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Mayor for a Day!

Maria Lică

Clasa a VI-a B

Colegiul Național ,,Alexandru Ioan Cuza”

I am a curious child and I have often wondered: “What would it have been like if the world
had no politicians? Would our lives be easier if politicians couldn’t lie? If I were a politician,
would I lie to the people of my country just to get votes?” So, when I saw an announcement
on the Internet that said “Mayor for a day. We let children express their opinions.” I clicked

I read all the information on the website and I found out that children between the ages of
seven and fourteen could phone them and get a special day ruling the town. They would also
get some imaginary funds, which they could alocate to whatever matter they considered
important. The real mayor would then read the children’s opinions and use them as
inspiration. Said and done! I rang and I was told that, if I were free then, I could come to the
old Town Hall on Saturday at 9 am. sharp and rule the city.

On Friday I did the maths. “Let’s see... If I got an amount of money that is equal to a
multiple of ten, I could divide it into groups. Firstly, I’d alocate some money for cleaning the
city... Ploiești could definitely use that! Secondly, I’d donate a good amount of that money to
the people who rescue animals. Thirdly, I would donate some money to charity, to help the
orphan or sick children. In the fourth place, I would get the schools modern equipments. In
the fifth place, I’d plant some trees in the local parks, so that people would have a bigger
green area to relax in. In the sixth place, I’d pave the roads. We could definitely use that! In
the seventh place... I’d be entirely out of cash! Better go to bed! If I don’t, I’ll be tired

...”Three, two, one, nine o’clock!” I shouted happily, as I was running on the corridors of
the great Town Hall. The lady on the phone told me to meet her at the mayor’s office. But
something seemed unusual about her. If I hadn’t paid close attention to her, I wouldn’t have
noticed the slight wobble in her smile. Anyway, all that was forgotten when I entered the
mayor’s office.

“Good luck ruling the city!” said the lady. I saw some papers on the desk, so I started filling
them out. At the end, they looked like this:

“Hello, mini-mayor! Nice to meet you! I’m glad to introduce you to (some politician names
I paid literally no attention to), your colleagues! Now, let’s get to business!

Pagina 1
So, you have got some funds, more precisely, a hundred thousand RON. What will you
use them for?

1. If I had that much money... I’d use a seventh to pave the roads!
2. If I had anything left, I would use another seventh to provide schools with new,
modern equipments.
3. If I still had any money left (that’s quite a lot of cash, to be honest), I’d use a seventh
of that to plant trees in the local parks.
4. If I still were a mayor, after that spending all that, I’d use some more money for
recycling purposes.
5. Now, I think I’d be called the ‘Crazy Mayor’ for this one! I could donate a good lot to
charities that are concerned about animal welfare, treating sick children, finding
loving homes for orphan children etc.

Thank you for participating in the Mayor for a Day program! We hope to hear from you

So, what I’m doing now is I’m waiting for the real mayor to do what I wrote on those
papers! And perhaps tell everyone in this town that he was inspired by... children! Don’t
worry, I’ll tell you if he says my name on TV!

Pagina 2

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