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Laine smith Oct 30th, 2023

Blog update #1


I am working on the filming stage of my capstone. Setting up the curtains and the lights with my
camera. A few weeks ago, I tested out everything and made a mock video to see what it would
look like and overview if there needed to be changes with the way the camera was positioned or
if any of the lights needed to be moved to a better spot to show the viewers me carving the
pumpkin. I plan to start making the first video within the next couple of days. As November
starts, I’ve noticed that it’s getting colder, and colder. My original plan was to set up my filming
area outside in the back deck, it’s challenging to sit outside and explain how to carve pumpkins
in the cold. I plan to move my filming area inside so is can really focus and take my time
explaining my techniques.

I know that pumpkins don’t last very long so I need to make sure that I get most, if not all done
before it’s too late. I’ve been using creative thinking with designing my pumpkins, I’ve used
communication when I’m talking to the viewers in a few sample videos. I used a bit of critical
thinking when I did my best to manage my time with capstone.

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