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eves —— - —_ | Name: -Fadhiia otnnia Domanite (20080228) _ = Jeni Mey (200862129) + Angarion’ Fenitea Boni (200862118) = Novi Dwiyonh ton (200802123) = NDVIO Ramadan: (200802089) Home wore 4.2. Put the yece Into Correct fort, Fesent Continuous Gr Preseny Simple. _|!) Are You _Wungey 7, Doar wont Soaterwing emt? You/uen? [2) Jin (s Inerestet In PAiKes but she does not belong 40 akeii kcal! = Party (net /betond) _) Dom Pur the chcnonary aay, "musing it (use) Juyoort Rt the dictonany quay , | med it (need) |=) who te that mon? Udnat_does he went 2 Cre face) &) WMO 1S thor mon? Wy Is he looking at us? (ne /loo) Dipindai dengan CamScanner “TAY Googe says hele go Years old bur Wobody bebeves Am. Vay tS ee 3) The Hd re her tweme out (dat Tememter le how Cave [remember ) aeaaeaiiaie 9) Jam Nanqann of Selby car ak) wead you he ) inane w wey i i 7 1} ¥ Wink yew ae = yay Coe(Menk) you den wre wry epten Cook [ue WJ used fo Henk A Ut 0, bur ty s 1) Were, yt Carl ¢ cage we tare dee | Legon °) fre contr asaly ay regon and, erygen Ceontise) Dipindai dengan CamScanner Exertice 44. Conpivte thesehibenes Wing the most Suitable form of be. _ Soiteimies yout US He Gwpe CamMir/are) and mntetitoer “the (ontinubus is wore Gurtable Com fieTare ele [ole |e rT can't Understand tiny he’s being. He ive usually te that. Jade 15 being Vor nice tome ot the moment T wonder Why. You'll like Sil when you meet Mer. she 6 very Nice. Nomwxlty_Youare, Very cence «SO Why are being, so cy Aout Tis Matter? Why tnt Sarah ot wore today? iste iW ?. © Dipindai dengan CamScanner ee Geup_ A ite. Name + = Fadhila_Natania pamanik (200802135) & Mega (20002129) ion! “Feranita Rani (20802117) bwiyansi_tan (20080 2123) Rahmachoni (200802089 ) 1 | the boxe om Office IS very valuable to me CPlural. wee 2] All of the windows in ue hguse were broven in the eurthquate (ae errors) True £- Plueal ___3.| aif of the employees in that company Js required to be yropiciont in_a@ seconel language. Ore 4.4 lot of the people in my class works luring the dey and attends clasr in the evening Wore $2 Fingulor | Tisteniny to Very loud mucic ot rock concerts hae Caused hea- ring \OSS in Some teenagers. has s.Plumy 6.| many of the satellites orbiting the earth iS Wed for Communicetions ore % |The news about the long-range Cffects of air poliuhon on the cleyelogment 04 children’s lungs Ie disturbing, (True) GED Dipindai dengan CamScanner ig| Bay get ark tay oe requ to teve certain yprmanresesan bayere ort _Jin qaliie sheets : 14] Cevertas - ue _ pecpoet ook; peenle, Heo yor “una. base i Dipindai dengan CamScanner

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