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21. Would you like to make an appointment with the nutritionist?
A. A client luncheon.
B. I'm scheduled for the fourteenth.
C. The fruit is on the table.
24. Isn't it hot in here?
A. A hat and scarf.
B. For a quick phone call
C. The air conditioner's behind me.
25. Do you want to drive to the convention center, or would you like me to?
A. That's all we needed.
B. The first entrance on the left
C. I can drive since you did last time.
28. Where's the camera on this computer?
A. No, I don't think so
B. E-mail it by tomorrow, please
C. On the top edge of the monitor.
29. The conference is Helsinki this year, isn't it?
A. Here's the itinerary (lịch trình)
B. About 5,000 participants
C. I was supposed to call him.
34. A (I'd better order a replacement immediately)
37. D (We got a shipment of new cookware this morning. I'll go put everything on
the shelves now)
45. C (the price shown on the display here in your store is different than what was
listed in the ad)
46. B (My manager here can help you, Mr. Jensen? + And that camera comes with
a two-year warranty, but for another 25 dollars, you can extend it to five years.
Would you like to do that?)
48. B ( have a pamphlet about that... )
Pamphlet: cuốn sách nhỏ
Recommendation: khuyến nghị
51. A (we'd like to offer you the position at our Chicago office. + I'll need to think
about it)
Alternative: thay thế, khác
53. B (what are you posting on the notice board? + I'm organizing a company team
for a charity event next weekend)
Charity: từ thiện
58. D (we've sold out of a lot of sizes in this style.)
59. D (I appreciate having the opportunity to tell you about our energy
management software)
Appreciate: đánh giá cao
Opportunity: cơ hội
63. B (The Sunflower Hall should be fine. I also had a question about food for the
67. D (our bulb manufacturing machines broke down several times that month. We
should probably have all of them inspected)
Quota: chỉ tiêu
Productivity: năng suất
Stable: ổn định
Bulb: bóng đèn
68. A (we could reduce our workload in the human resources department by
reducing the number of steps in the hiring process.)\
74. B (Attention, passengers flying to Dublin)
77. A (Glad to see everyone's back on the bus. I hope you've enjoyed today's tour)
Explore: khám phá
80. B (Recently we conducted a market survey about our new phone application
called Minimarket)
84. D (we'd originally planned to have only six waiters on our staff, but our
business is increasing. We'll be working to remedy the situation)
Remedy: khắc phục, biện pháp
91. B (I'd like to invite you to join me for lunch the day you come. That way, you
can ask any questions you might have.)
92. D (I want to compliment you all for your excellent work on the Peterson ad
93. C (We've decided to start offering reimbursement, covering tuition and other
fees, for all employees who take classes at the local business school.)
Tuition: học phí
94. B (And there are lots of great options to choose from. There's an interesting
evening course called Creative Advertising and it has earned many awards.)
95. A (I'm calling because I can't find my sunglasses. I think I may have left them
in one of your theaters yesterday.)
100. C (I'll explain more at the site. Let's head over there now so I can show you in
Site: hiện trường, chỗ làm việc cụ thể
Be mindful of something: quan tâm, lưu tâm, để ý đến,…
Intern = trainee = apprentice = probationer = beginner: thực tập sinh
Enthusiastic: Nhiệt tình
Financial aids/support: hỗ trợ tài chính
Help somebody do something: giúp ai làm gì
Help V: giúp làm gì
Indicate = specify = designate = point out = show (v): chỉ ra
Indicate that: chỉ ra rằng… (+S-V)
Explain st to sb: giải thích cái gì cho ai
Beneficial to sb/st: có lợi ích cho ai/cái gì
Due to = thanks to = owing to = because of = as a result of = on account of: vì,
do, nhờ có,.. (+N)
Delay = postpone = put off = hold up = suspend (v): trì hoãn
Want to do st: muốn làm gì
Purchse = buy = pay for = acquire = obtain: mua, có được
Do/take a course: tham gia 1 khóa học
Supplement (n): phần bổ sung
Ease = relieve = reduce = lessen (v): làm giảm nhẹ, xoa dịu
Congestion: sự tắc nghẽn
Show that: chỉ ra rằng (+ S-V)
Customer = client = consumer = patron = buyer = purchaser (n): khách hàng
