Experimental Design - Asad - 55 - MBA 2nd

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Name: Asad Khan Roll No: 55 MBA 2nd (Afternoon)

Answer 1:

I) What is the treatment in each case?

A. Three teaching methodologies

B. Different colors of packaging
C. Different brands of paper towel
D. Different leave policies
E. Different locations of a customer’s choice
F. Different aged
G. Various conditions such as silence and distraction
H. Different colors of exam paper

II) What are the different potential experimental units?

A. MBA students
B. Customers
C. Paper towel (product) strength
D. Attendance
E. Retail outlet
F. Workers
G. Words
H. Students

III) How Systematic Error and Random Error can be introduced in the experiment?

Random errors in experimental measurements are caused by unknown and unpredictable

changes in the experiment. These changes may occur in the measuring instruments or in the
environmental conditions.

Systematic errors in experimental observations usually come from the measuring instru-
ments. They may occur because:

there is something wrong with the instrument or its data handling system, or
because the instrument is wrongly used by the experimenter.

Random and systematic errors could be:

Students are not interested in either of the teaching methods. They were only taking the classes
for attendance purpose only not for learning. Systematic error could be the teacher taught all
three groups of MBA students with traditional method of teaching only.

Name: Asad Khan Roll No: 55 MBA 2nd (Afternoon)

The customers were more biased toward quality of the product. The colors of the different
packaging were much preferred by the customers. Which causes random error. Systematic error
in the experiment could be different color of the packaging. Some colors are disliked by people
according to their gender. For example, pink color is mostly preferred by females and red or blue
is preferred by males.

IV) What can cause Confounding in the experiment?

A confounding variable is an outside influence that changes the effect of a dependent and
independent variable. This extraneous influence is used to influence the outcome of an
experimental design. Simply, a confounding variable is an extra variable entered into the
equation that was not accounted for.
The confounding variable in experiment “A” could be institute policy of teaching only with
traditional methods by avoiding the technology as much as possible due to increase in cost.
In experiment “B” the confounding variable could be the customers income level. The customers
only prefer the substitutes because of the cheap price and better quality.

V) What is the Primary Response and what can be the Surrogate Response?

A primary response means the response obtained by experimenter directly from

experimental units in the context of experiment “A” the response comes from students
are to be known as primary response.
Where surrogate response comes from archive or previous data collected from
experiments of the same nature.

Name: Asad Khan Roll No: 55 MBA 2nd (Afternoon)

Answer 2:

The word “science” has been derived from a Latin word “Scientia” which means knowledge. The
knowledge gained through “observation” and “experimentation” is known as science. As science
deals with nature, it is also called natural philosophy. Which means an organized study of nature.
The field of ‘science’ is often grouped into:
Natural science
life or biological science (the study of living organisms) and physical science (the study of the
material universe including physics, chemistry, space science etc.)
Social science
The study of society and people (such as anthropology, psychology)
Formal science
The study of logic and mathematics
Applied science
Disciplines that rely on science and use existing scientific knowledge to develop new
applications, such as in engineering, robotics, agriculture and medicine.
Both natural science and social science are known as empirical sciences. This means that any
theories must be based on observable phenomena, reproducibility of results and peer review. The
most interesting thing about science is that it’s never finished. Every discovery leads to more
questions, new mysteries, to something else that needs explaining.
Philosophy and science are two studies and domains. Philosophy came first and became the basis
for science, formerly known as natural philosophy. Both studies have many branches or fields of
study and make use reasoning, questioning, and analysis. The main difference is in the way they
work and treats knowledge. Science is concerned with natural phenomena, while philosophy
attempts to understand the nature of man, existence, and the relationship that exists between the
two concepts.
“Science” comes from a Latin word (Scientia), while “philosophy” was derived from the Greek
Another common element between the two studies is that they both try to explain situations and
find answers. Philosophy does this by using logical argumentation, while science utilizes
empirical data. Philosophy’s explanations are grounded in arguments of principles, while science
tries to explain based on experiment results, observable facts, and objective evidence.

Name: Asad Khan Roll No: 55 MBA 2nd (Afternoon)

Science is used for instances that require empirical validation, while philosophy is used for
situations where measurements and observations cannot be applied. Science also takes answers
and proves them as objectively right or wrong.
Subjective and objective questions are involved in philosophy, while only some objective
questions can be related in science. Aside from finding answers, philosophy also involves
generating questions. Meanwhile, science is only concerned with the latter. Philosophy creates
knowledge through thinking; science does the same by observing. Science is also a defined
study, in contrast to philosophy, which can be applied to many extensive areas of discipline.
Scientific management methods provide following benefits and advantages:
Reduction in the Cost of Production:
It increases production with the help of mechanization and latest technology used in producing
the goods. On account of large-scale production, per unit cost of production is considerably

Better Quality Products:

By resorting to the measures of standardization and effective supervision, better quality products
are ensured.

