Group 10

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-The Importance of Addressing Global Issues

( -Why it's essential to tackle global issues)

Global issues cause local impacts - extreme weather, disasters,

Interconnectedness - pandemics, conflicts cross borders.
Massive scale - 736 million in poverty, 150,000 climate deaths.
Require coordinated efforts - individuals, communities, leaders act
Solutions possible - persistence and solidarity drive progress.
Temperatures up 1.9°F since 1880
3 billion may face water shortages by 2050
736 million in extreme poverty
800 million lack electricity
811 million undernourished, up 161 million
Richest 1% have twice the wealth of 6.9 billion
2 billion lack health services
3 million die from preventable diseases
258 million children not in school
617 million cannot read or do basic math
Women hold only 25.6% of parliamentary seats
Women hold 33.3% of managerial positions

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