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Energy Conversion and Management 228 (2021) 113668

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CO2 utilisation in agricultural greenhouses: A novel ‘plant to plant’

approach driven by bioenergy with carbon capture systems within the
energy, water and food Nexus
Ikhlas Ghiat a, Farhat Mahmood a, Rajesh Govindan b, Tareq Al-Ansari a, b, *
Division of Sustainable Development, College of Science and Engineering, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation, Doha, Qatar
Division of Engineering Management and Decision Sciences, College of Science and Engineering, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation, Doha, Qatar


Keywords: Securing the growing populations’ demand for food energy and water whilst adapting to climate change is
Food security extremely challenging. In this regard, bioenergy coupled with carbon capture and storage or utilisation (BECCS/
BECCS U) is an attractive solution for meeting both the population demand, and offsetting CO2 emissions. The purpose
CO2 enrichment
of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of BECCS/U pathways utilising CO2 for agricultural enrichment in
Negative emissions
CO2 fertilisation
enhancing food systems and reducing GHG emissions within the energy, water and food nexus concept. The study
bridges negative emissions with CO2 fertilisation within an integrated system. It consists of a source of CO2
represented by a biomass-based integrated gasification combined cycle with carbon capture, a CO2 network for a
sustainable CO2 supply, and a CO2 sink characterised by agricultural greenhouses. A techno-economic and
environmental analysis of each of these subsystems is conducted, feeding to an overall performance analysis of
the integrated BECCS/U pathway. Results reveal synergetic opportunities between the energy, water and food
subsectors, whereby CO2 is captured from an energy sub-system and is efficiently utilised to enhance food sub-
systems by improving productivity and reducing crop water requirements. Thus, the proposed integrated BECCS/
U system is able to improve food availability by enhancing the food system, increasing the yield by 13.8%, whilst
reducing crop water requirements by 28%. System outputs resulted in a levelised cost of 0.35 $/kg of agricultural
produce when the system is scaled-up, and an abatement of the related environmental burdens throughout the
supply chain by achieving negative CO2 emissions of 24.6 kg/m2.year of cultivated land.

a strategy with significant potential in mitigating climate change with

negative emissions.
1. Introduction Bioenergy systems consist of the use of biomass for the direct gen­
eration of heat and power or the production of other forms of energy and
In accordance with the Fifth Assessment Report by the Intergov­ value-added products such as hydrogen, ammonia, urea, and methanol
ernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), mitigation is necessary to and are considered as a neutral to slightly positive CO2 emissions sys­
limit the global mean temperature increase to 2 ◦ C. Baseline scenarios tems [2,3]. For instance, AlNouss et al. [2] demonstrated that the pro­
developed by the IPCC, which do not include mitigation policies will cess of urea production from biomass emits only 3.93 kg of CO2 per kg of
result in a 4.8 ◦ C temperature increase by 2100. It was also reported that urea produced. When incorporating carbon capture to these bioenergy
bioenergy with carbon capture and storage or utilisation (BECCS/U) is a systems, neutral to negative CO2 emissions can be attained if biomass is
critical mitigation measure required to achieve the 2 ◦ C temperature considered as a neutral feedstock [4]. However, BECCS/U systems may
target, whereby net negative GHG emissions are attained within the not always deliver negative CO2 emissions, in the case of emissions
supply of energy. This measure describes the combination of two miti­ associated with land use, fertiliser use for biomass cultivation, forestry
gation technologies; bioenergy with CCUS, and cumulates their climate biomass exploitation, and extensive supply chain activities [5]. BECCS/
impact with the possibility to balance mid-century emissions if imple­ U systems can be carbon neutral over their life cycle when CO2 is
mented on a large scale [1]. Hence, the concept of BECCS/U emerged as

* Corresponding author at: Division of Sustainable Development, College of Science and Engineering, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation, Doha,
E-mail address: (T. Al-Ansari).
Received 23 September 2020; Received in revised form 12 November 2020; Accepted 14 November 2020
Available online 29 November 2020
0196-8904/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
I. Ghiat et al. Energy Conversion and Management 228 (2021) 113668

Nomenclature U (kg/year)
CO2CC Environmental emissions from the carbon capture system
ETc Crop evapotranspiration (mm/day) (kg/year)
Q̇total Total heat transfer rate (W/m2) CO2BE Environmental emissions from the bioenergy system (kg/
Q̇sun Heat transfer rate from solar radiation (W/m2) year)
Agreenhouse Floor surface area of the greenhouse (m2) CO2transportation Environmental emissions from transportation (kg/
Q̇cover Heat transfer through the cover of the greenhouse (W/m2)
CO2cooling Environmental emissions from cooling in the greenhouse
Ucover Cover material heat transfer coefficient (W/m2. ◦ C)
Acover Area of the cover (m2)
CO2water− RO Environmental emissions from reverse osmosis
Wreq Crop water requirement (mm/day)
desalination (kg/year)
Enet, greenhouseNet energy of the greenhouse (MJ/year).
LC Total levelised cost ($)
Enet, BECCU Net energy of the integrated BECCS/U system (MJ/year)
CAPEXtotal Total capital cost ($)
EBE Energy produced from the bioenergy-based system (MJ/
CAPEXBE Capital cost of the bioenergy system ($)
CAPEXCC Capital cost of the carbon capture system ($)
ECC Energy used in the carbon capture system (MJ/year)
CAPEXgreenhouse Capital cost of the greenhouse ($)
Etransportation Energy requirements for CO2 transportation (MJ/year).
OPEXtotal Total operating cost ($)
Ecooling Energy requirements for cooling (MJ/year)
OPEXBE Operating cost of the bioenergy system ($)
Ewater− RO Energy requirements for reverse osmosis desalination
OPEXCC Operating cost of the carbon capture system ($)
OPEXgreenhouse Operating cost of the greenhouse ($)
Eproduce Energetic value of the crop produce (MJ/year)
OPEXtransportationOperating cost of transportation ($)
Eprocessing Energy requirements for CO2 processing (MJ/year)
CO2net, BECCU Net environmental emissions of the integrated BECCS/