Benefits of Division of Labor:

The principle of specialization adopted under scientific management ensures the benefits derived
from the division of labor. The work is simplified and is carried out in most economical and
efficient manner.

Avoidance of Disputes between Labor and Management:

Scientific management is instrumental in developing healthy cooperation between the
management and the labor thereby encouraging cordial and harmonious relations between the
two. This leads to reduction in industrial disputes and provides of industrial peace. The concept
of ‘Mental Revolution’ has been evolved by F.W. Taylor for developing close understanding,
mutual trust and confidence between the labor and management.

Name: Asad Khan Roll No: 55 MBA 2nd (Afternoon)

Increased Wages:
Scientific management aims at higher productivity and the workers get increased wages. Taylor
suggested a differential incentive plan for increased wages to efficient workers. The higher
wages are helpful in increasing the standard of living of the workers.

Gains to Owners/Investors:
Increased productivity and large-scale production leads to more turnovers and enhanced profits
for the investor. The higher profits can be ploughed back for self-financing in order to provide
sound financial base to the concern.

Proper Methods of Selection and Training of Workers:

One of the main principles of scientific management is that it undertakes scientific selection,
placement and training of industrial workers. In this manner, right type of man is selected for the
right type of job.

Provision of Better Working Conditions:

Scientific management provides a proper atmosphere of work to the workers. Proper working
hours followed by rest pauses, adequate lighting, ventilation, ensuring proper safety, provision of
many other amenities etc., are ensured to workers.

Instructions to Workers:
Under scientific management work is carried out systematically in accordance with
predetermined plans. Detailed instructions and guidance are provided to workers in order to carry
out the work in accordance with the plans prepared in advance.

Lesser Production Time:

Scientific management leads to the accomplishment of the work in lesser time. Production
operations are pre-established and this results in lesser production delays.

Name: Asad Khan Roll No: 55 MBA 2nd (Afternoon)

Better Utilization of Resources:

Scientific management techniques ensure optimum utilization of available resources viz.,
materials, machines, equipment, money and workers etc. It removes the wastage and inefficiency
of every kind.

Gains to Consumers:
Scientific management extends triple benefit to the consumers:
 Consumers get better quality products
 Paying lesser prices and
 Attaining higher living standards.

Beneficial to the Nation:

Scientific management provides many advantages to a nation in the form industrial peace and
harmony, increased production and lesser cost of production, higher standard of living for every
section of society, higher national income, rapid industrial development etc. It can be said that
scientific management plays an important role in building a strong nation.

Name: Asad Khan Roll No: 55 MBA 2nd (Afternoon)

Answer 3:

I) Solution:

By calculating the first mean we get

28 + x + 42 + 78 + 104

= x + 252 = 62

= x + 252 = 62 (5)
= x + 252 = 310

From the last equality we get

x + 252 = 310

x = 310 – 252 = 58

Now to get the second mean

48 + 62 + 98 + 124 + x

= 48 + 62 + 98 + 124 + 58

= 390 / 5 = 78

Name: Asad Khan Roll No: 55 MBA 2nd (Afternoon)

II) Solution:

Old average without including the football coach = 30 kg.

New average weight of the group after including the football coach = 30 + 1 = 31 kg.

Total weight of the 30 friends without including the football coach = 30 * 30 = 900.

Total weight of the group after including the weight of the football coach = 31 * 31 = 961 kg.

The weight of the football coach = 961 - 900 = 61 kg.

III) Solution:

The total wages earned during the 15 days that the worker worked = 15 * 90 = $ 1350

The total wages earned during the first 7 days = 7 * 87 = $ 609

The total wages earned during the first 7 days = 7 * 92 = $ 644

Total wages earned during 15 days = wages during first 7 days + wage on 8th day + wages
during the last 7 days

1350 = 609 + wage on 8th day + 644

Wage on 8th day = 1350 – 609 – 644

Wage on 8th day = $ 97

Name: Asad Khan Roll No: 55 MBA 2nd (Afternoon)

IV) Solution:

Average age of a group of 10 students= 20

The sum of the ages = 10 x 20 = 200

Now two new students join the group, the average age increases by 2

New average = 22

Number of students=12

Sum of the ages of all 12 = 12 x 22 = 264

Difference of ages= 264 - 200 = 64

The average age of each of the two new students = 64/2 = 32 years

V) Solution:

The average of 5 positive integers = 40 implies that the sum of 5 positive integers = 40 * 5 = 200

Let the smallest integer = s and the largest integer = l, then l - s = 10 or l = s + 10

We have to maximize s + 10, and for s + 10 to be maximum, all other terms should be minimum,
and the smallest integer is s. So other terms should be equal to s.

Hence, s + s + s + s + (s + 10) = 200

5s = 190

s = 38

s + 10 = 48

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