Formación de Escalas Mayores Con Bemoles

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Starting from the circle of fifths:

The circle of fifths is a way of visualizing the twelve musical keys and putting them
in a convenient order.
It is used in music to help you remember the notes that make up each key and to
group similar keys according to the notes they share.
Following the steps of the circle in order will also give you the order of sharps and
flats for writing sheet music.
It is called a circle of fifths because each key is arranged one fifth interval away
from the next in the circle.

The flats (bemoles) have the function of lowering semitones (0,5), it would be like
lowering steps.

There are 3 scales that are enharmonies:

- Do mayor uses the same sounds as Do b mayor.

- Fa# mayor uses the same sounds as Do b mayor.
- Do# mayor uses the same sounds as Re b mayor.

Representation of major scales with flats:

A flat major (abbreviation in the Latin system La♭M and in the American system
A♭) is the key that consists of the scale of La major and contains the following notes
La bemol, Si bemol, Do, Re, Mi bemol, Fa, Sol and La.

Steps to follow:

Step 1: Write down from which note to which note it goes on the staff.
Step 2: Write down below or to the side the Do scale and the one you have to adjust
(optional but recommended).
Step 3: Look if the notes are not well adjusted, in case instead of a semitone there is
a tone or if there is a tone and we need a semitone, we add to the needed note a flat
to move it away or closer to the note that is not well adjusted.
Step 4: And finally you would get the major scale with flats.

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