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My GATE CS (2020) result: 82.

67 marks, AIR-6

I did not have a very rigid, meticulously planned time-table, as I had my placements and semester
exams/vivas in between my GATE studies. But I did try to squeeze out as much time as possible
for GATE.

Here, I will try to give you a rough idea of what my typical daily schedule was like during the last 6
months of my preparation (assuming I didn’t go to college that day):-

1. Early-morning session: I woke up between 5:30 am to 6 am almost every day (sometimes 6:30 am
during winters). This is when my brain is most active. From now till breakfast I would study as much
as possible. At this time, I usually solve lots of problems and don’t read much theory. Sometimes, I
even attempt some topic-wise tests.
2. Mid-morning session: I would have my breakfast anytime between 8 am to 10 am. After that I
either continue solving problems from previous session or attempt mock tests. This is when I
usually attempt full-length tests.
3. Afternoon session: I would take a lunch break between 1:30 pm and 3 pm, and again sit down to
study. Now I revise my notes and read some theory, because by now I’m usually too sleepy to solve
problems with good accuracy. In December, I came to know that GATE CS paper will be held in the
afternoon session. So I tried to adapt and started giving full-length mock tests in this session.
4. Break: I generally take a 1–2 hours break after 5 pm. This session is usually spent surfing the web,
browsing Quora answers of last-year toppers, and watching some videos of the beautiful campuses
of IISc and old-IITs to motivate myself, and remind myself why I’m studying so hard. Sometimes, I
feel that this was the most important session throughout my GATE preparation.
5. Evening session: From 7 pm to dinner time (usually 8 pm to 9 pm), I study some left-over topics
that I couldn’t cover properly during the day. Because by now, my mind is usually too tired to study
any new subject.
6. Planning for tomorrow: After dinner, I analyse what all topics I successfully covered today, and
what topics I couldn’t cover. Then accordingly I write on my calendar what topics I need to study
tomorrow. I usually go to sleep around 10 pm. I truly believe that sleeping well is as important as
solving problems and giving mocks. Sometimes if I don’t feel sleepy, I solve some simple Aptitude
Some additional points:-

 I don’t use my phone whenever I’m studying. I almost always keep my phone upside-down in silent
mode so that I can’t get distracted.
 It’s not like I spend all-day studying for GATE. Sometimes I go to college, so it’s not possible to
follow the above schedule. And even when I’m at home, I always watch some anime or TV series on
my laptop during breakfast/lunch/dinner. This is to take my mind off of studies for a while. But I
only watch those episodes that I have already watched many times earlier, so that I can’t get
addicted to it.


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What was Manish Sharma’s routine during GATE preparation?

Manish Sharma

AIR 50, in GATE 2017Updated 5y

Hope this answer helps everyone.

I was in final year of Engineering while preparing for GATE.

Some days I had to attend classes too. There too, I studied for GATE. By this you can see you should
prepare for your target whenever you get time.(You can sit on the last bench. :P Back bencher for few
months :P)

I started preparing in May 2016.

First I pasted this poem by Napolean Hill in front of my table. (To get the start)

The Hardest Part!

The second step was to scan to the syllabus. When you prepare for a competitive exam you need to
know what you have to study else you might wander around and leave the main part untouched.

I had purchased the hand written notes from Delhi.

Till this point I had everything to prepare for GATE. Those things are

1. Will to crack GATE(Firm resolution makes path easy. Take oath to crack it at any cost)
2. Material - Hand written notes and books for few subjects
3. Previous years questions book
4. Kanodia and Arhiant GATE tutor
Till this part I had collected all the pre-requisites.

Then comes the most important part to crack GATE.

That is STUDIES! (But with a plan)

Now the routine.

I am a day guy. I prefer to study in day time.

The place was College Library.

Routine was flexible. Sometimes I started late and sometimes bit early to compensate.

Around 9–10 am - Going to library. Mostly study theory at this time. You are more acceptable to new
concepts in morning time.

I focus more on question. (You need to solve question in competitive exams. So your study should be
question oriented.)

Just after studying and making my concepts, I used to solve questions. You study and you make your
own way of understanding concepts. Finally you have to solve questions. Hope you got my point.

