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The development of the flow of technology and information and communication in the 21st
century demands a change in the educational process because most of the work usually done by
humans at this time has been carried out by machines with increasingly sophisticated technology
(UNESCO, 2018). The shift of the 21st-century learning paradigm that has the characteristics of
learning includes learning in free space, independent and collaborating, learning with digital
materials, learning to use information technology, and electronic communication media resulting
in the need for balancing in educational and learning programs. This is done to balance the
conditions and challenges of the 21st century, including paradigms and challenges in the world
of work that are full of unlimited business competition, doing business by collaborating and
forming networks, doing business by selling ideas and doing business by utilizing digital media
(R. Efendi et’ al, 2019).
Digital transformation marks the rise of the industrial revolution era. All fields apply digital
technology, education and the world of work (U. Verawardina, 2020). The work process that
used to use human skills can be done more effectively utilizing sophisticated digital devices.
Automation in the world of work can eliminate jobs while creating new jobs. The world of work
really requires highly skilled and specialized human resources (Ambiyar et’al, 2020).

In Sokoto State University, right from inception, paper-based examination has almost been the
only mode of conducting examination which has been effective but has a lot of limitations, Use
of Library and ICT usually coded as GST113 is a course designed to intimate student in
University with the operations of the University Library. The course is intended to expose the
students to the proper use of the Library to help them maximize the resources in the library, it
also involves the acquisition of study skills and the knowledge of ICT to enhance reading and
knowledge acquisition.
The phrase ICT had been used by academic researchers since the 1950s, information and
communication technology has induced traditional libraries to transform into digital libraries.
The libraries have transformed from close-access libraries of earlier times to the present day
hybrid, digital, and virtual libraries. Librarians have been changed from mere storekeepers who
were concerned with the protection of books against theft, mutilation, and pilferage, to that of

information officers, navigators, and librarians who encourage use in the vast ocean of reading or
information material. In other words, GST113 must be offered and passed by students to meet
graduation requirement of the University. As the name implies fundamentals of computer is
"general" because it encompasses studies from a wide range of contents and history of computer
various spheres of human endeavors.

1.2 Background of the Study

During the last few decades and especially from 1990 onwards computer-based testing (CBT)
has become one of the most conspicuous ways of organizing and delivering the tests. The reason
behind this prominence of CBT over the paper and- pencil based testing is its ease of
administration, immediate store of results, improved item development, enhanced identification
and authentication, and so forth. However, most of the organizations and institutions are still
relying on the examinations where the examinees have face to face exams in an identified place
under an administered situation.
CBT is also useful in diagnosing skills gaps and knowledge but also measures progress and
evaluation. The growth of online-based learning challenges educators to provide quality
education (A. Y. Tao, Y. Wu, H. Chang, and Y. Tao, 2017).
1.3 Method Used
This research uses research and development methods (Research and Development) and uses a
waterfall development model. The research and development steps are undertaken in this study
refer to the Borg and Gall research stage with adjustments (E. Mulyatiningsih, 2017). The first
stage is a needs analysis, and this stage is the initial stage that contains data collection that starts
with observations made by researchers to see the problems that exist in the field. Activities in
this stage include observation and interviews.

1.4 Statement of the Problem

Paper-based examination has almost been the only mode of conducting examination which has
been effective but has a lot of limitations especially nowadays where there are many people
seating for a particular examination.
Challenges including examination malpractices, low capacity examination venues, inadequate
invigilators, inadequate examination materials, omission of student’s results and human error(s)
during the marking/grading process will be automatically eliminated following the adoption of

this e-examination system. The cost implication of conducting a mass-driven examination will
become drastically and significantly reduced as there will be no need to print questions or answer
booklets anymore.
Some of the problems include:
a. Examination malpractices
b. Cost implication of printing examination materials and human error
c. Examination venue capacity constraints
d. Delay in the release of results
e. Lack of comfort for examination candidates
1.5 Aim and Objectives of the Study
The aim of this research is to design and develop a CBT system based on GST113.
The specific objectives are to:

a) To develop a CBT system with enhanced security features to avoid exam malpractice.
b) Develop a system that will allow candidates conduct exam on GST113 with computer
c) Develop a CBT software that will automatically mark and store student result
immediately after submitting his exam.
d) Create a distributed database system for CBT multi-user mode using MySQL, a free
database engine.
1.6 Scope of the Study
GST113 computer-based test enables candidates to do their exam in an easier way using
computer rather than using booklet. The system saves candidate’s time since he is not required to
use any writing material.
1.7 Significance of the Study
The rapid advancement in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has resulted in a
transformation in the way many manually processed activities are being performed today. One of
such activities is the assessment of students which has evolved from the use of paper-and-pencil
to a computer-based format in recent years (M. Jamila, et’ al 2021). Computer-based test has
great significance which can be recommended to innovative test agencies all over Universities.
But I recommend it especially to Sokoto State University for their GST113 as its general course.
Computed Based Testing (CBT) based on GST113 would curb examination malpractices, reduce
the waste of resources and the need to follow the technological trend in examination. Candidates

do not need pens and pencils, he only need calculator. Testing agencies would not be involved in
the printing of millions of question papers. With the CBT, preparing faculties can now deploy
human and material resources to areas of need that would improve efficiency. Examination
performance is stored immediately. Paper and pencil tests are typically “fixed item” test in which
the examinees answer the same question within a given test booklet. Since everyone takes every
item, all examinees are administrated items that are either very easy or very difficult for them.
Consequently, large number of items and examinees are needed to obtain a modest degree of
precision. With computer adaptive tests, the examinee’s ability level relative to a norm group can
be iteratively estimated during the testing process and the items can be selected based on the
current ability estimate. Examinees can be given the items that maximize the information (within
constraints) about their ability levels from the item responses.
1.8 Limitations of the Study
Recently reported drawbacks of computer based assessment include the time-consuming process
associated with learning and setting up the e-testing systems, giving individual feedback, re-
entering comments and software errors (Debuse & Lawley, 2017).
Thus, this study is limited to develop a GST113 computer based test to help both staffs of Sokoto
State University and Candidates to have accurate and precise result in time.

