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According to the constitution, men and women have the same rights in every

area. After independence, women were granted a variety of rights. Right to

vote, right to a valid marriage, right to inherit property, right to a divorce, and
right to dowry. In order to give men equal pay, the Equal Remuneration Act
was created in 1976. Muslim women now have more protections from triple
talaq. Women still face numerous societal problems, however, while having
more legal protection on a social level. Equal pay for equal work only exists
on paper. Women work less than males do in the private sector in general.
Even if she wins and keeps a job after winning an election in a rural location,
her husband or other family members take over her responsibilities. Even
still, the number of these Kurutis is declining extremely slowly. Women are
entitled to an equal part of the property. But 80% of women in the nation still
do not receive a share in the assets owned by their parents.This proportion is
higher than 95% in rural areas. Only family members will object when a
woman requests her share. Today, women have more opportunities than ever
before in fields like the military and the defense industry. But only a small
number of places and women can take advantage of this chance. Women still
face barriers to education and equal opportunity in rural communities.

The fact that 70% of Indians live in villages is a significant social dilemma
for the nation.However, there are not even 30% as many facilities as there are
in cities. The agricultural sector is continuously backward and youth are
migrating continuously to the cities. Agriculture now results in constant loss.
In thousands of villages throughout the nation, only the elderly remains to
live. The young people have left the villages in search of jobs and better
amenities.The reason for this is the lack of facilities in rural areas. The youth
who lead a livelihood by farming are troubled. Because of this, the farmers
are constantly agitating to obtain more benefits and discounts. In recent days,
farmers are agitating all over the country on the issue of support price and
free market. Discrimination in urban and rural life continues to be a
significant social burden for the nation.

Social problems affect a nation's average citizen, and as justice is a

cornerstone of the Indian democracy and constitution, lawmakers and
enforcers of the law must take initiative to address social injustice and
disparities from time to time.

Our history, customs, and cultural stereotypes may contain social issues. And
just as India does, every nation in the globe deals with a variety of societal
problems like racism, illiteracy, inequality, etc. India, an ancient culture with
frequent changes of rulers, has its unique societal problems. Unfortunately,
more than 29% of Indians live in poverty in the current era. Therefore, it is
everyone's responsibility to uphold the true values of social justice.

Last but not least, social issues can cause unhappiness, disruptions, and
violence if they are not resolved. Social law issues will take on different
forms and shapes as we all transition to a new millennial generation where
technology has become the new norm. We must be ready to approach the
same challenges as before.

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