This used to go around 1pm. Even I was I in class I used to study for GATE. (Back bencher for few days :P)

1–2 pm - Lunch. Eat it well.

Till 3–3:30 pm (Sometimes more) - Refreshing nap. Power nap. It boosts energy and focus.

Then back to library.

Till 7:30pm (Deviations were there) - Study in library. Depends on situation. If theory part is done then
solving questions or revising the theory for solving questions.

Dinner time.

After a walk (I love going on a walk. Go with those who motivate you. My two friends kept motivating me
through out the preparation. Time was literally hard in the month of August)

Around 9 pm - Going back to library again. It used to open till midnight then. In this study slot I used to
focus more on solving questions and revising. It was almost dull time. Mind was drained by midnight. So
do something which doesn’t require much attention.

Around 12 - Good Night sleep. (It takes time to sleep. Sometimes more and sometimes less)

Repeat again with the aim of completing daily targets.

Now some points you need to keep in mind.

1. Make your routine according to your comfort(Gain most)

2. Extract more time to study
3. Solve more questions
4. Read theory when you are most fresh
5. Find your ways of refreshing yourself
6. Routine can be flexible but you should complete your target
7. Don’t follow anyone else routine if you aren’t comfortable that way (Not even mine. Your condition
will differ from mine. Analyse mine and then make your own.)
8. Keep analyzing your preparation and then take the next step.
9. Make your routine according to your comfort(Gain most) - (Check 1st point. It’s important to
keep in mind)
Hope it was useful.

Keep Studying (Most important thing)

It always seems impossible until it’s done - Nelson Mandela

Make it happen.

Good Luck :)


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Answer requested by

Krishna Bagepalli


How do I take some time out for study GATE while working?

Paras Bhatia

Technical Manager at Axis Bank (2019–present)4y

Hey Vignesh, Hope you doing great.

Ohkay , so coming to your question , How can you prepare for GATE while working? But before that..

See , there are actually just too many of reasons out there , justt tooo many excuses to comfort yourself
that THIS IS THE REASON THAT I AM UNABLE TO DO THIS THING ( in your case , it’s your JOB that
you might be blaming for not giving you enough time for GATE Preparation).

But , just hold on for a sec here, just for a sec and think why you wanna prepare for GATE in the first

 You might not be liking your current job as they might be giving you less pay as compared to the
work hours you put in.
 You might be interested in Govt Job & it’s - Perks , Holidays , Secured Career, No work pressure ,
Good pay & the list goes on & on…Dude who doesn’t want that?
 You might be interested in Higher Studies…Be it in India or Abroad (Sinagapore NUS takes
applications for MS through GATE Score ).
Now , coming to your actual question :

First of all ,take a look at your daily schedule and analyse few things :

 Which part of the day you stay free ? Free as in you can do whatever you want without any
restriction or disturbance.
 What all you used to do in your free time earlier ( Before starting your preparation for GATE ) and
Can it be stopped right away?( Without causing any loss to you)
 Which are the days in a week/month when you have maximum work , like when you have to put
extra work hours or when you get full exhausted and have no energy to fo anything or When there
is no work in office?
Now we are done with the analysis. Enough for now , rest we will keep doing iteration/changes along
with preparation. Without wasting any more time now , make a study plan compatible with your daily
schedule and just start your preparation. START MEANS START, DO NOT JUST KEEP ANALYSING.

How to start ?

1. Download the syllabus from Google for your respective field.

2. Have a look at the syllabus , make a list of subjects which you are comfortable with and subjects
where you will have to put in more work.
3. Get the subject wise marks weightage of past GATE papers and make your target accordingly.
4. TAKE HAND WRITTEN NOTES OF A GOOD COACHING. My reason for highlighting this point is that
you should and must follow hand written notes specifically for GATE. Now is not the time to read
all those bulky books for clearing concept, since you are already running a little short of time.
5. Enroll yourself in atleast 2 different online test series for practice.
Now you just have to START.

Take help from your friends who cracked GATE , refer to youtube videos , enroll in some distance class
programme. Thanks to the technology , there are just too many resources available at your finger tips.

Don’t be hard on yourself , if something isn’t working out , change it right away. Be flexible , & keep
evolving .

