotton mills workers' Satyagraha.
iv. Congress Session – 1927.
v. Congress Session – September 1920.


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