capture, used and temporarily stored in the final product, but is released proved that fertlisation improves the productivity of the biomass and its
back to the atmosphere with the final product use. Negative emissions lipid content which is important for the technical and economic efficient
can be reached when CO2 is permanently stored within the product, or conversion to biodiesel [15]. On the other hand, the biological conver­
when the time for CO2 re-capture and re-fixation is lower than the time sion approach that is applicable to agricultural crops is beneficial as it
for the final product utilisation and subsequent CO2 release [6,7]. The reduces land competition due to enhanced crop production, enables
captured CO2 within BECCS/U systems can be stored or utilised. Tran­ quicker crop production cycles, and enhances waste recycling and uti­
sitions from storage to utilisation pathways have gained significant lisation [9]. It can be perceived as the utilisation route with the most
attention in the past years, mainly because of their valuable benefits promising economic and environmental benefits. Furthermore, it con­
over the storage option in terms of economic and environmental per­ tributes towards the availability pillar of food security by enhancing the
formance [8]. Possible utilisation pathways include mineralisation, production of agricultural food systems [1].
chemical conversion, biological conversion and direct utilisation such as The complex and dynamic interlinkages that exist between energy
enhanced oil recovery [9,10]. These utilisation applications present the water and food resources result in competition, thus challenging the
possibility to reduce at least 3.7 Gt of CO2 emissions per year, equivalent optimum allocation and management of resources. Hence, it is essential
to 10% of the global emissions. In addition, the utilisation option en­ to analyse the nexus of these three resources and evaluate the potential
ables the generation of additional value-added products in a more sus­ trade-offs and synergies. Consequently, the energy, water, and food
tainable manner, along with the creation of new industries and green (EWF) nexus was promoted in the Bonn conference as an approach to
jobs [11]. However, challenges remain for most industrial based uti­ manage the inherent interdependencies between resources, in support of
lisation pathways, either associated to the high operating and supply efficient resource utilisation [16]. The EWF nexus approach is crucial in
chain costs, the low process efficiencies, or the long-term environmental this application, as it enables the management of the inter-linkages be­
impacts. The mineral carbonation process suffers from high energy costs tween resource sub-sectors and the identification of synergies and trade-
related to reaction kinetics, which constrains the large-scale deployment offs between resources within product systems [17–19]. Several studies
of this technology. The chemical conversion method is faced with demonstrated the ability of the EWF nexus approach in assessing and
intensive energy and large catalyst requirements due to the stable aspect enhancing food systems by means of different methodologies such as the
of CO2 which makes its conversion difficult. The enhanced oil recovery life cycle assessment (LCA) and agent-based models [18,20]. Others
pathway may hold negative environmental burdens related to potential assessed their food systems within the EWF nexus concept and proposed
long term CO2 leakages and flow to other geological mediums [9]. The new approaches; for example Hajji et al. [21] applied geospatial ana­
biological conversion route consists of utilising CO2 in the production of lytics in order to manage risks, and Al-Thani et al. [22] optimised
various biomass-based products such as fertilisers, food, fodder, and nutritional objectives within food security scenarios. This study dem­
biogas. In this application, CO2 is used to increase the production and onstrates the integration of the EWF nexus in the context of a BECCS/U
growth of crops by enhancing the photosynthesis process. The biological pathway which can increase agricultural yield through CO2 fertilisation.
conversion and utilisation of CO2 has been investigated for both agri­ Carbon dioxide enrichment in agricultural greenhouses is a biolog­
cultural and non-agricultural crops. The non-agricultural crops include, ical conversion application which has demonstrated improvements on
amongst others, algae, micro-algae and photosynthetic cyanobacteria crop yields [23]. The process of increasing CO2 levels in the atmosphere
which can be used to produce biofuels and bio-chemicals [12]. Studies is principally operated in greenhouse climates because of its enclosed
focused on either optimising the conversion process of biomass to useful configuration, which offers control of the internal climate conditions.
bio-energy commodities, or assessing the growing medium and culti­ Various studies have investigated the effects of CO2 on yield in green­
vation activities of the biomass [13,14]. Nayak et al. [15] investigated houses, where crop responses differ depending on the crop type and
the effect of CO2 enrichment along with NaHCO3 for algae cultivation, growing medium, and where CO2 concentrations between 500 and 1200
which can be processed and used for biodiesel production. This study ppm exhibited improvements in yield. However, past a certain CO2

I. Ghiat et al. Energy Conversion and Management 228 (2021) 113668

level, approximately 1200 ppm, the addition of CO2 has a counter-effect transportation, greenhouses) is beneficial, and can contribute to a better
and can damage plants [24–27]. Apart from improving the photosyn­ understanding of the commercialisation prospects of this utilisation
thetic rate which mirrors in yield improvements, increased CO2 levels route. Therefore, the objective of this study is to evaluate the techno-
also affect the leaf area, crop evapotranspiration and stomata conduc­ economic and environmental performance of an integrative BECCS/U
tance [28]. For instance, the crop water use efficiency for a case study on system with CO2 utilisation in agricultural greenhouses, from source to
cucumber was reduced by 40% when enriching with CO2 [29]. sink, within a broader EWF nexus framework.
Nederhoff [30] demonstrated that when increasing the CO2 levels by The work presented in this study demonstrates its novelty as it in­
100 ppm, the stomata conductance of the plants studied, sweet pepper, vestigates the technical, economic and environmental feasibility of a
cucumbers, and tomatoes, decreased by a rate of 3–11%. With Increased novel BECCS/U system, capturing CO2 from a biomass-based integrated
CO2 levels, plants’ evapotranspiration decreases, implying that the gasification combined cycle (BIGCC) by means of piperazine promoted
amount of water rejected by the plant to the atmosphere by both tran­ potassium carbonate for agricultural greenhouse enrichment. For a case
spiration and evaporation is reduced. This phenomena depends on many study in the State of Qatar, it addresses multiple scientific challenges
parameters, namely climatic conditions such as solar radiation, tem­ within an integrated system, encompassing the development of clean
perature, and humidity, along with crop type characteristics such as power using waste and the additional contribution towards water and
stomatal conductance, leaf area index, and height of the canopy [28]. food security by enhancing food systems. This study also reinforces the
Several proposed models in the literature were introduced to quantify concept of EWF nexus as it demonstrates the presence of synergies be­
the crop evapotranspiration, and investigate the effects of certain cli­ tween the intertwined subsectors of energy water and food and en­
matic and crop specific parameters on evapotranspiration [31]. The first compasses EWF resources into an integrated linked system able to meet
proposed model, the Penman-Montheith evapotranspiration model, the population demand whilst mitigating CO2 emissions. Furthermore,
combined the energy balance and mass transfer in a single simplified this study considers a hybrid approach, integrating process models,
equation [32]. It can be concluded that CO2 enrichment enhances the supply chain and geospatial analysis in a unique ‘plant to plant’
yield and lowers the evapotranspiration by varying quantities and levels approach, where CO2 distribution between the power plant and
depending on the crop type, climate or microclimate conditions, along receiving crop is fully assessed.
with other cultivation related practices such as the type of irrigation The study presented is divided into five sections, with this first
applied. introductory section providing a general overview of the CO2 utilisation
Carbon dioxide can be injected in greenhouses either as pure com­ pathway in agricultural greenhouses. The second section proposes a
mercial CO2, from burners operating inside the greenhouse, or from methodology to study the proposed BECCS/U pathway with CO2
other industrial activities with waste CO2. Burners have proven to be an enrichment in agricultural greenhouses and includes two subsections.
efficient and economic option for CO2 enrichment in greenhouses, The first part of the methodology addresses the utilisation of CO2 in
however, this approach can introduce other components into the agricultural greenhouses, whereby the effects of CO2 enrichment are
greenhouse such as NOx and SOx pollutants that can impact plants’ investigated through a coupled microclimate and empirical crop model.
health [23]. Carbon dioxide requires particular care and processing for The second sub-section of the methodology consists of a holistic techno-
safe handling and transportation. Although there are several options for economic and environmental performance assessment of the proposed
CO2 transportation such as ships and trucks, CO2 transportation via BECCS/U pathway. The third section entails a case study of the proposed
pipelines is considered the less costly route, whereby economies of scale BECCS/U pathway in the State of Qatar, with a CO2 capture source from
are made possible because of the large capacities of pipelines [33]. a BIGCC system. The fourth section of this study presents the main
However, the cost of CO2 transportation via pipelines differs and can still findings and discusses the performance of the BECCS/U pathway.
vary depending on the operational activities, and the composition and Finally, the conclusion section summarises the main results, presents
size of pipelines. Carbon dioxide transportation via pipeline costs some limitations of this work, and suggests areas for future work.
approximately 1–8 $/t of CO2 throughout a 250 km CO2 trajectory, from
source to sink. Govindan and Al-Ansari [34] studied the supply chain 2. Methodology
network for CO2 utilisation in greenhouses in the State of Qatar using a
GIS based simulation optimisation. The multi-objective optimisation This work consists of a sequenced analysis of a novel BECCS/U
considered the economic and environmental dimensions of the distri­ pathway from source to sink, or ‘plant to plant’, i.e. power plant to food
bution network, which is comprised of pipeline and road routes. plant, which combines into an integrative techno-economic and envi­
Previous studies have investigated CO2 utilisation in agricultural ronmental assessment. The first part is based on a study of the effects of
greenhouses, emphasising the design and optimisation of CO2 enriched CO2 enrichment in agricultural greenhouses. This involves a coupled
greenhouses, with the consideration of commercial CO2 or in-house microclimate and empirical crop model assessing the technical perfor­
combustion as a source [35–39]. However, CO2 can be obtained from mance of the enriched food system. The second part entails an integra­
different systems and applications, which engenders different economic tive study combining the whole supply chain of the proposed BECCS/U
costs and environmental burdens related to the capture, handling, pathway with CO2 capture and enrichment.
transportation and consequently the utilisation of CO2. Hence, it is A specific integrated BECCS/U pathway is proposed and analysed
necessary to comprehensively assess a CO2 enriched greenhouse system, within the EWF nexus concept for the State of Qatar. A biomass-based
by considering the source of the CO2 and the needed operations to safely integrated gasification combined cycle (BIGCC) with post-combustion
handle and supply CO2 to greenhouses. Oreggioni et al. [8] studied the carbon capture is chosen as the CO2 source of the BECCS/U system,
techno-economic performance of an integrated BECCS/U system utilis­ representing the energy sub-sector. The BIGCC technology is chosen
ing CO2 in agricultural greenhouses from an anaerobic digestion-based because of its demonstrated efficiency, its clean energy conversion
plant dedicated for biomethane production. Findings of this study process for direct power generation and its suitability for integration
demonstrate the technical feasibility and economic benefit of this with carbon capture systems having high removal rates. BIGCC also
approach over the CO2 storage route [8]. represents one of the most promising and economically attractive BECCS
It can be concluded that amongst the reviewed literature, integrative technology routes [40]. Agricultural greenhouses are chosen as the
assessments for BECCS/U pathways with CO2 enrichment in agricultural BECCS/U utilisation pathway and CO2 sink, and represent the food sub-
greenhouses and their negative emissions potential were not explored. sector. Relationships between the energy, water and food sub-sectors are
Therefore, a study evaluating the technical, economic and environ­ depicted and are studied within the defined system boundary shown in
mental aspects, and covering all the segments and sub-systems of this Fig. 1. The importance of studying this system within the EWF nexus
pathway (i.e. bio-energy system, carbon capture system, CO2 concept is emphasised by the need to evaluate the BECCS/U pathway as

