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Peter (Administrator and Trustee) and Caroline Thorpe (Founder)


Isaiah 61:1: The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed and qualified me to preach the Gospel of good
tidings to the meek, the poor, and afflicted; He has sent me to bind up and heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the
[physical and spiritual] captives and the opening of the prison and of the eyes to those who are bound...

Who we are
The Touching Hearts course was first presented in 1992. Touching Hearts was registered as Trust in 2003, we are a non-
denominational Ministry, working together with Dr Raj in Asia and relating to Dr Reg Kliminok in Australia. We are a Holy Spirit
Ministry, focusing on outreach, discipling, healing and deliverance, equipping as well as preparing the Bride for the return of the
Lord Jesus Christ.

Venue for the group was provided by one of the people from Tzaneen who attended the Touching Hearts introduction and is the
owner of this beautiful game farm.

This group is situated in Kampersrus (Limpopo Province) which is 30 km outside of Hoedspruit towards White River. Hannah
Barnes is Monitoring in this region.

Four people were baptized this season and two people gave their lives to the Lord.

One of the group members was unfairly dismissed from her job. This lady was able to respond in love. Due to the Lord equipping
her through the lessons of Bitterness, Forgiveness and Performance Orientation. She said that she would have responded very
differently had she not had the blessing of the lessons.

12 people collectively from the two weekend groups went to Gauteng for the Weekend Camp. The Scripture for the two
groups at the beginning of the season was about the Lord parting the Red sea for the Israelites to move through. This same
Scripture was the theme Scripture for the Camp. More breakthroughs took place and more relationships were healed.

From left Melanie Cleary (Team member), Jorette Boshoff (Team leader), Madelein
(Monitor), Samantha Avontuur (Far right, Team member)

One of the ladies testified in terms of Victory over conflict areas. She could ask the Lord for forgiveness for judging her
mother for not being there for her when she was growing up. This lady ended up on the streets (but has now been off
the streets for five years), deserting her children as part of the sowing and reaping dishonoring of parents curse. God
restored her relationship with her mother when she asked her mother to forgive her for judging her, the Lord also re-
stored this ladies’ relationship with her children.

This same lady was also struggling with terrible back pain. The Lord showed her that it is linked with bitterness. During
the lesson of Bitterness she repented of the bitterness and her back pain went!

One of the ladies used to be a addicted to “tik (crystal methamphetamine)” and had been on the streets for years.
Another one of the ladies reside close to this lady. This lady asked the lady, who had being doing the course for quite
some time, to ask the team to come and pray for her. They went and prayed for her, she gave her life to the Lord and
is now doing the course.

One of the ladies came to apologise to Madelein for just disappearing for certain time periods and not following her
advice. This lady told Madelein that the Lord had been speaking to her through dreams that she must ask forgiveness
for her disobedience. Something which she was not previously convicted of.

This group is held in a shack in Chicago which belongs to one
of the grandmothers. There are approximately 30 children. After they
had done the lesson on Forgiveness, they testified that they had asked
their parents and teachers for forgiveness, for things they had done
which the Lord convicted them of.

They enjoy praise and worship for an half an hour each time they meet.
These children love the story which Caroline tells about the Snow Queen,
and realise that sin will turn one’s heart into ice. What stood out for
them in the lesson of Forgiveness is that one has to forgive in the name
of Jesus, also that if they will not forgive others God will not be able to
forgive them for their sins.

Children’s group in Belville, sowed an amount of R 992

for India on their India day!
Joshua Goosen (13) explained what TH’s meant to him:

“For the time that I have been here I have learnt that
you can trust God and rely on Him. I learnt to pray and
to walk in the Lord’s path. Also to walk in God’s light. In
my seven years that I have been with Touching Hearts,
the sixth year was the best one that I have had.
Touching Hearts also helped me to be honest and to
practice patience as well as to love people. It will
Joshua Goosen maybe be my last time doing the course but I will
always remember the lessons which I learnt at
Touching Hearts, they will always stay in my heart.”