Need to do st: cần phải làm gì
Prosess = deal with = attend to = see to = handle = take care of = address =
resolve (v): xử lý, giải quyết
Confess to N/Ving = admit: thừa nhận, thú nhận…
Complimentary = free = no charge = no cost = waive = without charge: miễn phí
Take someone to/into/around st: đưa ai đến đâu
Pay/give someone a compliment: cho ai lời khen
Compliment someone on st: khen ngợi ai về việc gì
For + S-V: vì (không đứng đầu câu)
Realtor = estage agent (n): người mô giới BĐS
Succeed in doing st: thành công trong việc gì
Succeed someone as st: kế vị, thay thế vị trí của ai
Finally = eventually = ultimately = in the end = at lát: cuối cùng
Review = reconsider = examine = inspect = judge (v): kiểm tra, xem xét lại
Standard (n): tiêu chuẩn
Duplication (n): sự nhân đôi
Ask for st: yêu cầu
Ask sb to do st: yêu cầu ai làm gì
Cụm please be advised that: xin vui lòng lưu ý rằng
Whether + S-V: liệu có hay không (hàm ý 1 sự lựa chọn)
Whether or not: dù… hay không
Absorbent = permeable = pervious = spongy (adj): thấm hút, hút nước
Regardless (adv): bất chấp
although = even though = though = in spite of the fact that = despite the fact that
= while (conj): mặc dù (+ clause)
instead of = rather than (prep): thay vì (+ N)
regardless of = despite = without regard to = without consideration of =
notwithstanding = no matter = in spite of (prep) bất kể (+ N)
- viewer = watcher = audience = spectator (n): người xem, khán giả
- relate to somebody : đồng cảm với ai đó
- relate to = regarding = concern = be relevant to = pertain to = involve: liên
quan đến
Cụm: a full/ wide/ broad range of st: hàng loạt cái gì
Offer = provide = come up with = suggest = extend = propose (v): cung cấp
Decidedly (adv); kiên quyết, dứt khoát
Remote areas/ regions: vùng sâu, vùng xa
Want to do sth: muốn làm gì
Supervisor = manager = overseer (n): người giám sát
Do/ carry out/ conduct an ispection: thực hiện/ tiến hành 1 sự ktr
Superficially (adv): hời hợt
Magnificently (adv): tráng lệ
Disrepair = ruin = destruction = demolition (n): tình trạng đổ nát, hư hòng
A. considering + N (prep): xét về; tính đến
B. so that = in order that + clause : để mà (chỉ mục đích)
C. as if/ though + clause : như thể
D. wherever + clause (conj) bất kì nơi nào
Beyond : vượt qua ngoài, không nằm trong phạm vi
Reputable : có danh tiếng, uy tín tốt
accomplished = proficient = talented = competent = professional (adj) giỏi, có tài
accomplish = complete = finish = fulfill = carry out = perform (v) hoàn thành/
thực hiện
Narrate (v): kể lại, thuật lại
As + N : như là, với tư cách là
in charge of = responsible for : chịu trách nhiệm
 131-133
132. Mệnh đề phía trước có “when” đi với thì hiện tại đơn, thì mệnh đề phía sau
cũng phải đi với thì tương lai hoặc thì hiện tại đơn. => B
133. able to + Vinf: có thê làm gì đó
Equal (adj): ngang bằng
 135-138
138. fortunate (adj): may mắn
schedule = itinerary = timetable = agenda = calendar = timeline (n) lịch trình
schedule = arrange = set up = plan (v) lên lịch
to be ahead of/ on/ behind schedule : trước/ đúng/ chậm tiến độ/ thời hạn quy định
immediately = promptly = quickly (adv) ngay lập tức
to conflict with something: đối lập/ trái ngược/ mâu thuẫn
decline = refuse = reject = deny (v) từ chối
 139-142
139. Chọn (B) do chủngữ (We) chỉ người, phía sau có tân ngữ (company) và theo
cấu trúc của thì tương lai tiếp diễn (will be + V-ing).

profile = describe = depict = outline = sketch (v) mô tả/ giới thiệu sơ lược
significant = important = remarkable = meaningful = crucial (adj) quan trọng/
đáng kể/ có ý nghĩa
founder = promoter (n) người sáng lập
public-domain : khu vực/ vùng công cộng
 143-146
Curator (n): người phụ trách (bảo tàng)
be encouraged to do something : được khuyến khích làm gì
extension (n) sự mở rộng/ số máy lẻ
 147-148:
147. C (a special discount on travel during the month of April)
- round-trip ticket = return ticket : vé khứ hồi
- one-way ticket : vé một chiều
- fare = ticket price = cost = charge = fee (n) tiền vé
- companion = friend = partner = intimate = confidant (n) bạn/ người đồng hành
 149-150
149. A (Social Media Trends for Business Success)
 151-152:
151. D (Welcome to Harrod Automotive Manufacturing! ... We ask that the
following rules be strictly observed while you are touring the assembly floor.)
