A Modest Proposal

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Women Should Suffice İsmet Yağır

"Life" in this "society" being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of "society" being at all relevant to

women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the

government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and eliminate the male sex. ‘’

The male, is an incomplete female, who is genetically deficient due to the Y chromosome. This genetic

deficiency causes the male to be emotionally limited, egocentric, and incapable of mental passion or genuine

interaction. This genetic deficiency can further be observed when babies with abnormal chromosal patterns are

born, particularly when the person with X0 chromosome lives (turner syndrome), while the carrier of 0Y

chromosome ceases to exist. The male, as observed by many women, lacks empathy and is unable to relate to

anything apart from his own physical sensations. The male spends his life attempting to become female, and

thereby overcome his inferiority. He does this by constantly seeking out, fraternizing with and trying to live

through and fuse with the female. Were the grievances that the male has caused to be listed, the list would

continue endlessly. These include: rape, hate and violence, animalism; racial, ethnic, religious prejudice;

slavery, war, disease; famine and death. This manifesto concludes, that due to the aforementioned grievances,

the elimination of the male species is a moral imperative. We thereby propose, on behalf of all the women that

have been suppressed by men since they were born, that a vanguard of women be formed, who employ

sabotage and direct action rather than civil disobedience, as civil disobedience is only useful for making small

changes to society. In order to destroy the system, violent action is necessary. Those who oppose this idea,

claiming that the human race would be no longer, are false. Through the advent of new technology, women are

now able to have babies of their own, by utilizing a biochemical reactor to convert their bone marrow into

sperm, later to be injected into a fertile egg, which then grows into a female baby, our race will live on. Yet, not

everyone with a Y chromose poses a threat to our society. Trans women share mostly identical chromosal

patterns to cis-men, but; on condition that they are fully castrated, they are not dangerous. Should a woman

want to preserve a certain member of the male species, he must be given a full vasectomy, and never be

allowed to go out a certain perimeter, to ensure the safety of women and to hinder any organizing of men.

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