Just remember , You are the captain of your own ship .

**Few Future Predictions :

1. There will not be 1 or 2 or 3 but many a times when you will feel What the hell is going on in my
Life? I just Wakeup →Study →Eat →Go for Job →Come back & Study → Eat→ Sleep → REPEAT .
When this feeling arise , just keep everything aside , go for a walk , talk to yourself about Why you
started in the first place , give yourself a good answer ,Come back and START AGAIN.
2. You will surely get a thought that Dude , I am in a job now. I am earning and have time as well to
spare after my job and during weekends. At that very moment , tell yourself that Yeah, it’s true
that I am earning and have time to spare , but for next few months I would love to spend my
money & time on GATE Material & Classes. I know it’s a tough decision but surely the best one.
3. You will feel like you are wasting your teenage life when you will say NO to those:
o Weekend Parties/Movies.
o Chit Chat after office.
o Trips with your old College/School Mates.
o Family Functions… & What not?
But do remember , in the end , these all sacrifices will surely be worth it. Believe me , above mentioned
things might give you instant/short term happiness but it will surely give you a long lasting regret that
you couldn’t CRACK GATE .

Don’t just give it a try , MAKE IT WORK. :)

Blogger @FuturePal .

Hope my answer helped you in some manner. Feel free to ask me anything.All the best for GATE. :)


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What was your daily routine during GATE preparation without coaching?


Studied Computers4y

Im a gate aspirant 2019 and i gave gate 2018 but i dint qualified. So this time i made a master plan to
crack gate that im sharing here.


4am-8am = studying

8am -9 am= exercise ,tv

9am-10am= freshup, breakfast




4:30pm-5:30pm=nap for refreshment

5;30 pm-6:00pm= freshup,snacks,coffee



9:00pm-10pm= revision



This is my daily routine here i get 12 hours of self study and 1 hour for revision so it is enough to
crack gate with single digit rank but most importantly you should have that burning desire in you to
crack gate.

Hardwork, dedication, determination ,patience and self-confidence are the key ingredients to crack gate.

All the best …

Please upvote my answer if you found worth reading by votes i get an push to write more and more
answes and share my tips and strategies .


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Can anyone share the GATE preparation daily/monthly routine?

Akshay Bhalerao

Master in city planning from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (IIT KGP) (Expected 2024)Aug 15

Hello Everyone…….

I have attempted a GATE two times i.e. GATE 21 (AIR 1816)& GATE 22(AIR 104).
What preparation routine helps me to go from AIR 1816 to AIR 104?

I will break it into Two parts….

1. Planning
2. Execution

At the end of October I decided to start a preparation for GATE. It means There are 3 months left for me
for GATE preparation So, accordingly I divide the syllabus for the span of 3 months including revision
and Mocks.

I spend whole 2 days to understand the syllabus and make strategic plan to divide each topics day-wise.
so, I know exactly what to study on each day.


I divide a day in a 6 study session Each hour of day is planned a follows :

 6:00 AM -Wake up
 6:00- 6:30 Morning Rituals
 6:30- 8:30 SESSION 1
 8:30- 9:00 Breakfast and Bath
 9:00- 12:00 SESSION 2
 12:00- 1:00 Lunch
 1:00- 3:00 SESSION 3
 3:00- 5:00 SESSION 4
 5:00- 6:30 Outdoor Activity
 6:30- 8:00 SESSION 5
 8:00- 9:00 Dinner
 9:00- 10:00 SESSION 6 (Revision)
 10:00- 10:30 Prepare to sleep
 10:30 PM Lights off
Total study Hours = 11:30 hrs
(break time

is also included in the study session)

And of course ,it is not possible to clock 11:30 everyday It is usually between 8–10 hrs


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Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE): How can I make my daily routine for GATE

Ishwar Euclid
Lives in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India (2019–present)6y

Okay, keep apart of Gate preparation for a while now.

Let us know what are your top priorities in your day of life?

Ask yourself what is your daily routine, I mean as you mentioned 8am to 5pm college, what you are
doing in those 8 hours. Please do not mention (tell) that you are studying, we all have gone through that
phrase of life and we know what exactly we do in that time. It is not part of our mistake, our great
education system is like and we do not have right to condemn that.

