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Siti, Andi dan Nugi/The Influence of Autocratic Leadership and Work Discipline..


ISSN: 2407-6325
The Asia Pacific
Journal of Management Studies Vol. 8No.1

The Influence of Autocratic Leadership and Work Discipline on

Employee Performance of the “ABC” City Culture and
Tourism Office
Siti Maesaroh Solihah* Andi Budiawan** Nugi Mohammad Nugraha***
* Universitas Widyatama Bandung
** Universitas Widyatama Bandung
*** Universitas Widyatama Bandung

Article Info Abstract

Keywords: The purpose of this study was to determine the magnitude
Autocratic Leadership, Employee of the influence of autocratic leadership and work discipline on
Performance, Work Discipline. employee performance at the “ABC” City Tourism and Culture
Office, either simultaneously or partially. In this research, the
object to be studied is the “ABC” City Culture and Tourism
Office. The scope of the study was to determine the extent of the
influence of autocratic leadership and work discipline on the
Corresponding Author: performance of employees at the “ABC” City Culture and
Tourism Office, with a sample of 76 respondents. The results of
nugi.mohammad@widyatama.ac.id the partial analysis of the relationship between autocratic
leadership and performance are tcount 2.149 > 1.993 (ttable),
so it can be concluded that autocratic leadership (X1) has a
partial effect on performance (Y). The results of the partial
analysis of the relationship between work discipline and
The Asia Pacific Journal of performance are tcount 10.049 > 1.993 (ttable), so it can be
Management Studies
concluded that work discipline (X2) has a partial effect on
Volume 8 Nomor 1
Januari – April 2021 performance (Y). The results of the simultaneous analysis are
ISSN 2407-6325 Fcount 51.794 > 3.12 (Ftable), so it can be concluded that there
Hal. 29-38 is an influence between autocratic leadership (X1) and work
©2021 APJMS. All rights reserved. discipline (X2) simultaneously on performance (Y).

The Asia Pacific Journal of Management Volume 8 No. 1, (2021)

Introduction Based on the pre-survey activities conducted

by the author using the interview method to the
In an organization, human resources have a
HRD of the “ABC” City Culture and Tourism
very important role in the running of organizational
Office, information was obtained that there was a
activities. To manage each individual to work
decrease in the performance of the employees of the
optimally, human resource management is required
“ABC” City Culture and Tourism Office. Even
as a tool to extend the potency, effectiveness, and
though performance is a measure that everyone in
productivity of the organization's work as a full.
an organization has successfully carried out their
Each organization will always try to encourage
duties properly.
each individual to work optimally in completing
their duties or responsibilities within the The phenomenon that occurs in the “ABC”
organization. Human resources can be said to be City Culture and Tourism Office is the ups and
optimal if their performance is good, that is, they downs of the results of the Employee Performance
can achieve the goals or targets set in the Assessment (PPK) which result in a decline in
organization. employee performance. It is known that this decline
occurred due to the inadequacy of several elements
Regional apparatus is an organization or
(PPK PNS) as a measure of performance in
institution within the Regional Government that is
government organizations. The Civil Servant Job
accountable to the Regional Head in the framework
Performance Assessment consists of the following
of administering governance in the region. The
elements: Employee Work Goals (SKP) & Work
Regency / City Regional Office is the implementing
Behavior. In this case, the achievement of
elements of the Regency / City Government led by
employees' actual performance with the given
a Head who is under and responsible to the Regent
targets/tasks is not appropriate, even in employee
/ Mayor through the Regional Secretary. The
work behavior. Work behavior itself consists of
Regency / City Regional Office has the task of
several aspects/indicators, namely: commitment,
exercising decentralization authority. The Regency
integrity, service orientation, cooperation,
/ City Regional Office consists of a maximum of 14
discipline, and leadership which is considered not
optimal. This contrasts with the efforts that must be
One of the offices in “ABC” is the “ABC” made so that the “ABC” City Culture and Tourism
City Culture and Tourism Office. The Department Office can carry out its duties and jobs properly,
of Culture and Tourism of the City of “ABC” is one which is shown by the work results / good
of the Regional Apparatus which organizes performance of employees as well.
government affairs in the fields of culture, tourism,
Based on interviews with HRD, it is known
and the creative economy. The position of the
that one of the causes of the decline in employee
service is an element of implementing government
performance is the type of autocratic leadership
affairs that organizes the cultural and tourism sector
applied by the “ABC” City Culture and Tourism
which is regulated in the “ABC” City Regional
Office. As it is known, the type of autocratic
Regulation Number 08 of 2016 concerning the
leadership is a type of leadership that is not
Formation and Composition of Regional Apparatus
appropriate to be applied in an organization. The
of the City of “ABC”. The regional apparatus of the
application of this type of autocratic leadership
“ABC” City Culture and Tourism Service has the
causes employee limitations in communicating,
most task of polishing off government affairs
both in terms of providing opinions or ideas, and
within the cultural and tourism sector based on the
leaders do not involve subordinates in decision
principles of autonomy and assistance tasks.
making. This causes employees to be