I. Ghiat et al. Energy Conversion and Management 228 (2021) 113668

Fig. 1. Schematic of the case study BECCS/U system within the EWF nexus.

an integrative system, accounting for the direct and indirect in­ Governing equations. The conjugate heat transfer and laminar flow
terdependencies between the EWF nexus sub-systems, and accurately model is governed by a set of equations combining two different models.
estimating resource consumption and the GHG emissions throughout the The heat transfer model depicts the energy conservation principal as
supply chain. presented in Eq. (1) [43].
( → )
∂v →
2.1. CO2 Enrichment in agricultural greenhouses: a CO2 utilisation ρC + v ∇T − k∇2 T + T α∇⋅→ v + τ⋅∇→v =0 (1)
The laminar fluid flow is solved using the Navier-Stokes governing
A microclimate model is designed in COMSOL Multiphysics in efforts equation, defined in Eq. (2) [43].
to depict the effect of solar radiation and outside temperature on the ∂→v
inside temperature of the greenhouse. This data is then used in the next ρ + ρ→
v (∇⋅→
v )+→
v (∇⋅ρ→
v ) + ∇p + ∇⋅τ − ρ→
g =0 (2)
model, describing the crop property evapotranspiration. In addition,
variations in yield are also estimated with regards to changes observed where ρ is the air density, C the specific heat, k is the thermal conduc­
in leaf conductance linked with diffusivity of pollutants within the tivity, α is the coefficient of thermal expansion, τ is the viscous stress
leaves. The coupled microclimate and empirical crop models are used to tensor, →v is a 2D velocity vector, p is the pressure force, and →g is the
estimate the effects of CO2 enrichment on crop water requirements in­ gravitational force.
side the greenhouse. This information is then used to quantify the
amount of energy requirements for water production used for irrigation 2.1.2. Greenhouse empirical crop model
per annum. Finally, the energy requirements for cooling the greenhouse The Penman-Monteith modified Stanghellini equation is used in this
and the energetic value of the produce are also estimated, to quantify the study to estimate the evapotranspiration as presented in Eq. (3). This
net energetic value of the system. The chronology of the analysis modified equation is more applicable for greenhouse settings rather than
adopted in this study is summarised in Fig. 2. open field crops [44]. Incorporated in this equation is the internal leaf
resistance, which is an important factor in this study because it repre­
2.1.1. Microclimate model in COMSOL sents the parameter that directly changes with CO2 concentration levels.
The temperature inside the greenhouse depends on thermal fluxes To visualise the effect of CO2 enrichment on evapotranspiration CO2
developing from the three heat transfer phenomena radiation, convec­ levels from 415 to 1200 ppm are studied. Parameters used in this
tion and conduction occurring between the external environment and equation are summarised in Table 1 and are further defined in Eqs. (4)–
the boundaries and inside of the greenhouse [41]. The COMSOL Mul­ (16).
tiphysics software is used in the study to develop a greenhouse model ( )
depicting conjugate heat transfer and laminar fluid flow. The fluid flow δ Rn + 2 LAIreρA CA VPD
represents the water circulating in the cooling pipes located at the ET c λ = ( ) (3)
bottom of the greenhouse, and that of air in the greenhouse This soft­ γ 1 + δγ + rrei
ware utilises the finite element method to solve several governing
equations describing multi-physical variables. The multi-physics model The internal resistance can be approximated based on microclimate
chosen is particularly beneficial because it can describe heat transfer in parameters in the greenhouse, in which each parameter has an action on
solids and laminar flow interfaces. In this analysis, a 2D greenhouse the minimum possible canopy resistance, rmin, through a function. These
model is adopted as a simplification of the entire greenhouse. It is functions denote the relative increase to the internal resistance of the
assumed that there exists a symmetry in the heat transfer phenomena canopy when parameters such as the shortwave irradiation,
between the facades of the greenhouse [41,42].

I. Ghiat et al. Energy Conversion and Management 228 (2021) 113668

Fig. 2. Methodology for the CO2 utilisation application.