1.9 Project Organization

Project managers use expertise to continually assess project process and manipulate variables to
ensure that the project completes on time, within budget, and with the level of quality agreed
upon in the project contract. According to Pfahl, Klemm, and Ruhe (2001), typical project
management goals are to build a specified product or process, control the development schedule,
control project cost, and to meet or exceed the specified quality of the delivered end product.


System & Software Design

Implementation & Unit


Integration & System


Operation & Maintenance

Project Organization Chart


Institutions such as Universities use tests and assessments to evaluate the learning activity of
students. Assessments provide feedback to educators about learner’s ability and competence on a
topic of interest or course. Assessments come in various formats such as paper-based, roleplay-
based, and mobile-based (Boo, 2018).
Traditionally, assessment used to be paper-based tests (PBT) for most science and humanities
courses but the increase in number of students admitted into various course of study have made
the management of assessment difficult. Difficulties being faced in PBT include delay in result
generation, subjective scoring, and manipulation of results. RolePlay tests (RPT) are used in
demonstration-based course of studies such as Theatre arts and music where the physical activity
is evaluated. Computer-based tests (CBT) are defined as tests or assessments that are
administered by computers in either stand-alone or networked configuration or by other
technology devices linked to the Internet or the World Wide Web (Sorana 2017). A wide variety
of computer-based tests have been designed and developed to meet different testing purposes.
The test specification for a computer-based tests should include: the test purpose, the content
domain definitions, the content structure for the test items, required response formats for the test
items, sample test items illustrating the response formats, the number of items to be developed
and administered, scoring and reporting formats and procedures, and test administration
Computer-based testing systems that are available for implementation are proprietary systems
and cost a lot of money to purchase and maintain. The cost of purchase has hindered some
institutions from adopting computer based testing even though there is evidence that using
computer-based testing is better (Kim & Omorouwa, 2017). In this work, a computer-based
testing system is developed that is low cost, allows multiple users and addresses the
inefficiencies of the paper-based assessment method.
CBT is a combination of networks, hardware and software as well as means of communication,
collaboration and engagement that enables the processing, management and exchange of data,
information and knowledge. It can be understood to be a complex of artificial techniques and
knowledge for solving instructor’s problem involving marking pen and examination (Bennett,
2015). Online assessment provides computer rich, comprehensive, formative feedback that can
scaffold the learning process and helps the learner to self-evaluate and enhance their learning
outcome while preparing for summative assessment. It also eliminates the inconvenience due to
rudimentary, traditional clinical assessments, for example, the need for examination halls,
printed paper, and accommodation, travel and subsistence for both invigilator and candidate.
The history of education is largely a story of gradual evolution, but education has also had its
revolutions. The first use of writing as a tool in teaching transformed education many centuries
ago when it freed teachers from the constraints of oral tradition. The invention of printing in the
15th century made books widely available and had a similarly dramatic effect on the history of
education. Now, in the 20th century, the invention of the computer may have an equally
profound impact on education. Educational developers long ago demonstrated that they could
program computers to work in schools as drill masters, tutors, testers, and schedulers of
instruction. But until recently the cost of computer-based teaching systems was too high for most
schools. With the development of small, quick, inexpensive microcomputers during the last
decade, computing costs have dropped dramatically, and a computer revolution in education now
seems a real possibility. Will such a revolution have a beneficial effect on education--as the
revolutions based on writing and printing did--or will it have negative effects? Most researchers
believe that there is one straightforward way to answer this question. And that is to compare the
performance of students who have learned with and without computer assistance. Outcome
studies are commonly understood to be the basic way of determining whether instructional
innovations help or hurt students. The earlier revolutions in education ran their courses without
the benefit of such studies. No one tried to measure the effects of writing or of books when they
were first introduced as tools in education. No one used statistical methods to predict or
influence results. Earlier educational revolutions just happened--without measurement,
prediction, or control. The computer revolution is different. It is occurring at a time when
educators have tools for evaluating programs and tools for drawing general conclusions from a
collection of evaluations. These tools have already been used in the evaluation of computer-
based instruction. Researchers have carried out numerous outcome studies over the years, and
reviewers have synthesized the findings on a number of occasions. The purpose of this article is

simply to review what we have learned from this work. The article relies heavily on research
syntheses that we have carried out with our colleagues at the University of Michigan.

One of the recent related works is the methodology that we have used in our research syntheses
was originally used by Glass (1976), who gave it the name meta-analysis. The meta-analyses
covered use of the computer in (a) Computer-assisted instruction, or CAI, including drill-and-
practice and tutorial instruction; (b) Computer-managed instruction, or CMI; and (c) Computer-
enriched instruction, or CEI, including the use of the computer as a calculating device,
programming tool, and simulator.