Siti, Andi dan Nugi/The Influence of Autocratic Leadership and Work Discipline../29-38

uncomfortable with the type of leadership that is and widely recognized, namely the autocratic type,
applied. the free-control type, the paternalistic type, the
charismatic type, the militaristic type, the pseudo-
Besides, the cause of the decline in employee
democratic type and finally the democratic type.
performance at the “ABC” City Culture and
Tourism Office is work discipline. The HRD Autocratic leadership considers that
explained that the decrease within the level of leadership is a personal right (leader), so it doesn't
discipline is often seen from the presence of get to talk to others and nobody else ought to
employees who are still not following the rules in interfere. A leader who is classified as autocratic
terms of dress, behavior, and there are other has several characteristics that tend to be negative.
disciplinary violations such as abuse of authority The prominent characteristic is the selfish attitude
and degrading the image of government of an autocratic leader. An autocratic leader in
organizations. The researcher also obtained making decisions always ignores the role of
attendance data which showed that the level of subordinates, refusing to accept suggestions and
discipline/employee attendance fluctuated, the views that come from his subordinates. Hasibuan
largest alpha percentage was in November by 25% (2017) suggests dimensions of autocratic leadership
and December by 30%, besides that the largest style, namely:
percentage of late was in November by 17% and a. Absolute authority is centered on leadership
December by 15%. Though work discipline is very b. Decisions made by leaders
influential on the performance results of an c. Subordinates are not allowed to provide
organization. opinions/suggestions
d. Lack of attention to feelings and welfare of
Leadership is one of all the factors that
impact the achievement of organizational goals.
e. Leadership is focused only on work
Here the leader must direct his subordinates to do a
good job to accomplish organizational goals.
f. Leaders do not provide information on
According to Nitesemito (2014), states that
organizational conditions
leadership in organizations is directed to influence
the people they lead so that they want to act as Discipline is one sign that a worker is good.
expected or directed by others who lead them. Therefore, every company and organization
Meanwhile, Yukl (2012) says that leadership is that certainly expect good human resources, namely
the method of influencing others to know and agree being able to comply with written and unwritten
on what's required in concluding tasks and the way regulations set by companies and organizations to
to hold out that task, moreover as a method to achieve their goals (Idris, 2018). According to
facilitate individual and collective efforts to realize Singodimedjo (2005), states that discipline is an
common goals. attitude of a person's willingness and willingness to
follow and obey the prevailing regulatory norms
According to Hasibuan (2017), states that
around him. Meanwhile, according to Luthans
leadership vogue is means a pacesetter influences
(2005), states that discipline is the key to the
the behavior of subordinates that aims to encourage
success of a company in accomplishing its
job enthusiasm, job satisfaction, and high worker
objectives. Hidayat (2017), that discipline is the
productivity, to attain the most extreme
knowledge and ability of an individual to follow all
organizational goals. Meanwhile, Basna (2016),
company regulations and relevant social norms.
states that The leadership style represents the
Awareness here is the attitude of someone who
leader's attitude in politics, skills, and philosophy.
willingly obeys all the rules and is conscious of
The leadership style is the result of the design of
their duties and obligations, whereas willingness is
behavior patterns to achieve certain goals by
an attitude, conduct, acts of someone who complies
integrating organizational goals with individual
goals. Several types of leadership are recognized