Now come to the Gate preparation, you also mentioned that you need a schedule for 8 hours a day
for Gate preparation.

To my knowledge, Humans are not logic gates which can produce a high value(1) or a low value(0).But
we people are in between them(0 and 1). I mean a probability of getting succeeded in a number of trials.

What I am trying to convince you and also the harsh truth is you won’t sit for that much (8)hours in a
day, although you are having the best schedule . I bet you won’t. Of course, you try, u will get exhausted
and give up the very next day.

Do you know about Divide and Conquer algorithm, where it splits the problem into half and checks the
solution in first half and if not found then it goes to the second half. Oops, I am going out of your
context but I will explain you in a better way by this example.

My brother, a weight lifter used to warn me that if I am willing to learn weight lifting, I must warm up
daily and present there regularly with out fail( a constant practice in your context). The most important
thing is I need to start with less weights(sitting for less hours in your context).

We engineers are best at procrastination.

Do you able to sit for study for an hour in a day?_______

Do you have ability to do the above step for a month?____

If the above process is your top priority in your life then you are mastering it.

It is not about the quantity of work but the Quality.

In precise the answer is, prepare the schedule for you on your own but for a reasonable number of
hours. Once you are attaining the stamina, lift more weights(hours).

Don’t get hard on yourself that you need to prepare for more number of hours from starting onward.

To my knowledge, a priority is giving your importance to what to do and what not to.

Hope you understand.

I am concluding the answer by these lines,

If you listen to successful people you will get motivated, but

If you listen to the failures you will understand the scenario.


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Aniket Muthal

Which routine should I follow for the GATE preparation?

Priyanka Kashyap

Ex career Expert- Careers360 Education Hub5y

If I am not wrong, you will be appearing for GATE 2018, so I would suggest you to follow below general
tips which can be good for your preparation-

1. Determine your stream : This exam has some related categories but it is very important that you
determine what exam you are appearing for.
2. After determining your stream you should go and search for the syllabus of the stream that your
are appearing for. This will tell you exactly what you have to study in your time span that you have.
3. Then, you should understand the structure of the exam.
1. General Aptitude: 15%
2. Engineering Mathematics: 15%
3. Subject Questions: 70%

1. After this, you need to determine how you are going to study: With Coaching or Without Coaching.
2. Then focus on each section and do your best in the exam.
3. You can read blogs to help you maintain your focus and keep your head in the right direction.
4. After that you should get a fair number of good books to help you prepare for the GATE
Preparation 2018. Do not buy every book that comes to mind or anyone suggests. Do online
research, have a thorough look of the syllabus and then find out if you really need that book.
5. Do not focus on what is written in the syllabus only. Make your basics strong and get a hold of
what you want to do after your B.Tech.
6. GATE is not only for admission in IITs, it will also provide you the opportunity to get placed
through PSUs. So, make sure you know what PSUs are available according to your field of interest.
7. Put your heart and soul into the preparation and with the time that you have right now, No
milestone is far for you. Just tread the right path and a bright future shall be yours.
Hope this helps!!!


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What is the best routine for the GATE preparation?

Aakash Gupta

Mtech in ISI, QROR(2020-2022)3y

Hii, I would like to share my routine. I derived my routine by watching the toppers videos and
improvised accordingly to the syllabus and pace.

You should pursue the routine based on the time constraints and your intake capacity. Also, you
shouldn't blindly follow someone, be it the Gate toppers or your seniors. The same plan might not work
for you. Inspect youself and stick to that routine, if it is comfortable else modify it as per your need .
Develop your own routine and strategy, you are comfortable with bcz I believe all of us have different
pace of learning and retaining power.