Table 1 ri = rmin ri (Is ) ri (T0 ) ri (CO2 ) ri (es − ea ) (4)

Stanghellini equation parameters.
The first parameter affecting the minimum internal resistance is the
Symbol Description Unit
solar irradiation, described through the function shown in Eq. (5).
δ Slope of the saturation curve of the psychometric chart (Pa/ ◦ C)
Rn Net radiation (W/m2) Is + C1
ri (Is ) = (5)
Is Short wave irradiation (W/m2) Is + C2
LAI Leaf area index Dimensionless
Air density (kg/m3)
where Is characterises the mean irradiation and is defined by Eq. (6)
CA Specific heat capacity of air (J/kg. ◦ C)
VPD Vapor pressure deficit (Pa) where As is the coefficient of the shortwave radiation and is equal to
γ Psychometric constant (Pa/ ◦ C) 0.14xLAI [45].
ri Internal crop resistance (s/m)
re External crop resistance (s/m) As I s
Is = (6)
l Characteristic dimension of a leaf (m) 2.LAI
Thermal conductivity (W/m.K)
The second parameter is the effect of the leaf temperature T0 defined
Nu Nusselt number Dimensionless
es Saturation vapor pressure (kPa) through the function in Eq. (7) [45].
ea Actual vapor pressure (kPa)
e (T)

Saturation vapor pressure for temperature T (kPa) ri (T0 ) = 1 + C3 (T0 − Tm )2 (7)
RHmean Mean relative humidity (%)
P Atmospheric pressure (Pa)
The third parameter, and which is of significant importance in this
study is the CO2 concentration, with its relative effect approximated
through the function presented in Eq. (8) [45].
temperature, CO2 concentration, vapor pressure deficit vary. As defined
by Stanghellini [45], the internal resistance can be approximated ri (CO2 ) = 1 + C4 (CO2 − 200)2 (8)
following Eq. (4). The fourth parameter having an effect on the internal resistance is

I. Ghiat et al. Energy Conversion and Management 228 (2021) 113668

the vapor pressure deficit and is estimated in Eq. (9) [45]. internal conductance when enriching with 680 ppm of CO2. The model
proposed was based on a bivariate equation relating the yield to the
ri (es − ea ) = 1 + C5 (es − ea )2
(9) concentrations of pollutants. Another model for soybean crops attemp­
The parameters C1–C5 are taken from an optimisation that generates ted to quantify the yield change in relation to O3 and SO2 uptake and
the best combination of parameters able to well fit observed canopy found an increase of 14.7% in yield when an enrichment level of 680
results of 3 days. In this study, parameter values of C1–C5, and the ppm is applied [47]. Unfortunately, studies in this area and specific to
minimum possible internal resistance rmin achieved at a temperature the major crops are not available. The two aforementioned models are
Tmin are taken from a study by Stanghellini [45] as summarised in used to predict changes in the yield with increasing CO2 enrichment
Table 2. concentrations. This calculation is only conducted to observe the per­
As for the external resistance it can be estimated to a constant value, centage change in yield, and not to predict a yield value. Ambient O3 and
as the air movement inside the greenhouse is relatively constant. SO2 values are taken as 0.025 μmol/mol and 0.001 μmol/mol respec­
tively [47]. Based on variations perceived in the crop internal conduc­
ρA C A l tance in the precedent study with increasing CO2 enrichment levels, the
re = (10)
λa Nu pollutant concentrations are to be varied with the same percentage
The slope of the saturation vapor pressure it can be defined according difference to estimate the change in yield. Therefore, if the leaf
to Eq. (11) using the mean air temperature inside the greenhouse [32]. conductance experiences a reduction of x% between 450 ppm and 1200
[ ( )] ppm, then it can be assumed that the amount of O3 and SO2 penetrating
17.27 T
4098 0.6108 exp T+237.3 the leaves will also be reduced by x%. The two models used are pre­
δ= 103 (11) sented in Eqs. (17) and (18) [47].
(T + 237.3)2
yield = 534.5 − 3988.6[O3 ] − 479.7[SO2 ] + 2661[O3 ][SO2 ] + 10960[O3 ]2
The vapor pressure deficit in (Pa) can be defined according to FAO as
presented in Eq. (12) [32].
( ) ( )
VPD = (es − ea ) 103 (12) yield = 531exp −
[O3 ]
exp −
[SO2 ]
0.1325 0.8923
where the saturation pressure, es, can be derived from Tmax and Tmin as
expressed in Eq. (13). 2.1.3. Greenhouse energy and water requirements
◦ ◦ Energy requirements for the greenhouse involve cooling and energy
e (Tmax ) + e (Tmin )
es = (13) needed for water desalination. Cooling requirements Ecooling (MJ/year)
for the greenhouse are estimated from the total heat transfer rate Q̇total
with e (T) being the saturation vapor pressure for a given temperature

(W/m2) over the coefficient of performance as presented in Eq. (19)
defined in Eq. (14) [32]. [48,49].
( )
17.27 T Q̇total = Q̇sun + Q̇cover (19)

e (T) = 0.6108 exp
T + 237.3
With Q̇sun being the heat transfer rate from solar radiation and is
As for the actual vapor pressure, ea, it can be derived from the estimated following Eq. (20).
average relative humidity as displayed in Eq. (15) [32].
Q̇sun = τcover Is Agreenhouse (20)
es RH mean
ea = (15)
100 where τcover is the transmissivity of the cover material, Is is the average
Finally, the psychometric constant is estimated using the pressure solar radiation (W/m2), and Agreenhouse (m2) is the floor surface area of
inside the greenhouse, assumed to be similar to atmospheric pressure as the greenhouse [49].
expressed in Eq. (16) [32]. Q̇cover represents the heat transfer through the cover of the green­
house, estimated in Eq. (21).
γ = 0.665 x 10− 3 P (16)
Q̇cover = Ucover Acover (Tout − Tin ) (21)
Other effects are visualised when enriching the greenhouse with CO2
in terms of yield improvement. Few studies have explained this phe­ where Ucover (W/m2. ◦ C) is the cover material heat transfer coefficient,
nomenon, whereby the increase of CO2 concentrations leads to the Acover (m2) is the area of the cover, Tout is the external temperature, and
decrease of stomata conductance which protects the plants from air Tin is the required air temperature inside the greenhouse [49].
pollutants mainly O3 and SO2. The decrease of stomata conductance is Assuming the irrigation efficiency is 90%, the crop water require­
proportional to the decrease in the plant’s uptake of these pollutants ment is estimated from the evapotranspiration following Eq. (22) [50].
found in the air. Only few simplified and crop specific models were able
to estimate the change of the yield with the change of pollutants diffu­ Wreq =
ET c
sivity through stomata with varying CO2 concentrations. For instance, a ƞirrigation
model developed by Heagle et al. [46] was able to predict a yield in­ Hence the net energy, Enet, greenhouse (MJ/year) of the greenhouse
crease of 15.4% for soybean crops due to a reduction of 69% in the leaf system is computed as the energy produced minus the energy re­
quirements of the greenhouse as expressed in Eq. (23).
Table 2 Enet,greenhouse = Eproduce − Ecooling − Ewater− (23)
Internal resistance coefficients.
C1 4.3
2.2. Techno-Economic and Environmental Analysis of the BECCS/U
C2 0.54
C3 2.3 × 10− 2 pathway
C4 6.1 × 10−
C5 4.3 2.2.1. Technical assessment: net energy value of the integrated system
rmin (s/m) 82 The net energy of the integrated system is calculated according to Eq.
Tmin (◦ C) 24.5

