Calibration of The Retraction With A Retraction Tower

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Calibration of the retraction with a retraction tower

(Made with Cura 4.12)

The tower consists of a base of 1mm and 5 modules which allows to print to choose from:

1. A tower with a fixed retraction distance and an incrementation of the retraction speed
2. A tower with a fixed retraction speed and an increment of the retraction distance

1. Print settings
Layer height: 0.2mm
100% filling (for information purposes)
Thickness above / below: 0.6mm or 3 layers

For the rest use your usual settings.

1. Parameters of retraction
1. Tower with fixed retraction distance and retraction velocity

First, set the retraction in the move module.

In this example the retraction distance will be 3.5mm and the speed for
the base will be printed with a retraction speed of 25mm/s

Then go to the tabs at the top left: Extensions →Post-

processing→Modify G-code
Add a script

Choose the RetractTower script

All that remains is to set up the tower.

Command: it is to choose which parameter to vary, here we choose speed

Starting value: This is the retraction value for the first module, here 25mm/s

Value Increment: This is the value in which the retraction speed is incremented, here 5mm/s, which
means that the first module will have a retraction speed of 25mm/s, the second 30mm/s then 35, 40
and 45 mm/s. You can increment or decrement, it all depends on the sign of the increment value, for
example if we put -5, then the first module would be at 25mm/s, the second at 20mm/s.

Change Layer: This is the number of layers between each change of retraction speed, here 65 layers
because each module is 13mm so by printing at 0.2mm it is 65 layers.

Change Layer Offset : This value is the offset of layers from which the increment of the speed starts,
as here we have a base of 1mm or 5 layers of 0.2mm we put the value 5.

Display details on LCD: By checking this box, the retraction speed will appear on the screen, in my
case it was in mm/ minutes, or for 30mm/s it was noted F1800.

Then all you have to do is cut out the model.

1. Tower with a fixed retraction speed and an increment of the
retraction distance.

You have to repeat the same steps as before except that on the next screen,
you have to choose Distance.

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