Let’s take up different cases 1by1:

1. Time period >1 yr: Read all the standard books(don't deviate from syllabus). Identify the topics
and read them from good books. Read theory and make short & crisp notes (by hand). You should
be able to revise all the subjects from the notes within a week. Finish theory and get the
numericals. Attempt enough questions from every topic of a chapter. If confused on a topic, search
nptel videos. Don't wait to complete whole syllabus b4 attempting test series. Finish a subject give
test and analyse. Ideally, each subject shouldn't take more than 2 weeks if you are a first timer.
Don't over-practice. Attempting 200 questions should be enough for first time. Now once you
finish a subject get to the next one. But don't forget to practice & revise the previous ones. It will
have a cumulative effect. So, once you finish the entire syllabus, you would have done 4–5 times
revision of each subject.
2. Time period 3~5months: Go to the Xerox centers or search the net for hand written notes. Read
the notes. Consult the books only if some topic is not understandable. Lack of book reading to be
compensated with practice. Finish all the notes and theory within 1~1.5 months and practice-revise
notes- practice. Revise the previous subjects and give a full mock for the last 1 month. In between
revise whole subjects and continue test series of each subject. In your notes, include those contents
which you were unable to answer in the mocks. This is basically a knowledge building process and
your notes should be updated regularly.
Lastly I would suggest to learn how to analyse a mock test. It is extremely difficult to identify your weak
and strong areas. Ideally, 2~3 hrs is enough for a full mock. Write the mistakes on a diary and try to
avoid them in the next test. Don't be serious about the mock scores. It will either inflate or deflate your
confidence, both of which is harmful. Only thing you should note is that whether you are improving with
time. Complete whole syllabus b4 attempting GATE. Cheers.


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Did you follow a strict schedule or daily routine during the GATE preparation?
Sourav Pal

Rank 10 in Gate 2018 Chemical Engineering4y

In my case, there is no such strict schedule or daily routine.

I used to set a decent and achievable target for each week for last 2–3 months. It will not affect much if
you have not studied a day or two because to give your best, your mind needs some refreshment too.
You will be right on your track until you keep an eye on your weekly goal.

At first, download the GATE syllabus of your branch & make a note what are the topics that you have
not covered till now. You have to clear the basics of all the topics and make a short note of them well
before you start practicing questions.

After start practicing questions, dont practice too much unnecessary and wrong questions (Mostly you
will find them in Mock Test papers of different coaching institutes) and try to focus on GATE previous
year questions(1990–2017) and practice them atleast 3 times.

After getting the admit card of GATE, you will know the time slot of your exam (Either 9am–12pm or
2pm-5pm). Then to train your mind to perform the best on that timeslot, try to solve a paper on
that timeslot everyday taking 2.5 hours. Even if u can not complete the whole paper in 2.5 hours, u
will get an idea about amount of pressure will face in GATE, no. of sillymistakes you are doing and also
about your preparation topicwise.

In last 2 days, please keep your mind calm, be with your family if possible and dont practice anything.
Just go through all the formulas only if you think you can not remember them in the exam.


1. Dont get demotivated by any Mock Test score, personally I have never scored more than 50 in the
mock tests I have appeared before GATE.

2. Dont be with a friend who will create panic and always try to prove that you have not covered an
important topic. Try to avoid them during your journey to the exam centre at the exam day because
confidence and concentration matters the most.


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What was your routine during GATE preparation with your academics?
What was your routine during GATE preparation and how do you managed to study after long
coaching hours?

What is your daily routine of GATE preparation while going to college?

Sandeep Kumar

Former Assistant Professor at BACET Jamshedpur, (kolhan university) (2019–2019)3y

Hi Friends i am sharing here my daily routine which followed during collong time.

First of all u have to understand the pattern and level of compition of the exam because in every year no
of applicants those are preparing for gate is continuously increasing main reason behind this is less
employment Apportuing in India compared to no of graduate engineering students emerging every

Now this is my daily routine which I followed.

1. I used to woke up early in the morning around 7am for engineering students it is too early after
that I took bath and used to do any physical activity like swimming/jogging/ playing football which
busts me for entire day when I returned from filed took shower etc and whatever breakfast ready in
the mesh i used to eat.
2. During classes i observed that if you are preparing for the gate then just sit on last bench and do
whatever you want to read some professors they don't allow you in such a cases you focus on
whatever they thought because it is also important for your academic.
3. Most of the cases there is gap between classes, during gap period i prefer to go library because it
near to my all class.
4. When I came back from classes just I took light snacks and sometimes used to go outside with
friends and then again I used to start preparation.
5. After taking dinner used to walk bla bla and whatever time I save in night used to study. Finally i
used to slept at 12am.
6. This is my daily routine, guys one thing I would like to say that prevent yourself from YouTube and
social networking site because it disturbs your determination and concentration both.