This group is situated between Carletonville and


The group is held on a Saturday morning in the “hoenderhok

(chicken coop)” on Barnie’s small holding.

“We praise Jesus for the opportunity to be able to present

the course to the children in our area and can see Jesus’s
love for the Youth, by the way in which He comes to touch
the children by His Holy Spirit on a weekly basis. All glory to
our King Jesus!”

Barnie Pretorius (Monitor)

Adree Mudge (Windhoek Monitor) and Henry (10th grandchild) who
was born on the 13th of March 2017.

Windhoek team

Tilla Malan (Monitor) baptized the von Bergen family in September. Helen von Bergen (Mother) who had
done the course twice, had been praying fervently for two weeks for an opportunity for her family to be

Another three people were baptized the following day!

From left: Nadia du Plessis (Team leader), Heilet van Zyl doing course for the 4th time, Stella Barclay (newcomer).

Stella is enjoying the course and was baptized in the last week of October.

From left: Barbara Bezuidenhout, Alida Reynders (newcomer), Biago Cassieri

At the time when Biago was losing hope his friend in the Western Cape encour-
aged him to do the course. He was very reluctant when he saw that we
watched teachings on DVD, but by the 4th lesson his heart changed. Now he
cannot imagine what would have happened if God had not sent him to the
Touching Hearts Ministry.

Danie Schutte and Andrè Reitsma (Team members) Nqobile Thela (left) & Chanel de Kock (right)

Nqobile did the course a about 8 or more years ago, and joined the group now again. She is loving it.
Chanel is a young single mother who was referred to the Ministry by a friend doing the course in a Pretoria group. The Lord is
changing her life through the course and she came at a very challenging and difficult time of her life.

The highlight of October was Caroline and Peter's visit.

They did the lesson on the Occult with the Centurion
and Pretoria group and the people were very blessed
to meet them. Caroline encouraged the morning
groups with a special word of being ready for Jesus'
return and not to get distracted, even by one's close

The Weekend Camp took place at Bergkroon Faith Centre in Wellington Western Cape from the Friday
evening of the 27th of October and ended on Sunday the 29th of October. Teachings on Healing Sexual
Wounds, Leaving, Cleaving and one Flesh, Intimacy in Marriage and How precious I am in God’s sight were

418 people attended of which 168 people were newcomers! Attendees were all from the Western Cape.

Much deep healing and deliverance took place during the teaching and ministry times.

Many recommitments and conversions took place. All glory to the Lord Jesus!

A lady testified about how she was conceived outside of wedlock. The family was pressurizing her mother to
have an abortion. Later in her life the Lord revealed to her that at birth they had wanted to kill her. She had a
terrible fear deep inside of her which she was unaware of. She always wanted to die
During ministry time she saw a presence which looked like Jesus, but the face changed and became a gaping
black hole which wanted to swallow her. Then a meteorite of light shot through it and it evaporated. She real-
ized that she was actually afraid to die and this fear was hiding on the inside of her. During ministry time they
prayed for her and she could feel something in the spirit moving in her stomach, it was like a bug trying to
hide. In the ministry time a lady who prayed for her gave her the scripture Psalm 118 vs 17:
“I will not die, but live, and declare the works and recount the illustrious acts of the Lord.”

She said that now she is declaring the works of the Lord.

“We just want to give the Lord praise for an enjoyable weekend and we just want to say thank you for the live-
streaming. It was awesome! It felt like we were at Bergkroon. We had special times during the praise and worship and
we give all the glory and honour to Jesus.” Tommy Anthony (Paarl East Mission Group Monitor)

Marie September testified that like a mechanic

lifts a car up to see where the problem is, the
Holy Spirit does the same with us. Sometimes if
one is in a relationship there may be a small
problem, but if attention is not given to it then
it can grow until the two partners no longer
understand each other. Then the fault actually
lies with oneself, but one wants to blame the
other person. She admitted to the Lord that her
relationship with Him was not up to standard
anymore. She realized the importance of
regularly renewing the relationship with the
Lord. She thanks the Lord that He came and
restored her relationship with Him over the
Mission Weekend Camp.