In Nigeria, the mandate to conduct entrance examination into tertiary educational

institutions (Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Education & related/similar institutions) is

vested in a body called Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB). Thus, every year,

JAMB conducts Unified Tertiary Matriculations Examination (UTME) and forwards the results

to the candidates’ institutions of choice for selection and admission. Over the years, the UTME

by JAMB has been in a paper and pencil test (PPT) form, and has been characterized by a lot of

fraudulent practices ranging from leakage of examination papers, use of machineries of all sorts

by candidates, bride taking by examination officials, impersonation, use of unauthorized gadgets,

and so on (Osuji, 2012). In order to eliminate or minimize incidence of the vices, and/or other

reasons, JAMB in 2013 introduced the computer based testing (CBT) form of UTME and gave

massive publicity and sensitization on it. JAMB gave the advantages of CBT to include

increased delivery of test items that have been calibrated and delineated according to their

pertinent item characteristics (instructional

level objectives, difficulty level, discrimination level and functionality of distracters, efficient

administration of examination and scoring of tests, reduced costs for many elements of the

testing lifestyle and logistics, improved test security resulting from electronic transmission and

encryption for total eradication of breaches of examination security, unbiased test administration,

reduction in the spate of examination security breaches, and improvement in the quality and

standard of education in the long run.


Students in tertiary institutions of Nigeria are primarily assessed based on the use of written
examinations. This has resulted in the common reoccurrence that the results for these
examinations are delayed and even in some cases, not released especially where there are large
classes or public examinations. This is undesirable to the Nigerian students who will be unable to
immediately track academic grades at the end of each semester.

This problem could be due to the delay in the marking of the students’ answer sheets, loss of
answer sheets and even in some cases scrupulous practices by some lecturers’ in the
manipulation of the scores of the students. With the use of this CBTS, the challenge of a delayed
notification of a student total score after final examination on a particular course will be reduced.
The system will manage different aspects of the student’s assessment which include test,
attendance, assignments, mid-semester and final examination. This work focuses on the roles of
the student, the lecturer and the system administrator in ensuring that the CBTS provides a
timely and dependable system for students’ assessment and faculty members’ use in educational
institutions such as secondary and tertiary schools as well as professional training centres.

The question types are multiple choice questions and the software will be limited to a single
department or course of study. Research outcomes have supported the fact that when students are
motivated and testing conditions are equivalent, there are no differences between the scores
obtained via CBT or PPT (Alabi, Issa & Oyekunle, 2018).

2.4.1 Microsoft Visual Studio Express

Microsoft visual studio express is a set of integrated development environments (IDEs)

developed by Microsoft as a freeware and register ware function-limited version of the non-free
Microsoft Visual Studio. Express editions started with Visual Studio 2005.Visual Studio Express
was supplemented by the Visual Studio Community edition, which is also available for free. The
community edition works with plugins, a future that was previously exclusive to the paid

editions (Professional and higher), the first version of Visual Studio Express, was released on
October 2005 Registration was not required; free-of-charge registration for use after a 30-day
trial period has been required since the release of Visual Studio Express 2008.Visual Studio 2008
Express was released in November 2007. Visual Studio 2010 Express was released in April
2010, alongside Visual Studio 2010. Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010 Express are geared
towards single project types. For example, developers must launch Visual Web Developer
Express to build web applications, while class libraries must be developed separately in Visual
C# Express.

The commercial editions of Visual Studio, however, support multiple project types without
separate launch. Visual Studio 2005, 2008 and 2010 Express consist of the following separate

 Visual C++ Express

 Visual C# Express

 Visual Studio Code

 Visual J# Express (2005 only)

 Visual Web Developer Express

 Visual Studio Express for Windows Phone (2010 only)

In October 2013, Microsoft released four new versions of its Visual Studio Express products.
Like the 2012 Express edition, they are geared toward an overall solution type which may mix
different types of projects. However, different IDEs are still offered for different destination

They are:

 Visual Studio Express 2013 for Web

 Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows (Works on Windows 8.1 only, “x86 and x64”).

 Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows Desktop

 Visual Studio Team Foundation Server Express 2013

2.4.2 Limitations of Visual Studio Express

 No IDE support for Databases other than SQL Server Express and Microsoft Access

 No support for web applications with ASP.NET (although, it is supported by Visual Web
Developer Express)

 No support for developing for mobile devices (no templates or emulator)

 Absence of Crystal Reports

 Fewer project templates (e.g. Windows service template and Excel Workbook template
are unavailable)

2.4.3 Tools/Software Used in the System Development

A software requirements specification (SRS) is a document that describes what the software will
do and how it will be expected to perform. It also describes the functionality the product needs to
fulfill all stakeholders (business, users) needs.
A good SRS document will define everything from how software will interact when embedded in
hardware to the expectations when connected to other software. An even better SRS documents
also account for real-life users and human interaction. An SRS gives you a complete picture of
your entire project. It provides a single source of truth that every team involved in development
will follow. It is your plan of action and keeps all your teams — from development to
maintenance — on the same page (no pun intended).
The software tools include:
i. HTML5 v. MySQL
ii. PHP 5.5 vi. Visual Studio (Text Editor)
iii. CSS3 vii. Apache Server (XAMPP)
iv. JavaScript

Reasons for the use of the Software Tools

The software tools of this system are presented in scenarios that depict an operational system
from the level of its end users. They include:
i. It makes the system user-friendly, reliable and prevent unauthorized access.

ii. Also helps in making the system provide attractive graphical interface environment for
the user.
iii. The system should be scalable and supportive to newer technologies over time.


