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Nombre del alumno/a:

1. Completa cada hueco con el cuantificador apropiado de los que se te ofrecen: a/some/any:

● She hasn't got _______ luck. She's very unlucky.

● You need ______ time to study for the exam.
● We usually go to ______ cinema near the police station.
● The teacher prepares ______ very difficult exercises.

2. Completa cada hueco con el cuantificador apropiado de los que se te ofrecen: much/ many/
a lot of:

● He made ______ effort to pass the exam.

● We haven't got ______ rain during this winter.
● Do you have ______ friends in Madrid?
● He isn't very rich. I'm sure he hasn't got ______ money.

3. Di si es correcta o no la traducción de esta oración. En caso negativo, corrige su traduc-

ción: “¿Cuántos centros comerciales hay en la ciudad? = How many shopping centres there
is in the city?”.

4. Completa las oraciones con la forma afirmativa del presente simple:

● She ______ (live) in a nice flat.

● They ______ (drive) on the right in Great Britain.
● Ice ______ (become) water at 0ºC.
● We ______ (like) going to the beach in summer.

5. Completa con los verbos entre paréntesis en la forma adecuada del presente simple (afir-
mativa, negativa, interrogativa):

● ______ a cup of coffee? (you/ want)

● The stars ______ at night. (shine)
● Some animals ______ swim. (not can)
● My sister usually ______ with Ryanair. (fly)

6. Completa las oraciones con los verbos en presente continuo:

● The students ______ an exam, be quiet! (make)

● ______ a new house? (your parents/ search)
● She ______ on that project now. (not work)
● Mary ______ the cake in the oven. (bake)

7. Completa las oraciones con el tiempo verbal adecuado (presente simple o continuo):

● The situation _____ (be) very bad at the moment because he ______ (not can) find a job.
● I usually _____ (get up) very early but today is Sunday and I _____ (get up) up later.
● You ______ (make) a stupid joke, please be quiet!

8. Completa las oraciones con la forma del pasado simple adecuada (afirmativa, ne-
gativa o interrogativa) de estos verbos:

●He to Madrid to get the new car. (travel)

●The students to the teacher. (not listen)
● He a lot of food to the party. (carry)
●What ? (he/ decide)
●She the email that morning. (write)

9. Completa los huecos con el grado adecuado del adjetivo entre paréntesis. La
oración en la que va cada adjetivo te indicará si necesitas el grado comparativo o el
superlativo. A veces necesitarás poner una, dos o incluso tres palabras en el hueco:
● This is the exam in my life. (difficult)
● Hamburgers are pizzas. (bad)
● This watch is the necklace. (expensive)
● She lives in the building in the city. (high)

10. Une cada verbo con su complemento para construir acciones habituales en la vida de
una persona, usando: go/ comb/ have/ clean:

______ to bed ______ breakfast

______ your teeth ______ your hair

______ a shower ______ to work


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