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In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of online courses available

for students. While this has made education more accessible to many people, it has
also created questions about the advantages and disadvantages of studying online.

One advantage of studying online is that students can have access to such classes
from anywhere with an internet connection and they can submit their homework
while being at home. This has been proven a better choice, as many students
sometimes may face difficulties with their programmes and the little time they have
in their routine. And that's also what a recent study showed, with a 3.9% increase in
the number of students in online classes compared to traditional ones. In addition, if
a teacher doesn’t feel very well or a student is sick, they can still attend the class
online , without any danger of anyone else getting sick too. Furthermore, attending
online classes is usually much cheaper. Online courses are often more affordable
than traditional in-person courses, as they do not require the same level of
equipment, for example a notebook or pencils.

However, several disadvantages in attending online classes should be also

considered. Firstly, the relationship between students and teachers can't be
developed as there isn't any lively connection in the class but through a screen.
Furthermore, students may face problems with internet connection and that may
disturb them from studying and paying attention. Additionally, online courses may
require students have a little knowledge of technology, which could be a serious
difficulty for some of them.

In conclusion, I think that online learning can be a very beneficial option for many
students, but it is not necessarily the best option for everyone, as I believe that
online courses may not be as effective as traditional classes for most of the subjects.

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