Most programs of computer-based instruction have had positive effects on student
learning. Future programs of implementation and development of computer-based instruction
should therefore be encouraged. If such programs are as carefully designed as present ones are,
they will most likely produce positive results.
Although a variety of different research designs can be used to show the effectiveness of
computer-based instruction, certain research designs seem to produce more positive results.
Studies where the same instructor teaches both experimental and control classes, for example,
report somewhat weaker effects than do studies with different experimental and control teachers.
Studies of long duration often report weaker effects than do short studies. Reasons for the
difference in results from studies using different experimental designs are imperfectly
understood, however. Research on such factors should be encouraged.
Computer-based instruction has not been uniformly successful in all its guises and at all
instructional levels. Elementary and secondary schools have had a good deal of success in
increasing student achievement through CAI programs; they have had less demonstrable success
with CEI. College and adult courses have benefited moderately from CAI, CMI, and CEI. Future
evaluations of computer-based instruction should try to explain such patterns of effectiveness.

The Computer Based Test Software developed in this work is based on the existing
implementation infrastructures and also modeled to along the traditional mode of examination.
The systems adaptability has been improved to meet the demands of the Nigerian structure of
higher institutional examination systems. The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) for this
system is the Waterfall Model and Reuse-oriented software Model. The CBTS design was
presented using; use case diagrams, architectural diagram, entity-relationship diagram and data
flow diagram. The design was based on the users and system requirements of the CBTS.
A data flow diagram (DFD) uses a very limited number of primitive symbols to represent the
functions performed by a system and the data flow among the functions. Starting with a set of
high-level functions that a system performs, a DFD model hierarchy represents various sub-
functions. The data flow diagram depicted in Figure1 shows the relationship among the entities
in the CBT system. The entity “STUDENT” can take examination after he or she gains access to
the system. The entity

“ADMINISTRATOR” can upload questions to be answered by student into the CBT database
using any preferred question format, set the examination instructions and configure the correct
options or set of options for the questions. The entity “ADMINISTRATOR” is saddled with the
responsibility of inserting students and setting the default password for the users of the system.
The entity “DATABASE” is responsible for storing the user’s information, the questions, the
result of the student, and provides the question for the examination. The timing system
automatically submit student test upon expiration of duration.


3.2.1 Inputs of the Existing System
The system contain many inputs which they are:
a. Student Admission Number and Password
b. Option Button for Questions
c. Student Exam Feedback
d. Admin Username and Password
e. Select Course
f. Duration for the Exam
g. Questions to display
3.2.2 Procedures for the Existing System
Procedures for the Admin Panel
i. Log on to the system.
ii. Register student in the system.
iii. Create default password for the students.
iv. Set examination questions and instructions.
v. Insert options to questions in the database.
vi. View the scores of the students

Fullname MatricNo
Department Semester
MatricNo Course
Username DATABASE Score
Password Student

Fig.1: Analysis of the Existing System

Procedures for the End Users (Students)
Students should be able to:
i. Log in to the system.

ii. Take assessment.

iii. View scores at the end of the assessment.

iv. Give feedback about the exam.

3.2.3 Output of the Existing System


Outputs Activities Indicators Means of Verification

1.) Questions has Prepare, add, and Students to answer Successful submission of
been set for manage question. all the questions the assessment.
students to answer. prepared.
2.) Generation of Check answer, Check if System was Student answers, admin
Score by the right or wrong, grade. programmed to answer and number of
Existing System. performed all the questions.
3.) Students Take Assessment, Student to submit Successful submission,
feedback on Exam. Submit, give feedback. question and give Students feedback.
feedback after


3.3.1 User Requirements

 Changing of Username / Password for Security purpose

 Adding Students to take exam.

 Total Control of the registration system

 Setting the Question

 Viewing the Examination Results and feedbacks.

 Liberty to set the time the whole Examination will take.


 Access to a Simple Calculating System.

 Ability to Navigate through the questions and view any desired question at a particular time.

 To know what questions have been attempted.

Microsoft Visual Studio Express Requirement:

The following system requirements must be met to develop applications using the Kinect for
Windows SDK.

 Supported Operating Systems and Architectures

 Hardware Requirements

 Software Requirements

 Supported Operating Systems and Architectures

 Windows 7

 Windows 8

 Windows 10

 Windows Embedded Standard 7

 Windows Embedded Standard 8

 Windows Embedded Standard 10

 If the Windows 7 edition is Windows 7 N or Windows 7 KN, “Media Feature

Pack” must be installed, which is required by the Kinect for Windows runtime.

 Hardware Requirements

 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processors

 Dual-core, 2.66-GHz or faster processor

 USB 2.0 bus dedicated to the Kinect

 1 GB of RAM

 Graphics card that supports DirectX 9.0c

 A Microsoft Kinect for Windows Sensor

 Software Requirements

 Visual Studio 2010, Visual Studio 2012 or any latest version. The free Express editions can
be downloaded from Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express or Microsoft Visual Studio 2012

 .NET Framework 4 (installed with Visual Studio 2010), or .NET Framework 4.5 (installed
with Visual Studio 2012).

