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Courtly Titles & Positions of Tethyr ‘The following are the courtly titles and posts of the Royal Court of Tethys, with the names of the current title- holders These titles are grouped by major court positions (those tiles closest to the le margin) and their courtiy subordinates (the ‘indented titles). Major court titles are ranked in descending onder according to the degre of influence they are publidly be- lieved to have over the queen. cout Vier: (Lady Peer Rasta, Countess of Heel) ‘Oe ofthe eldest posters eased in he court a Tey, ts ours he ofl cout wizard andthe mona’ ad ior om mates of magic and crn cour sees THs pst tas aay bean bl By a fecal nl wizard iaey be ter ot ans gun the vz’ a ds oped, the que’ aero) extreme ‘Sige of the Court: (Lord Camalon Idogyr, Count of Spel) Tis penon is the pimary cout sla and con Sant for heyy, working wih foreign sages and ter ied persone (hough ately clergy, who work trough he cro ees). May tak ths pot wil bcome 8 Fest one or the counts of Spare, given tht falys many covacs aang the ear ofthe Rel, Oceana Fact finding mons (some cover, as they are potentially Conover or danger) are ordered by thi fe wh ‘ote contled bythe lrd watch chanlor and is many subordinates Lord Royal Chancellor: (Lord Alaric Hembreon, Duke ofthe Golden Marches) This poston i the highest goverment Scainistve poston with te most dint doece pon the monarch The tal chncelor vere the report and orkings falter chancel, xcept forthe ropa ward fd the vizers es the ofl go between for those who wish the moar atetn: Ths pet I ange on on the death of ts eae or at Slime It afen held by alse meer of yal (tet dle) and the pos Sha int ered yal Samat (Lond Tanat Grannos) This post is re- sponable lor maning he mest vale sym of Queen aaa ke the Royal Palace of Ferm Ae the genta Imager ofthe cal and all oft facies and personnel the sammaar enures that everything and eveyone in Faerta operates al peak efency and I ready Tor Toy. ays every whim. Wile he canot command toope win the cau, he cosine a senor avr fo the Wards ol the Sar ard he cae guards and this may suggest hl placenent around Faemms grounds and ive sie on fhe’ sour Royal Balf (Lord fos Than 1) A, maser engineer and etbrdinate ofthe sama, the bullifoveres Fac itm and wan he psa sirutres and dese of he Coa Hilf work fone a ate ol leser gard olf cer caften, and abores, The bli noticia 2 Subordnste to and an sdvicor oneal forthe ext chancel ir though his oye work takes pity over leer pul (re HE abe cats wih the ver sg of theca on improving the sles ess agaist magia sul Royal Fran: (Corwin Vineshigh) Like the bili the fanantic subordinate of he sana Te fasnn ics the royal houshold domestic taf and maser of cre tori at ryal est Ths poston sally sr and sos ich thatthe royal amy would ike to kep secret 30 in {egy and closed mouth ae eset! elements o this and A ebocinte pions Royal Corl: (Ld Grn Haver Lady Taina Hembren) A subordinate ofthe farsa his post takes Yovng noble above sui maid level nd places in other ts charge of orp gure. Carey, theese two ral An oe for tt shred quar of the merch and et cn stand on fo the uty fo they eset ols tranain roms for art lice and ol ges in Faia ourt Corian (Lord Tank Thrynnat)"A subordinate of the fara, hs pst ovenees the materiale end peel of the Great Hall Throne Room, and Monarchs Counc Chanter He ls ao master of eemonie a cou fncons othe ha feast Royal Hayward: (Kaffe Tustos) Though not well ropa by foreign beads of eat, ti poo adie by Tethyrians The hayward isthe gountskeeper forthe Gat dent Rnd, the royal gardens t Fae ans sbor ‘ate tothe fanane Gueen Zarda deed Bis pot shuld fp to ne pron each Shldne, based on te beat f fares kept by the individual, The fist Bayard is «haling EF Berrowerom inthe Purple Hills, whose rose garden tealy 1m Toya Vntne (Zbrim Golding Te ast kro sbor diate of he nani heal ite, who ove he yal sin lar and ich ae ee pln he tpl vino) Crested as an afetbougt by the monarch, ts