The Asia Pacific Journal of Management Volume 8 No. 1, (2021)

with the business, whether written or not (Putri, R. accomplished by an employee in carrying out his
K., Sandriawan, A. A., & Puspasari, 2020). duties in compliance with the responsibilities
assigned to him.
There are two types of job discipline
Mangkunegara (2015), namely preventive According to Sutrisno (2016), employee
discipline and corrective discipline. Preventive performance is influenced by the effectiveness and
discipline is an attempt to encourage workers to efficiency of the following factors, authority, and
obey and comply with job guidelines, the laws that responsibility, discipline, and initiative. According
have been outlined by the company. Its basic aim is to Setiawan (2014) to measure performance can use
to organize self-disciplined workers. In a the following indicators:
preventive way, employees can maintain a. Accuracy in completing tasks
themselves against company regulations (Rizani, b. Suitability of working hours
A. T., & Oktafien, 2020). Meanwhile, corrective c. Attendance rate
discipline is an attempt to encourage workers to
Previous research is used as a basis for the
unite regulations and direct them to comply with the
preparation of research. The aim is to find out the
regulations in compliance with the relevant
results that have been carried out by previous
guidelines in the business. In corrective
researchers, as well as a comparison and description
punishment, workers who breach discipline need to
that can support subsequent similar research
be punished in compliance with relevant
activities. According to Amalia (2019) in her
regulations (Katiandagho, C., Mandey, S. L., &
research entitled "The influence of leadership and
Mananeke, 2014).
work discipline on employee performance at the
Many indicators influence the level of Banjarmasin City Education Office," the findings
discipline of employees of an organization. show that leadership and job discipline
Singodimedjo (2005) work discipline is divided simultaneously influence employee performance.
into four dimensions, including: Then according to Susantoa (2019) in his research
a. Obeying the rules of time entitled "The Influence of Leadership,
b. Obeying company rules Communication and Work Discipline on the
c. Obeying the rules of behavior in work Performance of Non-Medical Employees at Siti
d. Obeying other regulations Aisyah Lubuklinggau Hospital", the results show
that partially the three variables are only
Employee performance is the function or
disciplinary variables that affect service satisfaction
productivity of employees in carrying out their
to the community. Furthermore, research conducted
work (Widari, 2016). With good performance,
by Hersona (2017) shows that the functions of
every employee can carry out their duties and jobs
leadership, motivation, and employee performance
effectively and efficiently so that the company or
are significantly influenced either partially or
organization can achieve its goals or objectives
simultaneously by work discipline. An increase in
(Amalia, S., & Fakhri, 2016). With that, the
leadership functions, employee motivation, and
company or organization can be said to be
work discipline, can improve employee
successful or achieve success. According to Busro
performance at the Manpower and Transmigration
(2018) performance is the product of work that can
Office of Karawang Regency. Then research with
be done by employees both individually and in
the title "The Leadership Style Effect on The Job
groups in an organization, following the authority
Satisfaction and The Performance" conducted by
and responsibility given by the organization in
Rahmat (2019), the results of the hypothesis test
achieving the vision and mission, and goals of the
show that leadership style has a significant positive
organization with the ability to solve problems
effect on job satisfaction, leadership style has a
following the specified time and not violating laws.
significant positive effect on success, job
Meanwhile, Adha (2019), stated that performance
satisfaction has an effect. significant positive on
is the product of work in quality and quantity