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What was your daily routine during the GATE preparation while taking a full drop with self-
study after giving the GATE with coaching once?
Yogita Kachhwah

Former Junior Engineer -I (2018–2021)3y

Well I started revising all subjects one by one by taking 1 week as my target to complete one whole
subject. When I completed 1 subject then along with the other subject I started giving the subject wise
test and I analyze the mistakes I have committed during the test it almost take double the time allotted
to that test. I bookmarked the question that I personally feel that it has new concept. And before
sleeping I just go through the bookmarked questions. I have started to make short notes too along with.
Also I do 10- 15 questions from previous year GATE. Intially I committed so many silly mistakes, that was
literally unacceptable in GATE . In last last months (Oct- Dec) I started giving full length test in the gap of
2 weeks in intial months and slowly decreasing the gap to 1 week . By that time I have completed my
revision and short notes. I analyze my full length paper and also always revise the short notes of 1
subject. And also do bookmarked questions for that subject. During this period there are ups and downs
in my marks but I try not loose my confidence. I always tell myself that I will do good in the GATE . At
least I will do my best. Do your best and leave the rest is my motto during my preparation.


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How did you crack the GATE exam?

What is your daily routine for preparing GATE?

Ismail Akbani

Qualified GATE 08 Times, Speaks on GATE Preparation & Motivation4y

Originally Answered: What is your daily routine for preparing GATE? ?

I am me. Obama is Obama. You are YOU. I am sorry if this comes as rude but the question is based on
a flawed assumption.
The assumption that knowing and following someone else's routine will get you same results, is perhaps
one of the greatest misdirected notion among the aspirants of competitive exams. And unfortunately,
this idea is evangelised by lot of coaching institutes, their STAR faculty and the so called Exam
Motivational Speakers /Experts, who themselves haven't ever attempted a competitive exam. So much
that some of these coaching institutes and self-proclaimed gurus even teach and preach a
standard routine to the aspirants, claiming that the routine prescribed by them is the only way to
Nirwana.. Oops.. I mean.. Success in the exam.

Now, here's what all you competitive-exam-aspirants need to know, understand, and digest - Routine is
Boring. Routine won't get you glory. This is applicable to LIFE. It's equally applicable to competitive
exam preparation.

Before you frown at these words or decide to ignore what follows, coz it's against your long held beliefs
and mindset conditioning, know this - This is coming from a guy who's been there, done that. Not
once. Not twice. But Eight Times.

Let's revisit my opening line again - We're all unique individuals,having different backgrounds,
environment, habits, needs and resources. Thus, in the first place, copying someone else's routine is next
to impossible. You can't completely follow your own twin's routine, forget about rest of the world. That's
where the first drawback of this “following the winner's routine” surfaces. You fail to follow it completely
despite your best efforts and this puts you in a loop of guilt and self-blame for not being able to do
such a simple thing. Of course, the promoters of this notion leave no stone unturned to make you
believe that copying someone's routine is a cake walk.

Secondly, even if you somehow manage to replicate the routine, you fail to get the same results.
Because the thing they didn't tell you (may be they didn't know it themselves) is - It's not the Routine,
but the Strategy that matters.

If you must learn and copy something from the successful ones (and I highly recommend you should),
it's their STRATEGY. Period.

So, my friend, why don't you ask a question on the strategy followed by those who've been on your path
and succeeded? Am sure the answer you get to that question will give you better directions.

Feel free to drop a message, if you need to discuss further.



What was your study routine in the initial 2 months (initial phase) of GATE preparation?


Works at Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology2y

Well if you are preparing by yourself then start with the syllabus. Try to filter the things which you wont
be studying. Download some GATE materials from civilengineeringforall site. There you will get study
materials from Ace academy, madeeasy and Ies masters. You will get to know all the topics which you
will be required to learn.