3.3.2 System Requirements Functional requirements of the CBTS

Functional requirements refer to the statements of services the system should provide, how the
system should react to particular inputs and how the system should behave in particular

The CBTS should be able to:

1. Authenticate both student and lecturer’s log in details

2. Create sessions for each student

3. Restrict the student to make only one selection of the options to the questions

4. Allow the student to go back to review or modify already answered questions

5. Generate questions and prevent repetition of questions already generated

6. Calculate student’s score at the end of the examination

17 Non-functional Requirements for the CBTS

These are the requirements that specify the criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a
system, rather than specific behaviors.

The CBTS should:

1. Possess low response time and increased speed in executing user request.

2. Be reliable, that is, should guarantee minimal rate of failure occurrence.

3. Be user friendly, that is, the user interface should be easy to use.

4. Be scalable, that is, should not collapse with additional resources or users.

5. Possess a large memory size.

6. Be maintainable.


The Waterfall model is a traditional SDLC introduced and popularized in the 1970s. The model
has been reported to have achieved great success on many large projects of the past. This model
was adopted for the development of the CBTS because it ensures a linear deployment of
software where the requirements specification of the software is well understood.

The requirements of CBTS were well-defined and so could easily be monitored during
development using the waterfall model. The model views the process of software development in
five stages. The activities in one stage will be completed before moving to the other. Phases
involved in the Waterfall Model are:

i. Requirement Analysis and Definition

ii. System and Software Design

iii. Implementation and testing

iv. Integration and System testing

v. Operation and Maintenance

3.5.1 System Design using Class Diagram


View Send
Insert Set
Insert Questions
Send Login


Send result
Take Examination

Edit Profile Fig.2: Class Diagram of the System Design

3.5.2 System Design using Activity Diagram

Take Assessment

Student View Exam Score


Fig.3: Activity Diagram of the System

3.5.3 System Design using Sequence Diagram

Fig.4: Sequence Diagram of the System


User Interface Design is concerned with the dialogue between a user and the computer. It
is concerned with everything from starting the system or logging into the system to the
eventual presentation of desired inputs and outputs. The overall flow of screens and
messages is called a dialogue.
The following steps are various guidelines for User Interface Design:
1. The system user should always be aware of what to do next.
2. The screen should be formatted so that various types of information, instructions
and messages always appear in the same general display area.
3. Messages, instructions or information should be displayed long enough to allow
the system user to read them.
4. Use display attributes sparingly.
5. Default values for fields and answers to be entered by the user should be specified.
6. A user should not be allowed to proceed without correcting an error.
7. The system user should never get an operating system message or fatal error.
User Interface Design is concerned with the dialogue between a user and the computer. It
is concerned with everything from starting the system or logging into the system to the

eventual presentation of desired inputs and outputs. The overall flow of screens and
messages is called a dialogue.
The following steps are various guidelines for User Interface Design:
1. The system user should always be aware of what to do next.
2. The screen should be formatted so that various types of information, instructions
and messages always appear in the same general display area.
3. Messages, instructions or information should be displayed long enough to allow
the system user to read them.
4. Use display attributes sparingly.
5. Default values for fields and answers to be entered by the user should be specified.
6. A user should not be allowed to proceed without correcting an error.
7. The system user should never get an operating system message or fatal error.
User Interface Design is concerned with the dialogue between a user and the computer. It
is concerned with everything from starting the system or logging into the system to the
eventual presentation of desired inputs and outputs. The overall flow of screens and
messages is called a dialogue.
The following steps are various guidelines for User Interface Design:
1. The system user should always be aware of what to do next.
2. The screen should be formatted so that various types of information, instructions
and messages always appear in the same general display area.
3. Messages, instructions or information should be displayed long enough to allow
the system user to read them.
4. Use display attributes sparingly.
5. Default values for fields and answers to be entered by the user should be specified.
6. A user should not be allowed to proceed without correcting an error.
7. The system user should never get an operating system message or fatal error.
User Interface Design is concerned with the dialogue between a user and the computer. It
is concerned with everything from starting the system or logging into the system to the
eventual presentation of desired inputs and outputs. The overall flow of screens and
messages is called a dialogue.
The following steps are various guidelines for User Interface Design:
1. The system user should always be aware of what to do next.
2. The screen should be formatted so that various types of information, instructions
and messages always appear in the same general display area.
3. Messages, instructions or information should be displayed long enough to allow
the system user to read them.
4. Use display attributes sparingly.
5. Default values for fields and answers to be entered by the user should be specified.
6. A user should not be allowed to proceed without correcting an error.
7. The system user should never get an operating system message or fatal error.
User Interface Design is concerned with the dialogue between a user and the computer. It
is concerned with everything from starting the system or logging into the system to the
eventual presentation of desired inputs and outputs. The overall flow of screens and