Siti, Andi dan Nugi/The Influence of Autocratic Leadership and Work Discipline../29-38

performance and leadership style by work predetermined hypotheses. Quantitative research

satisfaction has a significant positive impact on methods can be defined as a research method based
performance. And finally, the research conducted on the philosophy of positivism, used to research on
by Budiawan (2019) entitled "The Effect of a particular population or sample, data collection
Organizational Culture and Work Discipline using research instruments, data analysis is
Against Employees Performance Polytechnic "X" quantitative/statistical, to test the established
Bandung" shows that it is positively influenced by hypothesis (Nariswari, 2020; Octavia, 2020). The
organizational culture, and employee performance unit of analysis in this study is all employees who
is simultaneously positively influenced by work are in the Department of Culture and Tourism in
discipline. Employee performance (Y) is “ABC” City. Data collection techniques used in this
simultaneously influenced by organizational research are field studies (interviews and
culture variables (X1) and work discipline (X2). questionnaires) and literature studies. In this study,
0.875% or 87.5%. there are two variables to be examined, namely the
following independent variables represented by
The hypothesis of this study are as follows:
Autocratic Leadership (X1) and Work Discipline
H1 : Autocratic leadership have a positive effect
(X2), as well as the dependent variable represented
on employee performance
by Employee Performance (Y). The population in
H2 : Work discipline has a positive influence on
this study were 76 employees of the “ABC” City
employee performance
Culture and Tourism Office. Because the total
H3 : Autocratic leadership and work discipline
population is not greater than 100 respondents, the
has a positive influence on employee
authors take 100% of the total population at the
“ABC” City Culture and Tourism Office, which is
76 people. Thus, the entire population is used
without having to draw the research sample. The
Research Methodology
data analysis technique in this research will be
The research method used in this research is carried out by qualitative and quantitative analysis
the descriptive verification method with a (Nugraha, 2020; Widajatun, 2019). The data
quantitative approach (Setiawan, 2021). According analysis used is multiple linear regression analysis
to Nugraha (2019); Sugiyono (2017) the descriptive (Nugraha, 2021; Wijaya, 2020). To simplify data
method is research conducted to determine the management, researchers used the SPSS (Statistical
existence of independent variables, either only in Package and Social Science) software 20 for
one or more variables (independent variables) Windows, to generate data from several tests such
without making comparisons and looking for as Classical Assumption Test, Multiple Linear
relationships between these variables and other Regression Test, Analysis of the Coefficient of
variables (Amalia, 2020; Angelina, 2020). While Determination, and Hypothesis Testing.
the verification is research conducted on a
particular population or sample to test

Results And Discussion

Table 1. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Test Results
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients T Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) -2,762 3,726 -0,741 0,461
1 TX1 0,232 0,108 0,162 2,149 0,035
TX2 0,748 0,074 0,757 10,049 0,000
a. Dependent Variable: TY

The Asia Pacific Journal of Management Volume 8 No. 1, (2021)

Source: SPSS version 20 Output Results

Based on the output above, the regression 3. A constant value of -2,762 means that if the
equation is made as follows: variables of autocratic leadership and work
discipline are fixed, the employee's
Y = -2,762 + 0,232X1 + 0,748X2
performance is -2,762.
The multiple linear regression equation can
The correlation coefficient is useful for
be explained as follows:
partially measuring the strength of the relationship
1. Positive and significant autocratic leadership
between two variables with certain scales
values indicate that autocratic leadership has a
(Ayunitha, 2020; Susanti, 2021). The coefficient of
significant influence on employee
determination (R-square) in essence measures how
performance, meaning that if the attribute value
far the model's ability to explain variations in the
is increased by 0.232, it will increase employee
dependent variable. The coefficient of
performance by 0.232.
determination is 0 and 1. In this study, the
2. The positive and significant value of work
relationship in question is the relationship between
discipline shows that work discipline has a
Autocratic Leadership (X1) and Employee
significant influence on employee
Performance (Y) and Work Discipline (X2) with
performance, meaning that if work discipline is
Employee Performance (Y) which is then
enforced by 0.748 it will increase employee
interpreted in the coefficient interpretation table.
performance by 0.748.
Spearman correlation.
Table 2. Correlation Test and Coefficient of Determination
Model Summaryb
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 0,766a 0,587 0,575 3,85689
a. Predictors: (Constant), TX2, TX1
b. Dependent Variable: TY
Source: SPSS version 20 Output Results