I. Ghiat et al. Energy Conversion and Management 228 (2021) 113668

Enet,BECCU = EBE − ECC − Etransportation − Ecooling − Ewater− RO + Eproduce (24) of the cost of transport handling via pipeline Cp and truck CT, and the
cost of CO2 processing Cprocessing and storage Cstorage.
Where EBE and ECC represent the energy produced from the
bioenergy-based system and energy used for the carbon capture OPEX transportation = CP + CT + Cprocessing + Cstorage (30)
respectively. As for Ecooling, Ewater-RO, and Eproduce, they represent energy
requirements for cooling and production of irrigation water respec­ 3. Case study in the state of Qatar
tively, and the energetic value of the produce. The later values are
retrieved from Section 2.1 as Enet,greenhouse, representing the net energy 3.1. CO2 source
from the greenhouse system. The energy used in transporting the CO2
from the power plant to the greenhouses is also calculated based on Eq. This study involves a performance assessment of a source of CO2
(25), and includes the energy needed for CO2 compression (Eprocessing) from a bioenergy conversion system with carbon capture, which tackles
[51]. the technical, economic and environmental aspects of the proposed
system, and is based on work conducted by Ghiat et al. [53]. A biomass
Etransportation = Cd ρd CF d distance + Eprocessing (25)
integrated gasification combined cycle (BIGCC) with post combustion
With Cd being the trucks’ diesel consumption, ρd the density of carbon capture using potassium carbonate as a solvent is adopted as a
diesel, CFd the calorific value of diesel, the distance is between distri­ CO2 source for the BECCS/U network (Fig. 3). Date pits are used as the
bution center and the greenhouse, Eprocessing is the energy needed in biomass feedstock due to their dominance in the optimal biomass mix
processing CO2 for transportation. for syngas production via gasification in a study by AlNouss et al. [54],
and their large abundance as a waste stream in the State of Qatar. In the
2.2.2. Environmental assessment: net CO2 emissions of the integrated proposed system, biomass is first decomposed to its elemental compo­
system sition, then fed to a separator for ash elimination, and finally it is gasi­
The net environmental emissions are calculated based on the fied. The produced syngas from gasification is then transferred to the
following Eq. (26). power generation unit, where syngas is combusted and then expanded in
the combined cycle gas turbine. The exhaust gas from the gas turbine is
CO2net,BECCU = CO2CC − CO2BE − CO2transportation − CO2cooling − CO2water− RO
then fed to the carbon capture unit, consisting of an absorber and
∓ CO2 not− sequestered desorber. At the level of the absorber, the exhaust gas is fed to the lower
(26) stage and the solvent is introduced to the upper stage. The CO2 rich
stream exiting the absorber, known as Rich-out, is fed to the desorber to
The CO2not-sequestered corresponds to the CO2 not absorbed by the
strip the CO2 from the solvent, whilst the non-absorbed CO2 (Gas-out) is
plants from the injected CO2 in the greenhouse. This latter value is
emitted back to the environment. The carbon capture unit is charac­
calculated by subtracting the maximum quantity of CO2 that plants can
terised by a closed solvent loop, where the solvent is recovered from the
absorb during photosynthesis from the injected CO2 amount in the
desorber and fed back to the absorber. The BIGCC with carbon capture
system has been modelled and simulated in Aspen Plus in previous work
by Ghiat et al. [53] to evaluate its techno-economic and environmental
2.2.3. Economic assessment: levelised cost of the integrated system
performance. The technical assessment involved a thermodynamic
The levelised cost is used for the economic assessment as it measures
analysis performed to evaluate the system’s overall efficiency, and
the building and operating costs of the project per generated services or
sensitivity analyses to determine the best operating parameters. The
commodities over the lifetime of the project. The levelised cost can also
economic analysis consists of quantifying the capital (CAPEX) and
be perceived as the minimum price of the produced commodity needed
operating (OPEX) costs of the integrated BIGCC with carbon capture
to offset the total costs during the lifetime of the project. This is a
system using the Aspen Process Economic Analyser (APEA). In addition,
beneficial indicator in this study particularly because it will enable an
the environmental assessment involves the computation of net CO2
adequate and valid comparison between the proposed pathway/system
emissions from the different input and output streams of the hybrid
utilising CO2 in agricultural greenhouses, and that without CO2 uti­
system. Two scenarios are considered in this analysis; scenario one ac­
lisation. The calculated levelised cost is based on Eqs. (27)–(30) [52].
counts for CO2 emissions from the BIGCC, and scenario two evaluates

OPEX total the assumption that CO2 emissions from the BIGCC are null. Scenario
CAPEX total + (1+i)n two assumes that the quantity of CO2 absorbed during photosynthesis by
LC = i=1

producei the biomass and the quantity emitted during gasification is identical.
(1+i)n Reported results indicate that the proposed BIGCC system with car­
bon capture (CC) produced 419 kW of electricity and was able to
CAPEX total = CAPEX BE + CAPEX CC + CAPEX greenhouse (28) captured 80% of the emitted CO2 using piperazine promoted potassium
carbonate. The calculated CAPEX and OPEX costs for proposed system
OPEX total = OPEX BE + OPEX CC + OPEX transportation + OPEX greenhouse (29) with a 20 year operating life are summarised in the Table 3 [53]. Ac­
cording to the same study, the environmental assessment conducted for
CAPEXgreenhouse, CAPEXBE, CAPEXCC represent the capital costs of the
this system, resulted in positive emissions of 0.095 kg/kWh of CO2 for
greenhouse, bioenergy system, and carbon capture system respectively.
the first scenario accounting for CO2 emissions from the BIGCC. The
The operating costs are denoted by OPEXBE for the bioenergy system,
integrated system with the second scenario assumption of zero emissions
OPEXCC for the carbon capture system, and OPEXgreenhouse for inhouse
from the BIGCC attained negative emissions of 0.31 kg/kWh of CO2
greenhouse operations. The term producei denotes the amount of pro­
duce in kg/year. In terms of transportation, compressed liquid CO2 gas
(~8 MPa) is assumed to be transported from the bioenergy-based plant
to the distribution centre via pipeline. Once at the distribution centre, 3.2. CO2 sink
the CO2 is furthered handled and is stored in 10 kg capacity cylinders.
This step is necessary for the next transportation of CO2 from the dis­ A previous GIS-based study presented viable potential agricultural
tribution centre to the two greenhouses via road by means of trucks.One greenhouse locations in the State of Qatar based on balancing the energy
truck is assumed to load a maximum number of 50 cylinders of CO2. The used for CO2 transport and the energy saved from water reduction by
associated operating cost, OPEXtransportation, is defined as the summation means of CO2 enrichment [55]. These locations are considered in this
study for setting the greenhouse network model, along with a possible

I. Ghiat et al. Energy Conversion and Management 228 (2021) 113668

Fig. 3. BIGCC with carbon capture configuration.