messages is called a dialogue.
The following steps are various guidelines for User Interface Design:
1. The system user should always be aware of what to do next.
2. The screen should be formatted so that various types of information, instructions
and messages always appear in the same general display area.
3. Messages, instructions or information should be displayed long enough to allow
the system user to read them.
4. Use display attributes sparingly.
5. Default values for fields and answers to be entered by the user should be specified.
6. A user should not be allowed to proceed without correcting an error.
7. The system user should never get an operating system message or fatal error.
User Interface Design is concerned with the dialogue between a user and the computer. It
is concerned with everything from starting the system or logging into the system to the
eventual presentation of desired inputs and outputs. The overall flow of screens and
messages is called a dialogue.
The following steps are various guidelines for User Interface Design:
1. The system user should always be aware of what to do next.
2. The screen should be formatted so that various types of information, instructions
and messages always appear in the same general display area.
3. Messages, instructions or information should be displayed long enough to allow
the system user to read them.
4. Use display attributes sparingly.
5. Default values for fields and answers to be entered by the user should be specified.
6. A user should not be allowed to proceed without correcting an error.
7. The system user should never get an operating system message or fatal error.
User Interface Design is concerned with the dialogue between a user and the computer. It
is concerned with everything from starting the system or logging into the system to the
eventual presentation of desired inputs and outputs. The overall flow of screens and
messages is called a dialogue.
The following steps are various guidelines for User Interface Design:
1. The system user should always be aware of what to do next.
2. The screen should be formatted so that various types of information, instructions
and messages always appear in the same general display area.
3. Messages, instructions or information should be displayed long enough to allow
the system user to read them.
4. Use display attributes sparingly.
5. Default values for fields and answers to be entered by the user should be specified.
6. A user should not be allowed to proceed without correcting an error.
7. The system user should never get an operating system message or fatal error.
User Interface Design is concerned with the dialogue between a user and the computer. It
is concerned with everything from starting the system or logging into the system to the
eventual presentation of desired inputs and outputs. The overall flow of screens and
messages is called a dialogue.

The following steps are various guidelines for User Interface Design:
1. The system user should always be aware of what to do next.
2. The screen should be formatted so that various types of information, instructions
and messages always appear in the same general display area.
3. Messages, instructions or information should be displayed long enough to allow
the system user to read them.
4. Use display attributes sparingly.
5. Default values for fields and answers to be entered by the user should be specified.
6. A user should not be allowed to proceed without correcting an error.
7. The system user should never get an operating system message or fatal error.
User Interface Design is concerned with the dialogue between a user and the computer. It
is concerned with everything from starting the system or logging into the system to the
eventual presentation of desired inputs and outputs. The overall flow of screens and
messages is called a dialogue.
The following steps are various guidelines for User Interface Design:
1. The system user should always be aware of what to do next.
2. The screen should be formatted so that various types of information, instructions
and messages always appear in the same general display area.
3. Messages, instructions or information should be displayed long enough to allow
the system user to read them.
4. Use display attributes sparingly.
5. Default values for fields and answers to be entered by the user should be specified.
6. A user should not be allowed to proceed without correcting an error.
7. The system user should never get an operating system message or fatal error.
User Interface Design is concerned with the dialogue between a user and the computer. It
is concerned with everything from starting the system or logging into the system to the
eventual presentation of desired inputs and outputs. The overall flow of screens and
messages is called a dialogue.
The following steps are various guidelines for User Interface Design:
1. The system user should always be aware of what to do next.
2. The screen should be formatted so that various types of information, instructions
and messages always appear in the same general display area.
3. Messages, instructions or information should be displayed long enough to allow
the system user to read them.
4. Use display attributes sparingly.
5. Default values for fields and answers to be entered by the user should be specified.
6. A user should not be allowed to proceed without correcting an error.
7. The system user should never get an operating system message or fatal error.
User Interface Design is concerned with the dialogue between a user and the computer. It
is concerned with everything from starting the system or logging into the system to the
eventual presentation of desired inputs and outputs. The overall flow of screens and
messages is called a dialogue.
The following steps are various guidelines for User Interface Design:

1. The system user should always be aware of what to do next.
2. The screen should be formatted so that various types of information, instructions
and messages always appear in the same general display area.
3. Messages, instructions or information should be displayed long enough to allow
the system user to read them.
4. Use display attributes sparingly.
5. Default values for fields and answers to be entered by the user should be specified.
6. A user should not be allowed to proceed without correcting an error.
7. The system user should never get an operating system message or fatal error.
User Interface Design is concerned with the dialogue between a user and the computer. It
is concerned with everything from starting the system or logging into the system to the
eventual presentation of desired inputs and outputs. The overall flow of screens and
messages is called a dialogue.
The following steps are various guidelines for User Interface Design:
1. The system user should always be aware of what to do next.
2. The screen should be formatted so that various types of information, instructions
and messages always appear in the same general display area.
3. Messages, instructions or information should be displayed long enough to allow
the system user to read them.
4. Use display attributes sparingly.
5. Default values for fields and answers to be entered by the user should be specified.
6. A user should not be allowed to proceed without correcting an error.
7. The system user should never get an operating system message or fatal error.
User Interface Design is concerned with the dialogue between a user and the computer. It
is concerned with everything from starting the system or logging into the system to the
eventual presentation of desired inputs and outputs. The overall flow of screens and
messages is called a dialogue.
The following steps are various guidelines for User Interface Design:
1. The system user should always be aware of what to do next.
2. The screen should be formatted so that various types of information, instructions
and messages always appear in the same general display area.
3. Messages, instructions or information should be displayed long enough to allow
the system user to read them.
4. Use display attributes sparingly.
5. Default values for fields and answers to be entered by the user should be specified.
6. A user should not be allowed to proceed without correcting an error.
7. The system user should never get an operating system message or fatal error.
User Interface Design is concerned with the dialogue between a user and the computer. It is
concerned with everything from starting the system or logging into the system to the eventual
presentation of desired inputs and outputs. The overall flow of screens and messages is called a
The following steps are various guidelines for User Interface Design:
1. The system user should always be aware of what to do next.