Strictly: nghiêm ngặt
Violation (n): sự vi phạm
Evacuation (n): sơ tán
 153-154:
153. B (There are some boxes marked “Accounting” in here. Are they yours?)
154. C (l’ll set aside some time on Wednesday to sort through them.)
Shred (v): cắt thành mảnh vụn
 155-157:
Foot plantar: lòng bàn chân
Pressure: áp suất
Sensor: cảm biến
 158-160:
159. A (Nhiệm vụ của từng người trong các lựa chọn:
- Ông Kim: được giao xử lý yêu cầu
- Ông Lerner: Đối tác của bà Randall
- Ông Roper: thợ sửa mái nhà
- Ông Blanch: người phê duyệt yêu cầu của bà Randall)
 161-163
161. A (According to Babson’s CEO Daniel Deems, Deluxident’s fingerprint-
scanning system is a significant improvement over other security products the
company has tried in the past.)
Fingerprint entry system: hệ thống quét vân tay
 164-167:
164. C (After searching through Lewis and Clark County's public property tax
records online, I discovered that …)
166. A ( I have spoken with many Helena residents who have fond memories of
your building, and they would like to see it transformed into a usable structure
Modest: khiêm tốn
Structure: cấu trúc
Modification: sự sửa đổi
Usable: có thể sử dụng
 168-171:
168. B (3 đoạn gạch đầu dòng giải thích từng loại bảng tin được đặt ở đâu và sử
dụng cho mục đích gì.)
 172-175:
172. D ( I just logged in to my guest loyalty program account and noticed that the
nights I stayed at the Grand Jurony Hotel last month haven't been credited. Are my
lovalty points being processed?)
175. D (Các yếu tố về điểm được đề cập trong bài:
- Points are good for one year after the check-out date.
- Mr. Hashimoto, I have added the points to your account. (sau khi ông Hashimoto
hoàn thành lần nghỉ tại khách sạn)
- With your new points, you are eligible to either upgrade your room for the stay
you reserved …)
Loyalty: trung thành
 176-180:
178. D (Your first trip will be to our headquarters next week, followed by visits to
the rest of our facilities at the end of the month.)
179. D (By the way, you have already been assigned your own personal parking
space, but you will need to contact the transportation operations department to
obtain a parking permit for display purposes)
180. C (Workplace dress codes vary by location. Headquarters in London and the
Glasgow office require staff to wear formal business attire, while business casual
attire is approved for staff at our Dublin and Belfast manufacturing plants.)
Handbook: cẩm nang
Desighate: được chỉ định
 181-185:
183. A (It would also help if each of you brought copies of your latest budget
report and projected cost estimates for next quarter.)
185. C (- Web site updates: Present recent changes to ski- apparel page
- Print publications: Review final changes to spring sportswear catalog)
Agenda: chương trình nghị sự
Outreach: tiếp cận
 186-190:
Launch: bệ phóng, khai trương
Career: sự nghiệp
Animate: hoạt hình
Separetely: tách biệt nhau
Honour: vinh dự
Electronically: điện tử
 191-195:
195. A (The director offered me the position during our interview, and I will be
starting on 1 June.)
Referral: giới thiệu
Admiration: sự ngưỡng mộ
Tremendous: to lớn
Settle: ổn định
Criteria: tiêu chuẩn
Adenquate: đầy đủ
 196-200:
198. D (We have been purchasing more color ink than usual because staff
members are using the color printers for scanning and printing when the black-and-
white printers are in use.)
199. C (Email 2: Your first regularly scheduled servicing date will be one month
from delivery
Unfortunately, they will not be arriving until December 18.)
200. A (We also have Truzplan. With this affordable remote- printing service, we
can securely print your scanned documents and bring them to your office when you
need them.)
Morale: tinh thần
Meantime: trong khi chờ đợi
Consecutive: liên tục, liên tiếp
Emergency: tình trạng khẩn cấp

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