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02 Quiz 1
Name Christian Laurence G. Balcita Date 10-042023
Section Bt-502A Score

Direction: Answer each of the following questions in at least three (3) sentences. (3 items x 10 points)

1. Management Information Systems are used in data processed by Transaction Processing Systems. How would you
compare their roles in this operation?

TPS (Transaction Processing Systems): Designed for recording and processing day-to-day transactions. Focus on ensuring accuracy, efficiency,
and data integrity. Handle granular, real-time transaction data. Used by operational staff and employees for routine tasks. Operate in real-
time or near-real-time. MIS (Management Information Systems): Support managerial decision-making by providing insights from TPS and
other sources. Transform transactional data into meaningful reports, summaries, and analyses. Work with summarized and aggregated data
for a higher-level view. Used by managers and decision-makers for strategic and tactical decisions. Operate on a periodic or on-demand basis.
In essence, TPS handle the operational and transactional data processing needs, while MIS leverage this data to offer managerial insights,
helping organizations make informed decisions at various levels. Together, TPS and MIS ensure that data is processed efficiently and utilized
for both day-to-day operations and strategic planning.

2. Mobile Applications and Intelligent Systems are two of the most advanced information system types today. How do
they differ from each other?

Mobile Applications: Designed for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Serve specific user-driven functions and tasks. Require active
user interaction and provide a user-friendly interface. Access various data sources, both local and remote. Highly customizable and
personalized. Examples include social media, navigation, productivity, and entertainment apps. Intelligent Systems: Encompass a wide range
of technologies, including AI and machine learning. Focus on automating complex tasks and decision-making. Can operate autonomously with
minimal user involvement. Rely on extensive data analysis and learning from data. Customized during development for specific tasks.
Examples include autonomous vehicles, recommendation systems, chatbots, and predictive analytics applications. While both mobile apps
and intelligent systems are advanced information tools, they serve different purposes within the technology landscape, catering to user-driven
tasks in the case of mobile apps and automating complex processes through AI and data analysis in the case of intelligent systems.

3. It is stated that Office Automation Systems and Knowledge Management Systems are both used to enhance and
optimize collaboration. In your opinion, which of them provides a better collaboration platform for organizations?

the choice between Office Automation Systems and Knowledge Management Systems as collaboration platforms depends on an organization's specific
collaboration objectives. Office Automation Systems are well-suited for streamlining routine office tasks and enhancing communication, making them
ideal for operational collaboration. On the other hand, Knowledge Management Systems excel at facilitating knowledge sharing and innovation, making
them valuable for collaboration that involves capturing, organizing, and distributing knowledge. Organizations may benefit from using both systems to
address different collaboration needs across various functional areas.
Performance Standards Points
The student provided a justified and coherent explanation. 6
The student provided an answer with at least three (3) sentences of explanation. 4
Total 10

02 Quiz 1 *Property of STI

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