2. The screen should be formatted so that various types of information, instructions and
messages always appear in the same general display area.
3. The system should allow students to answer their exam questions in the amount of time
4. Use display attributes sparingly.
5. The system does not allow users to pick two options at a time.
6. The system user should never get an operating system message or fatal error.

3.6.1 The Login Page

This is the first Page that appears when the CBTS is launched. It provides the user with two (2)
textboxes needed for authentication of the user.

The Login page include the following items;

 Textboxes for the input of the Username and Password

 Button

 Menu Strip
 Labels

 Picture Boxes

Fig.4: User Login page of the System

3.6.2 Menu Strips
The menu stripe is located by the top left side after the user successfully login. It is meant for
easy access to the actions or datas on the page.

Fig.5: Menu Tab of the System

3.6.3 The Assessment Page

Here is where the questions are being displayed to the user, which the user will choose the
answer of his/her choice.

Fig.6: The Assessment Page of the System

3.6.4 The Feedback Page
The users can submit a feedback to the admin here. Which happens only if the assessment is
being submitted successfully.

Fig.7: Feedback Page of the System

3.7.1 Logical/Conceptual ER Diagram
Here is an ER diagram about the school system and how to manage the examination at school.
An Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) shows how entities (such as users, objects or concepts
etc.) relate to each other in a particular system. Generally, an ERD does not define processes, but
graphically displays data patterns.

This section presents the implementation of the different modules of the CBTS and the testing of
these modules to ensure that they function in accordance with the CBTS requirements.

4.2.1 Implementation of Functional Requirements
Functional requirements refer to the statements of services the system should provide, how the
system should react to particular inputs and how the system should behave in particular
The CBTS should be able to:

1. Authenticate both student and lecturer’s log in details

2. Generate questions and prevent repetition of questions already generated
3. Restrict the student to make only one selection of the options to the questions
4. Create sessions for each student
5. Calculate student’s score at the end of the examination
6. Allow the student to go back to review or modify already answered questions

Admin Database Administration

This interface is used by the Admin to manage the Database by carrying out several operations
like registering of students, setting questions and viewing the result summary report.

Figure 1: Admin Login

Figure 2: Admin Dashboard

Figure 3: Add Exam

Figure 4: Manage Exam

Figure 5: Exam Ranking

Figure 6: Student Result Page

Student Profile Page
When a student is successfully logged in, he or she has access to a personal profile which takes
care of the student’s needs and activities in the program. This page will also allow the student to
keep sensitive records and provide an easy way of interacting with the Admin on any future
needs like giving the admin a feedback after a test is taken, sharing of student’s interest, Contact
details, Background details and so on.

Figure 1: Student Login

Figure 2: Student Dashboard

Figure 3: Student Feedback Page

Figure 4: Exam Progress Page

4.2.2 Implementation of Non-functional Requirements for the CBTS
These are the requirements that specify the criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a
system, rather than specific behaviors.
The CBTS should:

1. Possess low response time and increased speed in executing user request.

2. Be reliable, that is, should guarantee minimal rate of failure occurrence.

3. Be user friendly, that is, the user interface should be easy to use.

4. Be scalable, that is, should not collapse with additional resources or users.

5. Possess a large memory size.

6. Be maintainable.

4.2.3 Database

This interface is designed for the Admin only. The function of the admin is to coordinate and

manage the database. The three tabs provided are sequentially for registering new students,

setting the question and viewing of the student’s result. To register a new student, the user will

click on the “Add Student” button and enter the student’s information in the various fields

provided, then the user will click on “Add Now” button. On the same note, the student’s

information can be updated by navigating to the student’s profile with the navigation buttons

provided immediately after the add student button, after the student’s information is changed the

user will click on the “Update Now” button to update the event. For easy recognition and to

make this system user friendly, the same set of button icons are used in the question database tab

and the result database tab. To create a question in the database, the user will click on the “Add

question” button and input the question and answer, after which the user will click on the save

button. To search information on this system, the user will enter the search category in the search

textbox and click on the search button to display the student’s information. To log out as an

Admin, the user will click on the logout button and click yes in the dialog box displayed to log

out of the system.

4.3.1 Unit Testing
The different units, integrated system, as well as the system database were tested to ensure that

the system is completely free from errors. While unit testing involves testing the individual

components that make up the system, integration testing is mainly concerned with finding

defects in the entire system. The database which is made up of a collection of logically related

tables were also tested to ensure that the set of rules and constraints guiding the type of data

stored in the tables are not violated.

4.3.2 System Testing

System testing of software is the testing conducted on a completion of the integrated system to
evaluate the system’s compliance with its specified requirements. This software has been tested
with data and it is functioning well. This was done through the use of properly selected input
data; ensure reliability and accuracy of output. The test data consists of student’s personal
details. All these varying data used in testing the system’s performance, gives the assurance that
the new system will achieve its aim and objectives. For this reason there is need to test for all
possible values to check if the system is really working base on what is was programmed for.