Maureen Cyster testified that there were many things

which she heard which she had not heard in churches.
She is grateful to the Lord for Caroline as the Lord looked
for one who would be willing to go and live it out. Maureen
also mentioned how the devil comes to put doubts in one’s
mind as to who one truly is. During the Camp the Lord
came to address these things. The Lord did great things in
her life during the Camp and she wants to give the Lord
Jesus all the praise and the glory.

People from Port Elizabeth, Hermon. Humansdorp, Jeffrey’s Bay and Tstitsikamma attended the Weekend Camp held in Jeffrey’s
Bay from the 3rd till the 5th of November. Thereafter Caroline visited some of the groups of the TH Centres which attended the

Gauteng Weekend Camp, held in Hekpoort Magaliesburg at the Cyara

Youth Centre from the 10th till the 12th of November.

Alex’s group (from Mooiplaas in Pretoria) which

attended the Weekend Camp in Gauteng.

If there was someone who was broken it was me. One is supposed to be a man, but
one may not be on the level to be a man. The word man exists, but does not exist for
most of us who call ourselves a man, but are not a man. People who call themselves
a father, but they are not a father, because you have to embrace, nurture, groom,
equip and develop. But most of the time you do not fulfill that purpose. You do not
accomplish that because of your shortcomings, and we ignore the shortcomings that
are in man because you yourself are a man. When I came to Touching Hearts I was a
broken man. I cried and cried. I thought God, Jesus, when will I stop crying? Right
then I cried even more. It is so amazing what the Lord has brought back into my life
which I have missed all these years through Touching Hearts and Marna. Pastor
Kitching and I are close friends and he just said I must go to Touching Hearts to get
my life sorted out. I will make sure that all my children do the course before they get
married. The Lord is bringing restoration and transformation to many people
through the Touching Hearts people, may the Lord bless you.

The Lord has done a lot through Touching Hearts for me in terms of me serving
in the church as an usher. One can be an usher without fully understanding who
one is in Christ, what one’s purpose is, and what it means to be an usher. It is not
just you standing there in front of people. But it is you being there in the place of
Christ, because now you are representing Him in His house. When your own life
at home is a mess, you cannot be serving others. When people require you to
give them love, you cannot, when people require you to forgive them, if you
have not forgiven yourself it is difficult. During the second time I was doing the
course I actually started to feel some burdens being lifted off of me. I came to
understand Christ’s words when He said, “take My yoke, it is easy for you to car-
ry, come to Me all those who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you

I never really used to understand that until now.

Peter and Caroline visited Helderstroom Prison in Caledon on the 28th of November to
hand out certificates to the course attendees in the prison. This was also a time to hear
their testimonies and to praise God together with them for His victory and what He has
done in their lives.

I grew up without a father and the only father figure I had was my Mom’s cousin who also died when I was a pre-teenager.
When I was 13 years old I went to church because of a girl I was keen on and ended up giving my heart to Jesus at the end of
the service. The Pastor talked to me afterwards and told me that I had to leave my former friends and my girlfriend. Further-
more he said that if I smoked again I would go to hell. The next morning I smoked again and felt so condemned that I immedi-
ately believed that I was now on my way to hell. From this point things went from bad to worse and I ended up in prison.
14 years ago I was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and a pastor I went to speak to said there was no healing for someone with HIV/
AIDS. However, I read the Scripture: I am the same yesterday, today and forever and I found so many Scriptures on healing. I
have never taken any medication over the 14 year period and have now tested NEGATIVE with regards to HIV/AIDS!!!
I have now studied and graduated as a Pastor, but even those studies could not deal with the deep things in my soul and this is
where the Lord Jesus has brought healing through the Touching Hearts course.

