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The Outdoors
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

• discuss the outdoors.

• talk about outdoor activities for various

Warm Up
Ask and answer the questions.

• What outdoor activities do you like to do?

I like to…

• What are some popular outdoor spaces or parks near you?

Popular outdoor spaces near me are…
Practice pronunciation with your teacher.

1 2 3

to jog to hike to play fetch

4 5 6

to sit on a
to make a fire to swim
Vocabulary Picture Match
Match the pictures and the words. Then, make a sentence using the vocabulary word.

A to hike

B to jog
1 to make a fire 2 3

They will definitely make to sit on a

a fire tonight; it will be C bench

D to swim

E to play fetch
4 5 6

F to make a fire
Vocabulary Application
Step 1: Remember the vocabulary word based on the picture. Step 2: Match the vocabulary word to the correct definition.

1. You do this when you

throw something to a dog.
play fetch

2. You do this in water,

like a lake or the ocean.

3. You do this exercise

A to play fetch B C
when you run and move

4. You do this to create

heat when you are cold.

5. You do this when you

do not want to stand in a
park or outdoor area.

6. You do this when you

walk in nature, for
example in the forest.
Mind Map
What do you think about when you think of activities to do outdoors? Fill in as many words for each category as you can.

Hot Weather Cold Weather

swim make a fire

Here or There?
Have a discussion together.

The weather is beautiful, and you want to plan a weekend outdoors. Talk about
outdoor activities you want to do in each location.

In a City Park On a Camping Trip in the Forest

I will definitely jog in the park Saturday morning. I will probably make a fire at night in cold weather.
Use this slide for additional instruction.
Answer one of the following questions:

• What did you do well on today?

• What do you want to improve on?

• What is one thing you learned?

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