After knowing the syllabus start with your favorite subject because when you start with the difficult
subject or the subject which doesn’t intetest you then you may loose interest. Devote some hours daily
to your study because consistency is the key. Revise the subject after some days so that you wont
forget.Try to take short notes if you are comfortable with it. Do parallel readings. Get in touch with your
friend who is also preparing for the same so that you can discuss studies with him/her. It becomes easy
when your friends are also preparing because you can discuss questions and ask doubts and motivate
each other while preparing.

After revising all subjects take tests. There you will know where you stand. Note the mistakes you do in
online tests. When you loose hope on your journey, remember you are not the only one, there are no of
students who quit the preparation in the middle. So you should see this as opportunity and study, its
their loss that they quit.


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What was your routine in M.Tech for GATE preparation and the sources used?

Satyam Srivastava

M.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology,

Vellore (Graduated 2020)2y


I have answered something similar. Please see if these can be useful or true for you too!

Satyam Srivastava's answer to Can you describe your GATE attempt with all the strategies?

Satyam Srivastava's answer to What resources should I use to prepare for the GATE 2021 by self-study,
and most importantly, where should I start? If I'm to start preparation now, will I be able to get into any
good IIT?

Additional information: Since I am a CSE student, I followed Ravindrababu Ravulas's paid video course
for GATE and studied by being at home for 6 months.

He is quite good and very helpful in every possible way, even at counseling.

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How do I start my GATE preparation by managing all college routine work, co- curricular
activities, and BE studies in order to get into an IIT?

Anshuman Singh

MBA from National Institute of Industrial Engineering (Graduated 2020)3y

Thanks for asking this question, To get into Top IITs you will have to score below 500 Rank for Gn

To get into IISC Bangalore, below 100 rank is required although you can choose another method to get
into without filling your Gate Rank & Interview will decide your result.

You can start your preparation by selecting any subject in which you have good understanding.

During this, you will have to buy any Good Test series,

I would recommend you to choose Ace Academy & MadeEasy Test series.

After completing your First subject, solve mini test and major test regarding the completed subject &
simultaneously prepare the short notes from the study material you followed & the Test series.

Then move to the Next subject, while going through the same, you will have to revise old subject and
make changes if required.(“Try to find out new things & make your study interesting so that you can
make yourself regular in your study & never demotivate from the surrounding”)

Doing the same, After 4–5 months you will get basic knowledge of all the subjects & will also know that
what type of questions gate exam will ask.

After completing your entire subjects, you must go for complete test of 3 hrs.

Might be One full test in two days. If you score less in starting then don't demotivate yourself, you have
learn from your mistakes and I assure you after some time, you will score highest in the same full test.

Giving full test series & simultaneously making short notes is the best way to learn.

During your preparation, divide your time for GATE study, like 4–5 hours per day and make yourself free
for one day.

In free time, Try to solve Questions as much as possible and try to find out new formulas and new ways
to solve the same problem.

In my case, I started my preparation from Thermodynamics & SOM & was doing the same as I say.

How do I start gate preparation on the ECE? I want a detailed routine on everything and I will
start from scratch, because I will be taking the GATE 2019?

Abhishek M Boss

Trainee (2018–present)4y

Congratulations you are on the right track planning a year ahead awesome.

I have attempted gate once when I was in my final year and have learnt a couple of things …

Sea is nothing but billions little droplets.

I keep this in mind before I Start for preparation for any exam I take..I Start by finding all the easiest
ways to get the marks and then move forward.

1.) Take up 2 or 3 latest gate papers and start solving them don't look to target any specific goal but just
understand where you stand now and where you need to be next year.

2.) Once you know where you stand start with Practicing general aptitude and maths everyday at least
30 min a day and like wise any 2 of the subjects that you find interesting and good knowledge about
this will give you the confidence to move on further.

3.) Don't chew more than you can swallow, all human will get tired if we put to much pressure on
ourselves so start small and understand all the concepts and revise them frequently make Studing a
habit rather than a task I have grown from a lazy student someone who feels uneasy without a book
with me.

4.) Control systems and digital logic can be done easily around 15 marks can be scored with these 2

5.) Maths and general aptitude can get you a score of atleast 20 at ease.

Take up 3 more subjects that you like and practice well you can easily get over 60% marks

Good luck all the best..

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