When I came here I wasn’t the person I am now. In my room here

there were a lot of people speaking about Touching Hearts. I knew
my heart needed another touch. When I came to the classes I found
myself crying in my chair. What touched me was the lesson on
Leaving and Cleaving. The devil always fights you when you want to
cleave to God. I am now leaving a lot of stuff behind ,and find myself
joined to something wonderful that I didn’t know before.

One lady had a vision of a beach with water withdrawn and rubbish on the beach. As the MTR
proceeded God had been lifting or blowing away the rubbish. The rubbish was things that were
previously covered which she thought she had dealt with. The Lord dealt with the sense of
betrayal, shock and trauma that she experienced through childhood abuse. God really dealt
with those issues. In the vision the sea came back over the sand and it was like a covering of
peace and tranquility. She is leaving the MTR with a good sweep clean and just an incredible
sense of peace and knowing God’s love on a deeper level.

Lady testified how she had been attacked by demons three years ago. This lady had a
Masters degree in psychology but did not know what to do. She did not know at that time
that the battle is not against flesh and blood. In the profession that she comes from the
people develop theories for better visibility relating to the problems people have. What she
now realizes is that there is no better visibility than the Holy Spirit. This lady’s eyes have been
opened to see how the devil hi-jacks people called for the Lord’s work. She mentioned how
there are many in the industry of psychology and psychiatry who have good intentions but
neglect Jesus and the visibility of the Holy Spirit and therefore work further into the traps of
the enemy. This lady mentioned how the veil has been lifted from her eyes and she now
knows that she must do the works of Jesus as stated in Matthew 10 vs 8.

We are into the new year and getting into the swing of our new groups. We are thankful to the Fa-
ther for the MTR during December!! We praise Him for every breakthrough and healing that He
brought to so many during the very special time we had together in the Presence of the Lord. He
encouraged us in so many ways through His love, and I believe prepared our hearts for this next 6
months. We were blessed by the word of the “Ice-skates He is putting on our feet”, also of how we
would need to “lean forward” as we skate, by leaning forward and pushing through into the calling
He has for us.
I believe the Father is showing us, that as we handle the testing, challenging and stretching times
and we come through with an “excellent spirit” in having victory in those hard times. So He will
trust us with knowing that we can handle the blessings and the provision in the areas of challenge.
I believe the Lord has been showing me that 2017 had been a year of “alignment”, a year of much
stretching of faith and for some a journey of a “wilderness” experience. In Deut 8:2 it states that
there are 4 reasons why the Lord allows us to go through the wilderness.:
1. To humble us;
2. To prove us;
3. To know what is in our mind and heart;
4. Whether we will keep His commandments or not.
There are no shortcuts to the promised land, we have to go through the wilderness to get there.
After Joshua and Caleb had been through the dessert, they came through it with an “excellent spir-
it” in the place of victory and in faith, and the Lord called them to enter the promised land of “milk
and honey” in receiving their “inheritance” as they came into intimacy with the Lord. This was after
they took up their authority over the forces of darkness, as their faith had been tried and tested,
the Lord entrusted them with the commission of taking on the “giants in the land.”
My prayer is that this may be true for myself and each one of us in 2018, that we can take on the
“giants in the land” with an “excellent spirit”, in putting our full trust in Him, in walking in His
“newness of life”.
We have had so many confirmations from different sources that 2018 is a year of new beginnings
and “newness of life” The Lord has also laid Isaiah 60:1-3, and the rest of the chapter upon my
heart. I do believe He wants to bring in the Harvest, with us walking in His Glory and in His Pres-
May the Father anoint us all for the “work He has prepared for us” from “before the foundation of
the earth.” May we all keep pushing into Him, and pushing through, and not give up till there is
Enjoy the TH’s Ministry and be blessed in all you put your hand to do for Him, through Him, for His
Much Jesus love to you all
Caroline Thorpe


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