post fc rely ed by an unsalaogat ling whe personal ae is convey at colt ona day bas ugh tthe eas. Zabrm dos, however, pck he et wie Royal Warlord: (Lady VajaValneyp Duchess of Aare) "he warlord is the mona millary advisor and che cone tanderof Tethys armed for, rend or msitine, While by traiion» leser royal post the warlord remains 39° printed unt the royal lsrenrech the age of major The caret warlord hates things dealing wit hes ing the naval commanders odo as hy plese. Dowiord: (Lord Alain Kevaari Due of Noomath) A subordinate ofthe wl, ths le commande an ete nk of lve and human archers Sone sled ares are secely tne by the bow to eogtize and kl enemy smanan- der wiz, ad mosses ey ise hy magi bows a tow and vlonausing devs ors (ray Kytn awn, Counts of Clin- son) Asbordinats ofthe warlord iso onl theca fy, Queen Zaranda made ts pt a inetd ie or he Hiwkwines in Tee, who afe exper in ors beeing and sing. fw sca eat by Lady Hahn indicat she this more of hoses than oo sds, which as gen Bit fo inrwanny aly ad some very Ba joe ‘Marhlord (Lord aos Doha, Count of Harare) A sebordinae ofthe warlord, ti lord commands al fot so Siem ard unspelined ops. Though the poskion & not plamorous, the curent marchlond is very popular with his {roops for his boundless confidence and aggressive style. Dil and exercise are performed daily. Rivalry between the ‘marchlond and horslord (and ther troops) s developing, Seoutlord Lond Mia Aendry, Duke of Durmista) An aualay commander below the warlord, the scolord erga ‘as tin, and commands an lite ui of aman, alin cou (owl rangers nd rogue). Unaware of cape”, he scons rete sar {tf saboeus fo cate Rave bind een ine Kling fneny commanders when encountered, runing supp, and Stealing equipment Siegelor: (Lord Holver Rossinghor, Count of Vals) A sabia ofthe ral wrod this od spars sees Conducted aginst ore esses or towns. The spl a Patent master engine who acs chars but seni at ipplping fi fonts using any mea at hand, incadg tht ant sevenging eon could by the walrds Sa Royal Admiral: (Lady Corinna Devintyr, Countess of Staspur) A sbordnate ofthe royal warlord te ail mma Teyrs naval foes. The cryent ada sea tively autonomous thanks fo the warlords fr eaval ars and she sien eth he forces ‘Channel Adal: (Lond Jaret Kelson) A junior ofthe royal adm ths post commands Thy’ igh ships and Constal paroles, defending aginst Nelnter its and Sther miner rade Stes long Tethys boty const, curently occupy the chanel admiral teton Seas" Adi: (Lid Tana Kesson, Count of Fyraven) ey shipn rea and deren eqhipment and person rel fll under the corinand of these ada Th asi {ant tothe royal admiral acts 38 Tey’ primary naval de fender agin age foreign fees, ev armed or mages) ‘hips and monsrstes ef the cean (dragon tres, Kraken, Sev pack ele). The sea sda would lve to speak with aquatic elves, mermen, oF oer tanya poops fo tei oe ther edo ord Jost Chancellor: (Lord Tardeth Llanistaph, Duke of Sare- ‘arch The lord ust chanllor the ental author over the legal and judalsysems. Once prt ofthe monarchs trea power the cbiaoes of iat unc provide STtaande agaia a rari ven abe flea pow aw Chancellor (Lord Macor Gramnox, Count of tt mont) The law chancellor analjaey, blancs, and records the laws as developed by the just chancellor and the tomar This office Aso delves sid lllation othe age ‘Bates and the justia Magistrates Chancellor (Lord Silvanus Moondrop, Count 8 Ulsan) As the primary oer over the magistrates aed Juscary, ths chacllor appoints and oversee ma trates at county and local courts. Toe lso preserves the cert procetngs and vn fal jos sod ge trates The hgh otc ac outide the onal chery Tanks and they oe equal in authority and infuene fo fhe Tagstates chancel Sheriff’ Chancellor: (Lord Jordy Gallum, Count of Greeshors) Ths ofc assigns and overses loa law en fer of the commits of Thy. This cena aston Crested the fat unform code of acon for alse with snot varatons depending on te leation and socal sac {ures of each yor own Some nobles dislike these