distribution centre is 60 km away from the BIGCC plant, and 53 km away

Table 3
from the agricultural zone with greenhouses.
Total costs from BIGCC with CC power plant (after Ghiat et al. [53]).
Tomatoes are chosen as the crop grown in greenhouses located
Cost Summary Northern of Qatar, in order to quantify the effects of CO2 enrichment on
Total capital cost [$] 15,685,700 agricultural greenhouses. Tomato crops are chosen in this study, as they
Total operating cost [$/year] 3,997,290 hold one of the largest share amongst the vegetables produced in Qatar
[57,58].However, the methodology introduced in this work is generic
such that it can be extended to other crops and in other geographical
biomass-based power plant, and a distribution centre based on the
locations. Greenhouse dimensions are assumed to be 50x50x8 m.
available pipeline and road routes [56] (Fig. 4). In order to utilise the
External weather data according to the northern location of Al-Khor in
entire amount of CO2 captured at the proposed bioenergy system, 18
Qatar, delivered from meteorological data stations, are used to estimate
greenhouses located in the northern area of Al-Khor are considered in
the inside microclimate conditions in the greenhouse along with the
this analysis. The BIGCC power plant with carbon capture is taken to be
crop evapotranspiration specific to tomatoes.
located in Doha connected to a distribution centre via an existing
The optimal temperature during the day for growing tomatoes is
pipeline network used for other applications. The distribution centre is
between 18 and 25 ◦ C, hence considering the climate in Qatar it is
also connected to the greenhouses’ area via road routes. The proposed
necessary to apply cooling to the greenhouse to maintain the inside
temperature within the advisable [32]. The greenhouse considered in
this study has dimensions of 50 m in width and 8 m in height, a pitched
roof, and silica glass as a covering material. Moreover, a cooling system
represented by five water cooling pipes located underneath the crop
level is put in place for this model as displayed in Fig. 5. The materials
used in this study are silica glass, air, and water. Their physical and
chemical characteristics are extracted from the COMSOL database and
are summarised in the Table 4. The model is meshed and solved using
the finite element method as illustrated in Fig. 5.
Varying average outside temperature and solar radiation for each
month of the year specific to Al-Khor location are considered to depict
the variations perceived in the greenhouse internal climate. Accord­
ingly, solar radiation and external air temperature are applied to the
system’s boundary as a heat flux, and inside air temperature is evaluated
for each month. The solution method chosen in this study depicts the
varied temperature gradient within the greenhouse at different levels
from the ground and throughout the horizontal axes for a period of 7 h.
This is particularly beneficial to ensure temperature uniformity
throughout the greenhouse plants.
The microclimate model is fed to the empirical crop model to assess
the evapotranspiration through the Penman-Monteith modified Stan­
ghellini equation. Parameters used in this assessment are relevant to
tomato crops grown in agricultural greenhouses in the State of Qatar as
Fig. 4. Potential locations for greenhouses, BIGCC plant, and a distribution
center in the State of Qatar (Modified after Al-Ansari et al. [55]).
depicted in Table 5. The crop coefficient Kc is estimated for crop mid-

I. Ghiat et al. Energy Conversion and Management 228 (2021) 113668

Fig. 5. Greenhouse design in COMSOL.

Therefore, the conventional system used for comparison consists of

Table 4
separate bioenergy and food systems which are not integrated within the
Materials’ chemical and physical characteristics.
BECCS and EWF nexus concepts. Thus, the conventional system does not
Material Thermal conductivity k (W/ Density Heat Capacity Cp (J/kg. benefit from system integration and its induced cross-sectoral opportu­
m⋅K) ρ (kg/ K)
nities. The comparison is evaluated based on several parameters tackling
the technical, environmental and economic aspects of both pathways.
Air 0.026 1.225 1420 The data used in the calculation of the net energy of the integrated
Water 0.59 1000 4185.5
Silica 1.38 2203 703
BECCS/U system is summarised in Table 6.
glass As for the environmental analysis of the integrated BECCS/U system,
a net photosynthesis rate is assumed based on a study conducted by
Heuvelink, where tomato crops subjected to CO2 levels of 1200 ppm
reach a photosynthesis rate of 45.42 μmol CO2 m− 2.s− 1, considering a
Table 5
Stanghellini equation parameters for case study. dark respiration rate of 0.68 μmol CO2 m− 2.s− 1 [61]. The parameters
used in the calculation of CO2net,BECCU are summarised in Table 7.
Symbol Value Unit
The economic analysis of the integrated BECC/U system consisting of
kc 1.15 Dimensionless the evaluation of the levelized cost of the proposed network of BIGCC
LAI 4.62 Dimensionless
with greenhouses is based on the parameters summarised in Table 8.
ρA 1.117 (kg/m3)
CA 1003.5 (J/kg. ◦ C)
re 185 (s/m)
l 0.043 (m) 3.4. Sensitivity analyses
P 101.325 (Pa)
Several scenarios are examined to demonstrate the techno-economic
and environmental implications of different key system parameters on
season. The leaf area index is a dimensionless variable representing the
the overall performance of the BECCS/U pathway (Table 9).
area of the leaf over the area of the soil surface. The maximum LAI value
for tomatoes grown in a greenhouse under full irrigation was estimated
from a study by Al Mamun Hossain et al. [59] as 4.62.
To calculate the net energy at the level of the greenhouses, silica
glass is chosen as the cover material for the greenhouses with a trans­ Scaling up the system. The proposed system is also studied on a larger
missivity of 0.76. As for the water requirements for irrigation, desali­ scale, whereby economies of scale are made possible and are reflected on
nation of brackish water is the main source for agricultural use in the improvements in terms of economic cost. The scaled-up system sug­
State of Qatar. The energy requirements for water production Ewater− RO gested is able to meet the demand of the state of Qatar in terms of tomato
(MJ/year) are calculated based on the energy needed to desalinate crops grown locally, which represents 35% of its self-sufficiency in to­
aquifer brackish water through the Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology; matoes, similar to the year of 2014 [57]. Benefiting from economies of
estimated around 3 kWh per cubic meter of fresh water produced for scale, particularly in this system, are projected to reduce the main
irrigation purposes [60]. capital costs per unit of produce. Hence, the new expanded system will
utilise the same BIGCC plant fed with a higher biomass rate, a scaled-up

3.3. Integrated BECCU/S system Table 6

Energy balance data.
This section combines the results from the two previous analyses to
Parameter Value Unit
assess the overall system from source to sink. A comparison study is also
Diesel consumption of trucks Cd 0.3 L/km.truck
conducted between the proposed system with CO2 capture and uti­
Density of diesel ρd 0.832 kg/L
lisation in agricultural greenhouses, and a conventional system without Calorific value of diesel CFd 45.5 MJ/kg
capture and utilisation of CO2. It should be noted that the evaluation of Distance between distribution center and Al-Khor area 53 km
the conventional system also consists of a full system assessment, bio­ Energy for CO2 processing for transportation Eprocessing 0.08 kWh/kg
energy system and greenhouses, although it excludes the carbon capture Energy requirements for RO 3 kWh/m3
Energy content of tomatoes 0.8 MJ/kg
segment, the CO2 transport, and the CO2 enrichment in greenhouses.

