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Question 1
What are the benefits of moving away from home after high school? Cite at least three examples from the “Point”
essay to support your answer.

Moving away from home after high school has many benefits that help student in different ways but one of
the most common benefits are that moving away from home helps student gain independence, expand
their understanding and knowledge about the world they live in not to mention that it also helps them
seize the moment of being a young adult. Moving away from home after high school helps students rely on
themselves and become independent people. As the text states, “In another place, whether at a college or
at a new job in a new city, young adults will be able to make their own rules and form their own habits” and
“moving away from home forces you to learn critical budgeting and household management skills.” Moving
away from home after high school doesn’t only make students independent but it also expands their
understanding and knowledge of the world around them because colleges have a huge variety of students
from different countries around the world. According to the text “Once students move away from home,
they will have the opportunity to meet new people.” Moving away from home after high school also helps
the students seize the moment and live their life in freedom since they are still considered to be young. As
stated in the text “young adulthood is the perfect time to seize the moment and try living in an exciting,
new place.” In conclusion, moving away from home after high school has many benefits such as expanding
their mindsets helping them become independent and teaching them to live the moment while they are
still young.
Question 2
What are some of the benefits of staying near home after high school? Cite at least three examples from the
“Counterpoint” essay to support your answer.
Staying near home after high school has many benefits toward students and some of these benefits are
Saving money, using an existing network and maintaining a strong relationship with their families and
friends. These benefits can really affect ```the student in many positive ways, such as being close to home
can benefit the student in saving money since moving can be quite expensive for a starting student so their
family could lend them money or the student could help out their family by lending them money. As cited
from the text “By staying close to home, students can contribute to their families as well as save money for
their future plans instead of spending money on traveling or moving.” Staying close to home after high
school can also help student get jobs easier since they can use the connection their family or friends made
or even better connections they have with other people around them. According to the text “Young adults
can ask people they know if someone is hiring or request advice…” (paragraph 16). Staying close to home
also helps student maintain their relationships with family and friends better than using online apps to
connect. As cited from the text “family and trusted friends can offer valuable moral support that can help
ease young adults’ transition from high school to the adult world. Everyone needs help sometimes and
knowing that a loved one is around to help at any time offers valuable peace of mind.” In conclusion staying
near home after high school has many benefits toward students such as using an existing network and
maintaining a strong relationship with their families and friends.
Question 3
Why might staying at home be an appealing choice for students who pursue higher education? Cite specific evidence
from the appropriate essay to support your answer.

Staying home can be appealing to students who pursue higher education since they have their family and
loved one’s near them and that can have a very positive effect on them such as motivating them to do their
best and helps them not get distracted very easily with the stressful things going on around them.
According to the text “family and trusted friends can offer valuable moral support that can help ease young
adults’ transition from high school to the adult world. Everyone needs help sometimes, and knowing that a
loved one is around to help at any time offers valuable peace of mind.” In conclusion students who pursue
higher education prefer to stay close to home because they have their family and trusted friends near them
to support them.
Question 4
Keeping in mind that the Latin word unus means “one,” determine the meaning of the word unique as it is used in
paragraph 8 of the “Point” essay. Write your definition of unique here, and explain which context clues helped you
figure it out.

in the context of the text unique is used to explain the variety of different things a young adult can
experience about the world around them.
Question 5
Use context clues to determine the meaning of assert as it is used in paragraph 9 of the “Point” essay. Write your
definition of assert, and explain which clues helped you figure it out.
In the context of the text the meaning of assert is revealed to be to achieve or gain since in the text it is used to
explain how a student who lives away from home can learn to gain independence.

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