ne im ations on their authority, as ean ofthe noble” powers were ditibuied tothe ni However, accused comings ted prisoners now all recive eatmentsccording fo that rime ther an the tmp fh accuses or weedens Je Chancellor (Lady Aalangama Guldehom, Count ess of Mominggod) Ts chanel records and oversee the asceraon of the nobly to hereditary and other ies Sd came It matin peranen edo the noble ae ics ew and ld alike, working desl wth th Herald Bie Ve shining Helm and Thortee to corobort sch ie formation Ts new oie bas ban ervey signe to the leader of the Onder ofthe Sver Chal the knightly trder dedicated tothe goddess of nobility, Siamorphe. Stould questoneconcemngsucoion arte tle cha cel ruling con nly e ever by the monarch or 8 mjry voto the mals Royal Py Cour. Lord Watch Chancellor (Lord Isl Hn, De of Kan Tana) This polite il, often quily refered to asthe monarch ye hiny gies the ofce of the monacs head infeligencegatherer and. spymaster, Though ite over alten is pd fo th poston the wale cancer he cent definghuse for information on pos andi gues ofnket (oF danget) to he royal out of Tye. I i understood to be a bad thing fo occupy the atten of Bis ce for any length of ane Though a plomart person, Lec Hine rs th oer mt ey ste Lard Mistoran: (Lod Vartan Theat, Count of Alon- march Alongside the SchlarKing Haein, the lod Ho an Kepe the offical record ofthe court the kingdom of Tey, and the tris of people. The cesttion o histo ries and records during the Ten Black Days of Ent have dade this ju mire Cal an sch records mst be estore ‘The ld torn ao acs a aon tween the monae. chy andthe Heralds andthe Hearne in Sveryoon and Cindi. While a junior under the wach ches, the King’s aeons make tis poston sentindependen The Tord historian the sage of the cout and ekg have ately sone cy Tey sty Lord Surveyor (Lord Oon Sante, Count of Surkazat The rd surveyor supports he internal Geode of Telit rsording mapping asd managing the pacenet of ve Bhundae b: puposs of hd ova etn of Io shri gts, and rule, Byte en of the Year ofthe Tankard (870 DR) the fst fic survey of Techy Complete but i dispated by comupt or angumentative tandownes ord Detective (Lady Nyva Blacthon) Unde the alret command ofthe watch cancel, the lord detective has fhe thanklen task of rooting out ileal Gealings and pls dae the royal and ney of Tey, Ths oce works ery cle wih hers an leer cout anda ofl ke oy dca or county) to gain thi information, The ‘eyo this fcer anon ont the monarchy te King and the watch chancel to alow gat feo of eve tet and info. Lady Blackho so ses mag and thndane dius, ans his cold rales steak Lord Investigator: (KalexTrosba) Under the com anand of he wat Geel the rd investigator ro ott fern pl aga Tete and ts ales He ao cords cepinage and curtersponge acon ouside Telly. Ths fbr te identity kaon lt the monarch a ety counclors. KabiexTrosbann te avardestnaSonabt ah trusting man a cold and ethos a he lord detective The toed iestgtor andthe lord hgh ambasador we at odds over many ters Lord Royal Durbland (Lord Llchior Blickthor, Duke of Cape Velen “Durand” sone af Tethys nate Yer The fojal durbland cones ant administers the money tthe realm. This va hanes, highstress positon, though a Duties Chancellor: (Lord Dancon Rikass, Count of Yani) The does ancl ovens the oun to cle tore of cin and goods. This ofc reports problems with x Colton (embersieneni tien cope ee) This poston fs wel speed bythe populace, who appreciate ths cancel igh hand and nepal wam pera mane. Tatate Chanelle: (Lord Zlphar Thana Count of River shite) This of amen thse most ial admired By the Feopl, ass reporsbl ral pubic works. The wat cha Eelory bulls and maintains the als and roads, bridges, and ther wer shared by all Tetayans Se hse works ae also at gt interes the any th yal wale is eqn ir 1 ths ofce and may push on cera pets Fleet Chanel (Laré Kemnin Anthytal, Count of Vint) Her Majesty's nay Kept sip, cre and ip rent in working onder thanks fo the fet chan a tenance of funding, Whe a batlion chancel