I. Ghiat et al. Energy Conversion and Management 228 (2021) 113668

Table 7 4. Results and discussion

Emissions data.
Parameter Value Unit Reference 4.1. CO2 utilisation application
CO2 emissions from trucks 0.212 kg/km [62]
CO2 emissions from energy 0.45 kg/kWh [63] 4.1.1. Greenhouse microclimate model
Results for the temperature distribution throughout the greenhouse
are retrieved from the simulation conducted in COMSOL. The simulation
is run for seven hours, and for a representative average solar radiation
Table 8
Levelised cost data.
and external temperature of each month of the year. Fig. 7 depicts the
internal greenhouse temperature distribution for the month of January,
Parameter Value Unit References
and an average temperature around 25 ◦ C is attained at a level of 2 m
Initial greenhouse investment cost 0.96 $/m2 [64] from the ground and away from the walls.
Initial power plant investment cost $ Section 3.1
4.1.2. Greenhouse empirical crop model
Initial carbon capture investment cost $ Section 3.1 Temperature results from the microclimate model are used as an
CAPEXCC input in the empirical crop model to evaluate the monthly evapotrans­
Operating cost of the power plant $ Section 3.1 piration of the tomato crops. Variations in the CO2 concentration affect
the internal crop resistance which in turn impacts the overall crop
Operating cost of the carbon capture $ Section 3.1
segment OPEXCC evapotranspiration. It is observed that the internal crop resistance in­
Cost of pipeline CO2 transport 0.0013 $/kg for 300 [65] creases, and the evapotranspiration decreases with increasing CO2
km concentrations. The total yearly evapotranspiration for the baseline case
Cost of CO2 storage 0.08 $/kg with atmospheric CO2 levels is around 1.134 m3/m2⋅year, as compared
Cost of fertilisers 0.21 $/m2 [64]
Cost of electricity 0.0189 $/kWh [66]
to 0.812 m3/m2⋅year when injecting 1200 ppm concentration of CO2
Cost of diesel 0.5 $/l [67] into the greenhouse (Fig. 8). The yearly evapotranspiration is hence
reduced by approximately 28% between the baseline concentration of
415 ppm and that of 1200 ppm. Therefore, enriching with 1200 ppm of
CO2 is able to reduce the crop water requirements by 28%.
Table 9
Summary of studied scenarios. Moreover, it is observed that the leaf conductance (the inverse of
resistance) decreased by 36% when increasing the CO2 concentration
Sensitivity Aim Scenarios Variables Studied
from 415 ppm to 1200 ppm. Hence, it can be assumed that the pollutants
analyses outputs
SO2 and O3 penetrating the leaf stomata will also decrease by 36% from
Scaling up Study the benefits -Scenario 1: System’s Levelised
ambient levels. Following the two models predicting the change in yield
the of economies of 18 CAPEX and cost
system scale on the greenhouses OPEX. in relation with SO2 and O3 levels, it is found that the yield is increased
economic -Scenario 2: by 14.8% for the first model and 12.9% for the second model. An
performance of 61 additional average yield increase of 13.8% is hence estimated when enriching the
the BECCS/U greenhouses greenhouse environment with 1200 ppm of CO2. This can be explained
by the fact that these pollutants damage the plants, and so it is expected
Location Study the effect of -Scenario 1: Weather data, -Net
scenarios greenhouse Al-Khor distance energy that reducing their concentrations will enable a safer and healthier
locations on the northern between balance growth for the plants.
techno- region greenhouses -Net CO2
environmental -Scenario 2: and BIGCC. emissions
4.1.3. Greenhouse energy and water requirements
performance of Al-Kiranah
the BECCS/U southern
Following Eq. (23), the energy requirements needed for cooling the
system. region greenhouse to an optimal growing temperature in the range of 18–25 ◦ C
-Scenario 3: is estimated as 7681 MJ/year per greenhouse. As for the water re­
Doha quirements for crop irrigation, it is assessed based on results of evapo­
transpiration and an irrigation efficiency of 90%. The water
carbon capture system, and 61 additional greenhouses with the same requirements for the baseline scenario with 415 ppm concentration of
dimensions as discussed previously. The levelised cost is calculated CO2 reached an amount of 1.25 m3/m2.year per greenhouse. As for the
following the same equation introduced earlier in Eq. (27). case with 1200 ppm CO2 enrichment, the crop water requirement is 28%
less than the baseline atmospheric concentration, attaining an amount of
0.9 m3/m2⋅year per greenhouse. Thus, approximately 0.35 m3/m2⋅year
Location scenarios. Three scenarios are considered based on the location
of irrigation water per greenhouse can be recovered from enriching the
of greenhouses using GIS. Scenario 1 corresponds to the northern loca­
greenhouse with 1200 ppm of CO2. The net energy of the greenhouse
tion of Al-Khor described in Section 3.2. Scenario 2 studies another
flows is estimated as 7.99 × 105 MJ/year for the 18 implemented
greenhouse location situated in the southern region of Qatar, Al-Kiranah
greenhouse systems when enriching with 1200 ppm. As a comparison
(Fig. 6). Scenario 3 explores greenhouses situated next to the BIGCC
the net energy of the same system without CO2 enrichment is estimated
with carbon capture power plant in Doha (Fig. 6). This study is impor­
as 4.57 × 105 MJ/year. Hence, the reduction in water requirements and
tant as it evaluates the effect of greenhouse locations on the overall
improvements in yield due to CO2 enrichment allowed the greenhouse
techno-environmental analysis. It should be noted that the location is an
system to reach a higher net energy value. Furthermore, the concept of
important factor in this study, whereby weather data, and the CO2
EWF nexus is illustrated in this analysis, demonstrating the relationship
transportation network directly reflect on the analysis results.
between the energy water and food sub-systems, whereby the
enhancement of the food sub-system by means of injecting CO2 origi­
nating from an energy sub-system enabled to diminish water con­
sumption related to agricultural use and ease stresses on water sub-
systems to sustain their operation.

I. Ghiat et al. Energy Conversion and Management 228 (2021) 113668

Fig. 6. Greenhouses location scenarios in Al-Kiranah and Doha.

Fig. 7. COMSOL model for internal greenhouse temperature.

4.2. Integrated BECCS/U system

The integrated BECCS/U system combining all its subsystems from

source to sink including the transportation network is studied in terms of
technical, environmental and economic performance. The proposed
system with CO2 capture and utilisation is also compared to a green­
house system not utilising CO2. This comparison is also conducted
throughout the different techno-economic and environmental perfor­
mance assessments to investigate the feasibility of the proposed BECCS/
U pathway. This integrative study also considers the EWF nexus concept
as an essential tool to accurately evaluate the proposed BECCS/U system
by assessing the material and energy flows within the energy, water and
food sub-systems, and evaluating the impact of each sub-system on the

Fig. 8. Change in evapotranspiration with varying CO2 enrichment levels. 4.2.1. Technical assessment
The technical assessment involves all the energy value of the total
produced commodities from the system, electricity and tomatoes, sub­
tracting all the energy requirements of the integrated system. It is found