System Testing Table

Test Case Test Purpose Test Condition Expected Outcome Result

Login Check Candidate If Candidate details was Give access to the Pass
Registration Number wrong, show an error examination only
message. when login details
are correct.

Select Check whether If the student doesn’t Give access to Pass
TAKE student has register for the exam, it student only if they
EXAM registered for the shows an error message register for the
particular and remain in subject course
examination page.

View Check whether all If all the examination Submit the Pass
Submission questions for the question have been examination.
Icon subject have been answered.

4.3.3 Usability Testing

Usability testing is a method of testing the functionality of a software, be it a site, app, or other
digital product by observing real users as they attempt to complete tasks on it. The users are
usually observed by researchers working for a business. Usability Testing also known as User
Experience (UX) Testing, can also be seen as the testing method for measuring how easy and
user-friendly a software application is. A small set of target end-users, use software application
to expose usability defects. Usability testing mainly focuses on user’s ease of using application,
flexibility of application to handle controls and ability of application to meet its objectives.

The typical Usability Test on this particular software are as follows:

1. Participants are selected

2. They are then given a task to complete

3. Testers are asked to comment on their actions

4. Finally, participants answer a series of usability testing interview questions

5. Observers carefully take note of their answers during the test.

Looking at a respondent’s answers and the corresponding number score for each response, you
can tabulate the overall SUS score by using the following framework:
 Add up the total score for all odd-numbered questions, then subtract 5 from the total to
get (X).
 Add up the total score for all even-numbered questions, then subtract that total from 25 to
get (Y).

Add up the total score of the new values (X+Y) and multiply by 2.

Q1 5 -1 4
Q2 3 -1 2
Q3 4 -5 1
Q4 5 -1 4
Q5 5 -1 4
Q6 4 -5 1
Q7 3 -1 2
Q8 2 -5 3
Q9 5 -1 4
Q10 1 -5 4
MULTIPLY BY 2.5: 72.5
4.4 System Usability Testing


Q1 4 -5 1
Q2 3 -1 2
Q3 5 -5 4
Q4 2 -5 3
Q5 1 -5 4
Q6 4 -5 1
Q7 2 -5 3
Q8 4 -5 1
Q9 3 -1 2
Q10 5 -1 4
MULTIPLY BY 2.5: 62.5
4.4 System Usability Testing

Q1 1 -5 4
Q2 4 -5 1
Q3 5 -1 4
Q4 3 -1 2
Q5 2 -5 3
Q6 1 -5 4
Q7 2 -5 3
Q8 4 -5 1
Q9 3 -1 2
Q10 5 -1 4
MULTIPLY BY 2.5: 70.0
4.4 System Usability Testing

In this project a CBT system is developed and proposed for adoption in Kebbi State University
of Science and Technology Aliero. The computer based test system is an online examination
system that delivers questions set by the lecturers to the student and generates the report of the
results of students who take the examination as well as overall examination result summary
based on the user’s query.
In an evolving and technologically-driven world, the need for a computerized examination
system in our University cannot be overemphasized. The information system is an online
examination system that delivers questions randomly set by the lecturers to the student and
generates the report of the results of students who take the examination as well as overall
examination result summary. In this project, a CBT system is developed and deployed in Kebbi
State University of Science and Technology Aliero using Component Based Software model.
Using this model provided the CBT software with independent extensions, component market,
interactions between components and reduced cost in deployment of the software. There are
challenges involved in using CBSE as maintenance cost and timing to develop software
components takes a big effort. Challenges encountered in traditional examinational mode which
includes examination malpractices, low capacity examination venues, inadequate invigilators,
inadequate examination materials, omission of student’s results and human error(s) during the
marking / grading process will be automatically eliminated following the adoption of this system.


I recommend this project for further studies so that the other means of developing an enhanced
computer-based test system with better capabilities than this can be explored. The personnel
should be employed to train how a user can make use of the system effectively before installation
so as to make the new system operationally successful.
This project recommends that if this system is implemented in the department of computer
science, KSUSTA. The cost implication of conducting a mass-driven examination will become

drastically and significantly reduced as there will be no need to print questions or answer
booklets anymore.


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if(!isset($_SESSION['examineeSession']['examineenakalogin']) == true)
<?php include("conn.php"); ?>
<?php include("includes/header.php"); ?>
<div class="app-main">
<!-- sidebar diri -->
<?php include("includes/sidebar.php"); ?>

<!-- Condition If unza nga page gi click -->

@$page = $_GET['page'];

if($page != '')
if($page == "exam")
else if($page == "result")
else if($page == "myscores")

// Else ang home nga page mo display
<?php include("includes/footer.php"); ?>

<?php include("includes/modals.php"); ?>

if(!isset($_SESSION['admin']['adminnakalogin']) == true)
<?php include("../../conn.php"); ?>
<?php include("includes/header.php"); ?>

<div class="app-main">
<!-- sidebar diri -->
<?php include("includes/sidebar.php"); ?>
<!-- Condition If unza nga page gi click -->

@$page = $_GET['page'];
if($page != '')
if($page == "add-course")
else if($page == "manage-course")
else if($page == "manage-exam")
else if($page == "manage-examinee")
else if($page == "ranking-exam")
else if($page == "feedbacks")
else if($page == "examinee-result")


// Else ang home nga page mo display



<?php include("includes/footer.php"); ?>

<?php include("includes/modals.php"); ?>


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