once ex ie 5 wel he royal warlord hs absorb! al sch rons Bien forthe armies Sang, the coment Ast chancellor i amid of deepwater and cone swin but he ves working Guild Chancellor: (Lord Oval Keeneyes, Count of Mom tes) Gus hile il fii new Sn Thy, are gaining SSrengh and influence. The guld hancllr conte that froth and mandates rules of conduct and ude We ind ‘ual mayor desde upon the acne and lms of guide win wilges an foo the gud chanel keeps gulls fom bacon al pola powers beyond thet mea te incre “fade Chancellor: (Lord Elem unspent, Count of Bard- sini) The tade chan contol and monitors exports, uoing ade, andthe monive volved wth such rade This chancllor acts a primary contact between Tey and the Lords liane, hese members recive favored export satus wih Tey Pare. Chancellor (Lord Ondul “Warhammer” Jardath Cour of Frat} Thu prose chaealle cancion! contd ver imported goods, incoming trade, andthe monies therein The purse chancellors ska in close contact with tmenbers ofthe Lor Alliance in hip eguar work ord High Ambassador (Lady Marlyn Haresdonn, Duchess of the Farle Marches) The high ambussadors Tey’ greatest oficial eprom dato fra ary, mal a the overcer of the ambossadoral corps Aside from the monarch and other ember of royalty, he high ambseador ithe oly courtier empowered to sign teats with oer a+ ions in Tehy?'s name Te curent high ambassador iin alee in seus apis wih th ld invent ver or ‘gn pic, though fe pen ofthis epey Alms Chancellor (Eady Pee Grane) Wile patly under the pure’ of the lod dréard he alms cancel adi sf fe poor andesite ao ety. Alas come rm Aeration git fm nbs and mens Tadic, tin wert sly fo the Chur of Tinaer and its abbeys ut how ae equalydistted tothe parishes and shrines of inany ferent gods of theres of Tey nang the een feds of Tehran the haling dees of the Purple ils The ‘gnomes, through their representative Lady Samulith Si- ‘monne Whitebrov, have refused to accept these charites out of pride; ther communities care for thir own indigent. Crown Ecclsiasti: (Vacant) Ths post, by ancient tradition, is ‘held by a lesser member ofthe royal house. At present, i = mains vacant, though the Countess Mominggold and her (Onder of the Silver Chalice have temporarily assumed its du ties of acting as official laison between the monarch and the heads of Tethyr’s religious houses at the request ofthe queen. ‘This office also commands religious knightly orders sithin the larger Tethyrian army during wartime, answering to the royal warlord, When one ofthe royal children comes of age, the task shall all to her, and the order may then become an honor guard forthe crown ecclsiastie. (Queen's Minister (Lady Tarlaa Assumbar) A newly created court postion, thsi simply the keeper and primary priest of fhe queen’ chapel within Faemiam. As the monarchs pr- ‘mary pres, she enjoys bit more prestige and infiuence than the Court Minster, who is ofall the senior prior fr all ix chapels (to Azuth, Chauntea, Denet, mater, Mystra, and Samorphe) within the royal palace Terms of Address Among the Nobility of Tethyr Hereditary Titles ‘Addessed_as Monarch (King), Dam (Queen) King Tile; Majesty; Royal Highness Queen Tile; Majesty; Royal Highness rine) Princess: Heir Title; Grace; Royal Highness Prince/Princess Tile; Grace; Highness Kin/Non Succession laxd/lady Duice/Duchess Til Eminence Mate Title: Consort Childsen Lord/Lady, Lordship /Ladyship Kin/Non Succession Lond Lady Count/Countess Title; Excellency Mate Title Consort Children Lord/Lady,Lordship/Ladyship Kin/Non Succession Lord/Lady Appointed Titles Addressed_ as Court Officer Tile; Lerdjtady Mate Lord/lady; Courts Consort Children Sis/lady lord Mayor Til; Master /Misrss Mate Consort sheriff Sir/lady Knight Sif iady; Religious Tile (by faith) Title Notes Widowed 7 (daring mourning) ‘Adopted titles by foreigners by preference of addresce ‘Courtesy Ti Succession of Titles ead Highest tle H/GE Next senior title {if unclaimed by sibling of H/CE)

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