I. Ghiat et al. Energy Conversion and Management 228 (2021) 113668

that the proposed system with CO2 enrichment has a net energy of 2.62
× 106 MJ/year. This energy was noted to be lower than that of the
system without CO2 enrichment (1.37 × 107 MJ/year) as depicted in
Fig. 9. This disparity can be explained by the additional energy re­
quirements of the system utilising CO2, mainly related to energy for
carbon capture and energy for CO2 transportation. In more detail, the
energy savings from water savings is estimated to be 1.81 × 105 MJ/year
versus the additional energy required from the carbon capture and
transportation activities quantified as 1.14 × 107 MJ/year. These find­
ings demonstrate that a significant portion of the energy requirements
from the energy sub-system of this BECCS/U pathway is offset by im­
provements in the water sub-system due to the enhancement of the food
sub-system, which reinforces the importance of evaluating the EWF Fig. 10. Net CO2 emissions for the integrated system.
greenhouses than the initial proposed CO2 enrichment system has also
4.2.2. Environmental assessment been investigated to illustrate the trade-off existing between the net
To assess the environmental performance of the integrated system, energy and net CO2 emissions, denoted as 1 greenhouse and 5 green­
each subsystem is studied separately to quantify its CO2 emissions. Ac­ houses in Fig. 11. For instance, when adopting CO2 enrichment in only
cording to Ghiat et al. [53], the BIGCC emits 39.8 kg/h of CO2, following one greenhouse the net energy is improved, however, less CO2 is being
the assumption of scenario one in Section 3.1. Thus, for this assumption, utilised in this application and hence less CO2 is offset as compared to
the net CO2 emissions of the integrated proposed BECCS/U pathway are the enrichment in 18 greenhouses. Although there is a trade-off between
estimated as negative7.65 × 105 kg/year. The BIGCC plant uses biomass the technical and environmental aspects of this system, it is important to
as feed to produce useful energy in the form of electricity. Thus, it is emphasise that the proposed pathway is still able to generate a positive
assumed that the biomass used as feed has previously absorbed CO2 for energy value in the form of electricity and food, and enhance food
its photosynthesis, which is then released in the same CO2 quantity systems.
during the energy conversion process. Therefore, CO2 emissions from
the BIGCC system are assumed to be null, following scenario two of 4.2.3. Economic assessment
Section 3.1. When applying carbon capture to the BIGCC power plant, In order to study the proposed negative emissions pathway in a
the system falls to negative CO2 quantities. However, at the greenhouse comprehensive manner, an economic analysis is conducted as described
level CO2 emissions due to energy requirements for cooling and water in Section 2.2.3 The levelised cost of the integrated system with 18
production for irrigation are added. In addition, CO2 emissions from greenhouses, accounting for the capital and operating costs of the entire
transportation are also considered to quantify the net CO2 emissions of supply chain for a project lifespan of 20 years is estimated to be 3.88
the entire supply chain. The net CO2 releases from the proposed $/kg of tomatoes produced as compared to 3.05 $/kg for the case with
pathway, following scenario two, are reported as negative1.11 × 106 no CO2 utilisation. In this scenario, the proposed CO2 emissions
kg/year, which corresponds to negative 24.6 kg/m2.year of CO2 per land approach resulted in a higher levelised cost than the system without CO2
cultivated. However, the same system of greenhouses without CO2 emissions. Based on the individual costs, the main contributors for this
capture and utilisation emits 9.78 × 104 kg/year of CO2. This system high cost emerges from the carbon capture capital and operating costs
comparison demonstrates the impact of the proposed ‘plant to plant’ along with the transportation costs. Hence, a scaled-up network is pro­
approach in mitigating climate change whilst still being able to serve the posed to benefit from the full capacities of the subsystems and profit
community with the necessary commodities. Moreover, findings from economies of scale. The enlarged network, as discussed in Section
demonstrate that CO2 emissions from the energy sub-sector (CC, trans­ 3.4, is implemented to satisfy the needs of Qatari population for tomato
portation, water desalination) are partly offset by improvements in the crops based on a 35% (production) self-sufficiency level similar to the
water and food sub-sectors, and mostly by the sequestered CO2 at the year 2014, which incurred the addition of 61 greenhouses to the
level of the food sub-system. This showcases the importance of evalu­ network. The new calculated levelised cost for the expanded system with
ating the cross-sectional synergies of the EWF which led to the attain­ CO2 capture and utilisation is estimated as 0.35 $/kg of tomatoes
ment of negative CO2 emissions in evaluating this BECCS/U pathway. (Fig. 12). The new levelised cost of the scaled-up system is lower than
The above results are a testament to the existence of trade-offs be­ the initial system with 18 greenhouses with a difference of 3.53 $/kg of
tween the technical and environmental performances, where the pro­ tomatoes. For the large-scale network, the system without CO2 capture
posed system with 18 greenhouses is able to offset more CO2 emissions and utilisation is still scoring a lower levelised cost than the proposed
than the baseline system without CO2 enrichment, albeit at a lower net approach, which induces trade-offs between the economic and envi­
energy value as displayed in the Fig. 10. The adoption of less ronmental performances of these systems.
Results from the pathway presented in this work were compared to a
close CO2 utilisation pathway in greenhouses studied by Oreggioni et al.
[8]. For accurate comparison, the levelised cost of CO2 utilisation in the
greenhouse was calculated following the equation proposed by Ore­
ggioni et al. [8]. This new levelised cost is calculated for a system
boundary limited to the greenhouse only. The greenhouse levelised cost
in this study was found to be approximately 0.15 $/kg of CO2 avoided
for the scaled-up system as compared to approximately 0.089 $/kg of
CO2 avoided in the study conducted by Oreggioni et al. [8]. The dif­
ference perceived between these values can be explained by the fact that
Oreggioni et al. [8] produced the energy needed in the greenhouse
locally and used a renewable heat incentive as a revenue stream in the
levelised cost calculation. Whereas, in this study the cost of cooling,
water production, and fertilisers are added to the greenhouse levelised
Fig. 9. Net energy value of the integrated system.

I. Ghiat et al. Energy Conversion and Management 228 (2021) 113668

Fig. 11. Net energy and CO2 emissions matrix of the integrated system.

Fig. 12. Levelised cost ($/kg tomatoes) of the integrated system.

cost calculation, which explains the higher cost per CO2 avoided.
Moreover, the computed levelised cost per CO2 avoided of the entire
BECCS/U system is approximately 779 $/tCO2 avoided for the scaled-up
system. The levelised cost calculated in this study is within the range Fig. 13. Breakdown of CO2 transportation cost.
values determined in the literature, such as between 804$-3142$/tCO2
avoided from Mac Dowell et al. [68], and between 70$-250$/tCO2 weather conditions in that area, in addition to its distance from the
avoided from McLaren [69]. Other studies suggested lower costs for distribution centre being the furthest. Greenhouse systems in the Doha
BECCS/U systems, such as 59$-111$/tCO2 by McGlashan et al. [70], and area recorded the best performance in terms of net energy and CO2
40$-220$/tCO2 for the geological storage option by the IPCC [71]. The offset. However, this location may pose some environmental and social
higher levelised cost found in this study can be explained through the issues. Air pollution concerns from the power plant nearby can emerge,
consideration of the added capital and operating costs of the green­ possibly impacting the air quality inside the greenhouse and damaging
houses, and without added CO2 tax revenue in the computation of the the plants. In addition, the social aspect needs to be considered, whereby
results. Moreover, future work is expected to lower the levelised cost of setting greenhouses in the city can be aesthetically unpleasing. There­
this proposed pathway by optimising the supply chain network. fore, Al-Khor area can be considered as a suitable location for setting
greenhouses, where it appears to be in compliance with technical,
Location scenarios. The breakdown of the CO2 transportation indicates environmental and social aspects of a sustainable project.
that the cost of transportation by truck and that of CO2 storage at the
level of the distribution centre and the greenhouses hold the largest 5. Conclusions
share as illustrated in Fig. 13. This can be considered further in future
studies to develop detailed logistics analyses for this application and to The study presented in this work enabled a holistic techno-economic
optimise the network. The cost of CO2 storage can be lowered by fore­ and environmental assessment of a ‘plant to plant’ BECCS/U pathway
casting the demand and assessing the delivery and lag times. The cost of enhancing food systems through CO2 enrichment. The integrated system
transportation from the distribution centre to the greenhouses via truck can assess the interlinkages between EWF resources by estimating the
can also be improved by analysing other greenhouse locations as different material flows and resource consumption at the level of the
demonstrated by the scenario analysis. CO2 source, the CO2 transportation network, and CO2 sink of the BECCS/
The previous proposed system assumed a location for greenhouses in U system. The main findings of this study specific to a case study in the
the Al-Khor area in Qatar, where most existing greenhouses are located. State of Qatar are:
However, it is necessary to investigate the impact of other greenhouse
locations on the performance of the proposed negative emissions • An enrichment with 1200 ppm induced a reduction in crop water
approach in the agricultural crop production. The system with green­ requirements by 28% and increased the yield by 13.8% as compared
houses located in Al-Kiranah area attained the lowest net energy of all to the baseline scenario with a CO2 level of 415 ppm.
systems. This is due to the higher crop water requirements because of the

I. Ghiat et al. Energy Conversion and Management 228 (2021) 113668

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