Value The correlation coefficient between discipline (X2) of 58.7% while the remaining 41.3%
autocratic leadership (X1) and work discipline (X2) was influenced by other factors not examined.
and employee performance (Y) is 0.766, indicating
The F test is used to find out how strong the
a strong relationship because it is between 0.60 -
influence or relationship of two or more variables
together (Nugraha, 2020; Ramadhanti, 2021;
To find out how much influence autocratic Susanti, 2020). In this study, the F test was
leadership (X1) and work discipline (X2) on conducted to determine how much the relationship
employee performance (Y), it can be seen from the between autocratic leadership and work discipline
coefficient of determination (R-square) of 0.587 or on performance. The simultaneous test results / F
58.7%, which means that employee performance is test can be seen in the following table:
determined by autocratic leadership (X1) and work

Table 3. F Test Results (Simultaneous)

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 1540,938 2 770,469 51,794 0,000b
1 Residual 1085,917 73 14,876
Total 2626,855 75

Siti, Andi dan Nugi/The Influence of Autocratic Leadership and Work Discipline../29-38

a. Dependent Variable: TY
b. Predictors: (Constant), TX2, TX1
Source: SPSS version 20 Output Results

Based on table 3. it is known that the The t-test was conducted to determine the
significant value for the effect of autocratic effect of partially (individually) independent
leadership (X1) and work discipline (X2) variables, namely autocratic leadership and work
simultaneously on performance (Y) is 0.000 < 0.05 discipline on the dependent variable, namely
and Fcount 51.794 > 3.12, so it can be concluded that employee performance (Supardi, 2021; Susyana,
H0 is rejected, which means that there is an 2021; Taohid, 2021). The confidence level used is
influence between autocratic leadership (X1) and 95%, then the value of α = 0.05.
work discipline (X2) simultaneously on
performance (Y).
Table 4. T-Test Results (Partial)
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) -2,762 3,726 -0,741 0,461
1 TX1 0,232 0,108 0,162 2,149 0,035
TX2 0,748 0,074 0,757 10,049 0,000
a. Dependent Variable: TY
Source: SPSS version 20 Output Results

Based on the table above, the sig value on CONCLUSION

the influence of autocratic leadership (X1) on
Based on research and analysis results
performance (Y) is 0.035 < 0.05 and tcount 2.149 >
regarding the influence of autocratic leadership
1.993 (ttable), so it can be concluded that H0 is
and work discipline on employee performance of
rejected, which means autocratic leadership (X1)
the “ABC” City Culture and Tourism Office, the
has a partial effect on employee performance (Y).
authors can draw the following conclusions:
Furthermore, the sig value obtained on the
effect of work discipline Based on the table 1. There is a positive and significant influence
above, the sig value on the influence of autocratic between autocratic leadership on employee
leadership (X1) on performance (Y) is 0.035 < performance at the “ABC” City Culture and
0.05 and tcount 2.149 > 1.993 (ttable), so it can be Tourism Office. This is shown from the test
concluded that H0 is rejected, which means results tcount 2,149 > 1,993 (ttable) with
autocratic leadership (X1) has a partial effect on significance 0.035. Thus, H1 is accepted and
employee performance (Y). it is concluded that the positive influence of
Furthermore, the sig value obtained on the autocratic leadership on employee
effect of work discipline (X2) on performance (Y) performance means that the higher / better the
is 0.000 < 0.05 and tcount is 10.049 > 1.993 (ttable), leadership is given, the higher the
so it can be concluded that H0 is ejected which performance of the employees of the “ABC”
means work discipline (X2) affect partially on City Culture and Tourism Office.
performance (Y).. 2. There is a positive and significant influence
between work discipline on employee
performance at the “ABC” City Culture and
Tourism Office. This is shown from the test
results of the tcount 10.049 > 1.993 (ttable) with

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